Somebody call 911
Here's ROSE!
Finally some justice for The Color Purple... They deserve every tony in the world as far as I'm concerned.
If only Barbra were performing!!
I just realized that nobody started any separate threads congratulating winners. That's a first!
OMG! Say it isn't so!
SHE DIDNT EVEN OPEN THE ENVELOPE! The queen says what the queen says!
Did she have to? And screw up her manicure?
Swing Joined: 5/6/09
SNAFU said: ""It means all these people keep saying they don't are about Hamilton but really want to make sure they tell you that they dont care and they don't want to see it. Which, you know, implies they do care. I don't have a desire to see a couple musicals that have been on the show but I don't feel the need to tell everyone. Hamilton is very popular so the contrarians have to come out to let everyone know there against the grain"
Give it a rest. I have been told over and over and over again how much I should see Hamilton. I have no desire to BUT as I said I am glad people are loving it and it's getting butts into seats."
Sounds like you need to give it a rest.
Broadway Star Joined: 2/16/16
Are you sure? It looked like she was opening it as they were showing the video of the nominees.
Finally a Hamilton performance that got me excited! And they finally showcased the ladies!!! Loved it!
The Hamilton cast singing the words "the greatest city in the world" in their party clothes was maybe my favorite Tony moment ever.
I watched silent performances of "that show", as I put the tv on mute every time they performed. Still, the audience seemed to enjoy it. I did skip an hour of the show, as I had to watch "Game of Thrones."
samuuellite, go away troll.
All I have to say is: WORK HAMILTON! The winner of 11 Tony Awards including BEST MUSICAL! WORK!
I laughed, I cried, I cheered. It was awesome.
Congrats to all the winners! I have The Father and Humans on my list now.
I love how the haters s refer to HAMILTON as "that show". So frigging childish.
Leading Actor Joined: 3/7/16
Loved it! So many fun performances and cordon was great
Broadway Star Joined: 3/5/04
Best Tonys!!!! Entertaining, funny, classy..everyone looked great and not one reference to homosexuals!!!!!! it is ironic that the performance that came off the worst was Hamilton...but it won't matter at all-it was a sweep. The only thing I didn't like was that car thing-if they cut that- the show would have come in on time.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/16/06
Swing Joined: 5/6/09
SNAFU said: "samuuellite, go away troll."
Hang in there Hamilton Hater. I'll keep you in my prayers.
Featured Actor Joined: 6/7/15
This is my FAVOURITE Tony in years. Bravos to all the winners and nominees and one hell of a season of greatness!!!
This really was an excellent telecast.