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Sara Bareilles in WAITRESS

Dancingthrulife2 Profile Photo
#125Sara Bareilles in WAITRESS
Posted: 5/13/17 at 4:56pm

KathyNYC2 said: "I agree they have different styles that both work extremely well for the show. But I don't agree that Jessie is a better actress. More experienced perhaps but with that comes both pros and cons. Sara has an amazing ability to read and listen to each line and make those moments her own...and because she is new to this acting thing, she makes the most of every moment. I mean who knew? 



If you are asking the audience to pay $200 for a ticket, there's no excuse for not being Broadway-ready, definitely not "new to this acting thing." 

Updated On: 5/13/17 at 04:56 PM

thebookofwhizzer Profile Photo
#126Sara Bareilles in WAITRESS
Posted: 5/13/17 at 5:27pm

i saw the show today, it was amazing!! i think sara was perfect!! and even though it was a Sat matinee and raining she still came out and signed for everyone!! she wouldn't pose for pics though

“6 AM. The sky glows. Somewhere a bird chirps. I want to shoot it.” ~ Jonathan Larson, Tick...Tick..BOOM

#127Sara Bareilles in WAITRESS
Posted: 5/13/17 at 6:10pm

Dancingthrulife2 said: "KathyNYC2 said: "I agree they have different styles that both work extremely well for the show. But I don't agree that Jessie is a better actress. More experienced perhaps but with that comes both pros and cons. Sara has an amazing ability to read and listen to each line and make those moments her own...and because she is new to this acting thing, she makes the most of every moment. I mean who knew? 



If you are asking the audience to pay $200 for a ticket, there's no excuse for not being Broadway-ready, definitely not "new to this acting thing." 



She IS totally Broadway ready. Some complained that this was just stunt casting. But she is simply fabulous... new or not. She IS new to this acting thing....everyone starts somewhere....but she's obviously worked hard and it shows. 


#128Sara Bareilles in WAITRESS
Posted: 5/13/17 at 11:59pm

I found Sara superior to Jessie in every way including acting. Sara just has charisma, my eyes were drawn to her at all times. I found her a flawless actress, and really, how can anyone have expected her not to be. Fine, she never "acted" before but she's a performer and if you can convey emotion in writing and performing songs, i don't see why you wouldn't be able to do so while acting also. She did write the music and lyrics after all. 

As far as the only criticism that some here are leveling at her, I always thought--and still do though Sara pulls it off as well as possible--that the whole Sara/Earl abusive relationship is the fatal flaw of the musical. Outside of that dynamic, the musical is a complete farce. Every character is a complete caricature and the whole musical is not meant to be taken seriously (such as how the presentation of infidelity as the greatest thing ever is not meant to be taken seriously). Well, everything is not meant to be taken seriously EXCEPT for the Sara/Earl relationship which, for understandable reasons, is supposed to be as serious as it gets. Hell, the character Earl is a complete caricature one moment and a serious abusive husband the next, not to mention that one time before "she used to be mine" where the creatives decided to actually try to get the audience to feel sorry for him and portray him as sad guy who only has Jenna. The Sara/Earl relationship is just a flaw: both Jessie and Sara did admirable jobs overcoming the flaw but the flaw is in the musical, not in Sara's performance. 

EDIT: I shouldn't say that Sara is "superior to Jessie in every way" . Truth be told, i saw Sara a full year after Jessie and I don't have the best memory so who knows.... My point is that Sara is amazing, there's something so special about seeing the creator perform her work, anyone wondering if Sara is worth seeing, the answer is yes... she has talent oozing out her pores so go see it if you have the funds (not cheap) to do so


Updated On: 5/15/17 at 11:59 PM

Call_me_jorge Profile Photo
#129Sara Bareilles in WAITRESS
Posted: 5/18/17 at 11:53am

Didn't know where to say this, but Drew is rejoining the show!

In our millions, in our billions, we are most powerful when we stand together. TW4C unwaveringly joins the worldwide masses, for we know our liberation is inseparably bound. Signed, Theater Workers for a Ceasefire

#130Sara Bareilles in WAITRESS
Posted: 5/18/17 at 1:07pm

OK... one more time to see Sara, Chris, and Will and then another time to see Betsy and Drew. That makes me feel better about the number of times I'm going to see Waitress. I saw his understudy the first time, who was good, but I'd like to see his take on the role.

#131Sara Bareilles in WAITRESS
Posted: 5/18/17 at 2:42pm

The only sad thing is that we won't see Drew with Sara - not even for one show. I would have killed to see that one...

Happy he's coming back (but sad to be losing Chris) take the good with the bad.

Anshel2 Profile Photo
#132Sara Bareilles in WAITRESS
Posted: 5/20/17 at 7:35pm

I saw both Jessie and Sara and I gotta say I enjoyed Sara so much more.  I had such a hard time understanding Jessie when she sang.  Have the same trouble on the recording.  Sara was sublime!

The Pecan Sandies
#133Sara Bareilles in WAITRESS
Posted: 5/21/17 at 1:21am

I returned to the Diner tonight after seeing Sara's first show back in March and I am even more impressed than I was the first time around.  Her acting has gotten much stronger and she seems at home on that stage.  She sounded incredible (no surprise) and while it will probably never happen I wish that we could get a recording of Sara's "What Baking Can Do" because she really knocks that song out of the park.  

