I think there's a staged workshop of Sondheim's new show this month that Jennifer is part of. That's probably why Norm Lewis just left OOTI too.
^Quentin Earl Darrington is returning to Once on This Island.
Yes I know, but that might be why. He was part of the other readings of the show with Simard.
Updated On: 3/19/18 at 11:46 AMAre you assuming there’s a new Sondheim workshop or have you heard any rumblings?
I read it somewhere. I'll dig around and see if I can find the article.
Edit: I can't seem to find it. Maybe I'm mistaken (or crazy). I'm pretty sure there was something in January.
Cool! I’m Hoping it’s true. The wait is agonizing.
It would be nice if their website would update with the new cast members and swings.
A rush update for this show with the current cast: I went to the box office literally 20 minutes before curtain on Saturday (March 17), and got two partial view tickets, first row Orch, stage left, for $47 each. While they are definitely partial view (miss action in a few scenes that are far stage left), the view was still amazing for the price! Plus, Bernadette came around to the front of the stage at curtain call and shook everyone's hand in the first row of the orchestra - so cool! It was also one of the two nights a year they collect for Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS. The actors all stuck around on stage and Victor and Bernadette gave speeches before auctioning off merch from the show and costume collector items. What a fun night at the theatre, and Bernadette was phenomenal. Santino had also only been in the show a few nights and fit perfectly with the cast/role - seemed like he'd been doing this for months. Definitely going to go back before Bernadette leaves this summer :)
Swing Joined: 4/14/17
ElphabaGoodman said: "Alli Mauzey is joining the cast as Ernestina, beginning tomorrow night."
So excited for this! Alli is an absolute gem.
blm2323 said: "Wow wow wow! Bernadette was amazing tonight! Great vocals, amazing comic timing and great chemistry with the whole cast. She had the audience in the palm of her hand.
HUGE shout out to the impeccably behaved group of over 200 teenagers in the balcony!"
Thanks a lot for your review! I’m planing a trip to New York City to see some shows, but I live on a budget, so I have to plan beforehand and be very frugal and conscious when it comes to choosing which shows I should attend. Hello, Dolly! is at the top of my list and I wanted to know how Bernadette Peters’ performance is in order to make a decision before buying the ticket. But now, I’m definitely going to see it! By the way, if over 200 teenagers were well-behaved during the show (an almost impossible task nowadays), then she definitely had the crowd in the palm of her hand, lol.
Has anyone seen Alli Mauzey? She began performances yesterday as Ernestina
Hoping to see this again at the Weds matinee next week - what are the chances of getting a decent single ticket at TKTS right before showtime?
Chorus Member Joined: 7/15/17
suzycat said: "Hoping to see this again at the Weds matinee next week - what are the chances of getting a decentsingle ticket at TKTS right before showtime?"
I'm sure they'll have something available. I'd also try going to the box office first to see if they have any rush tickets! I went to the TKTS booth a few hours before showtime earlier this week, and they offered me a $91.50 orchestra ticket. I decided to pass and headed over to the box office, where I was able to snag a $47 rush ticket, also in the orchestra.
suzycat said: "Hoping to see this again at the Weds matinee next week - what are the chances of getting a decentsingle ticket at TKTS right before showtime?"
I saw it this Wednesday evening with 3 friends, and we got our tickets from TKTS an hour before curtain. (Front & second row orchestra for $86.50 each) It was the day of the snowstorm though so that might have helped availability for us.
It was my first time seeing the show and I was amazed by the colorful, beautiful and detailed sets and costumes. I was also instantly smitten with Charlie Stemp (and his dancing!), and slightly disappointed in Santino (who I'd been looking forward to seeing) - his character just seemed really flat. Like, for a 33-year old who's never kissed a girl, I didn't feel any sadness/longing/lost loves/wasted time kind of vibe, just a "this is gonna be a great day!" vibe. Maybe it's just the tone of the show - but then again, Kate had *all* the vibes with "Ribbons down my back", which I found very moving.
