They were adorable singing along- Rosario, Tracie, Anthony, and Adam... They were singing but in funny voices, it just sounded so horrible but was so funny.
I think they really enjoyed the "sprea-ea-ea-ead love" part in SOL because they all joined in then and suddenly became very animated with lots of bizarre hand/arm motions
I didn't say plastic surgery ! But a little bottox and a tiny lip enhancement never heard anyone ! And I never intended to sound against her, even if she had something done. It is not bad to want to look beautiful, especially if you are in show business. I just pointed it out, because I am in the minority of not finding Idina pretty and in those pictures she looks stunning !
Greekmusical fan, I reeeeaally don't think Idina's had any work done. She's always had very full lips, and she's really whipped herself into amazing shape over the years.
Updated On: 11/14/05 at 08:04 PM
idina looks gorgeous in those pictures
Updated On: 11/14/05 at 08:04 PM
Maybe it's because she is at a great stage in her life and her career and that shows in her face. I am happy for her !
Updated On: 11/14/05 at 08:07 PM
Thanks for sharing the pictures guys! I would of gone, but that would of been a pretty long drive.
And yeah, the graphic on Anthony's shirt looks very familiar. *squints* Anyone know what it is?
I zoomed in on one of my pics of Anthony's shirt and above the monkey it says "3 Star U.K." and below it says "Pet my monkey"
Botox and lip enhancement count as plastic surgery. Or "cosmetic surgery" if you're into euphemisms.
Yes you are right, they do count. However, for me, surgery means more drastic measures that involve a scalpel (ouch). But I apologise !
Updated On: 11/14/05 at 08:16 PM
Great pictures. I am so jealous that I won't be in NYC until Nov 21 for Thanksgiving. I met a bunch of the cast members in LA on November 6. Everyone was so nice. Tracie and Rosario were so funny. Adam and I chatted for about 10 minutes and he was frickin adorable. I thought I would be a babbling idiot when I talked to him but he was so down to earth and easy to talk to. He told me some really funny stories including his days in Cabaret (which I thought he was amazing in)
Sadly I was at work all day so I couldn't go. Hey would all you people who posted pics mind if I used them on my Rosario and Tracie sites?
fine with me.
I wasn't there, but I had an errand that took me past the store at about 5:00ish, and if anyone on here is the woman I saw in line who dressed up for this signing in her Mimi getup (you know: leopard boots, blue pants, etc.) I just had to share that I loved the fact that someone came in costume like that for a signing, you completely made my afternoon!
Fant's pics are better, but here are a few of mine:
Pictures from me probably up tomorrow. (Well actually I got more backs of people than actual cast members, and Wilson was posing for me. I don't even have a picture of Wilson's ear or anything. ARGHH kid in the north fact jacket) *sigh* Idina left literally right when I was like 6 people away from the table.
Owww...props to the girl in the Mimi costume.
I asked about a certain waxy lion, Anthony said he doesn't know...and Tracie said that she doesn't even have an account here.
Updated On: 11/14/05 at 08:40 PM
liotte, that is one freaky picture of taye. and wilson was posing and smiling for me too, of course, then a poster or backpack or arm made there way into the pic too.
Girl in a Mimi costume? Is she in the pictures or just something you saw while you were there? Am I blind??!!
Kay, the Thread-Jacking Jedi
Quando omni flunkus moritati (When all else fails, play dead...)
"... chasin' the music. Trying to get home."
Peter Gregus: "Where are my house right ladies?!"
(love you, girls! - 6/13/06)
Stand-by Joined: 11/5/05
Taye...freaky @__@ Nice pics tho!
Creepy Taye picture! Eep!
Dream- Girl in the Mimi costume is just someone waiting on the line who I walked past when I was walking through Times Square this afternoon, standing there, clutching her Rent bible. And I loved the fact that she'd dressed up, it really did make my afternoon.
nope she's not in any of the pics on here!
Oh, I saw her! She perplexed me. Rosario gave her a hug.
It was weird to watch the trailer after having seen the movie. And to be surrounded by them. There's this incredible energy and love that you can FEEL.
I've never seen such sad looking people! Here they are, getting a big break, and they look like they just found out that everyone in their family has died. How about a little life? A little hapiness? A little thankfullness? I undertand that it's a tedious job to sign autographs and get pictures taken left and right, but it's not like this happens to a SINGLE one of them every day. Of course, I wasn't there, so the pictures might be deceptive. Oh well.
Of course, I wasn't there, so the pictures might be deceptive.
Exactly. Read all of the posts that say how happy they seemed and how friendly they were.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
I am so incredibly jealous that you guys got to go today! I wish I lived in the city, and nothing like hte RENT movie will ever happen again! I'm depressed now, but I'm glad there are such great people on that will instantly post pictures for us!
I love you guys! Thanks, though I am fuming with jealousy, ahha