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Phantom Closing?

Lot666 Profile Photo
#400Phantom Closing?
Posted: 11/28/22 at 3:53pm

Phantom4ever said: "I wonder how much it would cost this new venture to buy CM out of his share of Phantom Broadway?

Would the tens of thousands of people who purchased insanely-priced Phantom tix because it is closing be upset if it ended up staying open or would they be thrilled?

It's a lovely dream, but if dreams come true, count me among the thrilled.

==> this board is a nest of vipers <==

"Michael Riedel...The Perez Hilton of the New York Theatre scene"
- Craig Hepworth, What's On Stage
Updated On: 11/29/22 at 03:53 PM

GiantsInTheSky2 Profile Photo
#401Phantom Closing?
Posted: 11/28/22 at 6:04pm

I could see it extending for maybe another two months.
Honestly, they could probably get away with extending through the summer with this demand, but if they don’t make an announcement in the next two weeks, they’ll be closing in February for sure. It’s prime time to announce an extension (tickets as Christmas presents, give people time to plan a spring/summer trip, etc). 

I am big. It’s the REVIVALS that got small.

chernjam Profile Photo
#402Phantom Closing?
Posted: 11/28/22 at 6:34pm

GiantsInTheSky2 said: "I could see it extending for maybe another two months.
Honestly, they could probably get away with extending through the summer with this demand, but if they don’t make an announcement in the next two weeks, they’ll be closing in February for sure. It’s prime time to announce an extension (tickets as Christmas presents, give people time to plan a spring/summer trip, etc).

Yeah I have to admit to being more than surprised that it hasn't extended by now.  Perhaps that speculation about contracts and the difficulty to extend them were accurate.  More than anything CM is a money guy and with so much anxiety about the economy right now, he probably wants to end on a high note than chance it. 

chernjam Profile Photo
#403Phantom Closing?
Posted: 11/29/22 at 3:40pm

and a day later and we have it official that its now extended till April 16th with Mackintosh saying there will be no further extensions.  Do we believe him?

#404Phantom Closing?
Posted: 12/2/22 at 12:57am

A major shot in the dark...but I'm going to be in NYC next week and was hoping to see Phantom again while we're there. If anyone has any leads on tickets for the 2pm matinee on Thursday (12/8) or Saturday (12/10), I'd be forever grateful. Hoping to catch Emilie. (Note: will enter the lotto and try TKTS too...but these boards always have the best advice!)  Are the lines for standing room crazy?

GiantsInTheSky2 Profile Photo
#405Phantom Closing?
Posted: 12/2/22 at 7:48am

Jsyk, Emilie is only playing the 12/10 evening performance. 

I am big. It’s the REVIVALS that got small.

#406Phantom Closing?
Posted: 12/2/22 at 10:54am

GiantsInTheSky2 said: "Jsyk, Emilie is only playing the 12/10 evening performance."

Thank you -- I thought I read on Telecharge that she was in for the 12/8 matinee but out in the evening.  I'll check it again :)

supersam1026 Profile Photo
#407Phantom Closing?
Posted: 12/2/22 at 4:14pm

Just had a thought: does anyone else think that at the gala performance or final performance they'll announce that they're renaming the theater to The Harold Prince Theater? Definitely seems like the classy thing to do!

GiantsInTheSky2 Profile Photo
#408Phantom Closing?
Posted: 12/2/22 at 4:46pm

ColdClimateDude said: "GiantsInTheSky2 said: "Jsyk, Emilie is only playing the 12/10 evening performance."

Thank you -- I thought I read on Telecharge that she was in for the 12/8 matinee but out in the evening. I'll check it again :)

To clarify - she is playing the 12/8 matinee, but not the matinee of the 10th. Sorry if I was confusing! 

In regards to renaming the Majestic - they absolutely, 100% should, and I doubt they will. 

I am big. It’s the REVIVALS that got small.

#409Phantom Closing?
Posted: 12/2/22 at 4:53pm

Do we know yet what cast scheduling is like after the new year?  Anyone happen to have insight on whether Emilie and Ben will be the closing cast?  I've already seen Emilie so I'd love to see Julia but it looks like they no longer have the alternate schedule up on the website (or at least not where I've been able to find it).

