The day has come. Bump for those who wish to keep the candle lit.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/7/06
Oh, I never thought it would really happen. I mean, it DOES need to close, but it's always been nice to know it was there. The sliver lining is that maybe the obsessive rent-heads will stop posting here.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/28/08
The first time I saw Rent was last year when Anthony and Adam came back. I thought the theatre was a dump and I was freezing but I loved the show. I was up in the balcony and I remember crying during Without You.
The 2nd time I saw it(which was a month later) I was in the orch but in those crappy seats at the corner that tilt you into the person sitting next to you.
The 3rd time I saw it was in Hershey PA(the non-equity tour) which I though was better than seeing it with Adam and Anthony.
The last time I saw it was June 16th(needed a show to see on the Monday between Steph's last show and Kerry's first show in Wicked) and it was good but it was deff time to close it.
All 4 times I saw it I cried during Without You all the way to the end of the show.
Featured Actor Joined: 4/14/08
First saw the show back in 1997 w/ most of the original cast minus Daphne. So in other words Wilson, Adam, Anthony, Idina Fredi, Taye and about every last single ensemble member. Next to last row in the rear mezz. *i have my stage door pictures SOMEWHERE* I got to tell Anthony Rapp something that I thought was funny at the time but now look on as being extremely strange. I also got to have a LONG chat with Idina after the show. We talked about West Virginia *where I'm from*, our first trip to NYC, and the show in general. AH. and this was before they started barricading outside the stage door, so it was kind of hard to spot people leaving.
I could feel every last bit of energy coming up to the back of that theatre and smacking me in the face. It was just so real.
There are no words as to how much this show.. well.. opened my eyes to the possibility of energizing theatre that I would have never known about.
It was my gateway. It was my everything for quite a while. However, like all good things it must come to an end. Here's the Myspace blog I posted about it when I heard the official announcement. Granted, this is before the extension, but the feeling of the post is exactly how I feel.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
My youth is over
Current mood: melancholy
Category: Life
While this might not matter to some people out there.. There are a few who will relate to this.
Back in 1997 I, along with my friends Jeff and Brad, took the trip that would define me as a person.
We were so excited because we were going to see Rent on Broadway. Anyone who knew us back then would know our obsession. The car drives screaming Christmas bells are RIIINNNGING, One Song Glory, or fumbling our way through La Vie Boheme (A & B) . The carrying around the tapes, yes tapes, everywhere we went. Taping everything that was "Rentified" that came on the television. Picking up the famous Newsweek magazine with the "Rent Strikes!" cover. Basically, if it was Rent we had it or were in the process of getting it.
I went to this evening to find a headline that was like a lead ball slamming into my gut. "Rent to Close in June". I can not express to many of you how profound this show is, simply because of the fact that I know a good portion of my friends aren't into the "Broadway scene". But it was the most real, visceral experience I have ever been a part of.
It's been a little over 10 years later and here I am in my home town again. Not much has changed. I've lived in a few different places. My hair has started to gray a little on the sides. But what remains true is how much that show means, and will continue to mean, to me and everyone else out there who shared that same sense of excitement.
To Jonathan:
I hope Rent was everything you wanted and I hope that it went exactly where you wanted it to go because you've made me a better person for getting to experience your masterpiece.
Thank you Jonathan Larson.
It was September 2006. I was after a really bad break up, and was really feeling down for a month or so. I couldn't smile for months. not a real smile, anyway. I had a very short layover in NYC, an over-night stay (I'm a flight attendant), and decided to finally go see RENT. As always, I lost the lottory, but got my tickts at TKTS.
I was so emotional during "Goodbye Love" and loved the final scene.
When I was walking out of the theatre, back to my hotel, I was smiling, really smiling, and having some hope, as well :)
Goodbye, Love :)
My first time was February 2006. It was the non-equity tour in Cleveland, Ohio. My friend and I, along with her sister, her sister's friend and her mother and grandmother, drove after school to see it, and then drove back afterwards.
I remember walking into to take our seats, in the balcony of Cleveland's Palace Theatre, and being in a state of awe. The set was simple, but complicated to a point. I just sat there. Looking at it. And then Mark and the company came out. The show was thrilling. I'll never forget it.
Prior to that experience, I had seen the Rent movie and had the movie soundtrack. I had never seen a professional production put on before my eyes. And the day after, while I was at home looking at the newspaper, it was announced that the tour was coming to Pittsburgh in August 2006. I didn't care though. I would see it again (which I did). It was truly an amazing experience, one that I will always remember.
So, now I look forward to seeing the final performance in the movie theatres and, hopefully, the tour with Adam and Anthony when it is in Pittsburgh in April 2009.
Just because Rent is closing on Broadway doesn't mean it's closing from our hearts. It was the first show that really got me into musical theatre. So, today, I think I'll go listen to the original cast recording and look at the Rent "Bible" and remember how special it has always been to me. Truly, in my heart, I am a proud RENThead.
Thank you, Jonathan Larson.
Goodbye, Love.
