Broadway Star Joined: 5/19/17
Hi all, my sister is coming to visit next month (a Saturday afternoon) and wants to see Spongebob. Tickets are selling better than I expected and the pickings are somewhat slim for her date! We can do $155 each in the front row of the orch or $89 with a code row F in th side mezz. Part of me wants to treat her to the front row experience but the other part of me says that much for spongebob is crazy + it seems like a show better viewed from a distance. I’m worried if we wait until day-of and try TKTS there won’t be anything available.
Any thoughts would be appreciated! Thanks
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/30/15
i was center MEZZ row D last night and it was a great view! I wouldn't want to be too close because there's so much going on and it's a massive set.
Broadway Star Joined: 5/19/17
Updated On: 11/18/17 at 01:11 PM
I saw the show tonight and thought it was a ton of fun. In fact I haven't seen a broadway audience have that much fun ever - the energy was amazing. And it wasn't just the kids. The ones that are getting the biggest thrills are the millenials who, I assume, grew up watching the tv show. The set is FANTASTIC. The songs are catchy and the cast is great; Ethan Slater is outstanding. I really hope this catches on and stays for a while. It's a nice change of pace from the Disney shows to be sure.
Just an FYI, the show has been up at TKTS for 50% off every show since it started.
Saw the show tonight, and so many thoughts. Years from now, this show will be done by community theatres and schools and will be a money-maker that way, but at the moment, oy. The cast worked their butts off and, of course, were super talented (although I didn't love Sandy), the costumes and sets were so creative (which is part of the reason I think it'll be a success in regional theatres), but the plot and songs just weren't strong enough.
I get that it's Spongebob and not Shakespeare, but the jokes and songs in the first act were painful. Not a tuneful song in the bunch. I guess "BFF" was okay, but "okay" isn't really what I'm looking for in a Broadway musical. It did get better in the second act with catchier songs and loose ends being tied up, but I still had a bad taste in my mouth from earlier.
I ran into friends there of three generations - grandma, mom, and son. All were bored. Even a theater-goer on the other side seemed disinterested by yelling "Let's go!" as the countdown happened at the end of the show. I wish them luck because that cast really is working hard and deserve genuine applause, but the show itself isn't doing them any favors.
If anyone is curious... if you search "Palace Theater" in public stories on Snapchat, there's a short clip of Wesley Taylor singing "When the Going Gets Tough"
They couldn't give tickets away in Chicago and the theatre was half empty when I was there. It was on Goldstar for every performance. I am unsure how they didn't factor that in to the demand for this show. Unless it has been completely retooled (which it sounds like it hasn't) I'm not sure what the producers are expecting. This is a niche show that probably should have just toured.
A friend of mine gave me free tickets in the front mezz (Rough for people over 5’10, FYI). I went expecting to hate it, and my twin sister, who hates musicals and hasn’t seen one in 18.5 years, went with me.
Don’t get me wrong. The plot is threadbare, if completely non-existent. At times, it truly felt like it was a 15-minute cartoon stretched to 2 hours and 26 minutes (Start: 7:38, End 10:04). But this is moreso a visual spectacle and a pastiche variety show with familiar characters loved by people born in the last 20-25 years. There were enough Easter eggs from the original series thrown in to make longtime fans happy, and some hokey jokes that were eeeily resonant about current politics. But by the end, I was just leaving the theatre walking on air and feeling joy I haven’t felt in a while. And my sister was a convert in under 10 minutes (and that’s saying something)...
P.S - The Stage Door was guarded and passerby’s were explicitly told no autographs tonight.
Bettyboy72 said: "They couldn't give tickets away in Chicago and the theatre was half empty when I was there. It was on Goldstar for every performance. I am unsure how they didn't factor that in to the demand for this show. Unless it has been completely retooled (which it sounds like it hasn't) I'm not sure what the producers are expecting. This is a niche show that probably should have just toured."
To be fair, the Oriental is a much bigger theater than even the Palace, the audience is much smaller in Chicago, and plenty of shows take a bath on their out-of-town tryouts there.
I wish they'd put a giant pineapple outside on the marquee. They def are advertising it. I think the problem is like, with a Disney movie, you have a great story. It's interesting, etc. With this it felt like one super long epsisode. And I don't get why people are going crazy for the set. Besides the build out into the audience, it's all fairly simple stuff. I think the build out just makes the show seem bigger than it is. I wish Sandy had a better song to showcase her voice. And less ballads.