GiantsInTheSky2 Profile Photo
#410Phantom Closing?
Posted: 12/2/22 at 11:31pm

They have it listed under the TICKET INFO page, pretty much at the bottom, and they only have it listed through January 1st. 

I am big. It’s the REVIVALS that got small.

#411Phantom Closing?
Posted: 12/3/22 at 9:32am

Julia Udine was going on Monday evenings and Saturday matinees. Since the closing announcement and with the holidays, it almost seems like she's getting an extra performance per week now too. Right before Christmas the weekly performance schedule goes from Wednesday-Monday to Monday-Saturday so they may be waiting to announce Julia's 2023 days until then. However, as mentioned above, the exact days until the end of the year are under ticket info on their official website. I would guess most actors will stay on until closing, unless some of them auditioned elsewhere already and landed a job after February (the original closing month). 

Updated On: 12/3/22 at 09:32 AM

chernjam Profile Photo
#412Phantom Closing?
Posted: 12/20/22 at 11:17pm

Another week - another massive sell-out audience.  I know CM said 4/16 was it, but at this rate to we believe that?

#413Phantom Closing?
Posted: 12/20/22 at 11:22pm

The Shubert Organization certainly made it sound like it:

Robert E. Wankel, Chairman and CEO of The Shubert Organization said, “After so many years at The Majestic Theatre, the renovations on and off stage will be considerable, making April 16 the latest performance date possible for Phantom. Until then, we look forward to celebrating this extraordinary success with Andrew Lloyd Webber, Cameron Mackintosh and everyone in The Phantom family.”

#414Phantom Closing?
Posted: 12/20/22 at 11:32pm

supersam1026 said: "Just had a thought: does anyone else think that at the gala performance or final performance they'll announce that they're renaming the theater to The Harold Prince Theater? Definitely seems like the classy thing to do!"

That’d be great, but an argument could be made that it should be the ALW.  I prefer the Prince.

#415Phantom Closing?
Posted: 12/21/22 at 12:02am

It's just another meaningless press release from everyone associated with this show. Why do renovations have to start on April 17? What would have happened if CM never decided to close the show? They all just need to tow the line of "ticket sales were down/theater needs to be renovated" so that nobody gets suspicious about what CM did to Phantom London and Les Miz and what his real plans are here in New York. 

uncageg Profile Photo
#416Phantom Closing?
Posted: 12/21/22 at 12:23am

Phantom4ever said: "It's just another meaningless press release from everyone associated with this show. Why do renovations have to start on April 17? What would have happened if CM never decided to close the show? They all just need to tow the line of "ticket sales were down/theater needs to be renovated" so that nobody gets suspicious about what CM did to Phantom London and Les Miz and what his real plans are here in New York."

It did not say that renovations "had" to start on the 17th. They have to load the show out first. I suspect it may have to do with a possible show going in there and scheduling for other houses to be renovated. I think there is at least one other on the list. 


Just give the world Love.

#417Phantom Closing?
Posted: 12/21/22 at 12:30am

Uncaged, that's just semantics. Obviously the show has to be loaded out! All it has to do with is keeping up this charade that the show is closing for the reason CM has said. Whether or not another show wants the theater or the timing of the renovations is coincidental or irrelevant. 

uncageg Profile Photo
#418Phantom Closing?
Posted: 12/21/22 at 11:05am

Phantom4ever said: "Uncaged, that's just semantics. Obviously the show has to be loaded out! All it has to do with is keeping up this charade that the show is closing for the reason CM has said. Whether or not another show wants the theater or the timing of the renovations is coincidental or irrelevant."



Just give the world Love.

bdn223 Profile Photo
#419Phantom Closing?
Posted: 12/21/22 at 12:34pm

Its going to at least extend through the summer at this point.

Even if the Shubert Org has a production that wants the Majestic, which wouldn't be able to load in until Spring 2024 with the renovations that have to be made to the theater once Phantom closes. I highly doubt any show that desperately wants the Majestic that they would sign a contract over 15 months out to guarantee it. I would understand if Phantom were playing a house like the Winter Garden, which has unique stage dimensions and optimal location that production would be willing to lock down a lease as soon as possible, as it happened with Beetlejuice by The Music Man. A production going into the Majestic on the other hand could just as easily go into the Shubert, Imperial, Lunt-Fontane, St. James, and arguably the Marquis with little if any modification to the shows production design. Add to that its as if the Majestic is in a more optimal location with additional visibility then the other theaters mentioned, that unless one of the shows in them is a massive hit, will all likely be in search of a tenant in Spring 2024.

