Broadway Star Joined: 9/28/15
Even if you dont like Hamilton, you gotta agree- GREAT show. Put a lot of happiness back into my life, and Im sure many others as well. Today showed us the best and worst of humanity. But, as usual, love will always win.
I thought the music to Bright Star was lovely, as was Carmen Cusack, but I can't see that number selling any tickets. It was four minutes of the character talking about how interesting her story was without letting the audience know *what* the story was in the first place. For me, it was the least interesting performance of the night.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/2/14
Crazy that out of 38 shows that opened this season, only EIGHT walked away with awards this evening. And Hamilton being the ONLY new musical to win awards.
Leading Actor Joined: 3/7/16
I wonder if people complained as much when not only the producers won 12 Tonys (only losing 1) but Matthew Broderick and Nathan lane hosted the 2001 Tonys. Imagine the outrage if they had gotten Lin to host the Tonys! Lol
Updated On: 6/13/16 at 12:36 AM
So why no ovation for Mueller, who easily gave the best performance of the night. I kind of thought she blew Erivo's performance out of the water (not that hers was close to being bad though!).
I hope James gets asked back for next year
Tag said: "So why no ovation for Mueller, who easily gave the best performance of the night. I kind of thought she blew Erivo's performance out of the water (not that hers was close to being bad though!)."
Good question. If we're giving out ovations Mueller deserved one too. Mueller's performance was certainly equal with Erivo's. I don't know if it was better but I think they were both phenomenal and if Jessie Mueller's performance in Waitress isn't the best of the year, you know Ms. Erivo is doing something really special. I think because people expected Erivo was going to win tonight and she's a newcomer so she's kind of the hot topic right now, the ovation just kind of happened (not that it wasn't deserved).
Leading Actor Joined: 6/23/14
Maybe those in attendance thought she was a trifle overwrought? I sure did. I assume the number works in the context of the show but for this person who hasn't seen "Waitress," Mueller was a little Catherine-Zeta-Jones-doing-'Send-in-the-Clowns"-at-the-Tonys.
This was one of the best broadcasts in my memory! No, not many surprises, but it was a delightful evening.
My son turned to me and said, "We can get tickets to The Color Purple, right?" (Mind you, he's seen Hamilton.)
I really did think this year's show was one of the best recently. So much respect to everyone. Lin and Renee both made me cry with their speeches. Some great performances. A wonderful year on Broadway!
Unpopular opinion: not a fan of Mueller's performance. It's nothing personal, because I thought she was great in Beautiful, and I really liked her in Waitress... up until this song. I think I've listened to Bareilles' gorgeous version so many times that Mueller's is just too overemotional and dialect-y and yelly and all over the place to me. I thought maybe she was sick last week when I saw it, but I now realize that that's how she performs it. Oh well, to each his or own.
Loved the show as a whole - Corden was fantastic! The Law & Order bit was brilliant. And Cynthia Erivo is a religious experience.
I agree this was overall a superior show to any I remember. I came in not particularly enamored of Corden based on his show on which he always seems to be yelling on the same note but here he was great. Regarding the new musicals, although there obviously are fans of each here, none of them really measure up broadly as solid work. Some nice performances all around, some nice music from Barielles, but none with a quality book. I cannot imagine an audience for Bright at all or for Shuffle beyond the cast departures.
Understudy Joined: 10/24/15
Fantod said: "From opening to close, it actually got what it is about theatre that makes it so infectious for us
I'm going to say this. I tried to watch the Tony awards. First thing I want to say....great job James Corden. I was pretty sure I was not going to like you hosting, but boy was I wrong! Great job!! Ok...second, downer.....I work for SWA, and yes one of our girls was shot and in CC due the the ****ing ass hole in Orlando. Prayers please. And I suppose my point is this...I think most people don't know who won a Tony, no one knows who won the Stanley Cup.....but everyone knows people were killed today. Ahhh. I'm so mad. And if it means no one really know who won a Tony or who won's ok. And **** you. Every terrorist in the world. **** you!
