Updated On: 11/3/24 at 05:59 PM
Bettyboy72 said: "She is supremely talented as an actress and vocalist. I wasn’t referring to her creative work. I was saying she’s not a professional insult comic or drag queen adept at throwing shade. She just sounds miserable and petty. And it’s tiring to listen to her complain about everyone and everything. I"
I understand now, thank you
uncageg said: "Well, I was one of the people who commented about Kecia using social media.
Yes, it is used constantly for going after people and is pretty much the norm. But in my comment I suggested that Kecia take her own advice, that she repeated a few times in her video, and address Patti directly. Invite her to talk Directly. As she mentioned, I think, they are right next door so what stopped her from going over and talking to Patti in person?"
I agree with you that that would be how I would approach the situation. None of us know Kecia’s motivations. I support her doing it the way she wants to. Shes an adult and knows the risks. She seems to be getting a lot of support some some major players. Maybe she wanted to call out Patti in a public forum. Maybe there is more to the story.
I do think there's a difference between policing how Kecia expresses herself and pointing out that, objectively, her approach does not seem likely to accomplish what she claims to want to accomplish. Looking at how people are reacting to this (on this forum, Reddit, Discord, etc.), the consensus really seems to be that this got blown out of proportion and that bringing in racism and micro-aggressions was over the top. Outside of her immediate circle/friends, I've not seen a whole lot of support for how Kecia handled this. She states she wants to build community and get a genuine apology, so I think it's fair to point out that her approach does not seem to be facilitating either of those things.
I think Kecia knows all of this and is well aware that blasting Patti in a public social media post is not going to get her an apology or bring the community together. And so, it really makes it look like she just wants to stir up her base to rally around her and/or go after Patti. And, unless we're missing major details, this incident doesn't seem to justify that.
Broadway Star Joined: 6/14/22
I'm sure Kecia and Patti are pains in the ass in their own uniquely special ways.
I can understand how excess noise from another show can play havoc with someone's concentration while they are trying to perform/prepare to perform.
I don't, however, understand how what Patti did interferes with Kecia's performance and/or life.
verywellthensigh said: "I'm sure Kecia and Patti are pains in the ass in their own uniquely special ways.”
I chuckled.
CreatureKitchen said: She states she wants to build community and get a genuine apology, so I think it's fair to point out that her approach does not seem to be facilitating either of those things."
^^ That part.
Bettyboy72,I was also wondering if there is more to the story or if we don't have all of the details of how it was done.
At this point, if I was Patti (And sometimes I am late at night when I am alone....but I digress), I would walk over to the theater and talk to Kecia face to face in the next few days before possibly responding publicly. Then if she feels as if she should go on social media, at least she did what was suggested by Kecia and Kecia can't come for her again for addressing it publicly first. Because I feel that is what would happen if Patti goes public first. JMO
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/23/17
Bettyboy72 said: "She is supremely talented as an actress and vocalist. I wasn’t referring to her creative work. I was saying she’s not a professional insult comic or drag queen adept at throwing shade. She just sounds miserable and petty. And it’s tiring to listen to her complain about everyone and everything. I"
I assume you know that your above comment could be applied equally to both ladies?
CreatureKitchen said: "https://www.instagram.com/p/DB7kBGFRzC7/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA=="
They said, “Patti, doll, sit this one out and just hush.”
Stand-by Joined: 10/29/22
CreatureKitchen said: "https://www.instagram.com/p/DB7kBGFRzC7/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA=="
Oh to be a fly on the wall when whatever led up to this statement went down.
Patti was absolutely right to go to the landlord. If she had walked next door to the theatre, it would've been the subject of so much, "Who does she think she is, walking into another person's theatre like that."
Kecia, on the other hand, should've gone a quieter route. Instead, set dynamite to the conversation.
Jumpin_J said: "Many Broadway shows are excessively loud today. Patti should know since her Lincoln Center production of "Anything Goes" in the 1980's was one of the first Broadway musicals to use mics because they put the ship's band on stage and she had to sing over them. Musicals have been mic'ed up ever since. "
This is not meant to sound as bitchy as it inevitably will, but what do you mean Anything Goes in the late 80s was one of the first Broadway shows to be mic-ed? It certainly was not--shows had been using microphones since the 50s at least (floor mikes) and then you had obvious rock shows like Hair and Grease and Jesus Christ Superstar which had hand held mikes--but even more traditional musicals used more advanced miking (Promises, Promises was the first show to have a mixing board.) Reviews of the original Chicago notoriously complained about how loud it was, for example (and then was Cats the first show where everyone had body mikes, not just some leads?)
