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Official "Beauty & the Beast" Film Adaptation Thread- Page 30

Official "Beauty & the Beast" Film Adaptation Thread

#725Beauty and the Beast
Posted: 10/18/15 at 7:37pm

The ballroom scene is the last thing I would've connected the stunt doubles with. There's many scenes I could imagine them using doubles for not just him, but Watson and Kline as well. For Dan, you have the whole fight scene at the end with Gaston, his transformation, etc. For Watson you have the chase scene in the woods and for Kline I could see a stunt being used for when the mob ruffs him up and throws him in jail or maybe at the beginning of the film where he's abducted by the Beast. Who knows. There was a fair amount of "action" in the animated film.

And correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't stunt doubles genuinely used for stunts? I don't think dancing counts as a stunt...

sueb1863 Profile Photo
#726Beauty and the Beast
Posted: 10/18/15 at 7:48pm

My guess would be that they used the stunt doubles for the fight with the wolves in the forest, and the fight on the rooftop with Gaston.

I'm sure the dancing is going to be 100% Dan.

Updated On: 10/18/15 at 07:48 PM

westendfanatic Profile Photo
#727Beauty and the Beast
Posted: 10/18/15 at 7:50pm

Well the stunt doubles are used for the action scenes, BUT the Beast isn't in the ballroom costume in the final fight scene of the film. it just confused me that's all that the stunt double, Matt Harris has mentioned being in the blue and gold ballroom costume in the scenes he has filmed when stepping in for Dan. it doesn't matter now anyway. it's gonna be an awesome film no matter what. 

sueb1863 Profile Photo
#728Beauty and the Beast
Posted: 10/18/15 at 7:58pm

Doesn't Belle leave right after the ballroom scene because the Beast lets her look in the mirror, and she sees her father's sick so he lets her go? Maybe he just doesn't change out of his dancing duds...

westendfanatic Profile Photo
#729Beauty and the Beast
Posted: 10/18/15 at 8:08pm

sueb1863 said: "Doesn't Belle leave right after the ballroom scene because the Beast lets her look in the mirror, and she sees her father's sick so he lets her go? Maybe he just doesn't change out of his dancing duds..."


Oh I completely forgot about that scene. lol!!! you're probably right, maybe he stays in the blue and gold costume throughout the fight scene with Gaston. perhaps i'm thinking too much about the 1991 animated version of the film.  

#730Beauty and the Beast
Posted: 10/18/15 at 9:01pm

None of the Broadway songs made it to the film, so why should I be excited about this? To me it seems another cinematographic mess

#731Beauty and the Beast
Posted: 10/20/15 at 9:29pm

Quite a small and quite frankly neurotic nitpick but has anyone seen Emma Watson's hair in character as Belle yet? I was wondering if she had darker brown hair like the character or her own fair hair for the role. :p

westendfanatic Profile Photo
#732Beauty and the Beast
Posted: 10/21/15 at 6:15am

Mrtrobz said: "Quite a small and quite frankly neurotic nitpick but has anyone seen Emma Watson's hair in character as Belle yet? I was wondering if she had darker brown hair like the character or her own fair hair for the role. :p"


Nope. nothing yet. The only glimpse of it, would have been at the Disney D23 Expo a couple of months ago in LA. I wish they would release the FULL video from the Expo of Beauty And The Beast for the ones who couldn't go at all. The only video from the Expo (regarding Beauty And The Beast) is below, but they have cut it off at the end where they apparently showed Luke, Josh, Dan, some behind the scenes footage and the some of the ballroom scene.



jacobsnchz14 Profile Photo
#733Beauty and the Beast
Posted: 10/21/15 at 9:56am

They apparently showed Luke, Josh, Dan, some behind the scenes footage and the some of the ballroom scene.

Oh, yes, they did! Beauty and the Beast In love!

#734Beauty and the Beast
Posted: 10/21/15 at 10:38am

I'd give a kidney to see that footage Beauty and the Beast is very dear to my heart and I hope they get it perfect. I've been searching up and down for a video of Emma singing and there's only one scene in Noah which doesn't showcase her ability at all and there's another song she sang with a band that has her backing vocals but again doesn't showcase what she can do so I'm hoping she can pull it out of the bag or atleast gives us a few bars in an interview. On the plus side she's always been a good dancer. :)


Was there any glimpses of the Beast in the footage? I seen some of the stunt team clothing and the beast emblem on it looked more Human like a man with a long beard and horns but then I seen another member of the stunt team clothing which featured a more traditional beast look.

