Stand-by Joined: 3/30/18
I notice that since B'way reopened, there haven't been any posts about rude audience behavior. Are audiences been behaving better, or has rudeness become the new normal?
If you sat in the mezzanine at MJ, you would find a damn definitive answer lol.
Most shows are okay, but there are quite a few where the audience behavior remains out of control.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/17/07
I have been avoiding jukebox musicals ever since my last experience at Jersey Boys where I was told to "lighten up" and let people sing along to popular songs if they wanted to. I have no desire to hear my fellow audience members sing along when they feel like it.
I would never see Moulin Rouge again for the same reason, but it was much worse than Jersey Boys. Since so many songs are sung so quickly, it seemed like the audience would recognize a song, jump in and sing as soon as they realized they knew the song, then turn and ask "what year did that song come out? Was it middle school or high school? OMG remember when they played it at the dance that year? It was hilarious!" Ugh and forcibly sharing random memories like that with rows of strangers seated around them.
In the years leading up to the pandemic and since, I have made an effort to sit as far up as possible for the express purpose of avoiding as much of the audience as possible. Even though for many shows I would prefer to sit in the front mezz or at least a few rows back. But it is simply not worth it with the amount of disruption.
As much as I love Hamilton, I don't think I could go see it again because it has turned into a kids show. Any time I've walked past the theater before showtime, it seemed like the line was full of little kids dressed up as Hamilton characters. I've sat next to enough of them singing along. I've shushed a few of them and gotten every reaction from threats to apologies. I wish Hamilton had an adults only section.
The phones. The phones I think are better. Every time I see Phantom, I find myself watching the audience as the chandelier goes up and I'm amazed as this huge group of people and not one of them has a phone out recording this chandelier going up right over their head. I'm always impressed by that. But what people are doing with their phones now are just leaving them out on their laps, and when a scene is boring or a song is dragging on, they go to their phone, with the brightness turned down, and scroll through social media, the news, etc til their boredom wears off. Still very annoying though!
It really is the luck of the draw for who you're gonna get next to you. I wholeheartedly wish that The Broadway League would require a serious, no nonsense warning about behavior that all theaters are required to play at the top of each show.
If you go to Lion King, Aladdin, Hamilton etc, expect to be around a lot of little kids singing along, eating loudly, talking loudly. That's never going away. If you go to show like Moulin Rouge, MJ etc, expect more singing along and discussions about songs (what year they came out etc) And expect to be the only spoiled sport in the whole theater who can't just treat it like a concert where people can scream and yell at will.
Understudy Joined: 6/27/19
I was at the evening performance of Company last night and after “Ladies Who Lunch” there was a group of rowdy guys in the back of the mezz who were literally…. Barking as they cheered?? It sounded like a college football chant or something like “wuh wuh wuh wuh” VERY loudly…. It sounded like literal dog barking noises….?
Is this some sort of inside joke with one of Patti Lupone’s previous performances?? They did it again during her bow too so it definitely was purely for Patti. It didn’t seem like it was intended to be disrespectful but it was VERY loud. The rest of the right side mezzanine turned around and stared, and even Patti darted her eyes over in the general direction and seemed to scowl.
Am I missing something? I’ve never heard anything like that at a Broadway theatre. Was anyone else there and noticed the same?? I’m still puzzled as to what was happening.
At the performance of COMPANY I attended, a large section of the left orchestra did the same for Patti, but it was that woof/laugh hyena noise. Maybe it was the same sound you heard.
I'm of the ilk that people spontaneously reacting to theatre is an important part of the medium. I've had moments that have made me scream, holler, cackle, or even say "Whaaaaat?" out loud. Theatre is meant to evoke emotions like these. It's only when it because obnoxious and intrusive to others where it becomes a problem (and everyone's tolerance does vary) - which includes singing along with the songs on stage.
What I cannot abide is lateness, cell phones, and audible conversation. I'll continue to use MJ as my prime example of everything NOT to do at the theatre (I've never attended the major tourist shows so I cannot attest). The first time I went, the audience in the mezzanine was doing all of these things. In the case of the phones, the ushers were running up and down the stairs to reprimand patrons and flash their lights at them that it was almost like it was part of the lighting design. Additionally, they have the inexplicable allowance of patrons to come in nearly 40-45 minutes AFTER CURTAIN GOES UP. I had never been to a Broadway show that allowed that before and it was extremely disruptive. I can imagine maybe 10 or 15 minutes after stated curtain time (especially since most shows start late anyway) but 45 minutes? You might as well rebook. You know the time of the curtain well enough in advance where you should be able to plan to get there with time to spare.