So I guess I'm just curious what you mean by it being one of the first shows to be mic'ed (I'm never going to spell that right)--certainly Patti in Evita was...
Stand-by Joined: 11/1/23
verywellthensigh said: "I'm sure Kecia and Patti are pains in the ass in their own uniquely special ways.
I can understand how excess noise from another show can play havoc with someone's concentration while they are trying to perform/prepare to perform.
I don't, however, understand how what Patti did interferes with Kecia's performance and/or life."
To my understanding, the mix of Hell's Kitchen was adjusted for Patti Lupone. That means various parts of the show changed in design months after Opening, once performers settled into their performances and routine to accommodate an actress next door. It's fascinating to see so many of you attack Kecia Lewis, but on this board racist defensiveness is a norm and theme. If LuPone's Gypsy was at the Shubert and her 11 o'clock number was bleeding into the neighbor's play, do you think Patti would happily be willing to adjust a performance she's settled into for months? I think not. It was her privilege that allowed this all to occur. And whether you'd like to admit it or not, the same adjustment would not be entertained if it had come from a POC. But please continue to attack Ms. Lewis's character and talent. Patti has done "nothing wrong."
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/27/19
Ensemble1698878795 said: "verywellthensigh said: "I'm sure Kecia and Patti are pains in the ass in their own uniquely special ways.
I can understand how excess noise from another show can play havoc with someone's concentration while they are trying to perform/prepare to perform.
I don't, however, understand how what Patti did interferes with Kecia's performance and/or life."
To my understanding, the mix of Hell's Kitchen was adjusted for Patti Lupone. That means various parts of the show changedin design months after Opening, onceperformers settled into their performances and routine to accommodate an actress next door. It's fascinating to see so many of you attack Kecia Lewis, but on this board racist defensivenessis a norm and theme. IfLuPone's Gypsy was at the Shubert and her 11 o'clock number was bleeding into the neighbor's play, do you think Pattiwould happily be willing to adjust a performance she's settled into for months? I think not. It was her privilege that allowed this all to occur. And whether you'd like to admit it or not, the same adjustment would not be entertained if it had come from a POC. But please continue to attack Ms. Lewis's character and talent. Patti has done "nothing wrong.""
Your understanding is wrong. As noted in the Roommate producers' statement in post 58, and comments by multiple people who've seen the show, the noise from Hell's Kitchen was affecting multiple parties at The Roommate.
"“We are grateful to everyone at ‘Hell’s Kitchen’ for adjusting their cues to prevent sound bleed into our theater, which was affecting backstage, onstage and into the audience."
But you have no interest in your understanding being accurate, do you? That might contradict your ability to call everyone here (who actually do have the facts) racist.
(Btw: the Thank You flowers sent to Hell's Kitchen were from both Patti and Mia, so unless you think that nefarious Patti signed Mia Farrow's name to them without her permission, it would seem she was also appreciative. Shouldn't you be including her in your condemnation of evil, racist, privileged, microaggressive white women?)
Stand-by Joined: 11/1/23
MemorableUserName said: "Ensemble1698878795 said: "verywellthensigh said: "I'm sure Kecia and Patti are pains in the ass in their own uniquely special ways.
I can understand how excess noise from another show can play havoc with someone's concentration while they are trying to perform/prepare to perform.
I don't, however, understand how what Patti did interferes with Kecia's performance and/or life."
To my understanding, the mix of Hell's Kitchen was adjusted for Patti Lupone. That means various parts of the show changedin design months after Opening, onceperformers settled into their performances and routine to accommodate an actress next door. It's fascinating to see so many of you attack Kecia Lewis, but on this board racist defensivenessis a norm and theme. IfLuPone's Gypsy was at the Shubert and her 11 o'clock number was bleeding into the neighbor's play, do you think Pattiwould happily be willing to adjust a performance she's settled into for months? I think not. It was her privilege that allowed this all to occur. And whether you'd like to admit it or not, the same adjustment would not be entertained if it had come from a POC. But please continue to attack Ms. Lewis's character and talent. Patti has done "nothing wrong.""
Your understanding is wrong. As noted in the Roommate producers' statement in post 58, and comments by multiple people who've seen the show, the noise from Hell's Kitchen was affecting multiple parties at The Roommate.
"“We are grateful to everyone at ‘Hell’s Kitchen’ for adjusting their cues to prevent sound bleed into our theater, which was affecting backstage, onstage and into the audience."
But you have no interest in your understanding being accurate, do you? That might contradict your ability to call everyone here (who actually do have the facts) of being racist.
