I agree 100% with CapnHook. Awful behavior as usual, and the fat jokes are very low, no class. I hope it happens to you and you get the same sort of sympathy. No wonder why I haven't felt like posting much on this site lately.
"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one".
-Felicia Finley-
wow so many sick f***s on this board, i am not surprised in the slightest that members of the theatre community think everyone on this board is a nasty old queen at a time like this.
I met Rosie a few times and she could not have been nicer and funnier. Hope she is OK
Namo i love u but we get it already....you don't like Madonna
So after reading that she took an Aspirin and went on with her life after quite obviously suffering from the major symptoms, I'm supposed to feel bad? Of course I don't wish her ill. I'm glad she's okay. I just think it's foolish she put herself in such peril. I was poking fun AT THAT.
And fat jokes? If anyone called anyone fat (unfunny, and unwise) it was ME calling MYSELF fat. Maybe some of you don't read as carefully as you think you do. Of course, a heart attack is not funny, but Rosie did not handle this one well, and the only when she'd be affecting would be herself and her loved ones. Which again, makes me ask the question, wouldn't someone in her family, at home, SOMEWHERE have said, "Hey, you really shouldn't mess around. Go to the doctor or call 911?"
muscle, wishing a heart attack on anyone (especially anonymous message board members, who don't have much clout) is perhaps more "awful" that poking fun at Rosie's foolishness and e.e. cummings blog entries.
Again, wishing Rosie a speedy recovery, but seriously, call 911 right away. Jeez.
I love faux outrage, it's my favorite thing in the world. It's hilarious to me when people decide to get all Hugh and mighty over something that doesn't exist.
Nobody was mean to Ro in this thread. If there was anything "negative" said, it was that she should have called 911 and that it was stupid she didn't (and I won't apologize for that). If you have symptoms of a heart attack, YOU GO TO THE HOSPITAL.
But all this up in arms, pearl clutching is funny since there's nothing here to clutch your pearls over.
^ Amen, Jordan. Sometimes people on message boards just need something to be outraged over. And those who are offended still have not answered.... what did you think of all of the "well she had it coming!" comments to Paula Dean's diabetes reveal?
Paula was never on Broadway so it's obviously not the same thing.
And where in this thread did people say she deserved it? You people are like the Tea Party - you're all outraged at something that never even happened.
"I can understand hating on a people like them (while I still find it slightly inhuman in those instances too), but our friend, supporter, and cheerleader Rosie? On a Broadway message board, to publicly mock her in this way, is deplorable."
So you can understand when people mock those who you don't like die of heart attacks, but not when it's someone who's a friend of Broadway? Same with the Paula Deen double standard. I find the hypocritical picking and choosing of who deserves sympathy more deplorable than the "mocking" poetry.
Rosie herself choose to tweet about a really serious health risk in poem form, so responding in turn is hardly inappropriate.
Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never
knowing how
I'm not going to take sides and debate the comments here, but I think one thing should be cleared up ...
I've never had a heart attack myself (knock wood!), but I've had two friends who've had them.
You don't always know you're having one. The symptoms are confusing because they could be other things, like flu, primarily, or muscle strain. Or even heartburn (hence the name). The fact that she didn't pick up the phone and call 911 is actually very common. Most people (the percentage is high) don't call right away. That's what increases the chance for serious heart damage or death.
All "poetry" aside, I think that's her point. To raise awareness to get help quickly and not either live in denial or misinterpret the symptoms.
Of course, does that mean everyone who becomes nauseous with cold sweats and strained muscles should dial 911? That could be interesting.
"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22
rosie scream "liars get cancer" i get cancer am i lyar? what i lie about?
"You know what happens to people who lie," the witness quoted O'Donnell as saying. "They get sick and they get cancer. If they keep lying, they get it again."
"" And those who are offended still have not answered.... what did you think of all of the "well she had it coming!" comments to Paula Dean's diabetes reveal? ""
One difference is that Paula Dean was gleefully and profitably helping people along to their own heart attacks with her ridiculously unhealthy cooking while (at least for the last year or two) knowing that kinda food had led her to diabetes. AND she waited to announce and educate people about the health risks AFTER negotiating a huge deal to be a diabetes medicine spokesperson, offsetting the money she'll lose when her fans wake up to what 10 lbs of butter daily does to you...