Lot666 said: "If this is to be a recording of the Broadway cast (as opposed to filming a "movie version" of the story), why would it take until September of 2020 to complete?"
Editing, likely. And just general scheduling. If I recall American Son, which closed in January, isn't premiering for awhile either. Production on it began in February. I think its mainly just making sure they can get the absolute best shots possible, along with sound, lighting, etc to fit it on the screen to the best of its ability. I agree thats a long time though
And it is worth nothing that Netflix has now filmed more original broadway content than BroadwayHD has.
Not shocking to hear haha. My main point with broadwayHD earlier was that its a place to stream broadway shows, where I always felt Netflix has the $ and power to produce more works like this. There in no way competing cause the competition is over lol
raddersons said: "I could see Ana Gasteyer in basically any of the adult roles. But her Dee Dee would be especially outstanding."
I really hope they just stick with the original cast, assuming this is a filmed version of the stage production. They're all flawless.
I've only seen the show once, but the casting suggestions in this thread have me so oddly defensive! Leave Britney alone!
I agree a year and a half to film and edit a show seems like a long time.
One thought is the timing for the 2020 election is not only intentional, as Murphy says, but they'll be sitting on it for some months and simply release it then.
It's strange. 1.5 years seems too short to put together a full feature film, but too long for just a filming and editing of the show on stage. What is this going to be?
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/7/18
I read a quote from Ryan Murphy saying people should still plan to see the show at the theater so that made me think this will be a filmed version of the stage show.
I'm excited that Netflix is going down this route with stage shows and I hope they continue to add more of them. I wish they had been able to do the same thing with Anastasia.
RWPrincess said: "I read a quote from Ryan Murphy saying people should still plan to see the show at thetheaterso that made me think this will be a filmed version of the stage show.
I'm excited that Netflix is going down this route with stage shows and I hope they continue to add more of them. I wish they had been able to do the same thing with Anastasia."
Technically, Netflix have Murphy permission to do whatever he wants - he chose a stage show - so I wouldn’t expect Netflix execs to continue doing them unless one of them is a massive success, or, Springsteen.
I would love the original cast to do this. They're brilliant, they inspired these roles, and they deserve to play them.
Catherine O'Hara as Dee Dee
Nathan Lane as Barry
Neil Patrick Harris as Trent
Jane Krakowski as Angie
John Mulaney as Sheldon
with Laurie Metcalf as Mrs. Greene
and Lawrence Fishburne as the Principal
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/10/11
RippedMan said: "I could see this as a movie easily. But I’d imagine they’ll just record the Broadway version which is cool!"
I hope they don't do that. The show was just so cheesy looking. I'd love to see it opened up. It would not need to cost a fortune, certainly if one considers the production values of some of the movies they have already filmed for Netflix.
I always assume ratings are always going to be a variable, and I can't help thinking that the casting suggested by SomethingPeculair is pretty perfect, although I would counter with Bernadette Peters or Patti Lupone as Dee Dee and Brian Stokes Mitchell as the Principal.
kofler22 said: "Jordan Catalano said: "If they’re casting “names”, I hope they get Krakowski for Angie."
And Patti Lupone for Dee Dee!!
Sorry, but no. Recasting Beth would be a sin.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/10/11
Recasting Leavel would probably be a sin only if they went with a non-name and still used other members of the original cast..
If they went for someone more famous -- and Patti Lupone or BP would be great in the role -- it would represent pretty much the history of movie adaptations. Have to admit that Leavel was definitely having an off-night when I saw her Christmas week, so I don't see it as a sin at all.
One more thing...I thought the Glenn Close suggestion was bad initially, but then I thought that she is a master at intentional overacting, and she could still almost play Norma Desmond on film.