Two thoughts:
1. Has anyone seen the new commercial for the show? It's bright, it's quirky, and it's like theatre acid. Lol!
2. Do you suppose it would have been beneficial to incorporate original songs that were actually in the TV series? ("Sweet Victory?" "This Kitchen's Not the Same?" "Campfire Song Song?"
Ado Annie D'Ysquith said: "Two thoughts:
1. Has anyone seen the new commercial for the show? It's bright, it's quirky, and it's like theatre acid. Lol!
2. Do you suppose it would have been beneficial to incorporate original songs that were actually in the TV series? ("Sweet Victory?" "This Kitchen's Not the Same?" "Campfire Song Song?""
1. I love it! It's nice to see a commercial with the new Broadway costumes instead of the Chicago ones. They need to update their Facebook Ads to previews with the commercial because just a few minutes ago, I saw one with Chicago footage.
2. I wish they incorporate one or two more songs from the TV series because I think it draws in an audience that's familiar with the show. I was telling my friend who doesn't like musicals about Spongebob and the first thing she asked was if "Best Day Ever" was in it. So I can see why they included "Best Day Ever" & I'm happy that they did, but it would've been nice to also hear one of the ones you listed or even "The F.U.N Song"! :)
I went in expecting to be entertained and amused by a show that captures the absurdist and anarchic, but good-natured, spirit of a cartoon. And I totally was. As an stage adaptation of a cartoon as surreal and silly as SpongeBob Squarepants, this is absolutely successful.
Yes, the show tries to give every recognizable character from the series stuff to do and ultimately that means it is overstuffed and unfocused. The songs get the slightest of setups and give no insight into character and don't move the plot forward. ...But it's Spongebob. Adjust your expectations accordingly. In many ways, it feels like an early musical comedy from the 30s/40s, in which the plot is nothing but a frame on which songs and moments hang. Unsurprisingly, I think Jonathan Coulton and They Might Be Giants contributed the most successful "theatre" songs (I would love to see Coulton do more theatre work, actually, as he is very adept at writing character-driven material). And a lot of it worked for me, however silly and slight. Only Jon Rua's inexplicably accented and subdued pirate failed to really click. A really magnetic comedic character actor is needed there, and Rua just isn't that.
The found object and DIY-feel of the design offers no end of creativity- the abstract and evocative take on undersea life was more interesting than something more literal (I especially liked the ensemble woman who wore a dress of rubber gloves). It also harkened back to real 90s Nickelodeon programming, especially the game/competition shows. Landau also offers up one surprising and delightful staging moment after another, and the sound design and live foley artist really tie things together.
Ethan Slater is really giving a star turn- an intensely physical and charming performance. Gavin Lee is certainly a standout, and Jai'Len Christine Li Josey as Pearl manages to steal every moment she is given with her powerhouse vocals (and was a clear audience favorite because of them). If we must get a Dreamgirls revival, well, there's the real pick for Effie.
And hey- I appreciate that they managed to work in a message about accepting immigrants and the power of science.
Broadway Star Joined: 10/28/17
quizking101 said: "P.S - The Stage Door was guarded and passerby’s were explicitly told no autographs tonight. "
A quick note for those planning on stagedooring tonight: there was no signing on 11/20 because the cast had a rehearsal for their Thanksgiving performance. I wouldn't be surprised if they do the same tonight because the actors have an early start tomorrow, not to mention they just did like 10 shows straight. That said, if they do sign tonight, be extra mindful and gracious if ya can.
Has anyone sat in either of the side orchestra sections for this? I had right side orchestra seat N 2 for the matinee next Wednesday, 11/29, but the show has been cancelled. That seat isn't availablefor my backup date, but M 1 and M 2 are open. Can anyone comment about the sightlines from row M on either side, or would seat N 4 be preferable?
Updated On: 11/22/17 at 09:14 PM
Saw this tonight and loved it. Yes, act two needs to hurry up, but what a blast true to the surrealist spirit of the cartoon's earlier seasons. I would've lost my sh!t if the show included a cameo from this duo though, ...
CT2NYC said: "Has anyone sat in either of the side orchestra sections for this? I had right side orchestra seat N 2 for the matinee next Wednesday, 11/29, but the show has been cancelled. That seat isn't availablefor my backup date, but M 1 and M 2 are open. Can anyone comment about the sightlines from row M on either side, or would seat N 4 be preferable?"
