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Unpopular Opinions You Hold

#125re: Unpopular Opinions You Hold
Posted: 4/13/09 at 9:33am

I really don't like Alice Ripley's voice.

Alice, Louis, and J. Robert do not have the right vocals for N2N, AT ALL.
I wish they had used Norbert, Sherie, and Anthony.

"There's nothing good on. The media hates Christmas. The media loves vampires, though. Maybe they will show a Twilight Christmas."
-Danmeg's 10 year old son.

CSonBroadway Profile Photo
#126re: Unpopular Opinions You Hold
Posted: 4/13/09 at 9:35am

"I loved Sunset Blvd and Wicked and In the Heights."

A lot of people love In the Heights...

I'm a professional. Whenever something goes wrong on stage, I know how to handle it so no one ever remembers. I flash my %#$&. "Jayne just sat there while Gina flailed around the stage like an idiot."

Bettyboy72 Profile Photo
#127re: Unpopular Opinions You Hold
Posted: 4/13/09 at 10:02am

I am OVER Seth Rudetsky. The schtick was funny at first. Deconstruct your own crummy voice.

"The sexual energy between the mother and son really concerns me!"-random woman behind me at Next to Normal "I want to meet him after and bang him!"-random woman who exposed her breasts at Rock of Ages, referring to James Carpinello

#128re: Unpopular Opinions You Hold
Posted: 4/13/09 at 11:02am

I can't stand Adam Pascal's voice. I know a lot of people love him, but I just don't get it.

Marianne2 Profile Photo
#129re: Unpopular Opinions You Hold
Posted: 4/13/09 at 1:30pm

I did enjoy Wicked, but I don't think it is the greatest show on earth. And, I only saw it for the first time on Thursday, although it has been open for about 5 1/2 years now.

"I don't want the pretty lights to come and get me."-Homecoming 2005 "You can't pray away the gay."-Callie Torres on Grey's Anatomy. Ignored Users: suestorm, N2N Nate., Owen22, master bates

iflip4musicals Profile Photo
#130re: Unpopular Opinions You Hold
Posted: 4/13/09 at 1:54pm

I never post, but I really like this thread!

-- I don't despise ALW's music as much as I wish I did
-- jukebox musicals make me angrier than I knew I could be
-- I am a young theatre geek and I love Spring Awakening, [tos], Xanadu, N2N, ITH, and a lot of the other shows we get bashed for, but I also love the classics and have a ton of respect for musicals that came before Rent
-- I love Sutton Foster and would see her in anything regardless of how horrible the show is (YF...)
-- I like Patti's voice
-- August: Osage County kinda bored me
-- Not sure if this is unpopular, but I vote Julie Andrews over any other Maria in SoM
-- The Lion King is scary

"I've never encountered such religiously, you know, loyal fans as Broadway musical theater fans. It's amazing." --Allison Janney

The White Half-Mask Profile Photo
The White Half-Mask
#131re: Unpopular Opinions You Hold
Posted: 4/13/09 at 3:13pm

-I don't like "Rent". Nothing about it really appeals to me.
-I don't mind Disney musicals.
- I'm a big TPOTO fan.
-Apart from Gerard Butler's singing, I didn't think the Phantom movie was all that bad.
-Even though Michael Crawford was fantastic as The Phantom, I think many actors have played the role just as well, if not better, than he did.
-I loved The Producers movie.

Also, not theatre-related, but I actually enjoyed The Godfather Part III more than Part II.
Updated On: 4/13/09 at 03:13 PM

ratherbewhaling Profile Photo
#132re: Unpopular Opinions You Hold
Posted: 4/13/09 at 3:19pm

I didn't like Hair

Nancy Reagan, meanest and thinnest of the first ladies moves into the white house. Yabba dabba! It's the eighties.

Geridith Profile Photo
#133re: Unpopular Opinions You Hold
Posted: 4/13/09 at 3:43pm

- Love Joseph... and Jesus Christ SS, Wedding Singer, Scarlet Pimpernel, Jekyll and Hyde, and Little Mermaid
- Disliked the Sweeney Todd revival AND movie intensely
- Dislike Patti LuPone
- LOVE Sutton Foster in anything, even if her last two shows weren't the best...
- Think that the 3 Billys SHOULD win the Tony
- Loved N2N but wasn't really that fond of Alice Ripley's voice. Acting, YES. Voice, not so much...
- Did NOT think 9 to 5 lived up to the hype everyone at BWW gave it.

lisaatje009 Profile Photo
#134re: Unpopular Opinions You Hold
Posted: 4/14/09 at 7:11am

I enjoy listening to the cast recording of Aida, but I just can't stand Adam Pascals voice in it.
Same for Rent!

VonTussleGirl Profile Photo
#135re: Unpopular Opinions You Hold
Posted: 4/14/09 at 9:21pm

I know it may sound elitist, but here goes: I just don't like the majority of contemporary Broadway musical comedies. Out of the past decade, I loved Hairspray, and Spelling Bee, liked Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, Urinetown, and Drowsy, and thought [title of show] was pretty okay but vastly preferred its off-Broadway incarnation. It's not that every show I see has to be ~*serious art*~ - I love shows like Little Me and Bells Are Ringing with a pretty big chunk of my heart. But shows like Legally Blonde and Wedding Singer leave me totally cold.