Update from sources:
This will definitely be a feature film, at this point none of the main leads are returning and instead being replaced by big names (James Corden rumored as Barry)
phan24 said: "Update from sources:
This will definitely be a feature film, at this point none of the main leads are returning and instead being replaced by big names (James Corden rumored as Barry)"
Interesting. Well, they will always have the Broadway cast to fall back on if they can't secure bigger names. And it's important that the film be seen, and more people will see it if bigger names are cast.
My biggest hope is that they rework the Trent character. He doesn't serve much of a purpose, and he and Sheldon could easily be combined into a much better role.
SomethingPeculiar said: "phan24 said: "Update from sources:
This will definitely be a feature film, at this point none of the main leads are returning and instead being replaced by big names (James Corden rumored as Barry)"
Interesting. Well, they will always have the Broadway cast to fall back on if they can't secure bigger names. And it's important that the film be seen,and more people will see it if bigger names are cast.
My biggest hope is that they rework the Trent character. He doesn't serve much of a purpose, and he and Sheldon could easily be combined into a much better role."
Fun fact, Sheldon was originally supposed to be a sleazy agent type to fit that trope but the creative team didn’t think it worked with the wholesome nature of the show. I like Sheldon’s character but agree he doesn’t exactly fit any broadway stereotype/trope like all the others do.
“James Corden rumored as Barry”
Huh, a straight man playing this role just seems wrong...
phan24 said: "Update from sources:
This will definitely be a feature film, at this point none of the main leads are returning and instead being replaced by big names (James Corden rumored as Barry)"
To quote renowned Drag Race queen, Thorgy Thor...”Ew. Jesus. Gross.”
James Corden is becoming too much like Rosie O’Donnell. Overly chipper theatre geek who tries to ingratiate himself with Broadway at a long arm’s length from LA. The only difference between them is that’s Corden has a Tony. If they cast him, it would honestly be a major disservice to the character
Rogerdellibovi said: "Fun fact, Sheldon was originally supposed to be a sleazy agent type to fit that trope but the creative team didn’t think it worked with the wholesome nature of the show. I like Sheldon’s character but agree he doesn’t exactly fit any broadway stereotype/trope like all the others do."
Sheldon absolutely fits into Broadway stereotypes! (I believe Josh Lamon said in an interview that he's based on Rick Miramontez who owns the PR company O&M.)
The characters of Trent, Sheldon, and Angie just don't have much to do that serves the story in an interesting way. Sure, "Zazz" and "Love Thy Neighbor" both move the plot forward (and "Zazz" has the important function of being a curtain-raiser to ease the audience back into Act 2), but those numbers feel almost shoehorned in. Whether it's changes to the book/screenplay, the score, or something else, I hope those elements can feel a little more integrated in the film version.
Come on Ryan Murphey, you can do better than James Corden.
Honestly, James Corden as Barry would nearly kill this project for me. There just has to be someone better.
Per Michael Musto’s recent conversation with Angie Schworer, it’s going to be a celebrity cast and that the OBC wasn’t invited back.
Scroll down past the interview with Alaska
James Corden is becoming too much like Rosie O’Donnell. Overly chipper theatre geek who tries to ingratiate himself with Broadway at a long arm’s length from LA."
That is quite the oppressive amount of cynicism.
For context, an opposite view: he's a theatre baby who got a one-in-a-million gig and keep trying to find ways to stay connected to his former passion.
Broadway Star Joined: 3/23/05
Not Corden. No! No! No! Unfortunately, he’ll alienate a huge UK audience if he goes with Corden, as he isn’t very well liked over here.
Ryan Murphy Sets Netflix ‘Prom’ Musical: Streep, Corden, Kidman, Ariana Grande, Awkwafina, Key, Rannels To Star - https://t.co/sXlKRli5o2
This is insane! Keenan playing Streep's "love interest" would be... interesting on screen lol.
Do we really need that big of a all star cast for the movie adaption of The Prom? Like Streep and Conden in yet another musical movie? And Ariana Grande ruined Hairspray for me. Better than her in the Wicked movie though.