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The Short Moments That Make a Song Fantastic!- Page 3

The Short Moments That Make a Song Fantastic!

GirlforTartaglia Profile Photo
#50re: The Short Moments That Make a Song Fantastic!
Posted: 6/21/05 at 1:02pm

"But I am over her" from "Christmas Bells", in the background, sang by Anthony Rapp. Also the "I Should Tell You x4" in it too :)

And the other thing about the Phantom Lady was, Bert, she realized, in the city that never sleeps... What did she realize, Kitten? That all the songs she'd listened to, all the love songs, that they were only songs. What's wrong with that? Nothing, if you don't believe in them. But she did, you see. She believed in enchanted evenings, and she believed that a small cloud passed overhead and cried down on a flower bed, and she even believed there was breakfast to be had... Where? On Pluto. The mysterious, icy wastes of Pluto.

teh_pretty Profile Photo
#51re: The Short Moments That Make a Song Fantastic!
Posted: 6/21/05 at 1:21pm

I also have to add the beginning chords of the finale from Pippin. That's hot.

Taryn Profile Photo
#52re: The Short Moments That Make a Song Fantastic!
Posted: 6/25/05 at 1:44am

That last "Mama, Mama, Mama" in "The I Love You Song" from Spelling Bee where she goes up on the last syllable. Just breaks my heart.

Aigoo Profile Photo
#53re: The Short Moments That Make a Song Fantastic!
Posted: 6/25/05 at 1:58am


Ana's G in "The Stuff".

This is my signature.

Bret Profile Photo
#54re: The Short Moments That Make a Song Fantastic!
Posted: 6/25/05 at 2:07am

"Beyond that road, beyond this lifetime" from Wheels of a Dream. WONDERFUL!

"Wherever you go... I'll be right there. When you get your own private kick in the ass, just remember: it's a present from me to you." Rose's dying words to Louise

#55re: The Short Moments That Make a Song Fantastic!
Posted: 6/25/05 at 2:15am

GAH! I agree. Spelling Bee.
AND the "I'm Not That Smart (reprise)" when he says, "I think... I KNOW.. I'm SMAAAAAAAAAAAAART! Apple juice, please".

I absolutely adore that. It makes me happy inside.

Ok, others..
Sweeney Todd finale.. when the music turns from Sweeney mourning of Lucy to A Little Priest reprise.. "Mrs. Lovette, you're a bloody wonder, imminently practical and yet appropriate as always.." I actually cry everytime I hear it.
Seriously, without fail. Not because I'm sad, just because it's BRILLIANT writing.

Parade Finale..
I am just SO mad, and angry at the world by the end, and when they crescendo into the final key change of "God Bless the South, and the Old Hills of Georgia"... I'm sad, and mad, and I have goosebumps. Such good writing.

Light in the Piazza.. the title song.. "I feel it, Now I feel it.." I was clutching my heart and crying when I first heard that.. Gorgeous, and so honest.

I love the way Kelli O'Hara sings the vowel "O". That's so weird, but I just love it. Like when she sings "Fabrizzio" in Hysteria.. I just smile.

That's all I can think of for now.

Personally, I think I have too much bloom.

frontrowcentre2 Profile Photo
#56re: The Short Moments That Make a Song Fantastic!
Posted: 6/25/05 at 4:55am

Someone mentioned the first act finale of SUNDAY. There are two moments in Act Two that do it for me...on the word "forever" in the finale as the people in the painting bow to George.

And the line in "Children and Art" : "Isn't she Beautiful, there she is, there she is, there she is... Mamma is everywhere he must have loved her so much...."

On the OCR on GYPSY (the re-mastered edition with some alternate takes) the little catch in Merman's voice as she sings "All your life and what does it get you" summing up all the hurt Rose feels.

In STEEL PIER as Daniel McDonald sings "The last girl I'll ever love is over there..." - a beautiful moment.

A line in INTO THE WOODS sums it up: "Oh if life were only moments - even now and then a bad one. But if life were only moments, then you'd never know you'd had one."

Cast albums are NOT "soundtracks."
Live theatre does not use a "soundtrack." If it did, it wouldn't be live theatre!

I host a weekly one-hour radio program featuring cast album selections as well as songs by cabaret, jazz and theatre artists. The program, FRONT ROW CENTRE is heard Sundays 9 to 10 am and also Saturdays from 8 to 9 am (eastern times) on

Glinda's Candy Profile Photo
Glinda's Candy
#57re: The Short Moments That Make a Song Fantastic!
Posted: 6/25/05 at 6:49am

I love the moment in "The Woman in White" - "A Gift For Living Well" at the end. Marian has just sent Walter back to London, everyone has cried a bit and run offstage and then Marian is left alone and belts out, "I close my eyes, and I still see his face!" That bit is awesome and gets me everytime.
The Woman in White rules...

I got you. Yeah, I got you on camera - you on candid camera now... An' you ain't know that...

