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THE COLOR PURPLE Movie Musical - News & Discussion Thread- Page 3

THE COLOR PURPLE Movie Musical - News & Discussion Thread

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#50COLOR PURPLE movie musical currently in development
Posted: 8/24/20 at 7:14pm


Ghana-born filmmaker Blitz Bazawule is set to direct Warner Bros. musical  film The Color Purple, based on the Tony-winning Broadway musical.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#51COLOR PURPLE movie musical currently in development
Posted: 8/24/20 at 7:27pm

Oh God, they’re still going through with that?

disneybroadwayfan22 Profile Photo
#52COLOR PURPLE movie musical currently in development
Posted: 8/24/20 at 9:08pm

Ha, my guess from page 1 was right! 

CindersGolightly Profile Photo
#53COLOR PURPLE movie musical currently in development
Posted: 8/25/20 at 1:18am

So, this probably means Beyoncé as Shug then, right?

They/them. "Get up the nerve to be all you deserve to be."

Alexander Lamar
#54COLOR PURPLE movie musical currently in development
Posted: 8/25/20 at 8:05am

CindersGolightly said: "So, this probably meansBeyoncé as Shug then, right?"


damn, this really should have gone to a black woman. 

Updated On: 8/25/20 at 08:05 AM

BJR Profile Photo
#55COLOR PURPLE movie musical currently in development
Posted: 8/25/20 at 8:40am

Sounds like a fantastic hire. And Marcus Gardley doing the screenplay? Yes, please.

everythingtaboo Profile Photo
#56COLOR PURPLE movie musical currently in development
Posted: 8/25/20 at 11:06am

Great to see a musical adaptation in the works actually moving along, I feel like it's been awhile since we've had such a thing. While I'm still annoyed Erivo could nab an EGOT based on one role, her profile has certainly risen since this was originally announced years ago so it seems a given. But more timely, current events and recent more high-profile POC projects have risen the stock of black actors besides the "expected choices" like Bey and J-Hud, so I'd expect to see a variety of performers from different genres and media to fill out the cast.

"Hey little girls, look at all the men in shiny shirts and no wives!" - Jackie Hoffman, Xanadu, 19 Feb 2008

BroadwayNYC2 Profile Photo
#57COLOR PURPLE movie musical currently in development
Posted: 8/25/20 at 12:29pm

I think what the revival proved is that it was a good production of a very flawed show. I’m not sure how it will translate, but I’m a fan of the book and original film and happy to see this moving forward. Did I love Erivo’s performance? Not really, but I think it is safe to assume she’s reprising the role.

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#58COLOR PURPLE movie musical currently in development
Posted: 8/25/20 at 1:56pm

CindersGolightly said: "So, this probably means,Beyoncé as Shug then, right?"

Can you imagine? Jesus Christ.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#59COLOR PURPLE movie musical currently in development
Posted: 8/25/20 at 2:00pm

The musical is awful. Has been for 15 years since day one. It’s a great showcase for an actress to really shine and just like the original production, that’s enough to make people either not recognize or immediately forget just how bad the actual show is. Doyle did what he could but it still couldn’t mask the fundamental flaws in the bones of the show that unless it’s pretty much completely rewritten, will be on full display in a filmed version. And as I’ve always said that’s a crime since the book and the film are two of the greatest things ever created. The musical deserved/deserves so much better.

Brave Sir Robin2 Profile Photo
Brave Sir Robin2
#60COLOR PURPLE movie musical currently in development
Posted: 8/25/20 at 2:00pm

I'd LOVE to see Cynthia and Danielle reprise their roles from the revival!

"I saw Pavarotti play Rodolfo on stage and with his girth I thought he was about to eat the whole table at the Cafe Momus." - Dollypop

BroadwayNYC2 Profile Photo
#61COLOR PURPLE movie musical currently in development
Posted: 8/25/20 at 2:52pm

Now that she’s an Oscar nominee (and dear god, how did that happen for that performance) I think it’s all but confirmed Erico will be involved

#62COLOR PURPLE movie musical currently in development
Posted: 8/25/20 at 3:43pm

''I'm still annoyed Erivo could nab an EGOT based on one role''

Erivo's not the only one. Ben Platt could reach an EGOT based on one role: Evan Hansen. Part of what made an EGOT special is that an artist shows his/her versatility: often, that meant 4 different artistic properties in 4 different media. Erivo and Platt just happened to be lucky enough to benefit from recent Grammy and Emmy rule changes. ... I'm glad the unnecessary category that allowed them each to win a Daytime Emmy - Musical Performance in a Daytime Program (basically doing a promo on a talk show or morning program) - has since been eliminated.

Updated On: 8/25/20 at 03:43 PM

Valentina3 Profile Photo
#63COLOR PURPLE movie musical currently in development
Posted: 8/25/20 at 5:52pm

I don't understand why someone else getting an award personally annoys anyone. It literally has no impact on your life. 

Caption: Every so often there was a rare moment of perfect balance when I soared above him.

BroadwayNYC2 Profile Photo
#64COLOR PURPLE movie musical currently in development
Posted: 8/25/20 at 5:54pm

It’s more so a conversation on the purpose of the awards, and if they are effectively being given out. Awards have a big role in these Industries and affect everything from future casting, development, etc. it’s more than fair to bring up.

 Musical Master Profile Photo
Musical Master
#65COLOR PURPLE movie musical currently in development
Posted: 8/25/20 at 6:06pm

At least this film has a promising and interesting choice of a director. He previously did The Burial of Kojo which is what I could describe as "magical realism" which I think his style could work for this musical film adaptation, unlike other film directors who either don't know what to do with the genre (The Phantom of the Opera) or miss the point completely (Cats).

everythingtaboo Profile Photo
#66COLOR PURPLE movie musical currently in development
Posted: 8/25/20 at 8:50pm

Valentina3 said: "I don't understand why someone else getting an award personally annoys anyone. It literally has no impact on your life."

Literally none of this has any impact on our lives. And yet here we are.

"Hey little girls, look at all the men in shiny shirts and no wives!" - Jackie Hoffman, Xanadu, 19 Feb 2008

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#67COLOR PURPLE movie musical currently in development
Posted: 8/25/20 at 9:10pm


#68COLOR PURPLE movie musical currently in development
Posted: 8/27/20 at 12:06am

If there is any justice in the world, Heather Headley will be cast as Shug instead of Beyonce.

 Musical Master Profile Photo
Musical Master
#69COLOR PURPLE movie musical currently in development
Posted: 6/30/21 at 9:09pm

According to this Hollywood Reporter article, Warner Bros has set the movie for a December 20, 2023 release in theaters. 

EDSOSLO858 Profile Photo
#71COLOR PURPLE movie musical currently in development
Posted: 8/26/21 at 12:05pm

YES. Loved his singing voice in “In the Heights.”

Well, I’ll be. That bird really did it.

#72COLOR PURPLE movie musical currently in development
Posted: 8/26/21 at 2:13pm

Who do you think will play Celie? 

NOWaWarning Profile Photo
#73COLOR PURPLE movie musical currently in development
Posted: 8/26/21 at 2:46pm

I think it’s interesting that they led the casting announcements with Harpo, but I think he’ll be great. I imagine they’re still negotiating with the leads.

NameGreg Profile Photo
#74COLOR PURPLE movie musical currently in development
Posted: 8/26/21 at 11:08pm

Strange that the first casting wasn’t the leading role, but Hawkins is a great actor and his voice is beautiful, I’m very happy to hear about this. Though I was kind of hoping he’d be Fiyero in the Wicked movie.

“Somebody stop me before I sing again” - Bazzard
