Chorus Member Joined: 1/26/17
Hi! I'm not familiar with rush, could someone explain how it works? I am going to New York next week and will be able to see a Wednesday matinee, and I'd like to see Saigon with my mom. However, she has a back injury and is unable to stand in line for too long. Approximately when would we have to get in line and how long would we have to stand for? If you don't think we'd be able to get tickets for Saigon, what shows could we get tickets for?
Broadway Star Joined: 7/28/13
Samara.tanner said: "I'd like to see Saigon with my mom. However, she has a back injury and is unable to stand in line for too long."
Assuming you only need 2 rush tickets then your mom doesn't have to be there at all as you are entitled to 2 per person.
I've walked up to the box office 30 minutes before curtain and they always have rush tickets, box office opens at 10am, but you don't need to be there any earlier to get tickets.
Just curious, phan24, where were your seats when you got your rush seats 30 mins prior?
Swing Joined: 4/13/16
I did rush three months ago around 4pm on a Thursday. Got two tickets, left Orchestra, row N. perfect view. Didn't miss anything. Definitely one of the easier rush shows.
Stand-by Joined: 6/5/17
I've rushed Saigon 3 times. First time ended up partial view, granted I only got there right before curtain. Second time got center front orchestra, perfect perfect view. Got there maybe two hours before curtain. Then third time got orchestra row R, center left which is still a really good view. Got there in the morning, 30 minutes after box office opened because I just happened to pass by.
Assuming this is still as easy? May check it out tomorrow afternoon...
Broadway Star Joined: 2/1/06
Swing Joined: 10/2/14
I rushed the show last week. I bought my ticket about half an hour before show time and had a wonderful seat. Third row orchestra right. I agree with the poster above who said it is one of the easiest shows to rush.
Rushed last Sunday, 11/19 for the 4pm afternoon matinee. Arrived around 11:15am for the 12 Noon box office opening, and was about 14th in line -- by the time Noon arrived, it had stretched around the corner.
Important thing to note: the show now seems to offer two tiers of rush -- $39 for Partial View, $55 for Full View., which you choose when you get to the window. I opted for the $55, which were Center Orchestra Row U - a great view, I really appreciated elements of the scenery and lighting design in new ways being a bit further back. That being said, I know other folks on here have gotten the Partial View rush and been pretty happy with the view / reported not missing much.
The show was in fantastic shape, btw -- all the principals were in and on fire. Eva in particular was extraordinary, and Jon Jon continues to find so many shades of malice and humor in the Engineer. Definitely go and take advantage of this pretty easy rush before I presume it gets busier in the holidays / the show's final weeks.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/12/15
They seem to be changing the full view price. Today they were selling it at $49 but it’s not that much of a difference
Swing Joined: 11/8/17
Notreallysilent 2 said: "They seem to be changing the full view price. Today they were selling it at $49 but it’s not that much of a difference "
I have rushed both weekday and weekend (and have friends who has as well) for this show. If they have full view on weekends it’s been $55 as of late. Weekday full view has been $49. Partial view seems to always be $39. I have observed this to be the consistent pricing beginning in the fall.
Any updates on seat locations for the full-view rush?
Swing Joined: 11/8/17
bandit964 said: "Any updates on seat locations for the full-view rush?"
My friends rushed Wednesday (12/27). They didn’t have any rush tickets for the matinee so they went to the evening show. They got full view tix house left in the mezz row b. They said the seats were great. They were also 3rd in line so I don’t know how many more full view seats there were. They said the house looked sold out
Swing Joined: 12/4/16
Did your friends get there just at 10am or earlier/later?
Understudy Joined: 8/20/17
Rushed today at 10.45
Pretty busy, busiest I’ve seen it
We got 3 partial view tixs in the orchestra!
They offered full view at the back of the mezz or partial view in the stalls. Doubtful I’ll miss much as we’re sitting to the far left of the stalls. I’ve seen the show before
I'm definitely going to try this next week when the crowds leave.
Got Orchestra D 9 & 11. Stamped "partial view." Anyone have any insight on how much we'll miss? Will we be able to see the helicopter?
Updated On: 1/5/18 at 12:00 PMBroadway Star Joined: 7/28/13
bandit964 said: "Got Orchestra D 9 & 11. Stamped "partial view." Anyone have any insight on how much we'll miss? Will we be able to see the helicopter?"
There will be plenty of more central seats empty for you to simply move into tonight.
I'm hoping. I got there at 10:50 and asked for full view rush. He said $49 and they'll be in the front mezz. I was so excited. He went to the computer and then said, "oh, we only have partial view for this performance." What a bummer.
Broadway Star Joined: 7/28/13
bandit964 said: "I'm hoping. I got there at 10:50 and asked for full view rush. He said $49 and they'll be in the front mezz. I was so excited. He went to the computer and then said, "oh, we only have partial view for this performance." What a bummer."
Why did you arrive hours late?
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/26/16
chuckydisc said: "bandit964 said: "I'm hoping. I got there at 10:50 and asked for full view rush. He said $49 and they'll be in the front mezz. I was so excited. He went to the computer and then said, "oh, we only have partial view for this performance." What a bummer."
Why did you arrive hours late?
What are you his mom? What's it to you?
Broadway Star Joined: 7/28/13
UncleCharlie said: "chuckydisc said: "bandit964 said: "I'm hoping. I got there at 10:50 and asked for full view rush. He said $49 and they'll be in the front mezz. I was so excited. He went to the computer and then said, "oh, we only have partial view for this performance." What a bummer."
Why did you arrive hours late?
What are you his mom? What's it to you?"
Did I ask for your opinion?
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/26/16
chuckydisc said: "Did I ask for your opinion?"
Not being asked for your opinion never seems to stop you. What's your deal anyway? You seem to do nothing but constantly troll rush and lottery threads just to give people crap for no reason. What time they were able to get to the rush line, how early they were able to leave their house, how long they felt they were able to stand? You've got a belittling comment for everyone. Is this truly the best use you can find for your time?
Broadway Star Joined: 7/28/13
UncleCharlie said: "chuckydisc said: "Did I ask for your opinion?"
Not being asked for your opinion never seems to stop you. What's your deal anyway? You seem to do nothing but constantly troll rush and lottery threads just to give people crap for no reason. What time they were able to get to the rush line, how early they were able to leave their house, how long they felt they were able to stand? You've got a belittling comment for everyone. Is this truly the best use you can find for your time?"
If said people don't bother to do what's necessary to achieve success on the rush line then it's not belittling, it's truth-telling.