The fact that the change happened is white privilege, babe. Don't care who was "being affected." You can deflect all you want, but a reality is a reality. And I know I'll never convince you "woke" white folks on this thread to see any other angle. And that again is your privilege to only see the part of the convo that comforts you and stabilizes your ignorance. Enjoy it. Yes, most of you have racist tendencies. Another FACT.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/27/19
The best comment I've seen on this was something like, "If the incredibly noisy show next door blasting sound into the Booth was the Whitey McWhitey White People's Follies Starring Chad Kimball and Laura Osnes, do you really think LuPone and the Roommate producers would have acted any differently?"
Any sensible person would say no. They would have made the exact same request. But because Hell's Kitchen has a predominantly Black cast, the people at The Roommate weren't supposed to say anything. Kecia Lewis thinks her show deserves special treatment.
Stand-by Joined: 11/1/23
MemorableUserName said: "The best comment I've seen on this was something like, "If the incredibly noisy show next door blasting sound into the Booth was the Whitey McWhitey White People's Follies Starring Chad Kimball and Laura Osnes, do you really think LuPone and the Roommate producers would have acted any differently?"
Any sensible person would say no. They would have made the exact same request. But because Hell's Kitchen has a predominantly Black cast, the people at The Roommate weren't supposed to say anything. Kecia Lewis thinks her show deserves special treatment."
You're missing the point. Do you think any notable actress of color would be able to make the same request as Patti Lupone and it happen? No, it wouldn't. The fact that it did happen is privilege. The roles wouldn't be reversed if Patti's show was loud and you know it.
Leading Actor Joined: 12/9/23
Ensemble1698878795 said: "MemorableUserName said: "The best comment I've seen on this was something like, "If the incredibly noisy show next door blasting sound into the Booth was the Whitey McWhitey White People's Follies Starring Chad Kimball and Laura Osnes, do you really think LuPone and the Roommate producers would have acted any differently?"
Any sensible person would say no. They would have made the exact same request. But because Hell's Kitchen has a predominantly Black cast, the people at The Roommate weren't supposed to say anything. Kecia Lewis thinks her show deserves special treatment."
You're missing the point. Do you think any notable actress of color would be able to make the same request as Patti Lupone and it happen? No, it wouldn't. The fact that it did happen is privilege. The roles wouldn't be reversed if Patti's show was loud and you know it."
You’re clearly just here to argue. Because this isn’t true, and you know it.
Stand-by Joined: 11/1/23
GottaGetAGimmick420 said: "Ensemble1698878795 said: "MemorableUserName said: "The best comment I've seen on this was something like, "If the incredibly noisy show next door blasting sound into the Booth was the Whitey McWhitey White People's Follies Starring Chad Kimball and Laura Osnes, do you really think LuPone and the Roommate producers would have acted any differently?"
Any sensible person would say no. They would have made the exact same request. But because Hell's Kitchen has a predominantly Black cast, the people at The Roommate weren't supposed to say anything. Kecia Lewis thinks her show deserves special treatment."
You're missing the point. Do you think any notable actress of color would be able to make the same request as Patti Lupone and it happen? No, it wouldn't. The fact that it did happen is privilege. The roles wouldn't be reversed if Patti's show was loud and you know it."
You’re clearly just here to argue. Because this isn’t true, and you know it."
What isn't true? I'm here to defend a Black woman who has been discredited and gas lit on this message board. Just because I don't back down doesn't mean I'm here to argue. It's called conversation.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/27/19
Ensemble1698878795 said: "You're missing the point. Do you think any notable actress of color would be able to make the same request as Patti Lupone and it happen? No, it wouldn't. The fact that it did happen is privilege. The roles wouldn't be reversed if Patti's show was loud and you know it."
I was actually going to offer that counter example, and yes, I do believe the same request would be granted, because shows on Broadway generally are considerate toward each other and try to work together. If The Roommate starred two Black women--for a comparable example let's say fellow multiple Tony winner Phylicia Rashad was one of them--and the noisy show next door was a predominantly white show (and there are plenty of examples of noisy white-led shows; it's an issue certainly not limited to HK--The Who's Tommy earlier this year was notoriously loud), I do think the noisy show blasting sound through the walls would change their sound cues if Ms. Rashad and her producers reached out to them. That's how Broadway should work.
Updated On: 11/4/24 at 01:54 AM
Understudy Joined: 5/3/24
FranklinDickson2018 said: "TotallyEffed said: "Where can I see Kate Shindle’s comments?
Audra commented on the video with two hearts and clapping emojis…"
I wonder if Audra really knew what this was all about before offering her support? I was surprised she would comment on it. Unless she and the other actress are perhaps good friends or former colleagues and because of that she felt it concerned her as well?"