If stat closer to the aisle, so I'd take m1
Thank you Kad for yet another intelligent, coherent, informative and critical POV for the show. I have only heard the cast recording and seeing it today in the parade was fun, peppy and we're ready to buy tickets now. Ethan and that ensemble are certainly having a ball and those performances are electric. It's a bummer when some of these sourpusses around here have to be derogatory, just to troll/argue..."well the sky is NOT blue" attitudes..
So it's Turkey-Lurkey Time and thanks Kad, and Happy Happy to Everyone. I'm sure SpongeBob will benefit from the exposure today and wish "break a leg(s)"
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/15/03
A good portion of the sidewalk in Shubrt Alley has been turned into a SPONGEBOB ad. Obviousely they have a big budget.
I really loved this. It's a ton of fun, and it made me laugh for the whole 2:30. The set is so inventive and impressive, as is Landau's direction. The cast is terrific, especially Ethan Slater. I was exhausted just watching him.
Some of the songs work better than others but I think Tom Kitt did a great job of making them all sound cohesive.
My only complaint is the costumes. I didn't think anyone really looked like sea creatures. In fact, they reminded me more of Dr. Seuss than Spongebob.
How can a Spongebob Musical be amazing?! With this crazy and dark world, this is the ultimate escape and pick-me-up. Brilliant and so so damn uplifting. I say this is a lock for Best Scenic Design, Best Direction, Best Sound Design, and Best Lighting Design.
The whole cast was incredible. No matter how underwritten their characters were (believe me, there were a lot! More on that in a sec), all of the actors pulled it off. Every single person was a star, but Ethan Slater (Spongebob) and Gavin Lee (Squidward) were so spectacular and they deserve every award and nomination that will come to them. This is the perfect Broadway debut for Ethan. He is doing fantastic work, character-wise, vocal-wise, and physical-wise. His energy and sweetness are contagious. Gavin's acting for Squidward is fun and spot-on, but his dancing in I'm Not a Loser is phenomenal. I say both of them could easily win Tonys, depending on the competition. Other favorites are Kelvin Moon Loh (his bass is so cool!), Wesley Taylor as Plankton, and Stephanie Hsu as Karen. I like Carlos Lopez as Mr. Krabs in the cast album, but Brian Ray Norris's voice is so uncanny as the one in the show. Like others have said, Jai'len is amazing as Pearl! Can't wait to see what she does next.
My problem with the show is the book. They do have great jokes that are original and from the show (The "is mayonnaise an instrument" line from the TV show was met with cheers). The FIDDLER ON THE ROOF reference was brilliant and I was laughing for a solid minute. They have so many plots together that is a somewhat jumbled mess. They did fix some of the problems with cutting a lot of Patchy time (I still think they should have cut him altogether) and thankfully expanded Plankton & Karen's roles (Wesley and Stephanie are so excellent and hilarious together! BIG GUY!), but the structure is still a little bit complicated with Plot A, Plot B, Plot C etc. I also thought some of the characters were extremely unwritten. Patrick is my favorite character in the TV show and I thought he was so badly-written. I don't know if Patrick was too whiny or if something was missing from him. But, like I said: the actors made every role work. Danny nearly makes up for the writing; he is really funny and quick as Patrick. It doesn't help at all that they cut Patrick's verse in BFF. I also don't like that Mr. Krabs doesn't change. He may recognize his daughter more, but he still prefers money over her and the town at the end. Also, I also thought some of the politic jokes and the anti-prejudice messages were weird and forced. It was the show trying to be hip and it doesn't work. At all.
But, the show is really a great time and it's something that we do need right now. Ethan's performance is especially not to be missed. I highly recommend doing your Spongebob research before seeing the show because you won't get some things like Patchy.
Broadway Star Joined: 5/19/17
What was the Fiddler reference? I’m surprised I missed that!
greenifyme2 said: "What was the Fiddler reference? I’m surprised I missed that!"
When the residents are abandoning Bikini Bottom, it's referencing "Anatevka," and one of the projections shows a fiddler on a roof.
^^EDIT: Yeah, what he said. I wish they said who wrote the parody. I'm assuming the Anatevka parody wasn't in early previews?
Updated On: 12/30/17 at 12:00 PMVideos