Updated On: 10/21/15 at 10:38 AM

westendfanatic Profile Photo
#735Beauty and the Beast
Posted: 10/21/15 at 11:11am

Mrtrobz said: "I'd give a kidney to see that footage Beauty and the Beast is very dear to my heart and I hope they get it perfect. I've been searching up and down for a video of Emma singing and there's only one scene in Noah which doesn't showcase her ability at all and there's another song she sang with a band that has her backing vocals but again doesn't showcase what she can do so I'm hoping she can pull it out of the bag or atleast gives us a few bars in an interview. On the plus side she's always been a good dancer. :)


Was there any glimpses of the Beast in the footage? I seen some of the stunt team clothing and the beast emblem on it looked more Human like a man with a long beard and horns but then I seen another member of the stunt team clothing which featured a more traditional beast look."


From what i've read from recent tweets on the Beauty And The Beast movie blogspot page, they showed Emma descending down the big staircase in the gold dress and Luke and Josh sang some lines from Gaston. Also, they showed several pieces from the musical numbers and shots of Luke in the Gaston gear and Emma in the famous blue and white dress. Some screenshots of different people's tweets, are shown in the links below.





I'm like you Mrtrobz. I would give anything to see all this footage aswell. Below, is a post taken from the movie's tumblr page uploaded by a tumblr subscriber who was at the D23 Expo: -



Let me preference that some of my memory when explaining this is a bit fuzzy, since I had been up since 4am that morning to get in line for the panel, and I was fan-girling - BUT, here is what I can recall of the BATB footage incase people are interested to know what was shown. 

First, Emma introduced herself, sitting near what looks to be either the ballroom set OR the fireplace set within the castle. She said she was wishing she was at the Expo, but said if we wished really hard, Luke and Josh might sing us a bit of a song. Then Luke Evans and Josh Gad came up on screen, saying the usual excited to be in the movie, etc. The two then sang a line from “Gaston”, which seems to be the original Howard Ashman/extended Broadway version lyrics, from what I could tell. 

As the cast talked in the footage, we saw a few interesting shots. One that stood out the most to me was Gaston having some sort of sword fight at the pub (I assume during the “Gaston” scene) in an outfit that resembles more his “Proposing to Belle” get up than his usual Gaston attire. It was a long red coat, (think very Les Mis) with long white pants and brow boots. His hair was also SUPER long, in a pony tail of course, and a red bow. I’m sort of hoping this is his actual major costume throughout the movie, since he looked hella dashing in it. 

We also saw Dan in what seemed to be his post-transformation attire. He had the long white shirt, navy or black capri pants, and the most beautiful luscious wig to ever be luscious. Oh gurl, it was delicious. 

Other quick things I remembered:

- Remember that rehearsal Ian wrote about? We definitely saw footage of that. Hopefully all of it ends up on a DVD/BluRay extra in the future. There was some Luke in there, possibly some Ewan (looked like I saw him in a dancing shot), and of course, we saw Dan and Emma dancing (looked like Dan had dyed his hair pitch black - wonder what that was for.) 

- We saw some costume design sketches, Luke’s being the most prevalent from what I could see. 

- Much of the movie seems to take place during the Winter, which is awesome. Can’t wait for the wolf chase. 

-  There was some footage of Luke, Josh and Emma at the recording studio. The best was Josh taking a breath spray at some point - the audience laughed pretty hard.  

We also did see two shots of Emma as Belle in the sizzle reel of Disney’s movies from now till 2018 it seemed. From the small bits I remembered (I was in super shock) we saw her in the yellow dress going down the stairs, and in the snow looking very nervous (wolf chase? Beast? Who knows!) 

Overall, let me summarize my feelings: 


Updated On: 10/21/15 at 11:11 AM

#736Beauty and the Beast
Posted: 10/21/15 at 11:28am

It all sounds great, as for the castle being in snow I can imagine it being frozen in time/eternal winter or something as part of the new plot which supposedly explains why nobody remembers the castle, atleast that's what I have gathered from some of the interviews.

westendfanatic Profile Photo
#737Beauty and the Beast
Posted: 10/21/15 at 11:35am

reading the movie's imdb page, they have added Belle's mother and Mr Potts into the story. Whether they will have Belle's mother in a flashback scene or whether it will be like Kenneth Branagh's "Cinderella" where they had the title character's mother in the beginning of the story showing how it ended up with just Cinderella and her father before he married the stepmother.


I'm intrigued on how they will do the prologue at the beginning, which is one of the poignant moments of the animated film with the narration. They have added the storyline with the Prince as a young boy with his parents and then growing up becoming mean and then turning into the beast. 

