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Universal's WICKED Films - News & Discussion Thread- Page 95

Universal's WICKED Films - News & Discussion Thread

#2350Universal's WICKED Film - News & Discussion Thread
Posted: 11/27/24 at 1:26pm

Delete please.

Updated On: 11/27/24 at 01:26 PM

#2351Universal's WICKED Film - News & Discussion Thread
Posted: 11/27/24 at 1:29pm

I'm really, really surprised by all the over-the-top raving now that I've seen the film for myself.

Grande isn't funny, Erivo isn't interesting, and they both look blank 90% of the time.

What are people crying about? How is this movie touching people??

It isn't a trainwreck or anything, but it's hardly Oscar worthy.

And they barely changed anything to significantly improve on the source material. everyone just hysterical? Or a paid shill?

And why is it so loooooooooong?

I liked some of it but it wasn't better than the stage version or anything. 

joevitus Profile Photo
#2352Universal's WICKED Film - News & Discussion Thread
Posted: 11/27/24 at 2:55pm

Jonathan Cohen said: "

However, Wicked is a prequel to a film that employed over 120 actors withdwarfism. Excluding those actors from playingMunchkins in Wicked, had precedence inL. Frank Baum's original description and the stage show,"

This Baum's description of the Munchkins: "While she stood looking eagerly at the strange and beautiful sights, she noticed coming toward her a group of the queerest people she had ever seen. They were not as big as the grown folk she had always been used to; but neither were they very small. In fact, they seemed about as tall as Dorothy, who was a well-grown child for her age, although they were, so far as looks go, many years older." As Dorothy is about 10, even if "well-grown" I see no discrepancy in the casting of little people for the MGM film.

Matt Rogers Profile Photo
Matt Rogers
#2353Universal's WICKED Film - News & Discussion Thread
Posted: 11/27/24 at 7:07pm

Listener said: "I'm really, really surprised by all the over-the-top raving now that I've seen the film for myself.

Grande isn't funny, Erivo isn't interesting, and they both look blank 90% of the time.

What are people crying about? How is this movie touching people??

It isn't a trainwreck or anything, but it's hardly Oscar worthy.

And they barely changed anything tosignificantly improve on the source material. everyone just hysterical? Ora paid shill?

And why is it so loooooooooong?

I liked some of it but it wasn't better than the stage version or anything.

Sorry you didn’t like it but you are clearly in the minority. I found it to be absolutely magnificent, even more so when I saw it again today in Dolby. Current predictions are that it will receive as many as 12 Oscar nominations, and it will definitely win some of them. Variety says Grande will win Best Supporting Actress. 

Matt Rogers Profile Photo
Matt Rogers
#2355Universal's WICKED Film - News & Discussion Thread
Posted: 11/27/24 at 7:44pm

I saw Wicked at its very first pre-Broadway preview performance in San Francisco 21 years ago. Intensely disliked it and never saw the show again. Today, I saw the movie in IMAX at my local AMC and absolutely loved it. I mean I guess I'm glad there's a part II coming next year, and of course I'll go see it, but I don't feel like I need it. I thought part I was a complete triumph on all fronts and  totally satisfying on its own. What a relief.

Sister George
Updated On: 11/27/24 at 07:44 PM

TotallyEffed Profile Photo
#2356Universal's WICKED Film - News & Discussion Thread
Posted: 11/27/24 at 8:46pm

I think a lot of the hype will die down before the Oscars.

#2357Universal's WICKED Film - News & Discussion Thread
Posted: 11/28/24 at 1:24am

TotallyEffed said: "I think alotof the hype will die down before the Oscars."

I think all the love for this film rubs you the wrong way and has got you bent out of shape. Poor you. Boo hoo! Step away from your keyboard…and go touch some grass…


SweetLips22 Profile Photo
#2358Universal's WICKED Film - News & Discussion Thread
Posted: 11/28/24 at 1:51am

Listener said: "I'm really, really surprised by all the over-the-top raving now that I've seen the film for myself.

Grande isn't funny, Erivo isn't interesting, and they both look blank 90% of the time.

What are people crying about? How is this movie touching people??

It isn't a trainwreck or anything, but it's hardly Oscar worthy.

And they barely changed anything tosignificantly improve on the source material. everyone just hysterical? Ora paid shill?

And why is it so loooooooooong?

I liked some of it but it wasn't better than the stage version or anything.

Oh I really really love you. I am not alone. xx

#2359Universal's WICKED Film - News & Discussion Thread
Posted: 11/28/24 at 2:05am

Matt Rogers said: "Listener said: "I'm really, really surprised by all the over-the-top raving now that I've seen the film for myself.

