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Official JCM as Hedwig (2015 Edition) Thread- Page 13

Official JCM as Hedwig (2015 Edition) Thread

#300Official JCM as Hedwig (2015 Edition) Thread
Posted: 2/11/15 at 9:45am

The staging has definitely been changed -- he's not running around the stage any more, the car wash has been deleted, and so on. He's not just sitting in a chair, but he does that a good deal. Jokes were made about Bob Wankel allowing them an additional 15 minutes of rehearsal.

There's even an added poignancy to Hedwig's exit, somehow -- not to spoil or anything, but you'll see what I mean.

Bottom line: it's John Cameron Mitchell performing Hedwig. It must be seen. Period.

"If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about the answers." Thomas Pynchon, GRAVITY'S RAINBOW "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away." Philip K. Dick My blog:

Alix Profile Photo
#301Official JCM as Hedwig (2015 Edition) Thread
Posted: 2/11/15 at 9:53am

I'm going to the late show on Saturday and actually kind of can't wait to see this version. On Instagram, Stephen Trask referred to last night as "the first of the Kneecap Shows"--I love it! Just hoping his knee's able to hold out. I had knee surgery as the result of a dance injury when I was in high school and had to wear a leg brace for a couple months. Not fun at all.

Updated On: 2/11/15 at 09:53 AM

Kad Profile Photo
#302Official JCM as Hedwig (2015 Edition) Thread
Posted: 2/11/15 at 9:54am

Now Hedwig really is the internationally ignored song stylist barely standing before you.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

SDV Profile Photo
#303Official JCM as Hedwig (2015 Edition) Thread
Posted: 2/11/15 at 10:12am

^^^ Kad, I lol'd for real.

JCM is so method....

#304Official JCM as Hedwig (2015 Edition) Thread
Posted: 2/11/15 at 10:15am

I'm glad they made accommodations for his injury but I hope he's still taking it easy and not aggravating the problem too much. I assume he's still in the heels and those can be murder with an injury even if you're not walking that much.

SonofRobbieJ Profile Photo
#305Official JCM as Hedwig (2015 Edition) Thread
Posted: 2/11/15 at 10:37am

I was sort of hoping for a motorized wheelchair. I cannot wait to see the late show on Saturday.

#306Official JCM as Hedwig (2015 Edition) Thread
Posted: 2/11/15 at 11:01am

No heels - Glittery sneakers

VillageGirl Profile Photo
#307Official JCM as Hedwig (2015 Edition) Thread
Posted: 2/11/15 at 12:17pm

Just saw him walking with a large brace and crutches. I could be wrong but he definitely didn't look comfortable. The fact that he was able to get on stage and perform at all with such an injury is admirable!

Skimbleshanks2 Profile Photo
#308Official JCM as Hedwig (2015 Edition) Thread
Posted: 2/11/15 at 2:10pm

Do we think Lena Hall will stay with this show until it closes?

"See that poster on the wall? Rocky Marciano." - Andy Karl as Rocky in 'ROCKY'

GreasedLightning Profile Photo
#309Official JCM as Hedwig (2015 Edition) Thread
Posted: 2/11/15 at 2:42pm

Any word on if the show goes on tonight and going forward?

SDV Profile Photo
#310Official JCM as Hedwig (2015 Edition) Thread
Posted: 2/11/15 at 6:04pm

MCH taking over for a week to give JCM time to heal. Get in to see #thekneebrace shows while they last!

Oh and skimbleshanks2 I predict Lena leaves with JCM. He said he begged her to stay on with him as she was ready to move on.

Updated On: 2/11/15 at 06:04 PM

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#311Official JCM as Hedwig (2015 Edition) Thread
Posted: 2/11/15 at 6:13pm

Wow, this hurts.


South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#312Official JCM as Hedwig (2015 Edition) Thread
Posted: 2/11/15 at 6:15pm

Not happy


South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#313Official JCM as Hedwig (2015 Edition) Thread
Posted: 2/11/15 at 6:22pm

There is a huge F*CK out there


Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#314Official JCM as Hedwig (2015 Edition) Thread
Posted: 2/11/15 at 6:22pm

Nobody knows WHAT you are wittering on about, SF.

