Stand-by Joined: 9/11/12
First pictures!
Please tell me that is fanart.. There's no way she'll actually look like that.. right?
As someone who was at the Expo and saw the real photos, these are fake or fan art.
Understudy Joined: 4/13/15
That photo is definitely fan art because I remember seeing back in March. From what I recall from the description of the yellow dress for this film is that it looks similar to the one Emilie de Ravin wore on the season 4 premiere of Once Upon a Time during the tribute to the animated film.
Updated On: 8/17/15 at 11:45 AMWhew.. thank jesus! Glad you got to experience it, Jacob!
Yeah, that's fake. If I remember correctly (it was only a brief shot) it's not off the shoulder and not particularly poofy. It also isn't shiny.
Stand-by Joined: 7/7/15
Good thing it's a fake, I'm actually more bother by her hair than the dress.
Yeah, it's definitely fake - I would have cried if that were to be her hair/dress.
"Yeah, it's definitely fake - I would have cried if that were to be her hair/dress."
here is the link for the fan-art video...
Guys, c'mon. You're smarter than that. OF COURSE it is fake! You think Disney would style her hair like THAT? And put her in that simple yellow dress that is almost identical to the theme park costume? NO WAY.
Whilst that is true Capnhook, and it is a fake, I am surprise so many sites have picked it up and Disney seem to have done nothing about it. Its such an awful photo, youd think they would come out and say its a fake. Or better yet release a real pic of their own
with all the fan videos of the Disney expo, how is it that no one managed to get a video/pic of her in the dress?
^ Yeah, that's what I'm wondering. It could not have been hard to snap a picture, though I do here the security was quite tight there. But still. Why is Disney being so uptight about releasing the pictures/videos now that the Expo has ended? Ugh, Disney.
Matt Harris (who they hired as a dancer/choreographer) has just wrapped his part of the film, so i am guessing that the full filming schedule should be ending soon. hopefully we'll see something soon. i can't see why though they can't post any of the movie's photos or footage from the "D23 Expo" on the web for the rest of the world to see considering they showed the 1,000 people (possible more) in the expo auditorium.
Picture of the stunt team T-shirt with a simple design of of Belle and the Beast on it. This could be a hint to what the Beast might look like in the film, which is more human.
Updated On: 8/24/15 at 01:36 AM
Yeah, I think they said filming was wrapping up soon. And with 8k people I'm surprised things didn't leak. But the security was super tight so I guess it isn't too surprising? There were a lot of employees watching the audience.
justabwaybaby said: "Yeah, I think they said filming was wrapping up soon. And with 8k people I'm surprised things didn't leak. But the security was super tight so I guess it isn't too surprising? There were a lot of employees watching the audience."
Emma Watson tweeted on the 21st that they've finished filming (it was the anniversary of beginning filming the first Harry Potter film). I'm confused as to why Disney hasn't posted the footage they showed themselves, as they frequently do.
Both Emma and Luke wrapped up filming on the 21st and 22nd August and it states on each of the actors' profiles on the imdb website that the film is in post-production so they must be editing whilst finishing filming the movie. No news yet though if Dan has finished filming as the Beast.....probably it might be because he is being motion-captured as far as the pre-transformation scene goes.
Just to shed more light on the Expo stuff... Yes, security was very tight. The auditorium/conference room held 7500 people and each one of us was asked to seal all phones and electronic devices in a plastic envelope that we were then asked to present to security upon entrance into the auditorium. No one had the opportunity to take their own photos or videos which is a shame but because they didn't want things to be released too early that included unfinished footage, cameo appearances, spoilers, etc. Luckily, everyone was able to keep the envelopes on them and not hand them into security, but if anyone was caught filming or taking photos they would be escorted out of the auditorium. The panel started at 10am and we camped out beginning at 10pm the night before, so no one wanted to risk being kicked out if they waited that long. I got there at 11pm the night before and was the 1000th person in line; this is usually the most popular panel at the Expo. I cannot wait, however, for everyone to see how gorgeous this film looks so far, even if what they showed us was unfinished and not the final version of what we'll get in 2017 which is a SUPER long way away...
Updated On: 8/24/15 at 10:00 AM
jacobsnchz14 said: "Just to shed more light on the Expo stuff... Yes, security was very tight. The auditorium/conference room held 7500 people and each one of us was asked to seal all phones and electronic devices in a plastic envelope that we were then asked to present to security upon entrance into the auditorium. No one had the opportunity to take their own photos or videos which is a shame but because they didn't want things to be released too early that included unfinished footage, cameo appearances, spoilers, etc. Luckily, everyone was able to keep the envelopes on them and not hand them into security, but if anyone was caught filming or taking photos they would be escorted out of the auditorium. The panel started at 10am and we camped out beginning at 10pm the night before, so no one wanted to risk being kicked out if they waited that long. I got there at 11pm the night before and was the 1000th person in line; this is usually the most popular panel at the Expo. I cannot wait, however, for everyone to see how gorgeous this film looks so far, even if what they showed us was unfinished and not the final version of what we'll get in 2017 which is a SUPER long way away..."