And of course Bernadette was great, I feel like that goes without saying.
Swing Joined: 4/2/17
I just watched this tonight (Tuesday 27th), and thoroughly enjoyed it. I've never seen the movie and went in without any prior knowledge (as I like to do when I can).
Just have a question for all you knowledgeable Dolly folks. In the scene in the restaurant with Dolly and Horace where she plates him with some giblets, is it in the book for her to get the giggles, or was that Bernadette becoming overwhelmed by the hilarity of the scene and audience feedback?
I heard Bernadette had some mishaps with her food which started the giggles and then it spread to other members of the cast and then Bernadette had trouble getting out of it for the rest of the show. I could understand a little bit initially as accidents happen, but personally, I would've felt let down that everyone joined in and then couldn't get it back together in a timely fashion. That's kind of unprofessional and, honestly, shocking for Bernadette, who I've always considered a consummate professional.
Any word on Ally Mauzey as Ernestina?
greensgreens said: "I heard Bernadette had some mishaps with her food which started the giggles and then it spread to other members of the cast and then Bernadette had trouble getting out of it for the rest of the show. I could understand a little bit initially as accidents happen, but personally, I would've felt let down that everyone joined in and then couldn't get it back together in a timely fashion. That's kind of unprofessional and, honestly, shocking for Bernadette, who I've always considered a consummate professional."
Oh girl please.Get over it. Audiences love when that happens.
DottieD'Luscia said: "Any word on Ally Mauzey as Ernestina?"
I saw the show Sunday, and Jennifer Simard's absence was definitely felt. Ally isn't bad but she just doesn't have the amazing comedic timing that Jennifer did in this role. I'm hopeful she'll grow into the role, however.
Also, this was the first time I had ever seen Bernadette Peters perform live, and I honestly understand all the hype now. She was an absolutely darling Dolly with great timing, an amazing voice, and some really cute ad-libs during the title number. I can't really add more praise than what's already been said in this thread, but she made this show glow all over again for me.
^Thank you! I'm sure she'll become funnier as time goes on. She was a hoot in Cry Baby.
Featured Actor Joined: 6/26/16
What are some of the ad-libs Bernadette is doing in the title number? I guess I assumed that was only a Bette thing.
She added several interactions with various waiters throughout the title song (I felt much more and much funnier/memorable than Bette). For example, I remember her being a little mock "surprised and concerned" for the waiters when they do the big jumps over the passarelle. But I was simply blown away with her sung adlibs during the song. They were mostly just hums and oohs and a little light scat, but it was sublime and allowed her to show off her vocal range and technique a little, which Dolly doesn't really get to do with the score as written. And it helped draw more attention to her during the long stretches where the waiters are singing and dancing, which I thought completely appropriate and a nice change.
greensgreens said: "She added several interactions with various waiters throughout the title song (I felt much more and much funnier/memorable than Bette). For example, I remember her being a little mock "surprised and concerned" for the waiters when they do the big jumps over the passarelle. But I was simply blown away with her sungadlibs during the song. They were mostly just hums and oohs and a little light scat, but it was sublime and allowed her to show off her vocal range and technique a little, which Dolly doesn't really get to do with the score as written. And it helped draw more attention to her during the long stretches where the waiters are singing and dancing, which I thought completely appropriate and a nice change."
This is precisely what I noticed. It kept Dolly as the central character during the title number, which is different from what I remember with other performers. Donna usually added one or two ("These are me darlin' boys" is one I remember, "I'm in a heaven sandwich!" was another), but nothing sung. Bernadette's sung ad-libs, even the ones that were more humming than singing, really made the title number different and, imo, better.
Also her facial expression during the waiter jumps over the orchestra was hilarious.
Judging by it's grosses, the show seems to be doing well. Also, noticed at TKTS that the weekend shows are now only 30% off. Good for Peters!! Hoping to catch it & Peters next month.
Just ended a three day Broadway trip with this and dear god am I in love with Santino Fontana. Bernadette is also such a talented comedic performer. This show is a goddamn delight.