Grande isn't funny, Erivo isn't interesting, and they both look blank 90% of the time.

What are people crying about? How is this movie touching people??

It isn't a trainwreck or anything, but it's hardly Oscar worthy.

And they barely changed anything tosignificantly improve on the source material. everyone just hysterical? Ora paid shill?

And why is it so loooooooooong?

I liked some of it but it wasn't better than the stage version or anything.

Sorry you didn’t like it but you are clearly in the minority. I found it to be absolutely magnificent, even more so when I saw it again today in Dolby. Current predictions are that it will receive as many as 12 Oscar nominations, and it will definitely win some of them. Variety says Grande will win Best Supporting Actress.

Telling me "sorry for you" doesn't answer the question though. I'm asking sincerely: what am I missing here?

Did the audience at your screening laugh at all of Arianna's lines and movements? Did you see Cynthia's low-energy performance in some other light?

I mean, compare them to IM and KC and tell me how they're delivering even half as much...and yes, I get the difference between subtle film acting for the camera and acting for a Bway house.

I'm not pooping on it needlessly here. I genuinely don't understand the hysterics over how amazing this is.

uncageg Profile Photo
#2360Universal's WICKED Film - News & Discussion Thread
Posted: 11/28/24 at 2:14am

Listener said: "Matt Rogers said: "Listener said: "I'm really, really surprised by all the over-the-top raving now that I've seen the film for myself.

Grande isn't funny, Erivo isn't interesting, and they both look blank 90% of the time.

What are people crying about? How is this movie touching people??

It isn't a trainwreck or anything, but it's hardly Oscar worthy.

And they barely changed anything tosignificantly improve on the source material. everyone just hysterical? Ora paid shill?

And why is it so loooooooooong?

I liked some of it but it wasn't better than the stage version or anything.

Sorry you didn’t like it but you are clearly in the minority. I found it to be absolutely magnificent, even more so when I saw it again today in Dolby. Current predictions are that it will receive as many as 12 Oscar nominations, and it will definitely win some of them. Variety says Grande will win Best Supporting Actress.

Telling me "sorry for you" doesn't answer the question though. I'm asking sincerely: what am I missing here?

Did the audience at your screening laugh at all of Arianna's lines and movements? Did you see Cynthia's low-energy performance in some other light?

I mean, compare them to IM and KC and tell me how they're delivering even half as much...and yes, I get the difference between subtle film acting for the camera and acting for a Bwayhouse.

I'm not pooping on it needlessly here. I genuinely don't understand the hysterics over how amazing this is.


And you don't need to. It is your opinion and others have theirs. If it isn't the same as yours, so be it. You saw it, didn't like it, and that is fine. But don't question why others liked it, cried, etc. They saw and felt something you didn't. Period. In case you haven't noticed, we are all different.


Just give the world Love.

#2361Universal's WICKED Film - News & Discussion Thread
Posted: 11/28/24 at 2:23am

I'm chuckling here because I'm not looking to fight or be disapproving. I've gotten two dismissive responses and....I thought we were here to discuss our viewpoints in detail. As people who know and enjoy the material.

I'm quite honestly asking for a response to the points I brought up. If you care to counter my criticisms, that would be welcomed.


Updated On: 11/28/24 at 02:23 AM

Soaring29 Profile Photo
#2362Universal's WICKED Film - News & Discussion Thread
Posted: 11/28/24 at 3:59am

theatretenor2 said: "Saw this again last night for the second time and it was an even better experience, likely because I knew what to expect with some of the elongated numbers. "Dancing Through Life" and "Defying Gravity" particularlystood out as highlights this time when I thought they were the parts of the film that stalled the most on first viewing. Knowing I was going to be sitting through a 21-minute sequence in DTL made it better this time around. And yes, I clocked it.

As a Broadway fan, Igive the film asolid 10/10 for its musical execution and adaptation, but the film snob in me has some notes on the cinematography aspects and why I don’t think it willwin Best Picture. I also have some other Oscar predictions based on its strengths and weaknesses and based on what I've seen from other films.

Color Grading

The color grading has been something of atopic, and I can’t help but wonder if the more subdued, grayish tones in the early scenes were intentional. Perhaps Jon Chu and Alice Brooks were goingfor a Wizard of Oz-style gray-to-Technicolor transformation, with the post-Shiz scenes in the Emerald City becoming much more saturated and visually glorious. If that was their intent, it doesn’t land as distinctlyas it should. The transition feels underwhelming, and the gray tones fall flat rather than building the desired contrast. I will also say that The Ozdust scene colors are really fantastic.