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

VotePeron Profile Photo
#315Official JCM as Hedwig (2015 Edition) Thread
Posted: 2/11/15 at 6:23pm

While I haven't seen JCM, I've seen all the other 'Wigs and MCH is by far my favorite. What a great guy to step back in!

And to be reasonable, it is simply not fair for people who are not die-hards to have them pay extreme ticket prices to a show that is only being performed half to its physical potential. It is absolutely the best thing to do.

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#316Official JCM as Hedwig (2015 Edition) Thread
Posted: 2/11/15 at 6:25pm

Eh, got the wife tix for JCM, including a flight, he's out when she comes


quizking101 Profile Photo
#317Official JCM as Hedwig (2015 Edition) Thread
Posted: 2/11/15 at 6:26pm

Not gonna lie. I am bummed. But:
- I can always buy another ticket.
- Michael C. Hall was wonderful.

Check out my eBay page for sales on Playbills!!

macnyc Profile Photo
#318Official JCM as Hedwig (2015 Edition) Thread
Posted: 2/11/15 at 6:58pm

I think Michael C. Hall was wonderful too, and I think it's great of him to step in at a moment's notice.

From what I can gather, JCM treats people well, and in return they're loyal.

Anyway, I think those of you who have tickets for JCM's missed performances will be able to exchange them if you want. I mean, you have a good case.

I wish JCM best wishes for a speedy recovery!

#319Official JCM as Hedwig (2015 Edition) Thread
Posted: 2/11/15 at 7:20pm

I'm going to the late show on Saturday and actually kind of can't wait to see this version. On Instagram, Stephen Trask referred to last night as "the first of the Kneecap Shows"--I love it.

I can't wrap my brain around the thought process that leads to conclusions like this. But it's been this way since the dawn of BWW when somebody would post something like:

Elphaba's understudy was on and she dropped her broom and Glinda lost it and when she laughed snot shot out of her left nostril!

and it would be followed by several "Oh, I wish I had seen that!" posts.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

wonderfulwizard11 Profile Photo
#320Official JCM as Hedwig (2015 Edition) Thread
Posted: 2/11/15 at 7:21pm

I really hope exchanges are possible- I was supposed to see the cancelled show, and of course I bought a ticket for the last show Michael C. Hall is covering. Not that he isn't great in the part, but I splurged on a full price seat specifically to see JCM.

I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.

GreasedLightning Profile Photo
#321Official JCM as Hedwig (2015 Edition) Thread
Posted: 2/11/15 at 7:23pm

I hate to ask a question that I'm sure has been asked millions of times - but I can't seem to find a straight answer. How is center mezzanine, row F for Hedwig?

Alix Profile Photo
#322Official JCM as Hedwig (2015 Edition) Thread
Posted: 2/11/15 at 7:41pm

"I can't wrap my brain around the thought process that leads to conclusions like this."

If my comment came across as in any way being happy that John is injured, that is not AT ALL how I meant it. I feel terrible for him and of course wish this had never happened, but I have to believe (hope?) that if it were a serious medical strain for him to do this week's shows, they would have canceled them. I've seen the show six times, including twice with John pre-injury, and part of me is looking forward to seeing a more stripped-down version of it. I'm also just curious to see the revised staging, as I know the original staging quite well at this point.

Glad they're bringing in Michael to fill in next week. Good decision.

Jane2 Profile Photo
#323Official JCM as Hedwig (2015 Edition) Thread
Posted: 2/11/15 at 7:46pm

"Elphaba's understudy was on and she dropped her broom and Glinda lost it and when she laughed snot shot out of her left nostril!"

Brilliant. I lol'd


#324Official JCM as Hedwig (2015 Edition) Thread
Posted: 2/11/15 at 7:56pm

Don't you wish you had been there, Jane?

Alix, everybody's free to feel whatever they want to feel but there is no way to remove a sense of glee that comes through because you are SO FAMILIAR with the material that you have seen SO MANY TIMES that you're glad for the opportunity to see it changed. Oh, lucky you. Now you can have bragging rights about seeing the hardest to see performances!!!!

Again, the problem is obviously mine because you're not the only one to post things like this. It just reminds me of the actors' edict that says, "Some people here are seeing this for the very first time tonight" in order to keep things fresh and properly respectful of the audience and the material.

It's JUST MY OPINION, but what you write comes through a bit more privileged and obsessive than "good for them for making the most of a bad situation."

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