I have never responded to “Broadway Flash” but I have made the mistake of responding to previous iterations of “Broadway Flash.” I make this request to everyone else: stop feeding the trolls. Every comment to their posts (including mine, I’ll concede, but it will be my last) just gives them a little more life.
This place has gotten so toxic with ad hominem attacks on the reg. Feeding these people only makes it worse.
Broadway Flash said: "Which her mother forced her to get. If that happened today, I think most parents would make sure their kid got what they needed. A small group of Christian conservatives have hijacked the government which does not reflect the views of the vast majority of Americans. How many gop politicians have we seen getting their mistresses abortions"
In a prior incarnation, were you Phillie Pinto? Would explain a lot.
whats so completely misguided about the original post is the suggestion that because we live in a more liberal society today, we cant appreciate a show set in the 1800s, AND the suggestion that our societal values have shifted so dramatically since (checks notes) 16 years ago when this show exploded.
but yes, we get it, BwayFlash wants to make some sort of comment about all the teenagers having sex, apparently unaware that young ppl are having less sex than ever before. k.
Broadway Flash said: "I saw this musical recently at the fifth avenue theatre in Seattle. I happen to love the score and the story, but I’m sad to say, this musical doesn’t hit anymore. It’s outdated and irrelevant now that we’re living in a world with parents letting the kids have sex in the house. A musical and play that was once daring and shocking is now cooked because society has progressed this show out of relevance. Sad and good"
What are you talking about? Parents letting kids have sex in the house???? Anyway, this premiered in 2006. It is still relevant.
Broadway Flash said: "All suburbs are liberal is what I was saying. Go out to West Virginia, even the right wingers are letting kids have sex maybe even more so"
How do you know all this, or are you just legitimately insane?
Broadway Flash said: "Kids having less sex makes springawakening even lessrelevant to peoples lives."
Hun, I don’t know what the hell your point is, but do you realize that you just contradicted your original post? Not sure what is going on here but I’m going to guess either cocktails or complete insanity.
Broadway Flash "vanished" from this board at least twice in the last few months after making racist or bigoted comments. And now they're back to do it all again.
"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."
Broadway Flash said: "And the more we move away from those attitudes and repressions, the less relevant the show will be"
It's not about "relevance". Everything does not have to be relevant.
It is theatre. Theatre takes you to times and places outside of now. That is the beauty of it. If you want everything to be "relevant" then maybe you are not a true theatre lover as most of us can go into a show set way in the past and transport with it. Understanding what happened back in those times.
I'm confused and I'm genuinely curious--you mention that a huge part of Spring Awakening is the consequences of withholding information from kids and yet you claim that it's no longer relevant. Did you not see the big dustup of schools teaching critical race theory? Of schools banning books they might think are too "perverse"? Of schools (and even whole societies in the US) picking and choosing the history they want to tell? There are so many themes in the show that are more relevant than ever and abortion is just one of them. Sure, maybe in liberal neighborhoods parents might help their kids get on birth control, but what about devoutly Christian neighborhoods that think birth control is a sin? Do you think there aren't also kids that are pressured to do well in school to the point where they contemplate suicide?
A show about teens being mistreated by sexually repressed adults may be preaching to the choir when it performs for a liberal U.S. theater audience. But it still, sadly, applies to conservative behavior in large swaths of the world. The folks who need it are the ones who are less likely to see it.
The 2018 television series Rise attempted to dramatize this. A small town drama teacher attempted to produce a production at his high school. The teens, particularly the ones playing the gay roles, underwent a lot of push back. The show had many flaws but this felt accurate. While the show was about teens, conservative adults felt it was "inappropriate" material for them.
Personally, I find the score dull. My favorite songs are in the first quarter. The rest becomes a slog to sit through. The second act has six melancholy ballads. That's about four too many for me.
The Duncan Sheik “solo version” demo album has had only a few tracks released officially, but it’s better than the Broadway cast recording. You can find the whole thing on YouTube; it’s a favorite album of mine.
TheQuibbler said: "Broadway Flash said: "What these states are doing do not reflect the will of the people…"
It may not reflect the will of the people, but it’s successfully being done anyway and showing up as law.
I’d say a show about people being held hostage by those in charge withholding information and forcing their points of view is very relevant."
My friend can’t even teach health the way it needs to be taught because the parents immediately come up to school with torches and pitchforks when she even dares mention protection. It was NOT like this as recently as 10 years ago.
That said, seems like Spring Awakening is more relevant than ever.
This is a weird and bad take. If you watch Spring Awakening and don't see how it's even more relevant today than it was when it premiered, you've missed the point of the entire show.
I also don't know any parents who are cool with their 14 year olds running around and having sex.