Anyone plan on watching tonight? I wonder if this will pave the way for Disney to do more of these. It's essentially, also, a big commercial for Disney+, which, to be honest, would be a great additional platform to produce these live (stream) events for. Did anyone ever watch the Hunchback of Notre Dame Festival of Fun Musical Spectacular on ABC? Seeing that on television was a memory I will never forget and hope TLM is similar. The Hunchback event is on YouTube, by the way, and begins at 31:27.
rattleNwoolypenguin said: "I still think the half movie half performance thing is awkward.
Like....just perform the musical live."
And air that ridiculous contest on national television? Nah
An exhibition of a movie with live songs have been done with great success at the Hollywood Bowl. I don't see what there's to be weird about it. It's a fun twist on watching the movie we all know and love.
I’m excited but I just don’t understand how ACTORS survive being underwater for that long! And what cameras are they using!! Ahh! Okay. Sorry if that wasn’t funny. A lot of my jokes just end up being stupid. We’re 20 minutes away and I can’t hold my excitement. I love the cast. Plus I was Sebastian in March for my middle school production so it’s definitely going to bring back memories. I won’t be surprised if I tear up a little.
So far I think it’s pretty good (only about 15 minutes in) except I’d say some of the acting isn’t too strong and the audio needs to be adjusted. People’s voices are getting buried a bit under the music. That could just me though. I’m watching on a television in my hotel room and I’m recovering from strep throat and my ears are a little clogged tonight.
The answer to all of this is “No, please stop. Don't continue. She is terrible. The whole mix thing is badly done and really? No one can sing anymore? Must they all flatten the note -boring and meaningless. And, Michale Jackson jacket geez what a cluster...