The one big change form me was my opinion of Will Swenson's performance.  I was not a huge fan when i saw him the first time but whatever didn't click back then with me clicked tonight. The rest of the cast was still very strong and it was great to see Max Kumangai go on as Cal and Eric Anderson who was on as Joe. I have to say I think this replacement cast on a whole is stronger than the original cast 

#134Sara Bareilles in WAITRESS
Posted: 5/31/17 at 9:42pm

Took my mom as a gift today for the 2 pm matinee show, disappointed that Sara wasn't performing. Mother enjoyed it regardless but she was still disappointed. This was the only show that fit our schedule, so bummed out about the situation. Still was a great show but unfortunately did not get to see Sara

#135Sara Bareilles in WAITRESS
Posted: 5/31/17 at 10:41pm

What are you talking about? Sara performed in both shows today....

There were understudies for other roles but not for Jenna...


#136Sara Bareilles in WAITRESS
Posted: 5/31/17 at 10:51pm

KathyNYC2 said: "What are you talking about? Sara performed in both shows today....

There were understudies for other roles but not for Jenna...




Kathy, I am an idiot lol. I'm not the musical guy, it's my mother and girlfriend. I don't want to call my mom an idiot but I guess she looked at the little piece of paper inside the playbill and it showed a different name aside from Sara so she said to me that she was disappointed there was no Sara. I didn't think much of it because i'm not a huge musical guy. I enjoy them because it makes my mother and girlfriend happy.

My apologies for looking like a moron and not realizing that I did see her lol. I really do not know how to feel right now and I question how to word this now to my mother. lol I have no words

Updated On: 5/31/17 at 10:51 PM

#137Sara Bareilles in WAITRESS
Posted: 5/31/17 at 11:00pm

Now memories are coming back to me too and I said at one point, mom it does sound like Sara though


ugh I feel so stupid lol. Wait till I talk to my mother now tomorrow. Family is gonna have a field day with this one for years and my girlfriend is going to be cracking up as well, I might even end up single again after this. Thank you again Kathy for pointing it out to me

Updated On: 5/31/17 at 11:00 PM

RippedMan Profile Photo
#138Sara Bareilles in WAITRESS
Posted: 6/1/17 at 2:16am

I too wish we could get a live album. Oh well. She is incredible, and I'm such a super-fan now. I'm excited to see Betsy though. 

disneybroadwayfan22 Profile Photo
#140Sara Bareilles in WAITRESS
Posted: 11/29/17 at 10:18am

I want to thank God she starts right before I move to FL. And I also want to thank God for rush tickets

#141Sara Bareilles in WAITRESS
Posted: 11/29/17 at 10:23am

disneybroadwayfan22 said: "I want to thank God she starts right before I move to FL. And I also want to thank God for rush tickets"

Yeah, but WILL there be any rush tickets now...

#142Sara Bareilles in WAITRESS
Posted: 11/29/17 at 10:54am

Updated On: 2/10/19 at 10:54 AM

B.JAMES Profile Photo
#143Sara Bareilles in WAITRESS
Posted: 11/29/17 at 11:10am

Just got my seats for her last performance!

#144Sara Bareilles in WAITRESS
Posted: 11/29/17 at 11:44am

Just got my tickets for the last performance with Sara and Jason on 1/28/2018 @ 7:00 pm.
With Betsy leaving on 1/9/2018 and Sara not starting until 1/16,/2018, I wonder who will be playing Jenna for those dates in between.

BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
#145Sara Bareilles in WAITRESS
Posted: 11/29/17 at 11:44am

ren598 said: "I wonder who will be playing Jenna for those dates in between."

Probably Stephanie Torns, no?

#146Sara Bareilles in WAITRESS
Posted: 11/29/17 at 11:50am

JennH said: "disneybroadwayfan22 said: "I want to thank God she starts right before I move to FL. And I also want to thank God for rush tickets"

Yeah, but WILL there be any rush tickets now...

My guess is no, only SRO, but that's purely speculation.


poisonivy2 Profile Photo
#147Sara Bareilles in WAITRESS
Posted: 11/29/17 at 12:23pm

Uh how are you getting tickets? I can't buy tickets right now on Ticketmaster.

LYLS3637 Profile Photo
#148Sara Bareilles in WAITRESS
Posted: 11/29/17 at 12:31pm

poisonivy2 said: "Uh how are you getting tickets? I can't buy tickets right now on Ticketmaster."

Right now it's only the Amex presale. Tickets don't go on sale to the general public until the 7th it looks like.

"I shall stay until the wind changes."

#149Sara Bareilles in WAITRESS
Posted: 12/9/17 at 7:15pm

LYLS3637 said: "poisonivy2 said: "Uh how are you getting tickets? I can't buy tickets right now on Ticketmaster."

Right now it's only the Amex presale. Tickets don't go on sale to the general public until the 7th it looks like.

I was at The Children Thursday night. On a whim I swung by the box office and they had some nice box seats for the overlap of Sara and Jason. Prices are, alas, higher than they were two or three months ago for boxes