One Song Glory
#58re: The Short Moments That Make a Song Fantastic!
Posted: 6/25/05 at 7:38am

During La Vie Boheme B when they all shout "Viva La Vie Boheme!" it just sounds so powerful and demanding.

Also during 'The I Love You Song' in Spelling Bee when the charactors overlap, it feels a bit sad and strong.

I'm not a gay stereotype. I'm a coincidence.

#59re: The Short Moments That Make a Song Fantastic!
Posted: 6/25/05 at 11:08am

Someone asked what a button is? I think it's when there's sort of a beat of music, at the end of a song that lets the audience know when the song's over, and is kind of a cue for applause. I'm not sure how to explain it...

Another one in Sunday in the Park With George: "And the life" any time it happens in the show- the only one I can think of now is in "Move On"

Sweeney Todd: "Sir, I did love you/even as I saw you/even as it did not matter that I did not know your name/Sir, even as I saw you..."

Les Miserables: "Look, M'sieur, where all the children play" gets me every time.

Songs for a New World: "It seems so easy to run" in The River Won't Flow. I don't know why, but I love that part, when the cast sings that line in unison after all these harmonies and stuff.

Parade: "I don't know the coward's name/I don't know the bastard's face." Chilling.

hushpuppy Profile Photo
#60re: The Short Moments That Make a Song Fantastic!
Posted: 6/25/05 at 11:17am

"On the OCR on GYPSY (the re-mastered edition with some alternate takes) the little catch in Merman's voice as she sings "All your life and what does it get you" summing up all the hurt Rose feels. "

Oh yes!!!!!

'Our whole family shouts. It comes from us livin' so close to the railroad tracks'

#61re: The Short Moments That Make a Song Fantastic!
Posted: 6/25/05 at 11:25am

i agree with all those spelling bee moments...the i love you song is gooooooooooood

and also in aida...during written in teh stars...when the cannon starts and they start overlapping eachother with al the "ohs" and stuff...damn thats good

hear the beat...

#62re: The Short Moments That Make a Song Fantastic!
Posted: 6/25/05 at 11:44am

In ITW, not so much on the original cast recording but from the new broadway cast - "If the end is right, it JUSTIFIES THE BEANS!"

#63re: The Short Moments That Make a Song Fantastic!
Posted: 6/25/05 at 12:40pm

Another one from Into the Woods - in the opening number, while Cinderella sings, "I'll visit Mother's grave, the grave in the hazel trees, and tell her I still want to go to the King's festival," the Baker is in the background, trying to remember the four objects. Right after Cinderella finishes that line, the Baker's Wife sings, "The hair!" to help him remember. I don't know why, but I LOVE that. The hair! I have no idea why.

And in Sweeney Todd, when Sweeney does you know what to you know who, and the orchestra plays the "My Lucy lies in ashes line". I often cry when I listen to that part.

cindy013 Profile Photo
#64re: The Short Moments That Make a Song Fantastic!
Posted: 6/25/05 at 12:48pm

Oh there are so many!

POTO, when she does the 'pitiful creature of darkness..." and kisses him. Dude, forget Raoul. Especially in the movie, he needs a haircut and the phantom doesn't even have too bad lookin' of a facere: The Short Moments That Make a Song Fantastic!

Les Mis- "tell Cosette I love her, and I'll see her when i WAAAAAAKE!" when 'wake' starts out loud and fades off...*tear*
in Empty Chairs... when he sings the "Oh my friends my frieeeeeends dont ask me *cymbal crash* why i live and you are gone"
fantine- "so different now from what it seeeeemed!"...
and in on my own- "the world is full of happiness that i have never KNOOOOOWN!" *silence* "I love him..." You can hear a pin drop in between that:)
And of course, the epilogue. "on this page..." and when fantine and eponine join in, and then of course with the whole company emerging to finish 'do you hear the people sing' God i need to get tickets to it in Toronto now!

Wicked- in the tour, basically every time Stephanie J. Block sang something. She is AMAZING! You can tell that Elphaba was written on her voice. She's loads better than Idina IMHO:P
I specifically love how in DG after the guards come in and Glinda's like 'let go of me', the way Stephanie did the "It's NOT HER!..." part was so touching, because it was like she was giving herself up to save Glinda because she treasured their friendship and knew people already considered her as wicked. Also the "I hope you're happy part" is very touching i think. Also in INTG when Elphie sings "I wasn't born for the rose and pearl" when she goes down to the low note on pearl always gives me chills. Oooh! And at the very end right before the melting scene when the ensemble sings the reprise of NOMTW the "and goodness knows..." when she's pulling the curtain. That gives me chills too because you know what's going to happen and it's sad, and just the sound of it is so eerie and sad.

Phew, sorry this is kinda long!