Stand-by Joined: 2/9/18
Phantom4ever said: "If you go to show like Moulin Rouge, MJ etc, expect more singing along and discussions about songs"
Add Beetlejuice to the list of shows with people singing along a ton (and talking). When I asked someone near me not to sing at intermission I was told “it’s a musical, of course I’ll sing” as if I was the one being ridiculous. I’m at the point where when I go to one of these shows I just plan for distractions and try to not let them bother me too much.
I have also been noticing the phones on in laps with the brightness down more since theater reopened. That is annoying.
I was at POTUS seated next to 4 chatty young gay men. Their chatter was annoying enough but I kept noticing a light near the one sitting two seats from me. Saw it again after intermission and just looked over in his direction and he was vaping. I leaned across the one guy next to me and lied and said I worked for the theater and he was breaking the law so he needed to stop. And he did. And the chatter stopped also.
Outside of that I haven't really had much of a problem at shows. I do tend to try to get to shows during the first week of previews where I find less distractions. There was some filming at MJ when I saw the second preview but the Ushers shut it down and even removed one couple from the theater at intermission.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/9/04
Vaping? In a pandemic? When he should be masked? I would've flipped out. The entire audience would've heard me. The cast too. Un-friggin-believable. People really are awful.
I just plan for distractions and try to not let them bother me too much.
Exactly. You cannot control the whole theater and people are going to do what they want to do. I guess I'm in the minority that don't really mind if someone sings along, it's a joyful noise versus a negative one for me. But, since last Fall I do call people out for not masking. That is a health issue and not a small one.
And, it's true, MJ is doing great but their audience literally thinks it IS a concert. WILD.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/15/03
I have to 'fess up: I sing along at some points in HELLO, DOLLY! This is when the title song is played in the overture; during the brief encore of the title song and during the Grande Finale. Can't help myself.
On my visit last month to see 5 shows, I had good experiences at all except Beetlejuice. I was in second row center orchestra. There were several seats next to me in the dead center that were empty until about 20 minutes into the show. Then a man and his three sons (I guess) showed up and it took forever for them to get seated, so a lot of us missed most of a song. The three younger men were pretty well-behaved, but the older guy was scrolling his phone the entire show. Right before intermission, he lifted his phone with the camera light on and started taking video or a photo. He was admonished by the ushers as soon as the lights came up, but said, “I got what I wanted” when they walked away. So infuriating.
iluvtheatertrash said: "Vaping? In a pandemic? When he should be masked? I would've flipped out. The entire audience would've heard me. The cast too. Un-friggin-believable. People really are awful."
He was masked. He was evidently lowering it to vape quickly and returning it to his face. I caught him when it didn't go so smoothly.
I feel that shows that have a pop culture theme tend to have much more audience reaction as they are familiar with the story and songs. They treat it almost as a concert more than theater. For How I Learned to Drive and Plaza Suite, the audiences were truly respectful, no issues with masks or phones going off. It was a pleasure.
Broadway Star Joined: 6/3/18
I’ve seen ppl take videos / photos during the performance in
The Music Man
Mr. Saturday Night
Some ppl just think they can do whatever they want : shrug
MCW1227 said: "I feel that shows that have a pop culture theme tend to have much more audience reaction as they are familiar with the story and songs. They treat it almost as a concert more than theater. For How I Learned to Drive and Plaza Suite, the audiences were truly respectful, no issues with masks or phones going off. It was a pleasure."
...I guess you got lucky at your "HILTD". When I saw it in late April around opening, the cell phone problem had gotten so bad, they sent out Chris Myers (one of the chorus) to address the audience in person before starting
Based on this tweet, it seems like Alex Brightman has started calling out the sing-alongers.
I don't mind spontaneous or boisterous reactions to things but I hate hate hate singing along. Jukebox musicals are the worst for that. Older ladies were singing right behind me throughout Beautiful and Ain't Too Proud. It's not a concert, stop.
Chorus Member Joined: 8/18/20
I was at this performance. The person was a total tool and kept shouting out comments either agreeing or disagreeing with Alex. He did his best to shrug it off but eventually had enough and curtly read them for filth.
