"The most difficult song on B'way..."
I've been having a good laugh picturing the reality auditions for the next Elphaba (please NO!)
Ok today we're going to see which one of you can survive the lift while singing "Defying Gravity" which, oh, you just learned five minutes ago...
Haylie Duff....mentor. um, really? Triple threat? Can she claim to even be a single threat? I guess the producers of Legally Blonde don't want to have any credibility left after this.
When you have one of the top casting people in the industry(Telsey), what exactly is the purpose of the other 2 "judges"?
Not a one of the contestants had any kind of impact on me whatsoever.
I thought the whole thing was kind of silly with all of the wild statements (Haylie Duff, So Much Better being the hardest song, Mitchell as a legend) Let's be real here. They are casting the part through a reality show on MTV, high art it isn't.
Seth is the only reason why I'm watching this. The singing audition sequence made me want to puncture my own eardrums with a pencil. I give Bernie Telsey some credit for being able to sit through it all and still be the least bit kind to any of them by the end of it.
I'm sorry - why is Jerry not a judge? I would think his would be the most important opinion...
also, I'm not sure if it's a good idea to have a fellow cast member be a judge - as cool and as talented as he is. Just a little odd that someone will be performing eight shows a week with someone who put them there
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/15/05
Yeah, I'm not sure why they picked a cast member? I mean, what kind of credentials does he have to make or break someone?
"Kelli O'Hara, Sutton Foster, and Patti LuPone don't sell to the MTV audience. Of course they're going to sugar coat everything - that's what the writers do. Haylie Duff is also a producer on the show."
I realize this - I never said I didn't understand why they put Haylie on a pedestal (producer bullsh*t), I just stated how much I hated it, especially since she probably didn't go through the rigorous audition process. I know that since she is the host and a producer, they'll sugar coat everything.
The song is a little difficult, i think maybe they should've taught something a little easier being it the first day. but then again some of them have done professional stuff so they should be ready to do that. what broadway family does emma come from??
Zaks. as in, Jerry Zaks.
Yankeefan - Mitchell is NOT "legendary". Sorry.
jgblob - Seth is far from obnoxious. I'm OBSESSED with his amahzingness. He makes me so happy.
Yes, any show that has Haylie Duff as a producer scares me. She isn't exactly a once in a lifetime talent but hey that's MTV for ya..making crap crappier!
Some of those girls were sooo off pitch I had to press mute a few times.
Has anybody else noticed that if you listen to the full audtions online, you can hear the judges commenting during the performances? Some of their quips are difficult to make out, but they're amusing nonetheless.
I guess in this instance I should be thankful I don't get MTV.
I missed the show, but I caught up on the clips on MTV's website and broadway.com. Honestly, some of you guys complain too much. Sometimes in Entertainment you have to just take things for what they are and quit being so over analytical about something you have no power over and don't plan on changing. Chill folks, and try to enjoy the show. If it's not your thing then change the station.
With that said, I admit that some of these girls are more talented than others, but that is the nature of reality television competitions. Producers know that spoilers like less talented actresses have to be thrown into the show to create conflict in the competition. That’s what keeps the average viewers tuned in and brings in the ratings. Yeah, it isn't always fair, but hey that's life. Besides, it's clear that these women can find work in the industry.
All that aside, I'm rooting for the darker hair girls. They all brought the most to the audition.
Autumn: She looks a little older, but I felt she delivered the most charisma. From her audition she seemed the farthest from Elle in physical comparison, but was the most memorable. She wasn't a carbon copy of LBB like many of the others, which is proof of how great of an actress she is. Once she started to perform she turned Elle right on. All she needs is a blonde wig . She seems like she could bring much more depth to the character of Elle.
Cassie S.: The girl has spunk and a killer body. She was one of the few girls to not give up during the sustained high note at the end. She really proved to be a pleasant surprise. Maybe a touch of too much harsh attitude during her audition, but she did compliment it well with Elle's signature giggles. The punch during "fight" was cool, made me step back and say: "Okay?!!"
