Broadway Star Joined: 9/13/09
Hair, there and everywhere!
Jupiter has aligned with Mars - which means that the megawatt production of Hair wowing them on Broadway will be coming down to earth and taking up residence in the West End in April.
Oskar Eustis, artistic director of New York's Public Theatre, told me the plan was to bring the cast of the successfully re-tuned production of Hair running at the Al Hirschfeld Theatre to the Gielgud Theatre, where previews will begin on April 1 with an official first night on April 14.
Mr Eustis said that negotiations are going on to transfer the Broadway company to the Gielgud.
The Public, with some help from Cameron Mackintosh, have talked to both American and British Equity about permissions to bring the troupe of performers to the West End.
Eustis noted that there had been some unsuccessful revivals of Hair in London and the U.S. But this time, director Diane Paulus worked with Hair creators James Rado and Galt MacDermot on the shape and structure of the script.
The show ran in Central Park in September of 2007 and then headed to Broadway, where it won the Tony Award in June for best music revival.
'I think we just hit the right historical moment, where we were ready to look back at the Sixties earnestly,' Eustis told me, adding that 'unfortunately, it resonates very powerfully today.'
He was talking, of course, about Afghanistan.
When I caught Hair, I was captivated by it in a way I hadn't thought possible. It hums with magical energy and because it urges you to have a little 'harmony and understanding' you do come away feeling it would be good if everyone just got along.
Cameron told me that he and the Public hope the show will do well enough to be able to put together an English cast once the Broadway company was up and running.
Seats at the Gielgud will range from £17.50 to £65.
I hope some of the less expensive seats are in the stalls, so that students and other young people can go and dance with the cast at the end of the show.
Otherwise, there'll just be fat rich people bopping away on stage.
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The entire cast is definitely transferring
That'll be interesting to have an entire new cast come into the Hirsch. I'll have to get back and see it again before they leave.
This news has me quite confused. Fortunately, I got to see the show twice with this amazing cast but I find it odd that the entire cast would be transferring - has this ever been done before?
What if everyone doesnt want to transfer across the pond, due to family commitments, etc? (I recall seeing on the hair website that Sasha Allen has a daughter, perhaps shes very young but still). I'm interested to see if in fact every single cast member, even just the principals, all make it to the Gielgud.
Stand-by Joined: 1/16/08
I wonder if it's only a temporary arrangement for like the first month.
I'm sure that not all of them will still be WITH the show by that time. Additionally, they could not in ANY way require the entire cast to go. I'm sure that there are many that would not WANT to go. (Well, maybe not MANY....but enough).
I would like to know what that means for the B'way I'm brining 100 people to see it the 2nd weekend in April. We already have tix.
The Early Show performances were posted on the HairTribe twitter:
"Aquarius/Let The Sunshine In"
Featured Actor Joined: 6/27/07
This is a cast that loves each other dearly...I'm sure they will all transfer...if not just for the opportunity to play on a London stage.
if they all transfer, I would imagine it would only be for 6 months at the most. most of the cast would have been with the Broadway show for a year. I'm sure they all wouldn't want to be over in London to do the show for another year. Plus most of the cast did the show in Central Park also. That's a long time for someone to stay with a show.
Chorus Member Joined: 5/15/07
Help--Is there anywhere I could purchase the signed BCEFA poster other than at the theatre?
I saw the show for the first time last night and I still can't put into words how much I loved it. There was just so much....feeling? I don't know, like I said, I can't explain it.
Anyway, at the stage door, someone asked Gavin how long they'd be there or something like that and he said his contract is until March 7th and after that he doesn't know what's gonna happen. Don't know if he was just being diplomatic or what, just thought I'd pass that along.
March is too far off for contract negotiations to be talked about now. If they want any/all the cast to go to London, they would have to re-negotiate every single contract.
Just because the cast is close does NOT guarantee that they can/will or WANT to travel to London
Broadway Star Joined: 9/13/09
tatter, here is the link to the Broadway Cares website, not sure if any of these posters are what you are looking for,
Contact info from their website:
Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS
165 West 46th Street
New York, NY 10036
Fax 212.840.0551
For store related comments or questions contact:
Just because the cast is close does NOT guarantee that they can/will or WANT to travel to London
I doubt Will Swenson, Bryce Ryness & Megan Lawrence would uproot their families to perform in London.
Stand-by Joined: 9/30/09
The offical uk productions website ( ) says we're getting the entire cast. Understandably some current members may have left by then, but I cant tell you how excited alot of people over here are that this is happening. Certainly plays have transferred full casts, we got the full cast of August Osage County and you got Hamlet, we're getting Hair and you're getting Enron so I guess Equity have become more flexible.
They could mean that the entire cast will be American vs hiring any brits to join the cast.
I want to know what they are going to do on B'way....
Have an almost brand new cast take over for a short period of time? Doesn't make sense. Close permanently? Close temporarily? Seems ridiculous.
And I wouldn't care as much if I weren't bringing the aforementioned 100 people.
"Certainly plays have transferred full casts, we got the full cast of August Osage County and you got Hamlet, we're getting Hair and you're getting Enron so I guess Equity have become more flexible."
I think you're overlooking some important differences between those transfers and this one. Hamlet came to Broadway after it finished its run in London. The actors from August Osage County went to the West End after they had finished their contracts on Broadway, and they left the cast on Broadway at different times, not all at once. Even Enron is closing in May, it's not an open-ended run. Many actors have crossed the Atlantic to recreate their roles after they've finished on Broadway, but not like this. There's a big difference between transferring an entire cast after the show has finished its run or after cast members have finished their runs and transferring an entire cast in the middle of the run at the exact same time. It would be like taking the entire London cast of Billy Elliot in 2006 to open the production on Broadway, which as we all know didn't happen.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/8/08
Whoa! I have no idea how they're going to separate Sasha, Megan, Bryce and Will from their children. I have a feeling there is some sort of twist to this West End transfer. Hell, with all the injuries that have been going on, I don't know how much longer they can physically handle the show. Maybe it's just going to be an extremely limited run or something... but, congrats to the UK. They are in for a hell of a show!
I agree that those with families (particularly school aged kids) won't go for it. Bryce might be able to if they make the deal sweet enough or he can bring them with him.
Yeah I want to know when their last performance on Bway will be...I've seen it twice, but I would really like to see it at least two more times before they go to London. Though I will probably find a way to go to London this Summer, but still. I want to see Gavin, Will, Caissie, etc again before the transfer!!! Even though it's kinda sad, I'm excited to see who will replace the cast in New York!!!
Just wanted to share that Theo Stockman is rejoining the tribe on Wednesday. Welcome back, Theo!
Facebook status: Theo Stockman is gonna be back in HAIR this coming wednesday matinee. and if you don't know, now you KNOW.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/16/06
Yay, so glad he is back! There is also 3 new cast bios on the site.
Yay i loved theo!
and i heard their last show is march 7th
is this true?