i didn't have to pay for my first time.
My first time was back in 2001. I was young and I think slightly confused by all the relationships, but it was just the best God damn musical theater score that I had heard in the theater. It spoke to me in a way that Rodgers & Hammerstein couldn't because it felt like it was written for my generation (save a decade or so).
Other highlights were Manley Pope (who I don't like as much) and Trey Ellet having amazing chemistry and really drawing me into the bohemian lifestyle as Roger and Mark. And Natalie Venetia Belcon giving one of the most splendid performances I've ever seen as Joanne.
My first time was in 1996. I was lucky to see all the cast members in RENT at the Nederlander Theater.. Sadly I cannot remember it much...
even your memory fades too... just cherish it.... LIKE NO DAY BUT TODAY !
Last summer in New York, with Anthony & Adam... My parents weren't interested at all, so my sister and I went by ourselves. Fantastic. I can't remember the cast's names (bad, bad thespian) but I remember our Joanne was fantastic (!!!). Angel and Maureen were also good, and I thought Collins and Mimi were rather weak. Mark and Roger.... well, they speak for themselves.
Your excellent Joanne was probably Merle Dandridge.
I was on Spring Break for an entire week in NYC as a freshman in college. I was going to see a bunch of shows and experience theatre in the city like I never had before. One of my good friends from home (Omaha, NE) was also there so I called him up and said "Let's see RENT tonight. It's the only night this week that I don't have something lined up already."
My friend and I met at the theatre and were sitting two rows away. Matt Caplan and Cary Shields were Mark and Roger. Karmine Alers was Mimi; she was great I thought. I remember being so stoked when I heard the guitar chords at the beginning of "One Song Glory." I only knew maybe five of the songs at the time. Frenchie Davis was the soloist for "Seasons of Love" and being a huge Idol fan I was so stoked to get to see her. I loved watching the cast stand in the line and sing that recognizable tune.
It was however, D'Monroe's performance of "I'll Cover You" (Reprise) that emotionally pushed me over the limit. I was crying non-stop for the rest of the show. To this day I can sit and sob at the song; whether it be in the film version or even listening to the OBCR. I'm glad that I saw the show when I did. I wish I could see it again and may even make the attempt when I'm in NYC in March again simply to relive the magic one last time.
Fall of 1997. Maybe it was 1998. First tour to hit Seattle. The truth is that I was not into the cast recording at all, but I was still excited to see it. I went with my partner at the time, and it was such an amazing experience. I wound up seeing the show twice more, taking friends that I thought had to see it.
Saw it once more a couple of years ago, and the tour was pretty good, but it had definitely lost its luster.
Rent and its OBC came out in 1996, and I was 6 at the time. My dad LOVED it. I can still remember sitting in the backseat of my dad's car, and hearing "What's his name?" "Joanne" and being really confused. In fact, I would often ask my dad if there were actually guys named Joanne.
So once I *actually* learned what the show was about, which was probably when I was 8, I'd been bugging my parents to go see it. I finally got my mom to take me three years later. It was June 21st, 2001. It was one of the greatest pieces of theatre I've ever seen, even to this day.
Since then I've seen it 7 more times (even twice in one weekend), and it's really helped me develop myself as a young adult. I agree that it is time for Rent to close, but it will definitely be missed.
the first time I saw it I had a bad experience because this one guy who sat behind me sang through the whole thing... and he was flat. I didn't pay to hear HIM sing.
But, the second time I went, I had a better experience and thoroughly enjoyed it. Anthony and Adam were in it when I went and the theatre was completely silent- everyone had reverence for these two men and really wanted to hear them sing.
I did see it a third time as well. I won tickets from the Auction in a raffle and I had a lot of fun then too, even though it was 4 days after Adam and Anthony had left.
Stand-by Joined: 9/4/07
Was Rent ever at the LaJolla playhouse?
I saw Neil Patrick Harris when it played the Ahmanson, Los Angeles - but I was way up in the balconey and the show did not make a big impression on me.
Then a few years later I saw it again in San Francisco in 4th row orchestra seats with the OBC Mimi. LOVED the show and her and the whole cast, and the experience.
Saw the show for only the third time, in L.A. last year. Not quite as good as my S.F. experience, but still pretty cool.
This was the first Broadway show I ever saw, and every year after I saw it, I had to see it again. I have somewhat outgrown it, but it will always be my first love.