Stand-by Joined: 7/15/08
Where was the diversity in this year's awards? Everyone kept yapping their fat larded mouths off about the Academy Awards but not a single play or musical that represented gay men or women? Not to mention but there wasn't one that was even on Broadway this year.
OK well I guess it only counts if there are people of color in your play/musical. I'm really surprised that there hasn't been backlash about the four winners in the acting categories for plays due to the fact that they are all whities. It's OK if we award all four black actresses/actors in the musical category but if we don't do the same in the play category then something must be terribly wrong. I'd love to see Barry Hussein and his mistress attend and support "Bright Star" or "The Humans" (and I guess they also conscientiously missed "A View From The Bridge", if they are such theater aficionados. That would be news in the making. They seem to only recognize theater of one type and genre--when it is only of their same skin color. Let me know if they are in the opening night of Falsettos next year. I'd love to know if they support that type of theater as well as what they selectively choose to see.
As for the rest of the awards tonight, no recognition for Audra McDonald in Shuffle Along (the Phillipa Soo nomination was a joke at best, seriously; she wasn't even a major character in the book)? No choreography, lighting design, or costume award for Shuffle Along? Get real. Hamilton choreography was repetitive and recycled BS that went on for 2+ tiresome hours. Not much that was innovating or inspiring. C'mon those three awards should have gone hands down to Shuffle Along for anyone with a brain who has seen both shows.
There's nothing that terribly revolutionary or innovative about Hamilton. Well the only thing would be the excessive ticket price. Even the $70 price that I paid right after it opened was about $70 too much for this self-indulgent and uninspiring piece of egotistical drivel where very few of the actors sing legitimately. Spring Awakening took a historical perspective and brought it to modern audiences with a rock/pop modern score so that had been done already. Many other productions have brought non-traditional casting to their productions. HIp-hop has already been done before on Broadway, although in one of the worst received musicals "Hollar If You Hear Me",
The hip hop blending of musical theater was so much more successful in Lin Manuel's last endeavor "In The Heights". He was able to blend that with melodic and much more memorable songs. I can't remember a single melody from Hamilton. I just remember the constant repetitive and overuse of the turntable which was already done in the original production of "Les Miserables".
Hamilton just seems like an exercise in the ego so we can say "Look how clever we really are". Seeing this production once was more than enough for me. I've seen so much better and much more innovative shows on Broadway this year. Now maybe everyone can shut their ignorant mouths about diversity in theater. Theater has always been diverse for people of color and always will be. Let's hope there are more plays centered around gay characters and the gay experience next year so that we can pay more than simply lip service to the notion of diversity, particularly in the wake of the Orlando tragedy. Maybe the liberals of Broadway can realize the neglect they have given around those characters and their experiences.
They meant ethnic diversity. Did you for some reason decide to visit the board for the first time in several years just to spout nonsense about Hamilton in every single thread? (I assume yes because that's all you've done)
LightsOut90 said: "Crazy that out of 38 shows that opened this season, only EIGHT walked away with awards this evening. And Hamilton being the ONLY new musical to win awards.
That's not crazy at all. That usually happens with great theater and even films. They lauded and go on to win many awards. Nothing wrong with that.
@srg129: Yawn. I mean really...
"The hip hop blending of musical theater was so much more successful in Lin Manuel's last endeavor "In The Heights". He was able to blend that with melodic and much more memorable songs. I can't remember a single melody from Hamilton."
In the Heights wasn't even his last endeavor.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/16/16
srg129 said: "Where was the diversity in this year's awards? Everyone kept yapping their fat larded mouths off about the Academy Awards but not a single play or musical that represented gay men or women? Not to mention but there wasn't one that was even on Broadway this year.
