Wow, I feel so stupid. I've seen this ad in about 5 different magazines and didn't even realize! haha
I went to 5 gaps around the city tonight to find the colored stripe scarf... finally succeeded in the last one where the girl sold me one of the display.. she said they sold out in almost every store over the last day.
Is there anyway to get a GAP poster of the Spring Awakening cast?
kikki327... i think ellen degeneres is in the front of that add you posted.........
is it me or are lea michele and johnathon groff next to each other in everything
I remember "The Producers" Gap ad, when they were all wearing khakis.
they have got to be the hottest cast i have ever seen!
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/23/05
they have got to be the hottest cast i have ever seen!
Then you must not have seen the cast of Accidental Death of an Anarchist.
Mmm... Gideon Glick...
What current magazines have the ad? I would love a copy!
they have the ads here in LA too. my non-theatre friends think they are just a bunch of random models.
steven22...Lea and Jonathan are actually extremely close in real life. But not THAT close...seeing as how she has a boyfriend who stars in Altar Boyz. His name starts with an L but it escapes me...but he obviously doesn't have a problem with Lea's close friendship to Jonathan. Which adds to my thoughts on Jonathan being gay. What other boyfriend wouldn't care if his girlfriend was that close to another guy unless he wasn't straight/a threat. Although, it isn't any of my business what Jonathan's sexual preference is...I've just always wondered.
And Gideon is a friend of mine...I'm always telling him how pretty he is haha he's just so cute!
Landon Beard....he's got a myspace and did a Fresh Face interview with him awhile back. Check him out if you're curious.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/23/05
His name starts with an L but it escapes me...but he obviously doesn't have a problem with Lea's close friendship to Jonathan. Which adds to my thoughts on Jonathan being gay.
And you are correct. I actually asked Landon's sister why he doesn't care that she is making out on stage topless with another guy every night. She told me that J. Groff is bi or just confused at the moment if he is gay or bi, and that is why Landon doesn't care. 'Cause it doesn't mean anything to him.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/12/06
I actually found the scarves obnoxious at first, but they're starting to grow on me. Just in time for them to disappear. I'll keep checking around; they should be on sale now!
Our Gap cafe here at the Corporate Headquarters shows a "behind the scenes" of the shooting of those Crazy Scarf Holiday 07 ads (we have a video station set up in there to keep up us on what the hell our company is doing)- the Spring Awakening cast is interviewed and shown getting ready, as well as Amy Pohler and her hubbie, and the others, not all of whom I know who they are. I've watched that damn video hundreds of times since mid November.
The Crazy Stripe scarf was extremely popular this year and sold out before most of the mailers even went out! We dealt with a lot of requests for more this season...and I couldn't even get my hands on one!
Understudy Joined: 12/15/07
It seems pretty unprofessional (and childish) to me that an actor would have a problem with his actress girlfriend kissing a guy onstage, regardless of the other actor's orientation.
I can see a non-acting boyfriend being jealous over this (although he shouldn't be), but saying "oh it's OK, he must be gay" shouldn't have to be an excuse (whether he is gay or not). Your job is to play a roll onstage, as it is the job of your girlfriend. Are you going to get jealous of her costar because she plays the role properly?
And what does it matter if she has close male friends? Just because they're friends doesn't mean she's cheating on you. And he doesn't have to be gay for that friendship to be OK.
Of all the environments where this jealousy exists/is expected, I wouldn't have thought it to persist between Broadway actors in NYC.
(To clarify: I understnad that Landon's OK with it, what I'm saying is he shoudn't be OK with it just because JG may be sexually confused/gay.)
Updated On: 1/3/08 at 10:15 AM
I love this advertisement. They all look so snuggly! :)
Anyway, it's none of our business if Jonathan Groff is gay/straight/bi/asexual. It doesn't matter. He's a very talented person and I'm sure he'll go far.
JustMe2, they should make that Behind the Scenes footage available on their website! They would get so much traffic (not just the SA fans, but there were many other well known stars in that campaign). Any ideas as to why they havn't? Can you suggest it?
Hmmm, I have no control over the monitor content, but I work with them somewhat. I can try and see if they can, but don't count on it.
We have to practically beg for the leftover Gap posters as each campaign ends!
I was going to tell you to go to our Gapinc company site and download the Spring Awakening image, but I just went to make sure it was still there, and wouldn't you know it, of course the Spring Awakening image is giving me a "page not found" error. The other crazy stripe advertising images are working, but not all of them.
They had a little video on their site of the cast wishing everyone a happy holiday the day of their Gap Ad shoot which was cute, but that site is no longer available now that the holidays are over.
Knicknut and Gobstopper...I wasn't referring to Landon being bothered by Lea's performance...I was talking in reference to her close friendship to J. Groff. And yes, although it is unfortunate, straight men often have problems with their girlfriends having close male friends who are straight. While this doesn't pertain to everyone...I have MANY friends who say things like, "it doesn't bug me because Dustin is gay" etc.
And like I said in my original isn't my business what J. Groff's sexual preference is, I just wonder. And don't say y'all have never wondered about an actor's sexual preference.
Let's get off the high horse.
I agree it shouldnt matter what Groff's orientation is at all.
Howerver...Just a random thought but if he was straight dont you think with how close they are Lea and Jon would be together. I may be wrong but I believe that her relationship with Landon is more recent so would it just seem normal for her and jon to be together if he is straight? Just a thought i had.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/23/05
Why does it even matter?
It seems pretty unprofessional (and childish) to me that an actor would have a problem with his actress girlfriend kissing a guy onstage, regardless of the other actor's orientation.
Have you seen the show? It is a whole lot more than just kissing...