I believe it was August 29, 1999, the day after my 16th birthday. A person who was like my second mother asked what shows I'd like to see and she'd try to get me tickets (I'll never forget cause she called when I was working at Bradlees, good times). I think I had said BaTB, Footloose, or "this show RENT I've heard so much about". Well she scored tickets for RENT and we had like 5th row center seats. I know nothing really about the show beforehand other than that is was edgy, had this popular minutes song, and a few people I knew at school were in love with it. I don't remember all of the cast but I know Manley Pope was Roger and Wilson was back as Angel. I was just awed the entire show. I thought I was all tough because I smoked cigs, drank alcohol, went to rock concerts, etc. But that day opened my eyes to, wow I really have it good in suburbia. I also had never heard of this "Aids" thing (thank catholic schooling for that). I always thought you just always had to use a condom so you didn't get pregnant. I FELL in love with the character Roger (Manley being a teen heart throb of mine from Sweet valley High days didnt hurt) because he matched my typical brooding rocker fascination of the moment. I got the cast recording and listened to it over and over again (and at the time I thought the dude on the recording sucked (i.e Adam) and Manley was SOO much better! Boy how things have changed!). Not many of my other close friends at the time were into theater but instead heavy metal, so it was more of my closeted obsession, lol.
Featured Actor Joined: 4/16/05
Wow, some of you guys have amazing stories... I'm slightly jealous.
I saw it for the first time as a birthday present a few days before my 15th birthday, June 12, 2005. All I knew was Seasons of Love, and I vaguely remembered girls in my bunk at camp playing some song about a candle and singing lines about being cold, and something with the word glory repeated over and over again. Oh, and a friend's screen name was NoDayButToday. I was already into theatre, at least the performing aspect of it. I hadn't seen many Broadway shows, but I enjoyed it. My mom asked me what I wanted for my birthday, and I said tickets to a show. So we went into the NYC one day to see what was on TKTS, and I chose Rent, not knowing anything except that I had friends who had loved it.
So off we went, with tickets for one of the last rows of the orchestra. Matt Caplan & Cary Shields were Mark and Roger, Kelly Karbacz & Merle Dandridge were Maureen and Joanne, Justin Johnston & Destan Owens were Angel and Collins, and of course D'Monroe was Benny. My mom wasn't sure I'd like it, because she had heard it was "all about AIDS, so it would be depressing." Little did we know...
As the cast shouted "Viva La Vie Boheme!", my mom turned to me and said, "this isn't as depressing as I thought it would be!" Yeah, nice observation, mom ;]. I remember the only thing I had a question about was what AZT was. I thought I was following the plot very well (until I got the cast recording and realized I had no idea). I recognized One Song Glory and Light My Candle from being played in my bunk, and finally hearing "no day but today" in context was an incredible moment for me. In short, I knew I loved the show. I understood the message, and I was impacted in ways I probably didn't comprehend at the time - I was totally overwhelmed.
I bought the CD, and I listened to it incessantly, slowly comprehending more and more of the story. One big moment was realizing that Angel was actually telling a story during Today 4 U that actually occurred and had to do with the plot. I wouldn't stop talking about it. I wrote the lyrics and put pictures all over my school stuff, and the music was constantly stuck in my head, not that I was complaining. I remember singing La Vie Boheme with my ipod on my driveway, in a really really good mood... and I sang the line "german wine turpentine gertrude stein antonioni bertolucci kurosawa karmina burana" correctly, and was SO proud of myself =).
Rent was the show that got me really interested in Broadway. It was the first show that I really cared about and connected to, and the first show I really LOVED and was obsessed with. I'm no longer obsessed like I was, but the show has stayed with me. It's always been a constant in my life. Whenever I'm in NYC, I know I'll pass it. If I lose lotto for one show, or the show I want isn't on TKTS, I know I can always run to the Nederlander and see Rent again. It kills me to think about seeing a marquis that isn't Rent. To see the neon green walls (although totally destroyed by graffiti) painted over and the lobby no longer painted purple with mosaics and a modern art gallery. I'm getting sappy now, so I'll stop, but I'm definitely sad to see Rent go =(
My first time was last month. I'd seen the movie way to many times to count. I begged my mom to let me see it when we were going back to the city for christmas. She refused, she said that she didn't want to go see the show because it was to depressing. So she comes in one day and says she bought tickts for Mary Poppins. I was kinda bummed, but I was like "well she's already got the tickets so I have to live it with now." This was back in October.
Fast forward to December 22. We were on our way to the MP theater, I whined the whole way there that I wanted to see RENT. She went into her whole rant about how it was depressing and we were gonna see a happy show. We get to the theater and she reaches in her purse to get the tickets. Suddenly she says "Oh my god.....I totally have the wrong tickets!!" Her best friend and I start complaining about how we'll never make it back to the hotel in time to get the right ones. So then she says "GEEZ....I'm so stupid. These tickets say RENT on them. I have just a teeny meltdown infront of the theater. It was basically one of the best surpirises ever, probably because I was completley clueless. Maybe my mom should go into acting instead of me.....HA.