Natalie: She owned it, and knew that it was hers. Again, one of the few girls not to go flat or sharp during the final long note. I love it when people remember to just say still and try not to do too much to overly impress at an audition. It felt like she delivered her honest self and that final moment with the upward flip of the hair was fab. I'd love to see her go far in the competition.
We're entitled to our opinion, and you're entitled to yours. I see what your saying, but that doesn't mean we can't comment on who we thought did a terrible job, who we don't see as Elle, etc.
These girls bugged me beyond belief.
First of all, while it is odd that they used Paul Canaan as a judge, I do remember that they really liked him when they filmed the show for MTV. They used him a lot to do warm-ups wiht hte audience and what not. I think MTV sees him as suitable for teh demographic. He's fun and uninhibited with his comments and a lot of people I talked to about the show really enjoyed him as a judge. SItting up there with Bernie Telsey, he was the SImon Cowell of the bunch which makes for great entertainment. I do think that Larry or Nell should really be sitting up there as a judge since they wrote the songs these girls are singing, and it's a major pet peeve of mine with the show.
But, that being said, I think that Jerry Mitchell and Bernie Telsey have both proven themselves in knowing who can do a role. I think that if Jerry felt no one was equipped to carry the show, he wouldn't pick a winner or would perhaps pull in more girls. The full auditions aren't so bad and most of the girls learned the song right before they auditioned. Plus, can you imagine the nerves knowing that not only will Bernie Telsey and Jerry Mitchell see you audition, but so will millions of people? It's gotta be nervewracking.
Of course, most of the girls seemed horribly annoying and very arrogant, but that could just be editing.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/20/04
I love how there are two women named "Cassie" on a show about auditioning for a musical.
Chorus Member Joined: 3/17/04
Haylie Duff's "executive producer" credit doesn't mean anything. I'm sure it's something her agent asked for to sweeten the deal. It's still ridiculous that's she's the host.
Rooting for Celina even though she's not quite right for the role, with her husky speaking voice. I've known Celina since she was 13, so I lost it when she said, "They used to call me trouble in high school. I made out with everyone... EVERYONE." Because... yeah, she made out with me once.
Broadway Star Joined: 3/8/05
The show is DREADFUL AWFUL... I think everyone should tevo it and only watch the parts with SETH RUDETSKY... that man makes me laugh. LOVE HIM hate the rest including those dreary girls....Though one of the girls looks like she could be Laura Bells younger sister.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/27/05
I think that I like Lauren the best. She may be inexperienced, but she looks the part, is a good dancer, and did very well on "So Much Better."
I also like Cassie S., Autumn (that little "oh! oh!" of hers was adorable), and Natalie.
Wait...so...who's grandma was on Broadway?
All in all 3.5/5
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/27/05
I THINK that was Natalie's, but I could be wrong.
Sometimes in Entertainment you have to just take things for what they are and quit being so over analytical about something you have no power over and don't plan on changing.
You don't read Television Without Pity, do you?
I love how there are two women named "Cassie" on a show about auditioning for a musical.
Heh, I thought it was odd they had 2 Cassies, but didn't make that connection until now.
If anyone missed it, MTV repeats their shows dozens of times each week.
Just finished watching it on the DVR. I thought it was tons of fun, even if there were a few questionable moments. Example: From 37 Arts to the Palace, those girls were on that exciting limo ride for all of 5-7 minutes but were going on about it like it was the prom.
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't going to watch next week. I'm interested to see if anything differs from the usual Top Model/Pussycat Dolls formula with this show. Hopefully, but I kind of doubt it based on the season preview.
The drama is really going to start next week. Living in a house together will always do that.
I actually found the first episode to be extremely boring and bland. A little dissapointed.
MTV reality shows are my biggest guilty pleasure (next to the AIDA score) so I'll hang in there to see how it turns out but it's pretty lame.
Broadway Star Joined: 11/29/06
I think the strongest girls are easily Autumn, Cassie S, Natalie, and Lauren. I thought Rachel and Libby were fantastic, but they got cut. Stupid. Emma and Rhiannon should have gone instead of them.