Don't be surprised Audra is Black, and has faced many microaggressions in her career.
Understudy Joined: 5/3/24
Bettyboy72 said: "I love how many people are acting like Kecia is so out of line for coming for Patti on social media, like Patti is some demure wallflower who “handled things the right way.”
Patti LuPone is a bull in a china shop who takes any opportunity she is in a public forum to bash someone, shame someone or just be plain nasty. She is a bully still trashing Madonna and ALW after 30 years. Get over it lady. Maybe people in the community are sick of her antics.
Patti may not be on social media but she is toxic in just about any appearance she makes. Shes not some drag queen throwing shade. She’s not that talented. She just comes across as miserable and petty.
I continue to appreciate Patti’s talent but I never watch any of her appearances because of her nasty demeanor.
And policing how a black woman “should” express herself is microaggressive."
THANK YOU! I'm glad someone said it, half of the people on this thread have never experienced a racial microaggression and the defense of Patti who is known to be, well who she has always been, is rich! You don't get to tell Black people how we should respond to anything, and there is a reason so many Black performers are standing behind Kecia. It's because we in this community experience small things like this all the time and often SAY NOTHING. Most white theatre people don't even think of all the issues Black people and POC deal with just to do the 8 shows a week.
Now I will say, Patti more than likely would have complained about any show being loud next to the Booth. The same privilege would not have been granted to a Black actor, no matter how notable. However calling the Black show "LOUD" repeatedly and at the stage door is a microaggression and has racial tones juxtaposed against the 2 old white ladies show. Even if she had no ill intentions, that doesn't matter here. It's the impact and how she went about it. (I swore we taught y'all this in 2020, there's also a million books on race that explain it) Believe me when I say, Black Broadway fully has Kecia Lewis' back on this one, including y'alls fav Audra!
I abhor when a white person says, why does everything have to be about race?! Because racism is in the fabric of the American DNA, theatre is not exempt. You can find examples of it in literally everything if you open your eyes. You cannot rid yourselves of it by not acknowledging it or policing when Black folks call it out. Called out or called in the point was made and the community is grateful for Kecia.
Understudy Joined: 5/3/24
Ensemble1698878795 said: "MemorableUserName said: "Ensemble1698878795 said: "verywellthensigh said: "I'm sure Kecia and Patti are pains in the ass in their own uniquely special ways.
I can understand how excess noise from another show can play havoc with someone's concentration while they are trying to perform/prepare to perform.
I don't, however, understand how what Patti did interferes with Kecia's performance and/or life."
To my understanding, the mix of Hell's Kitchen was adjusted for Patti Lupone. That means various parts of the show changedin design months after Opening, onceperformers settled into their performances and routine to accommodate an actress next door. It's fascinating to see so many of you attack Kecia Lewis, but on this board racist defensivenessis a norm and theme. IfLuPone's Gypsy was at the Shubert and her 11 o'clock number was bleeding into the neighbor's play, do you think Pattiwould happily be willing to adjust a performance she's settled into for months? I think not. It was her privilege that allowed this all to occur. And whether you'd like to admit it or not, the same adjustment would not be entertained if it had come from a POC. But please continue to attack Ms. Lewis's character and talent. Patti has done "nothing wrong.""
Your understanding is wrong. As noted in the Roommate producers' statement in post 58, and comments by multiple people who've seen the show, the noise from Hell's Kitchen was affecting multiple parties at The Roommate.
"“We are grateful to everyone at ‘Hell’s Kitchen’ for adjusting their cues to prevent sound bleed into our theater, which was affecting backstage, onstage and into the audience."
But you have no interest in your understanding being accurate, do you? That might contradict your ability to call everyone here (who actually do have the facts) of being racist.
The fact that the change happened is white privilege, babe. Don't care who was "being affected." You can deflect all you want, but a reality is a reality. And I know I'll never convince you "woke" white folks on this thread to see any other angle. And that again is your privilege to only see the part of the convo that comforts you and stabilizes your ignorance. Enjoy it. Yes, most of you have racist tendencies. Another FACT.
Most of the woke whites on this board will never ever get it. They don't understand not even Audra could have made this request and it would have happened. They just never see the inherent privilege in most things.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/27/19
OharaFosseWolfe888 said: "Most of the woke whites on this board will never ever get it. They don't understand not even Audra could have made this request and it would have happened. They just never see the inherent privilege in most things."
Again, this is nonsense.
From the statement by the producers: "These kinds of sound accommodations from one show to another are not unusual and are always deeply appreciated."
Do you have actual examples of these kinds of sound accommodations being denied, whether to Black-led shows or otherwise, to show that Patti Lupone's special privilege was at work?