From what i have read on the message boards, tumblr pages, etc...this film is going to be unbelievable and is going to blow our minds. i really can't wait for the movie to be released. the anticipation is killing me.
Updated On: 8/24/15 at 10:16 AM
While some of the performers has been released over the last couple of weeks, they're reporting shooting has now officially been completed (as of yesterday I believe.) Opens mid-March 2017. That is a LOOOOOOOONG post-production period. Almost 19 months... Wow. I know there are a lot of CG effects, etc., but even the new Star Wars' post-production was only about 9 months post shooting.
jpbran said: "While some of the performers has been released over the last couple of weeks, they're reporting shooting has now officially been completed (as of yesterday I believe.) Opens mid-March 2017. That is a LOOOOOOOONG post-production period. Almost 19 months... Wow. I know there are a lot of CG effects, etc., but even the new Star Wars' post-production was only about 9 months post shooting. "
It is a long post-production process you're right. The anticipation is getting to me too. Their initial release date, was going to be March 2016 (which would have been a lot better AND SOONER), but they have "THE JUNGLE BOOK" film and the new "ALICE IN WONDERLAND" film opening next year. "BEAUTY AND THE BEAST" is opening in U.S. cinemas on March 2017, so it might not open over here in the UK until April time like Kenneth Branagh's "CINDERELLA" did last year. Hopefully, we'll see some footage soon. They are bound to put a trailer together for the film in the next few months for the fans around the world to see (whoever couldn't see the preview of it at the D23 Expo in Anaheim).
I have found this article on the website where it states the following paragraph as to why they are giving the film the 2017 release date. It was written on March 16th 2015...
"Following the success of Cinderella, which just surpassed all expectations to rack up a staggering $132 million opening weekend and last year’s Maleficent and Into The Woods, Beauty and the Beast latches on to one of the biggest trends emerging in Hollywood as our favourite childhood classics are seeing massively lucrative revivals, perhaps this one being the most anticipated yet.Meanwhile, Disney’s live adaptation of The Jungle Book is also well underway for an April 2016 release and Dumbo was announced last week with Tim Burton in the director’s chair."
hope this helps...
Updated On: 8/27/15 at 07:39 PMUnderstudy Joined: 10/31/09
I have to ask you, Alan, about the live-action Beauty and the Beast.
MENKEN: They’re editing it now.
Are they just taking all the songs from the movie?
MENKEN: The songs from the movie are in. Actually, none of the songs from the Broadway made the film. I would’ve taken “If I Can’t Love Her,” but the problem is that was for a very specific moment to end Act I of the Broadway show. There’s a moment where the Beast drives her away and he regrets that. But I think Bill [Condon] built a more promising moment for the film, which is when he lets her go and he watches her leave. And as he watches her leave, he sings.
MUSKER: So you wrote a new song?
MENKEN: A new song with Tim Rice. There’s actually three new songs written for the movie. It’s called “Forever More,” and there’s also a song called “Days in the Sun.”
MUSKER: Is it based on any of the melodies from the film?
MENKEN: Similar. Sort of a cousin of “If I Can’t Love Her.” So yes, there’s new songs and I’ll be scoring that in the spring. It’s exciting.
I mean, we knew, but I'm still sad that NONE of the songs made it... I was really hoping for "Home". Oh well.
^Yes we knew this in June, on page 24 of this thread.
i've read in a previous post on the page that Dan had a stunt double whilst filming and there is an instagram post made by him: -
should i be worried that it might not be Dan in the TALE AS OLD AS TIME/ballroom scene? i hope it will be Dan. Also Luke, Emma and Kevin all had stunt doubles aswell for some of the scenes according to imdb.
(below: taken from the Beauty & The Beast imdb page)
Guiomar Alonso...stunt double: Emma Watson
Adam Basil...stunt double: Dan Stevens
James Bomalick...head stunt rigger
Joel Conlan...stunt performer
Matt Crook...stunt double: Kevin Kline
Andrius Davidenas...stunt performer
Adam Kirley...stunt coordinator
Boris Martinez...stunt performer
Douglas Robson...stunt double: Luke Evans
Greg Townley...stunt performer