Also, I have no opinion on Next to Normal either way, but I feel that I should mention that Alice Ripley's "Another Hundred People" on The Stephen Sondheim Album was actually one of THE songs that got me into Sondheim in the first place. Love her voice, but just don't care about N2N.

little_sally Profile Photo
#136re: Unpopular Opinions You Hold
Posted: 4/14/09 at 11:25pm

I don't like Cheyenne Jackson, Jenn Cody, or Laura Bell Bundy. I don't understand their appeal.

I thought Xanadu and [title of show] were overrated.

I think Jersey Boys is boring.

I liked A Tale of Two Cities.

A little swash, a bit of buckle - you'll love it more than bread.

#137re: Unpopular Opinions You Hold
Posted: 4/16/09 at 9:52pm

I don't like Hugh Jackman.

I liked Passing Strange at the tony's last year. A lot.

"There's nothing good on. The media hates Christmas. The media loves vampires, though. Maybe they will show a Twilight Christmas."
-Danmeg's 10 year old son.

esparza 333
#138re: Unpopular Opinions You Hold
Posted: 4/16/09 at 9:58pm

I loved Pirate Queen

Current Avatar:The sensational Aaron Tveit in the soon to be hit production of Catch Me If You Can.

#139re: Unpopular Opinions You Hold
Posted: 4/16/09 at 9:59pm

I'm trying to figure out why everyone is all GAH-GAH about this Susan Boyle woman

"There's nothing good on. The media hates Christmas. The media loves vampires, though. Maybe they will show a Twilight Christmas."
-Danmeg's 10 year old son.

metropolis10111 Profile Photo
#140re: Unpopular Opinions You Hold
Posted: 4/29/09 at 5:19pm

I think that it's the gay-ist thing for theatre queens to bitch and moan over what over the hill actress will show up to make them cry into their hankies in the latest Sondheim revival.

#141re: Unpopular Opinions You Hold
Posted: 4/29/09 at 10:03pm


"There's nothing good on. The media hates Christmas. The media loves vampires, though. Maybe they will show a Twilight Christmas."
-Danmeg's 10 year old son.

#142re: Unpopular Opinions You Hold
Posted: 4/29/09 at 10:24pm

I love jukebox musicals.

Chita Rivera is a great dancer, but I only wish her singing amazed me as much as her dancing...

I watched and loved Grease: Your The One That I Want religiously (the tv show) and I voted for Max and Laura. (Never saw it on Broadway, but knew it wasn't a masterpiece by any means)

"'Cats' is the second worst thing that ever happened to New York City"-Jersey Girl

#143re: Unpopular Opinions You Hold
Posted: 4/29/09 at 10:27pm

R&H's Cinderella is awful. There are a couple of gems in the score, and that's it. The lyrics are horrendous, the score is mostly weak, the book is terrible, the characters have NO personality whatsoever. The chorus members have much more personality to work with than any leading character

"There's nothing good on. The media hates Christmas. The media loves vampires, though. Maybe they will show a Twilight Christmas."
-Danmeg's 10 year old son.

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#144re: Unpopular Opinions You Hold
Posted: 4/30/09 at 9:43am

Sutton Foster hasn't done anything worth her hype since Millie.

I don't understand why so many people are obsessed with Les Miserables. I've seen it 3 times, thinking that maybe this time I'll "get it", but I still don't.

DC is having a better theatre season than Broadway is.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

kate86 Profile Photo
#145re: Unpopular Opinions You Hold
Posted: 4/30/09 at 9:50am

i love becky gulsvig way more than laura bell bundy.

i hated in the heights.

i love the pirate queen too! (wave to esparza 333)

i love julia murney. and think she has an amazing voice.

i think julie reiber should be lead in wicked.

i do not like kerry ellis.

4-11-10 Wicked (Oberhausen) ~ 8-7-10 Promises, Promises ~ 8-8-10 Next to Normal ~ 8-12-10 Bway @Bryant Park ~ 8-15-10 Jersey Boys + Sing for the Cure ~ 8-18-10 American Idiot ~ 8-19-10 Wicked Divas (Murney/Mackey) in Saratoga Springs, NY ~ 8-21-10 Next to Normal ~ 8-23-10 Natalie Weiss @Birdland ~ 8-24-10 Wicked ~ 9-4-10 Wicked (Oberhausen)

#146re: Unpopular Opinions You Hold
Posted: 4/30/09 at 10:06am

I would say about 50& of people on this site are really up themselves.

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#147re: Unpopular Opinions You Hold
Posted: 4/30/09 at 10:15am

I loved both TOTC and SOML and wish they both could have run longer and found an audience...

#148re: Unpopular Opinions You Hold
Posted: 4/30/09 at 10:49am

i think legally blonde is a phenomenal show.

i think wicked is good, but highly overrated.

Steve2 Profile Photo
#149re: Unpopular Opinions You Hold
Posted: 4/30/09 at 10:54am

I didn't care as much for "Billy Elliot" as I thought I would. Sure, Billy's dancing was great but the score was kind of unmemorable to me. I will see again and see if I feel the same way afterward.