Updated On: 9/7/08 at 08:11 AM
I actually saw the movie first. I saw it in November of 2005. I loved it, and I needed to see the show. I had two other friends who loved it and we all were dying to see it. Well one day we were at there house and they were making cookies and we needed an egg. So we went over to the neighbors and asked. So the cookies were made and we decided to bring them some so we went over and we started talking to them about Broadway and they told us that their daughter was the stage manager for Rent. So we got very excited and they told us if we get tickets they can get us backstage. My friend got tickets for his birthday and they were amazing tickets (Orchestra A 101-105) They helped us get good tickets so we figured we weren't going backstage and as we were walking out the door my friend's dad said to us "By the way we're going backstage!"
So we were all so excited, it was September 4th, 2006. The cast was amazing and we were in awe. At the end of the first act I knew I wanted to come back again and again. We went backstage and went on stage and it was the most amazing thing ever we saw the Thank You Jonathan Larson wood carving and we went on the Mimi Balcony and all over. Since then I have been 14 times, each time is a completely different experience and it means something different. Some of the cast grew to know me and Tim Howar invited us backstage on his last show and Troy Horne and Tonya Dixon both remembered us and were very nice.
I love Rent and will miss it terribly. I had some great times there, it changed my life forever and got me into wonderful theater. Tonight will be the most amazing night, I'm so grateful I have a ticket.
I'm now listening to Marcus sing I'll Cover You (Reprise) and it is amazing, he gives me goosebumps. I'm close to crying.
Broadway Star Joined: 8/30/08
My cousin had been rambling on about this movie called rent. I wasn't a huge theatre buff at the time, but I listened to her advice and rented the movie. To be honest, I wasn't verry impreseesed. However, something about the music moved me. I bought the movie and would listen to the musical numbers and just marvel about how amazing they were. Then, I bought the soundtrack and memorized it.
So one day I wondered, how can I see this show? I went online and found out it was coming to my town. I was thrilled! We sat in the back of the orchestra. I had never seen a show before, I didn't know what to expect. Well I sat in my seat and I couldn't move. I couldn't talk or breathe. I was just blown away. This was the most amazing thing I had ever seen.
No words could describe what I fel when I saw iit. The next day, all I could talk or think about was rent. The I realized I should learn about other theatre, so I discovered, and and the rest is history.
That is the only time I saw rent, but it touched me like nothing has ever touched me before.
I saw the tour when it came to Baltimore in March. I went with three of my closest friends, and cried throughout most of the show, because I could relate to it so much. I remember thinking during La Vie Boheme, what a great way to be experiencing this amazing show with your best friends, because thats what it really all about.
Thank You, Jonathon Larson
Goodbye love
Wonderful reading these emotional connections to the show, thought you all might enjoy this video too!
My first time, and LAST time, was in 1997. (I had also seen it in during the '96 workshops)
screaming boys and girls all around me... singing along and crying their eyes out. it totally ruined it for me
the show was also extremely overhyped in the two years after it opened. absolutely ridiculous.
Adios RENT! Have fun in the National Touring afterlife. Bye Bye.
F*** off you @$$hole. You come on here and ruin it, you have no purpose on this forum other than piss people off.
Sorry, I had to get that out, back on topic.
When Rent came to Broadway in 1996 I was only 10 years old. I remember watching Access Hollywood with my mom and they had a small segment on RENT and I just thought it looked so cool. I believe we had just gotten back from seeing Big the musical so I was very interested in musical theater. I asked to go and see RENT but once my very religious mother saw what the plotline was about she had decided for me that I was too young to go. So I never got to see it until the movie came out. I instantly fell in love with it and knew that no matter what I needed to see this on broadway. So on June 3, 2006 myself and 2 friends went to see the show. It was an experience we will never forget. I only wished that I had seen the musical first instead of the movie. I just thought overall the musical was so much better. Afterwards we got to meet the cast and I couldn't get over how nice everyone was and willing to sign and talk to everyone. Karmine Alers was on as Mimi that day and we talked with her for awhile and even bought her CD, which I listen to as much as I can. Its definitely hard for me to say goodbye to RENT because I believe it brought me and my friend so much closer then we ever were. We had this bond that no one really knew about and that bond was from our love of RENT that grew into our bond for musical theater. She is my best friends and I completely owe that friendship to RENT.
So Thank You to RENT for an amazing 12 year run! You will be missed!
I just found my Goodbye Love entry on the show's site! Here it is:
I have been very recently introduced to Rent almost a year ago. Before I saw the movie, all I really knew about Rent was the song "Seasons of Love". I also VERY LOOSELY knew some of the plot. At the time, I was starting to get into musical theater and stuff. So one day I decided to rent the movie and watch it. After I watched the movie, I almost instantly fell in love with the show/movie. So after a while of being obsessed with the musical, I learned that it was closing. I was upset with the news, because I never had a chance to see the show LIVE. The tour was also coming no where near I lived. A little while back from all this, my mother and I planned a trip to visit NewYork for spring break. I was going to vistit my grandparents and my grandfather was going to take my mother and I to see my(and her's)first broadway show. My mother and I had few idea's of what to see, and Rent was sort of in the air to see it or not. Once I heard the news about Rent's closing, I knew I had to see it! At first my mother was a bit scepticale about the idea, but once she understood how important it was to me; she accepted the idea. So I was lucky to see the show on broadway for the first time back in April. I really enjoyed the show and it was the greatest experiance of my life! Now that I have seen the show, I'm really sad that it's closing, but it's been around for a while. It's also a really inspiring show and I'm glad I had a chance to see it. I also hope other people who haven't had the chance to see it live do. It's a great show and it will be missed. Thank You Jonathan Larson!