I saw four shows last week to a variety of different behaviors. While I don't think it will solve every problem, I would be interested to see what would happen if they showed a video demonstrating appropriate behaviors instead of the audio announcement. Maybe a visual is what's needed ...
And STOP letting late people in. Make them watch it on TV in the lobby. Periodt.
Broadway Star Joined: 6/3/18
Not during the performance, but when a line of ppl stand up and let you pass through, at least keep moving.
When I was at GFTNC - there were those two guys: everyone in this row stood up to let them move to their seats. Guess what, they just kept talking to each other, and was moving SOOO slowly. The second guy was also staring at his phone and for one second stopped right there and kept several of us standing - he then stepped on my right foot - and no "sorry" or "excuse me" - :shrug
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/23/17
spicemonkey said: "Not during the performance, but when a line of ppl stand up and let you pass through, at least keep moving.
When I was at GFTNC - there were those two guys: everyone in this row stood up to let them move to their seats. Guess what, they just kept talking to each other, and was moving SOOO slowly. The second guy was also staring at his phone and for one second stopped right there and kept several of us standing - he then stepped on my right foot - and no "sorry" or "excuse me" - :shrug"
Agreed. Those people deserve to occupy the same level of hell as the people who refuse to get up in the first place to let others pass thru (or who leave their backpacks and bags on the ground for you to step over (I just "accidentally" step on the bags instead) . And don't even get me STARTED on the people who are sitting on the aisle and don't get up and move at the end of the show!
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/30/15
quizking101 said: "I'm of the ilk that people spontaneously reacting to theatre is an important part of the medium. I've had moments that have made me scream, holler, cackle, or even say "Whaaaaat?" out loud. Theatre is meant to evoke emotions like these. It's only when it because obnoxious and intrusive to others where it becomes a problem (and everyone's tolerance does vary) - which includes singing along with the songs on stage."
For me, the line is between an organic reaction and a performative one. Is a genuine reaction or someone who needs attention and wants to be part of the show?
And people who refuse to get up to allow others to pass (especially before the show starts) are the worst. It's just more awkward for those who are larger or not able-bodied to maneuver because you won't stand for 30 seconds.
Broadway Star Joined: 3/19/05
goodlead said: "I notice that since B'way reopened, there haven't been any posts about rude audience behavior. Are audiences been behaving better, or has rudeness become the new normal?"
Forget the "since reopening" caveat...
Sunday performance of Shrek... man with his wife and kids checking the NFL scores repeatedly on his phone. Frozen, guy in front of me trying to record the whole thing with ushers repeatedly warning him and finally forcing him to delete all videos. To Kill a Mockingbird, woman with a crinkly bag of candy. My favorite, a straight couple on a date and the woman has to have her head up against her escort (like people are sitting behind you lady).
Many now think they are going to a concert (opening videoing) or a movie (BIG bag of candy, popcorn, whatever). It is great that a wider audience is going to Broadway/theater, but learn now to act properly.
Broadway Star Joined: 6/3/18
“ And don't even get me STARTED on the people who are sitting on the aisle and don't get up and move at the end of the show!"
OMG you just reminded me: when I saw MFL at Vivian Beaumont- when the show ended, there were two ladies sitting on the aisle and did not move at all. They just kept casual convo with each other. When one guy said excuse me to them (indicating it was time to stand up) one of those two women looked at him and said “Oh it’s gonna take a while”
so we had to turn around and go the other way.
I don’t know if it’s hilarious or ridiculous LOL
Except for cell phone use and problems with some folks wearing masks, I found that most audiences have been pretty respectful. At one time, I saw any show that opened, but now I'm more selective in the shows I see. I avoid juke box musicals and shows that are popular with kids and tourists for many of the reasons that others have discussed earlier. As someone else pointed out, you never know what type of audience members you're going to be among. I remember at the last revival of Grease, a family of six sat in the row behind me and during the performance, they broke out sleeves of Ritz crackers and made a lot of noise opening them, passing them back and forth, and of course, crunching away. At the 2009 revival of West Side Story, a couple behind me sang the entire score along with the actors, and they were terrible singers. These were isolated incidents, but I haven't experienced anything near to them since returning to the theater last October. However, cell phone use remains super annoying and in a few cases, the anti-maskers.
Updated On: 6/26/22 at 10:26 PMVideos