"It breaks my heart to see a grown man dressed as a Taco." -David Sedaris
I love Les Miserables.
My new pic is me(on the left)at my last dance recital:(

BwayBaby18 Profile Photo
#65re: The Short Moments That Make a Song Fantastic!
Posted: 6/26/05 at 12:10am

It is Wicked..... forgive me, but listen to the strings during the wizard and i...specifcally at "held in such high esteem"

Side Show..... during leave me alone...... they make little noises of frustration that are so perfect

CurtainUp Profile Photo
#67re: The Short Moments That Make a Song Fantastic!
Posted: 6/26/05 at 12:49am

When all of the Schmuel song comes together and he says "Taker your time." And also "Have I told you today how lucky I am to be in love with you?"

ALFOR-Les Mis-"Youre hear, that's all I need to know."

The West Side Story Quintet when they all intersect

In Rose's Turn - "Mama's gotta...let go."

Rosencrantz: "Be happy - if you're not even HAPPY what's so good about surviving? We'll be all right. I suppose we just go on." - from Tom Stoppard's Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead

#68re: The Short Moments That Make a Song Fantastic!
Posted: 6/26/05 at 1:46am

The last bit of "run freedom run" from Urinetown
The bridge of "Unworthy of your love" from Assassins
The end of "hold on" from secret garden.....There are too many!!!

WickedGeek28 Profile Photo
#69re: The Short Moments That Make a Song Fantastic!
Posted: 6/26/05 at 9:44am

"Aida was my first love. "

Mine too!!! I lsitened to it every day, until I got WICKED!

"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."
To Kill A Mockingbird

wickedbway Profile Photo
#70re: The Short Moments That Make a Song Fantastic!
Posted: 6/26/05 at 9:56am

I gotta say in Wicked during "No Good Deed" the first time Idina sings "Fiyero..." and then she like screams it "FIIYEEEEEEEROOO!!". LOVE that.

Also, ITW in "Moments in the Woods" when Joanna Gleason sings ".. and a prince for ... whatever... - never - its these woods!"

lamentingenvelope Profile Photo
#71re: The Short Moments That Make a Song Fantastic!
Posted: 6/26/05 at 10:03am

Sunday in the Park with George - that last few notes before the end of Act I. The dissonance... and then the harmony... oh man.

Also, in Assassins, during the Ballad of Czolgosz: the music in the background while the Balladeer is singing "in the temple of music by the tower of light between the fountain of abundance and the court of lilies..." There's something so thrilling about it.

jasonf Profile Photo
#72re: The Short Moments That Make a Song Fantastic!
Posted: 6/26/05 at 10:26am

There are so many...some of these were sparked from other posts:

In Side Show: "You Should Be Loved" -- when Norm sings "in the way I love you"

In Beauty and the Beast: "If I Can't Love Her" -- "Let the world be done with me"

In The Baker's Wife: "Proud Lady" -- "For the 23rd time..." (I think that was one of the funniest lines I'd ever heard in a musical)

In Sweeney Todd: "Epiphany" -- "No one's in the chair, come on, come on!"

I second when someone said the line from L5Y, "A Miracle Would Happen" -- "don't get down, don't despair, I'll beeeeeee there..."

In Shenendoah: "Meditation" -- when he's singing the kids' names, "and were gone."

In Merrily: "Our Time": "Give us room and start the clock"

Recently, in All Shook Up: "Cant Help Falling In Love" -- "TAKE MY HAND..."

In Lion King: "Endless Night" -- "You promised you'd be there..."

In Lippa's Wild Party: "What Is it About Her" -- "So slight, so secret...something in the way she catches light/who's wrong who's right, I'll never know/ should I live without her, or let her go, how loud must I scream, NO!" (I may have messed up a word or two in there)

In Secret Garden: "Lily's Eyes" -- "She has her EYES, the girl has Lily's hazel eyes, those eyes that saw my brother, never me"

Lastly, my favorite:
In Les Mis, CSR: "On My Own" -- the word "pretending" -- if you've heard it, you know what I mean.

There are so many more, that's what makes musicals great. Good thread!

Hi, Shirley Temple Pudding.
Updated On: 6/26/05 at 10:26 AM

#73re: The Short Moments That Make a Song Fantastic!
Posted: 6/26/05 at 11:05am

The vocal harmonies during the line "Can no one hear..." in the final verse of "Trying Not to Notice" from THE WOMAN IN WHITE.

BroadwayNick Profile Photo
#74re: The Short Moments That Make a Song Fantastic!
Posted: 7/2/05 at 6:11pm

"No more giants
Waging war.
Can't we just pursue out lives
With out children and our wives?
'Till that happy day arrives,
How do you ignore
All the witches,
All the curses,
All the wolves, all the lies,
The false hopes, the goodbyes,
The reverses,
All the wondering what even worse is
Still in store?

All the children...
All the giants...

No more."

--from Into the Woods

Never be afraid to try something new. Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark. A large group of professionals built the Titanic. --Dave Berry

#75re: The Short Moments That Make a Song Fantastic!
Posted: 7/2/05 at 6:21pm

"Follow Your Heart" from Urinetown. Like at the very end when both Hope and Bobby are singing "no anger or madness just laughter and gladness..." Especially on the way they harmonize on the word "gladness" give me chills everytime.