OK well I guess it only counts if there are people of color in your play/musical. I'm really surprised that there hasn't been backlash about the four winners in the acting categories for plays due to the fact that they are all whities. It's OK if we award all four black actresses/actors in the musical category but if we don't do the same in the play category then something must be terribly wrong. I'd love to see Barry Hussein and his mistress attend and support "Bright Star" or "The Humans" (and I guess they also conscientiously missed "A View From The Bridge", if they are such theater aficionados. That would be news in the making. They seem to only recognize theater of one type and genre--when it is only of their same skin color. Let me know if they are in the opening night of Falsettos next year. I'd love to know if they support that type of theater as well as what they selectively choose to see.
As for the rest of the awards tonight, no recognition for Audra McDonald in Shuffle Along (the Phillipa Soo nomination was a joke at best, seriously; she wasn't even a major character in the book)? No choreography, lighting design, or costume award for Shuffle Along? Get real. Hamilton choreography was repetitive and recycled BS that went on for 2+ tiresome hours. Not much that was innovating or inspiring. C'mon those three awards should have gone hands down to Shuffle Along for anyone with a brain who has seen both shows.
There's nothing that terribly revolutionary or innovative about Hamilton. Well the only thing would be the excessive ticket price. Even the $70 price that I paid right after it opened was about $70 too much for this self-indulgent and uninspiring piece of egotistical drivel where very few of the actors sing legitimately. Spring Awakening took a historical perspective and brought it to modern audiences with a rock/pop modern score so that had been done already. Many other productions have brought non-traditional casting to their productions. HIp-hop has already been done before on Broadway, although in one of the worst received musicals "Hollar If You Hear Me",
The hip hop blending of musical theater was so much more successful in Lin Manuel's last endeavor "In The Heights". He was able to blend that with melodic and much more memorable songs. I can't remember a single melody from Hamilton. I just remember the constant repetitive and overuse of the turntable which was already done in the original production of "Les Miserables".
Hamilton just seems like an exercise in the ego so we can say "Look how clever we really are". Seeing this production once was more than enough for me. I've seen so much better and much more innovative shows on Broadway this year. Now maybe everyone can shut their ignorant mouths about diversity in theater. Theater has always been diverse for people of color and always will be. Let's hope there are more plays centered around gay characters and the gay experience next year so that we can pay more than simply lip service to the notion of diversity, particularly in the wake of the Orlando tragedy. Maybe the liberals of Broadway can realize the neglect they have given around those characters and their experiences.
You seem like fun
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/16/16
Mister Matt said: "Boo to the self absorbed Hamilton winners
What made the Hamilton winners different then other Tony winners? How were they specifically "self absorbed" as opposed to everyone else who gave a winning speech other than the aforementioned Langella?
Because they starred in Hamilton, so they suck. Obviously
In response to the rant about no shows with LGBT characters being on Broadway this year- i am assuming that the poster (who used highly bigoted and sizeist language that obviously does not foster diversity) did not see The Color Purple, which features a lead character who is a lesbian, a supporting character who is a bisexual woman, and the relationship between them. It won the Tony for best revival and for best performance by a leading actress, so the rant about not having any representation of LGBT characters this year is false.
That posters whole rant was false and ill informed. EPIC FAIL.
Ranking the performances:
1. The Color Purple
2. Shuffle Along
3. Waitress
4. Bright Star
5. Hamilton
6. Fiddler On The Roof
7. Spring Awakening
8. School of Rock
9. She Loves Me
10. On Your Feet
The Schulyer Sister s performance at the end was the highlight of the show for me. Pure joy up on that stage. It was a great ending to on le of the most entertaining Tony Awards shows in years!
Broadway Star Joined: 7/13/08
Overall a very solid telecast, A-/B+. Enjoyed the Ham4Ham style performances and the energy they brought leading in/out of commercials.
Corden's more modulated tone here served him and the show very well. I like him a lot, but sometimes he comes across at a volume/tone level that I find wearying. None of that tonight.
The opening number's transition at the end from the young kids to the nominees was a nice moment, reminiscent of NPH's big opening number and "we were that kid."