Princeton Returns Profile Photo
Princeton Returns
#738Beauty and the Beast
Posted: 10/21/15 at 1:23pm

westendfanatic said: "jpbran said: "While some of the performers has been released over the last couple of weeks, they're reporting shooting has now officially been completed (as of yesterday I believe.) Opens mid-March 2017. That is a LOOOOOOOONG post-production period. Almost 19 months... Wow. I know there are a lot of CG effects, etc., but even the new Star Wars' post-production was only about 9 months post shooting. "




It is a long post-production process you're right. The anticipation is getting to me too. Their initial release date, was going to be March 2016 (which would have been a lot better AND SOONER), but they have "THE JUNGLE BOOK" film and the new "ALICE IN WONDERLAND" film opening next year. "BEAUTY AND THE BEAST" is opening in U.S. cinemas on March 2017, so it might not open over here in the UK until April time like Kenneth Branagh's "CINDERELLA" did last year. Hopefully, we'll see some footage soon. They are bound to put a trailer together for the film in the next few months for the fans around the world to see (whoever couldn't see the preview of it at the D23 Expo in Anaheim). 


"Following the success of Cinderella, which just surpassed all expectations to rack up a staggering $132 million opening weekend and last year’s Maleficent and Into The Woods, Beauty and the Beast latches on to one of the biggest trends emerging in Hollywood as our favourite childhood classics are seeing massively lucrative revivals, perhaps this one being the most anticipated yet.Meanwhile, Disney’s live adaptation of The Jungle Book is also well underway for an April 2016 release and Dumbo was announced last week with Tim Burton in the director’s chair."




hope this helps...



Disneys Cinderella opened 27 march which tied in with the easter holidays. They always base the release around the school holidays in the uk

sueb1863 Profile Photo
#739Beauty and the Beast
Posted: 10/21/15 at 7:53pm

I always wondered what happened to Mr. Potts...

And also about all those other teacups in the cupboard who were supposed to be Chip's "brothers and sisters". I sure hope Mrs. Potts didn't mean that literally, that'd be a LOT of kids!

Updated On: 10/21/15 at 07:53 PM

#740Beauty and the Beast
Posted: 2/2/16 at 4:16am

Nothing new? Beauty and the Beast 

#741Beauty and the Beast
Posted: 2/2/16 at 10:39am

I'm pretty disappointed they didn't take the opportunity to addd the songs from the broadway version.

westendfanatic Profile Photo
#742Beauty and the Beast
Posted: 2/2/16 at 11:53am

broadwayboy223 said: "I'm pretty disappointed they didn't take the opportunity to addd the songs from the broadway version."


me too.

Scarywarhol Profile Photo
#743Beauty and the Beast
Posted: 2/2/16 at 11:57am

The fact that they seem to have replaced Human Again with a new song filling virtually the same purpose is what confounds me. At leat use the original and then you have all Ashman-Menken. (Frankly, the Rice lyrics are always jarringly inferior in my book.)

jacobsnchz14 Profile Photo
#744Beauty and the Beast
Posted: 2/2/16 at 12:11pm

"Human Again" may still be in there. Nothing confirmed, but I'm hopefully.

westendfanatic Profile Photo
#745Beauty and the Beast
Posted: 2/2/16 at 12:20pm

Alan Menken confirmed in an interview when they announced the film, that none of the following broadway show numbers will be in the film...

No Matter What



If I Can't Love Her (has been replaced by another song) 

Human Again

Maison Des Lunes (would have been awesome in the film, but never mind)

A Change In Me


As long as they use the original 1991 animated film's score for the Transformation scene, i don't mind, cos that piece of music composition was stunning as well as the West Wing/Wolf Fight score.

gypsy101 Profile Photo
#746Beauty and the Beast
Posted: 2/2/16 at 9:40pm

Except Human Again was written for 1991 film, but was cut (and later reinserted in a DVD release). The only song I'm truly sad they aren't including is Home. The rest I'm okay with, tbh

"Contentment, it seems, simply happens. It appears accompanied by no bravos and no tears."

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#747Beauty and the Beast
Posted: 2/2/16 at 9:42pm

I keep forgetting this a thing.

gypsy101 Profile Photo
#748Beauty and the Beast
Posted: 2/2/16 at 9:52pm

and why the heck is it not coming out til next March? That's 19 months of post-production, for Christ's sake

"Contentment, it seems, simply happens. It appears accompanied by no bravos and no tears."

Ado Annie D'Ysquith Profile Photo
Ado Annie D'Ysquith
#749Beauty and the Beast
Posted: 2/2/16 at 10:42pm

I was wondering that as well...when I read that filming had wrapped for the movie and the release date is still next year, I thought it was a typo...
