How almost every thread on this board devolves.
This thread is still the first picture to me.
What annoys me more is reactions like yours, missing content related to the subject of the thread.
It's like when people are losing the discussion or are out of arguments, they go in another mode, the mode of critisizing behaviour of people they don't agree with. That is actually how almost every thread on this board devolves. Proof here.
I'm assuming he posted the video because he was NOT cast in the remake. The tweet that accompanied the video seemed to make it sound that way.
Broadway Star Joined: 9/2/11
Dave28282 said: "This thread is still the first picture to me.
What annoys me more is reactions like yours, missingcontent related to the subject of the thread.
It's like when people are losing the discussion or are out of arguments, they go in another mode, the mode of critisizing behaviour of people they don't agree with. That is actually how almost every thread on this board devolves. Proof here."
I love it. You criticize another poster for writing a post that has nothing to do with the subject of the thread, while you are doing the exact same thing. Your post has nothing to do with Ben's performance.
Normally I ignore it and accept my disappointment. But now he is calling others out. That's why I react on it.
That's different.
And what is your opinion on the matter?
Dave28282 said: "Normally I ignore it and accept my disappointment. But now he is calling others out. That's why I react on it.
That's different.
And what is your opinion on the matter?"
Dave, I’m not sure why you felt my meme was addressing you specifically. I actually find most of your posts very informative and insightful. Plus it appears we both Olivia. She and her music got this gay man through his awkward closeted teenage years a gazillion years ago. Admittedly, my post might have made more sense before the moderators deleted some of the posts on here. I have been known to get thin-skinned or overly sensitive on the board (usually when my judgment is clouded or distracted by stuff from my personal life). When that happens I try to apologize. Doesn’t undo the damage, though. I just strive in my everyday interactions to have civil conversations with others face-to-face and am disappointed when I or others digress from that on here. It all comes to expectations, I suppose. The reality is we all love theater or we wouldn’t be on here. It would just be nice if people remembered that opinion does not equal fact and accept that people are entitled to their own opinions as is the next poster. And I don’t think it’s helpful to call certain actors or actresses “eyesores” as others did previously on this thread. Once again, I’m not accusing you of any of this. As fellow theater lovers, I’m sure we agree on a great majority of things. “A million lights are dancing and you are, a shooting star/An everlasting world and you're here with me, eternally/Xanadu, Xanadu”
Thinking about this a bit more, the timing of him releasing this 'audition tape' is just so odd, considering that the Hamilton/DEH mashup dropped yesterday--which is much more high profile than this. He would have certainly gotten enough attention online from that. Why was releasing this right now necessary? IDK.
Thanks Miles2Go2! Those are some very nice words and I agree with you. We are all different.
Also, I didn't feel it was addressing me specifically, I just reacted on the posts of "you are all mean" and the "this thread became a sh*t fight" meme, because in my opinion this thread was still civilized and entertaining.
But then again, I am a person you can say anything to and I've never really been offended by anything anyone says. But you are right, everyone has their own way of handling things.
Thanks for showing character! It's always nice to hear a bit more about other posters.
Ben Platt is a young, handsome, talented, award-winning singer and actor. He has a bright future, with or without "Tony".
What an unpleasant thread.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/16/06
Cat Guy said: "Ben Platt is a young, handsome, talented, award-winning singer and actor. He has a bright future, with or without "Tony".
What an unpleasant thread."
Agreed! I was joking around earlier in the thread but people are taking this video way too seriously. I can't imagine why anyone would have so much ill will towards a performer
Ben is trying to pull a Lin and become a brand in and of himself, not just the actor who had a massively successful star turn in the must see show of last season.
Trouble is, you can’t just be the next Lin- a Broadway personality becoming a ubiquitous pop cultural presence is a once in a blue moon thing, and Ben seems to think it’s as easy as “be everywhere, doing everything.”
Now, THIS is talent.
Wow. BroadwayWorld chat can be so wonderful sometimes. Other times it's just a nest of vipers.
I hope most of the nastier comments are from younger folks. If you're over 24 saying some of this stuff, it's sad.
Is it just me, or is the negativity and ugliness on this thread especially insufferable? I've never felt the need to block anyone, until tonight.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/16/06
CT2NYC said: "Is it just me, or is the negativity and ugliness on this thread especially insufferable? I've never felt the need to block anyone, until tonight."
It's not you. And you're one of the classier, more helpful members of the board that we should all aspire to.
smidge said: "CT2NYC said: "Is it just me, or is the negativity and ugliness on this thread especially insufferable? I've never felt the need to block anyone, until tonight."
It's not you. And you're one of the classier, more helpful members of the board that we should all aspire to."
Thanks, smidge, I appreciate that.
Blocking is for the characterless.
And this thread so far is wonderful and honest. That some millennials can't handle that is a pity, but the solution for that lies in something else.
Just my 2 cents.
Shall we go back on-topic now?
seriously why are you all being so mean to ben platt jesus christ wtf
lovebrdway said, "I hope most of the nastier comments are from younger folks. If you're over 24 saying some of this stuff, it's sad."
I don't even know what this means. As if age has anything to do with manners, snark, taste or opinions. And what is your magical cut off date of 24?
gypsy101 said: "seriously why are you all being so mean to ben platt jesus christ wtf"
Ben is Jewish so it might be
Moses wtf,
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/2/14
I'm honestly confused? I guess my comment was deleted. All I expressed was while I wasn't a big fan of Ben, the hate on here is too much. I wouldn't wish that on anyone. It's inhumane. You can still not like some people, but you don't have to be vulgar and mean. I was just trying to be honest.
Nothing inhumane happened in this thread so your post was simply not true.
Understudy Joined: 3/21/18
I feel better off having Ben Platt as Tony rather than some famous celebrity (we don't want another russel crowe) Although Ben isn't my ideal Tony I feel like with a little movie magic it could work. Naya Rivera has also posted her audition and I feel like she could be a ok Anita I mean she did play the role on glee lol
Swing Joined: 3/29/14
Amen, NYCHAPPY. I adored Ben in DEH, but his version was horrendous. The NYTimes the other day posted a video of Ben Bliss singing... now that is how Tony should sound.®ion=c-column-middle-span-region&pgType=Homepage&action=click&mediaId=thumb_square&state=standard&contentPlacement=3&version=internal&
I just realised my posts might have been deleted? Better change my tune to fall into line: Ben Platt, you are AMAZING. YOU deserve to play a heart-throb teenager. You have the voice, style and 'look' to pull it off. YOU GO GIRL. Thank you so much for sharing your audition video!