The show was AMAZING! I've seen plenty of shows, but this show is in a catagory of it's own in my standards. It's definatley one of my fav shows. The actors gave 120%, but who wouldn't when your in such a groundbreaking show. I could really go on and on about it, but I won't:)
Im really sad to see it go. Thank goodness I get to see it one last time!
In 1996 I was 4. So, obviously I didn't see Rent. But I have two older sisters, and a mother, who have loved the show since the very beginning. They had the recording. I grew up with it. It played in my house constantly. I knew all the words at such a young age. Yet, I didn't quite understand the story. I just knew I loved the music, even if I didn't understand the context. For example, I have a memory of listening to "Without You". I heard the lyrics, and thought they were so beautiful and touching. But I was so young, and it STILL hit me.
Then I finally saw it.
I actually forget the year, or even how old I was. It's all a blur since I was younger...but I remember waiting in line and finally stepping in the theater. I could put reall stories to the songs I loved. It didn't disappoint me.
Since then, I've seen RENT 6 more times. A few times on tour in Boston, and twice more in NY. The last time I went was this past Spring. The energy wasn't all quite there. It was strange.
Since the summer my school has been planning to go to RENT in February for a trip. I wasn't all that excited before, because I had already seen it so many time and would have rather seen something new. But now that I know it is closing, I know this will be my last time. And I know, I will cry because it will hit me that there will be no more. I'm getting a little emotional now.
You see, RENT was my childhood. I listened to it in the car on the way to soccer practice, blasted it in my house, tried to show my friends the recording (with some success). Now, all I have are these memories. But I'll take it for what it is. And what it was meant to be.
Updated On: 1/17/08 at 10:42 PM
Stand-by Joined: 1/9/07
I am ashamed to admit my first time seeing Rent was because of Joey joining the cast. I had heard of Rent before and many of my friends had told me how great it was but back then I was very easily scandalized and blushed at very inane things, so hearing what the show was about and some of the scenes I did not think I could handle seeing it so I refused whenever the tour came to MA. Then I heard Joey was going to be in Rent, and I had recently started going to school in NY at the time, and being a huge *NSYNC fan I decided I could deal with it to see Joey.
I will forever be grateful for getting over that initial hesitation because seeing the show really changed my life. I was so in awe of the whole show. The other thing I enjoyed was the fact that I was able to follow the storyline very easily and the songs were just amazing. I knew I had to see the show again (and not for Joey). I began going into the city once I learned about the lotto just to see the show, and I would go by myself which was a pretty big deal at the time. I had never felt that way about musical theatre before. It was something that brought me joy like nothing else. My only regret is that I had not seen it sooner.
When I look back at my time with Rent, there is no way I could ever truly show my gratitude for how it has changed me. I became more independent, I made friends with some of the greatest people, and I learned that I should not be afraid to experience new things in life. If ever I had a bad day, just showing up to the theatre and trying luck with the lotto (even if I lost) would pick my spirits up because there was always a friendly face there, who wouldn’t judge a person for seeing the show again. I will miss being able to see this show be performed at the Nederlander with all my heart. I am just glad that there are such things as “less than sanctioned” that will help the show live on.
Understudy Joined: 1/16/08
I first saw RENT in Aug 2006 for my 16th birthday! It was so wonderful and afterwards I got to go backstage because I raised a lot of money for Broadway cares! They let me backstage and I got to meet the actors and everyone! They were so nice and amazing!! I got a tour of the stage and even go to go up where mimi dances!!! Really amazing experience!!! Very sad to see it go!!!
My first time seeing Rent was in 1997 on tour. I didn't understand it, but loved the music and passion. And I listened to the Broadway cast album which I purchased right after the performance.
I passed up the chance to see many Broadway cast members on Broadway and in London in the years to come.
After a little growing up, I returned to the show in 2003. Fell in love with the show. This time, it spoke to me, and I understood it. The issues were relevant to my life, and the things I didn't get in '97 made sense. I saw it many times after that on Broadway and on tour including the 10 year reunion.
It doesn't matter if it is the weakest cast or the strongest. The story and the music always speaks to me.
I love Rent, but not that much.