Broadway Star Joined: 12/12/05
The first time I saw Rent I unfortunatley fell asleep due to being on allergy medication but I remember loving Mimi and whomever was Frenchie Davis' understudy during Seasons of Love. From what I actually got to see while conscious, I really enjoyed it. I just never really got swept up in the mass hysteria, it was really just another Broadway show I saw, and really liked.
My first time was the movie which I saw pretty much the day it came out over here.
My first time in the theatre was Rent:Remixed.
I always thought I would make it over to Broadway and see 'proper' Rent but alas that day didn't come.
My first time seeing Rent was July 4th weekend 1999. I saw it 7 more times after that, with a huge break in between Benny tour closing and May 2007 on Broadway.
I don't have a sweet sob story of any kind. I just like the show and hope the last performance goes well.
Ah, Rent. It's been a while since I've seen it, but good memories associated with it will make me miss it.
My first time was in early 1997 (OBC was all still there, expect for Daphne as I just missed her). I was 14 and a 17 year old friend of mine was obsessed with the show and told me I needed to see it. It was sold out, of course, and my mother was not too keen on my sleeping overnight to get rush tickets (ah, the days before lotto!) but she finally consented to letting my friend and I go into the city by ourselves from NJ (big deal for me, as it the first time this had happened) Saturday morning so we could get SRO tix for the matinee. And we did. And it was absolutely awesome. I enjoyed every second and the theater was full of so much energy. I was a very shy teenager who normally wouldn't stage door (I still don't to this day b/c of that), but my friend made me. And it was worth it - I have the souvenir book with signatures in my memory book.
I saw the show 13 more times over the course of the years, including finally experiencing overnight rush waiting in Boston in 2004. My last time seeing it was in 2006 in Boston. Of all the casts I've seen, nothing matched the OBC I saw in 1997. I'll admit, I was a Renthead, and while my theater tastes have expanded, a small part of me may always be one. But the show helped launch my love for the arts in a way that no other show has ever matched.
Good-bye, Rent. Yes, it is time to go. But I'll see you again when you are revived years down the line, I know.
My first Rent experience was in KC in 1998 two weeks after the birth of my first son. My eyes had gone through some changes during and after the birth and hadn't adjusted yet. To say the least, I was practically blind to anything further than 10 feet in front of my face! After the first scene I gave up and just close my eyes. It was still pretty amazing to just listen to the amazing music. Still LOVED it, but had to go back to see it again with the acting as well as the voices later in the year.
Rent was the first show I ever saw on Broadway. I live on the west coast, so I had only seen national tours and stuff like that. My mom and I went and did the lottery. I am usually very unlucky. I never win things like that, so I was expecting to lose.
Fortunately, my name was the third one called. Rent was such an exciting and energetic show. I am glad I got to get to New York and see it before it closed.
Understudy Joined: 9/14/06
The first time I saw RENT was in Chicago on a very cold January night. My best friend took me to see it for my birthday. I was excited because I was getting to see Anthony Rapp on stage. I fell in love that night with the music. I have seen it since twice on tour( the first time it came to Cincinnati and two seasons ago with the non eq tour). I also saw it in NYC with my partner on our first anniversary. At the time scarey spice was in it and we both thought she was dreadful. I'm sorry to see it close. Rent you had a very nice run in NY. Thanks for the memories.
At the NYTW before it moved to Broadway. It moved me like no other show had up to that point. I saw it three more times that year after it moved to the Nederlander after the original cast left I never had a chance to go back but the show will always be special to me.
It's kind of bittersweet for me that it's closing.
My first time seeing RENT was in Dallas on November 26, 1999, the day after Thanksgiving. I saw it with my two best friends and our moms. It's what was left of our Girl Scout Troop at the time. When I got home, my dad's stuff was gone. Not long after, he called me to tell me that he and my mom were getting a divorce and that he was gay. Ever since then, RENT has spoken to me in a very special way and has been a huge part of my life. I traveled to NYC with my husband, my mom, and a couple of my friends last year to see Adam and Anthony. That brought my total of times seeing it onstage up to 10.
Tonight RENT is playing its last show. Tonight I'm checking into the hospital so I can be induced. I'll be giving birth to my first child tomorrow. RENT continues to be the roadsigns of the landmarks in my life. I intend to pass on the valuable lesson of living and loving to the fullest to my son. I wouldn't trade my experiences with RENT for the world, and I can't wait to see the tour next spring in Dallas. (By the way, they'll be here for my birthday! Coincidence?... Most likely :-P)