Lens Flares

Alice Brooks seems to have taken a single page from Linus Sandgren’s playbook with her heavy use of lens flares—but she went overboard. On a second viewing, it became glaringly obvious that some of the flares were added in post-production, appearing and disappearing inconsistently. This choice draws attention for all the wrong reasons and becomes a bit of a distraction cinematically.


The lighting is a recurring issue, with key moments suffering from poor execution. For example, in "The Wizard and I," Elphaba's scene in the gazebo feels awkwardly and poorlylit as if the chimes themselves were supposed to light her?Similarly, "I'm Not That Girl"and the forest scenes with Fiyero have noticeable lighting problems. Even some of the backlighting choices feel oddly placed throughout.

It’s frustrating to imagine what could have been achieved with someone like Linus Sandgren handling the cinematography. It literally wins Best Picture with better cinematography.

Oscars Outlook

While the cinematography and lighting leave much to be desired, there are several strengths the film has going for it when it comes to contending for Oscars.

Likely to Locks:

  • Best Costume Design: A lock. The costumes are stunning and capture the essence of both the Broadway production and the fantastical world of Oz. While Dune: Part Two is likely it's biggest competition, I think Paul Tazewell gets his first Oscar here.
  • Best Makeup and Hairstyling: A strong contender, but certainly not a lock.

Possible Wins:

  • Best Production Design: This could go to Wicked or Dune: Part Two if the Academy feels Wicked was too CGI-ified when they had gorgeous practical sets.
  • Best Score: An intriguing possibility. Despite being a musical, the underscoring adds to the story and could compete strongly in this category.
  • Best Sound Design: It has a shot, though Dune: Part Two is morelikely.

Likely Nominations:

  • Best Visual Effects: It will get nominated, though I don't think it willwin.
  • Best Supporting Actress: Arianadelivered a show-stealing performance that surpassed expectations. While I could see a scenario where she andZoe Saldana (Emilia Perez) could split the vote and give it to someone else entirely, or Zoe could win it, I’m rooting for Ariana.

Not Likely:

  • Best Cinematography: The issues with lighting, lens flares, and color grading will keep it out of contention.
  • Adapted Screenplay: The screenplay is serviceable but not exceptional enough to break into this category.
  • Film Editing: The editing is good but not great when held up to other possible contenders like Dune: Part Two and Conclave. Then again, Bohemian Rhapsody won Best Film Editing, so I supposeanything is possible.

Speaking of Possible:

  • Best Actress: I hope Cynthia secures a nomination, but this is a stacked category with great lead performances this year, so I won't be shocked if she isn't nominated here.
  • Best Director: Jon Chu deserves recognition for tackling such an ambitious project, from staging intricate ensemble numbers to managing the direction of all the montages ("What is this Feeling?). However, the film’s fan-service elements and uneven technical execution might hurt his chances. I could see a scenario where he's nominated for the second film if critical and box office success follows suit with the first part.

In total, I count seven likely nominations, with two more possible. While Wicked boasts standout elements, it won’t claim Best Picture due to its technical shortcomings, especially in cinematographyThat said, its music, performances, and design elements make it a strong contender in the creative categories.

Of course, I could be totally wrong and this could be another Bohemian Rhapsody situation. I predict it will be more of a Barbie situation.

It's not a lock for any wins quite yet- too soon to say. 




joevitus Profile Photo
#2363Universal's WICKED Film - News & Discussion Thread
Posted: 11/28/24 at 5:50am

Listener said: "I'm chuckling here because I'm not looking to fight or be disapproving. I've gotten two dismissive responses and....I thought we were here to discuss our viewpoints in detail. As people who know and enjoy the material.

I'm quite honestly asking for a response to the points I brought up. If you care to counter my criticisms, that would be welcomed.


You basically said "This movie obviously sucks. Why do people like it?" Which translates to "What is wrong with you people?" So yeah, I'd say you are looking to fight and disapprove. Maybe if we're all misunderstanding you, look to how you're expressing yourself. 

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#2364Universal's WICKED Film - News & Discussion Thread
Posted: 11/28/24 at 6:01am

listener said:" I'm not pooping on it needlessly here. I genuinely don't understand the hysterics over how amazing this is."

It's one thing to give your opinion--that's fair.  Even specifically pointing out why you disagree with other people's opinions is fine.  And you've done that.  But to act like now those who disagree with you should make their case to try to change your mind or something, which obviously is not going to happen, is just... stupid trolling.  Why does it matter?  (And obviously this response is pointless but oh well :P )

BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
#2365Universal's WICKED Film - News & Discussion Thread
Posted: 11/28/24 at 6:55am

I hope the film’s global success motivates Universal to bump up Part 2’s release and markets it as a Summer Blockbuster. A “Coming this Summer” teaser trailer sounds appetizing. 