See above. Sorry for the TRIPLE post.
my first time was aug 2005 and i've seen it a total of 4 times..going to 5 coming up in the next week and a half..the first time i saw it i didn't really understand or like some of the cast (cary sheilds)
and then i saw it a yea and a half later and absolutley loved it ..and i can't stop now..and when ever i see something with broadway i immediatley think of rent..i can't imagine broadway w/o rent..hopefully there will b a revival in the next 10 years
I first "fell in love with" RENT in November of 2005...when the movie came out. I know it's cliche, but I had just really started getting into musical theatre, and RENT really shaped that. (This comes from my first "favorite musical" being Phantom of the Opera, which is even more cliche, to me.) RENT changed my views on many issues and really made me rethink things and learn never to take anything for granted.
So, in October of 2006, it was my fifteenth birthday, and when my parents asked what I wanted, I knew exactly what to say.
We went on November 18, 2006. It was my first ever Broadway show, and I remember coming up onto the street from Penn Station and thinking, "I'm going to see RENT." It was surreal.
I remember not knowing that the original cast was on the wall of the theatre and I remember yelling, "Oh my God, Mom, it's Adam Pascal!!!" As many before me have, I took pictures with them and we went into the theatre. I saw the show with my mom, my cousin, and my mom's good friend. We were in the very last row of the rear center mezzanine, but the effect was nonetheless overwhelming. I actually broke out into hives over the excitement!! (They are clearly visible in the stagedoor pictures!) The cast included Tim Howar (Roger), Christopher J. Hanke (Mark), Jamie Lee Kirchner (Mimi, and my favorite ever), Nicole Lewis (Joanne), Maggie Benjamin (Maureen), Mark Richard Ford (Collins), Justin Johnston (Angel) and D'Monroe (Benny). Frenchie Davis was also part of the cast at the time. The show completely floored me, and I cried harder than I could ever remember crying. I respected the show on a much higher level. Nothing, to me, could ever compare.
At stagedoor, we met Hanke, Howar, Davis, and D'Monroe. D'Monroe was the nicest, when he found out that I was from South Jersey and it was my first Broadway show at 15, he was appalled and told me to come back soon!
Needless to say, I did three weeks later with my school's drama guild. We attended the RENT Student Live Workshop, and my best friend read a monologue that she had submitted on the stage. It was such a great feeling to see her be able to do something so wonderful. After the workshop we saw the show again, seats in the orchestra section this time, 5th row, and it was no less spectacular.
The third and last time I saw it was August 25, 2007. This time I went with my mom, the same cousin, her boyfriend, my grandmother, my aunt, my best friend who read onstage, and my other best friend, Jim. It was his 20th birthday, so we took him along to see Adam and Anthony. It was his first time. If ever there was a spectacular performance, it was this one. I didn't stop crying through the whole performance, because I never though I would see those two together again.
At stagedoor, I met D'Monroe again. I brought the picture of the two of us from my first time and reminded him that he told me to come back soon, and he gave me a big hug and signed the picture. And then, Anthony Rapp came out, and my dreams were coming true. We didn't get the opportunity to meet Adam because his wife and kids were there that day.
I don't want to see it again before the closing, because I want to keep A&A in my mind, but I am terribly upset to see it go. Since my first time at RENT, I have seen five other shows, but RENT will always be my favorite and will always have a warm spot in my heart. June 1 will be a horrible day for me, but, as Larson wrote in "Without You", life goes on, and all of RENT's loyal fans will have to help its message live on by simply following what Larson told us in his show. As Adam Pascal said, Long Live RENT!!! It will surely never be forgotten.
Aww, this thread is making me so sad! I'll post my Rent stories on here later.
My first time was in 2005. Sadly, I disliked the show greatly because it was very confusing for me. I had never heard about anything from the show before then, and I had obstructed view seats.
I saw the movie, and kill me for saying thing, but it made me love it. I saw the show again the following year in September 06 and loved.
The best time I have ever seen it was last summer with Anthony and Adam. The combination of them, plus Tamyra, Merle and the understudy for Collins (Marcus Paul James, I think) made the evening spectacular.
I will probably not see RENT again just because that memory of the show was so powerful and perfect, that I would like that to be my last visit to Rent.
I first saw Rent in 1997. The only cast member I know for sure was Norbert Leo Butz as Roger (who could forget that name). I can clearly remember three things from that show. Loving the song One Song Glory, Roger doing a handcuff dance during Light My Candle, and the hand motions during La Vie Boheme. Oh yeah, I also could not understand one word during the song Rent, and neither could my sister. I went back to see it one more time that year so my husband could see it, and that was that, although I listened to the cast recording more times than I can count. Rent is the one album I have never grown tired of. Fast forward to 2005 and the movie. Of course I saw it, and although it was somewhat of a let down, it reawakened my interest in the show (and theater in general). I saw it 4 times after that, the last three in the months that Adam and Anthony were back. I can honestly say that seeing those two on that stage surpasses any theatrical experience I have ever had.