This Australian Joe Gillis is v e r y easy on the eyes.
BrodyFosse123 said: ""
Rubbish. They should be working on her voice not her calves.
Without SB there would have been no SB. Australia has many who can play that role so share it.
Good luck Sydney---if it gets there. Send MsB home and open with Sylvie.
This has been an absolute disaster. Again so hilarious to think that people actually were suggesting this production and star should have been on Broadway. Embarrassing. At the same time, this has now become an absolute cult theatre badge of honour. To say you have seen "Sarah Brightman" in Sunset will be one of those rare events like seeing the original production of Carrie. The only thing I'm truly sad about is I don't know if Jordan actually saw her yet? I hope for your own sake you do.
Featured Actor Joined: 9/25/22
I feel like Sarah will return for the final performance just for the whooping and hollering. She's too proud to hide away, defeated, and let that be the story. She'll want to control the narrative for the sake of legacy.
I highly doubt there is any injury, except to her pride.
It's honestly a shame they didn't just stick to local talent for this and find a new belting Norma because the sets, score and costumes are all good.
I also hope Jordan gets to see it, for all those of us who can't.
Her brother is the one protecting her, very controlling, and keeping all the press away.
Chorus Member Joined: 5/23/24
SweetLips22 said: "Her brother is the one protecting her, very controlling, and keeping all the press away."
You say this like you're in the know. How do you know?
I have a few friends involved in different sections of all things theater and with this train wreck there is no bottle that the lid is not unscrewed without some gossip escaping.
Chorus Member Joined: 5/23/24
I'm not sure the entire thing is a train wreck. There has been complimentary comments about the cast and the production. Just Sarah's involvement has really been ripped.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/10/11
Ensemble1716440075 said: "I'm not sure the entire thing is a train wreck. There has been complimentary comments about the cast and the production. Just Sarah's involvement has really been ripped."
But if Norma is an embarrassment, what’s the point? SN is Norma!
My apologies[train wreck] to everyone else in the company as there has been nothing but glowing reports to everything but.....
I won't share any more T [and there is lots] as it isn't healthy. I just hope Sunset can keep from setting as long as possible with all the other incredibly talent people involved.
Featured Actor Joined: 9/25/22
JBradshaw said: "? Why is there so much Brightman dislike?"
I don't think there's anyone personally gunning for her ... it's just that there were obvious issues with casting her from the start and this outcome was avoidable if she and her people had figured out how to handle it before moving ahead.
Its a shame, honestly. I for one hoped she'd tear into it as an acting challenge.
How was she during the begging/screaming scenes?
Swing Joined: 6/30/24
SweetLips22 said: "My apologies[train wreck] to everyone else in the company as there has been nothing but glowing reports to everything but.....
I won't share any more T [and there is lots] as it isn't healthy. I just hope Sunset can keep from setting as long as possible with all the other incredibly talent people involved."
As a dedicated fan who was explicitly encouraged to still go, I can’t wait for the tea to spill.
JBradshaw said: "? Why is there so much Brightman dislike?"
Huh? Her questionable casting was always the discussion - can she handle SUNSET BOULEVARD? There was never any dislike of her it’s just many felt she was over her head attempting the role of Norma Desmond and once performances began, all the speculation turned out to be true. As it’s happened many times before, she was not a good fit with the musical as a whole.
Is there a chance she doesn't open Sydney at all? I have a friend who is flying down under specifically to see her in this. I think the second or third show. If so, hopefully there will enough notice to change his plans.
Broadway Star Joined: 4/30/22
sr4mjc said: "Is there a chance she doesn't open Sydney at all? I have a friend who is flying down under specifically to see her in this. I think the second or third show. If so, hopefully there will enough notice to change his plans. "
As it’s been almost a month with no performances from Brightman, and several “She’ll be back tonight!” announcements during that time, my theory is that she’s actually left the country, and the producers know it.
They’ll eventually tell the public that Brightman won’t be back, but to “please support the alternate and don’t ask for refunds.” Seems like they’re trying to lessen the loss by delaying the announcement of Brightman being permanently GONE, as the rush of refunds for the weeks ahead would be truly expensive.
It will be a difficult moment to face, but it’s coming. I’d love to be a fly on the wall during producer meetings and phone calls.
(I may be wrong, and I haven’t heard from anyone “inside” - this just seems like where the whole thing is heading).
While I do agree with that, it’s even stranger that the very day the news articles broke;m, the show put out that new video using Brightman’s singing to advertise the shows Sydney run, ending with the image of her and her name so they ARE selling tickets for that based on her still doing it.
And personally, I’d like some confirmation ASAP because I still want to see her do this.
I think that the old girl will pull it together and not miss her closeup! (at least for a bit)
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/10/11
I think this whole thread reads like the plot of a movie about a past-her-prime diva (who could never act in the first place) preparing to star in a revival of SB, to disastrous results, leading her to go insane in the last scene. Ony the best scenes from the musical SB would actually be in the movie...and those scenes would be with the very talented younger but still age appropriate replacement performing the musical numbers, as the diva imagines that she is about to go on for her next performance. Maybe that's how we will get at least some of SB in a movie.
Jarethan said: "I think this whole thread reads like the plot of a movie about a past-her-prime diva (who could never act in the first place)preparing to star in a revival of SB, to disastrous results, leading her to go insane in the last scene. Ony the best scenes from the musical SB would actually be in the movie...and those scenes would be with the very talented younger but still age appropriate replacement performing the musical numbers, as the diva imagines that she is about to go on for her next performance. Maybe that's how we will get at least some of SB in a movie."
I can see it now, Sunset BLVD the Musical: The Show: The Movie.
Chorus Member Joined: 5/23/24
What new video? Referenced in one of the above comments that didn't show up as quoted.
Updated On: 6/30/24 at 09:51 PMFeatured Actor Joined: 9/25/22
Broadway Star Joined: 4/30/22
Listener said: "Well, she's still in it!"
For ticket sale purposes, sure. In practical terms she hasn’t been in it for weeks.