#2366Universal's WICKED Film - News & Discussion Thread
Posted: 11/28/24 at 7:03am

I haven’t seen the movie yet, but it seems like some people had issues with the color saturation and others didn’t. Based on the trailers and the many, many clips though, the movie seems plenty rich in color, and the cinematography seems fine as well. Do the trailers/clips look different than the actual movie?  

Kad Profile Photo
#2367Universal's WICKED Film - News & Discussion Thread
Posted: 11/28/24 at 7:10am

I had no issues with the color saturation- I thought it was an extremely vibrant film. And I (inadvertently) saw it in 3D, which does typically mute the colors.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
#2368Universal's WICKED Film - News & Discussion Thread
Posted: 11/28/24 at 7:14am

Do the trailers/clips look different than the actual movie?

Nope. The film looks exactly like every clip and trailer you can watch on YouTube. I will add that yes, the obvious CGI stuff is a little overloaded (the flying monkeys, the opening establishing shots over the waterfalls, the little creatures floating about, those long tailed fishes, etc) but it’s expected for a film like this. The lighting and the colors were naturally balanced so these complaints here most likely had to do with which presentation of the film they watched. I saw the standard 2D presentation as these gimmicky screenings don’t attract me whatsoever. I like to see films as they were for decades. 

Matt Rogers Profile Photo
Matt Rogers
#2369Universal's WICKED Film - News & Discussion Thread
Posted: 11/28/24 at 11:36am

TotallyEffed said: "I think alotof the hype will die down before the Oscars."

Think again. 

TotallyEffed Profile Photo
#2370Universal's WICKED Film - News & Discussion Thread
Posted: 11/28/24 at 11:46am

Matt Rogers said: "TotallyEffed said: "I think alotof the hype will die down before the Oscars."

Think again.

We shall see, little man.

Matt Rogers Profile Photo
Matt Rogers
#2371Universal's WICKED Film - News & Discussion Thread
Posted: 11/28/24 at 11:53am

Rentaholic2 said: "I haven’t seen the movie yet, but it seems like some people had issues with the color saturation and others didn’t. Based on the trailers and the many, many clips though, the movie seems plenty rich in color, and the cinematography seems fine as well. Do the trailers/clips look different than the actual movie? "

Again, this could simply be a matter of the projectionist using the wrong lens on the camera. This happens more often than one might think. If possible, see it in Dolby to avoid the problem.

Matt Rogers Profile Photo
Matt Rogers
#2372Universal's WICKED Film - News & Discussion Thread
Posted: 11/28/24 at 11:57am

TotallyEffed said: "Matt Rogers said: "TotallyEffed said: "I think alotof the hype will die down before the Oscars."

Think again.

We shall see, little man.

Oh really, Miss Cleo? Please be sure to tell all of us morons who will be the Oscars front runner. 

JP2 Profile Photo
#2373Universal's WICKED Film - News & Discussion Thread
Posted: 11/28/24 at 12:17pm

I don't see the hype dying down any time soon. The film is holding exceptionally well, even against Moana. It'll continue playing well through Christmas, and Universal is willing to pay for an expensive Oscar campaign. Ariana's nomination is seemingly locked, but pieces like this are already coming out in favor of the film... and Erivo.

I must say, I've never been a huge fan of the stage play, but I understand its popularity. This film, for me, perfects nearly everything I find weak about the show. Splitting it into two films was a brilliant idea, as I'm now wildly invested in the characters, and I found the world completely immersive.

Jon Chu is an incredibly detailed director, as displayed in Crazy Rich Asians and In The Heights, but this film is on a level beyond those two.

Updated On: 11/28/24 at 12:17 PM

caitlinette Profile Photo
#2374Universal's WICKED Film - News & Discussion Thread
Posted: 11/28/24 at 2:13pm

Listener said: 

Grande isn't funny, Erivo isn't interesting, and they both look blank 90% of the time.


I have to agree with you here. I thought the lead performances were incredibly tame compared to how sparkling and alive the roles are played on Broadway. And before anyone wants to fight me on this and say it’s a movie, it is still a Broadway musical, and I wish it had more of that Broadway quality in its leads and pacing. 

Ariana just comes across as so sad-eyed and vacant. Cynthia makes very safe choices. Perhaps this is just how they were directed? 

For everyone raving about Ariana’s comedic timing, I have to wonder if they’ve never seen clips of say, Megan Hilty or Allie Mauzey as Glinda. 