So anyone saying that the Shubert Organization is not allowing Phantom to extend past April 16th, is buying the the BS Mackintosh is spewing. While the Shubert Organization is likely very eager to renovate the Majestic, they are also likely over the moon that Phantom is playing to packed houses again since it means their profits are also soaring. I don't know if Phantom's lease agreement is so old it does not include a cut of revenue as a part of rent, which is now standard, but they are likely seeing a massive increase in concession sales that do benefit them. 

At this point if I had to suspect around the 35th anniversary we will see an announcement that the show is going to extend through end of Summer (August/Early Sept) announced as the "final extension". This additional 4.5 months of sales  9 months out would allow Mackintosh and Webber to see if Phantom has actually been given new life or the sales are only due to its imminent closure. Thus by June a final decision could be made if the late summer closure would indeed be final, or the production once again becomes an open run "DUE TO POPULAR DEMAND". 

Lot666 Profile Photo
#420Phantom Closing?
Posted: 12/21/22 at 1:07pm

bdn223 said: "Its going to at least extend through the summer at this point..."

Your post made me smile, but I'd be lying if I said I truly felt so optimistic about this.

I believe that Cameron Mackintosh is engaged in an inner battle over whether he should keep the "bird in the hand" and continue paying royalties to the original creative team without rocking the boat, or shoot for "two in the bush" by shutting it down and reopening the cheap, non-replica production from London to increase his profit margin. If history teaches us anything, greed will win.

==> this board is a nest of vipers <==

"Michael Riedel...The Perez Hilton of the New York Theatre scene"
- Craig Hepworth, What's On Stage

EDSOSLO858 Profile Photo
#421Phantom Closing?
Posted: 12/21/22 at 1:36pm

I thought Mackintosh said no more extensions after 4/16. At least, that’s what the NYT reported…

Well, I’ll be. That bird really did it.

#422Phantom Closing?
Posted: 12/21/22 at 1:48pm

EDSOSLO858 said: "I thought Mackintosh said no more extensions after 4/16. At least, that’s what the NYT reported…"


Mackintosh said in a statement today, “The response to the news that The Phantom of the Opera is finally going to end its record-breaking original Broadway run after 35 years has been as phenomenal as the show itself. We are all thrilled that not only the show’s wonderful fans have been snapping up the remaining tickets, but also that a new, younger audience is equally eager to see this legendary production before it disappears. Such is the demand for tickets that we are delighted to announce that The Shubert Organization has been able to arrange a final eight-week extension of the run at The Majestic Theatre.

The producer said there will be no further extensions. The show will end its Broadway run with a benefit performance on April 14, and a final performance before an audience including alumni and friends of the show. The Majestic Theatre will then be closed for major renovations after the Phantom‘s 35-year run."


If he went back on that, as the posters above are arguing, it would have to be an announcement for a "FINAL final extension. No really! We mean it this time!"

#423Phantom Closing?
Posted: 12/21/22 at 1:53pm

I do think this will most likely be the last extension since they've put into place plans for the final performance what with inviting people back, and it would be awkward for that to not be the last performance after all. Not saying an extension is out of the realm of possibility completely, but to me it seemed fairly apparent they had an extension in mind for the original closing when they didn't put the final block of tickets on sale. 

bdn223 Profile Photo
#424Phantom Closing?
Posted: 12/21/22 at 1:58pm

chrishuyen said: "I do think this will most likely be the last extension since they've put into place plans for the final performance what with inviting people back, and it would be awkward for that to not be the last performance after all. Not saying an extension is out of the realm of possibility completely, but to me it seemed fairly apparent they had an extension in mind for the original closing when they didn't put the final block of tickets on sale."

Ah you misunderstand why tickets to the final performance are invite only. It is precisely so that it would allow for the show to extend without having to deal with the headache of refunds and exchanges for persons who thought they bought tickets to the final performance. 

Updated On: 12/21/22 at 01:58 PM
