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Unpopular opinions you hold

#175Unpopular opinions you hold
Posted: 8/1/11 at 6:28pm

I think that Richard Rodgers did a better job writing songs with Lorenz Hart then he did with Oscar Hammerstein

ChiChi Profile Photo
#176Unpopular opinions you hold
Posted: 8/1/11 at 11:43pm

I'm very well endowed.

Gypsy - Betty Buckley

#177Unpopular opinions you hold
Posted: 8/2/11 at 9:10am

ChiChi - hilarious.

Kudos for all participating in this thread without bashing each other while sharing.

Rent...thought it was over rated.

Spring Awakening...only enjoy 2 songs off the CD thus had no interest in seeing it.

Next to Normal...terribly depressing and I don't get the love for it.

Title of absolute all time most hated worst show I have ever unfortunately attended and I was really looking forward to seeing it!

Gypsy...LuPone was the worst but I adored Peters.

I enjoy ALW...Phantom, Starlight Express (US and London versions), JCS, etc

Wildhorn...everything after J&H went down hill and still is going downhill.

Cats...saw the show at the Wintergarden at least a dozen times during its run. Probably went every other year with different friends, family, dates, etc

Why Cats? The environment, singing, dancing, costumes, etc provided something for everyone. If you wanted to try to analyze the show you could try or you could watch the intricate choreography. It could be as much or as little as you wanted. For me it was just enjoyable regardless of what happened in hours leading up to my attending the show. If I was tired I could relax and if I was energized I could get into the lyrics (as they relate to the poetry of TS Elliot) etc...

pinoyidol2006 Profile Photo
#178Unpopular opinions you hold
Posted: 8/2/11 at 1:19pm


Thank you! I posted that earlier, and I'm glad someone agrees.

I like your imperturbable perspicacity.

AC126748 Profile Photo
#179Unpopular opinions you hold
Posted: 8/2/11 at 1:30pm

I have to concur with the person who stated that the portrayal of mental illness and psychiatric care in NEXT TO NORMAL is offensive, misguided, and potentially harmful. I have been saying that since I first saw the show at Second Stage. That musical could be underwritten by the Church of Scientology.

"You travel alone because other people are only there to remind you how much that hook hurts that we all bit down on. Wait for that one day we can bite free and get back out there in space where we belong, sail back over water, over skies, into space, the hook finally out of our mouths and we wander back out there in space spawning to other planets never to return hurrah to earth and we'll look back and can't even see these lives here anymore. Only the taste of blood to remind us we ever existed. The earth is small. We're gone. We're dead. We're safe." -John Guare, Landscape of the Body

#180Unpopular opinions you hold
Posted: 8/2/11 at 1:58pm

"I feel like Tenor roles are being written higher and higher with more and more falsetto, and, as a countertenor training classically, that annoys me and makes me sad."

This is so true. Not only that, but these days, the only roles that are being written are for tenors. As a low bass, this makes me even sadder.

suttonequalslove Profile Photo
#181Unpopular opinions you hold
Posted: 8/2/11 at 7:34pm

- I don't like Patti Lupone's voice at all for some reason.
- I love Legally Blonde and find Wicked to be emotional and beautiful.

Wicked~West Side Story~Cats~Mamma Mia~Beauty and the Beast~Wicked~Anything Goes~

#182Unpopular opinions you hold
Posted: 8/3/11 at 11:06am

Stephen Sondheim is highly overrated.
The "gay" theme/plotline is all too common Broadway and Off Broadway - and I'm gay!
I preferred the 1994 Grease revival to the original
ALW's Sunset Boulevard is a masterpiece.
Master Class is boooooring.
Kerry Butler is a terrible singer.
Elton John did not deserve a Tony for Billy Elliot.
Jennifer Holiday is irreplacable as Effie.
Bernadette Peters is completely unappealing on a Marquee.
Scarlett Pimpernil was a highly enjoyable show.

Oh there's more... but I don't want to get beat up THAT badly Unpopular opinions you hold

Salene Profile Photo
#183Unpopular opinions you hold
Posted: 8/3/11 at 2:23pm

I do not find child actors annoying. In fact, I'm often impressed by them.

SeanMartin Profile Photo
#184Unpopular opinions you hold
Posted: 8/3/11 at 2:38pm

@ ChiChi:

And that's unpopular? :wink:

KylePKJP Profile Photo
#185Unpopular opinions you hold
Posted: 8/5/11 at 1:46am

The Phantom Movie is horrible. Sung off key in many places, visually unappealing, Gerard Butler cannot sing, re-orchestrated to lower keys in several places to accommodate bad singers, and on and on)

Brian Yorkey's lyrics MADE Next To Normal. Can't stand the amount of love Tom Kitt gets over him.

Spring Awakening was painful to sit through, but RENT was so over-rated it made me want to puke.

Jessica Phillips (Alice Ripley's Standby in N2N) was FAR superior to Ripley's or Mazzie's performances as Diana.

Kyle Dean Massey's nasally voice grates on my nerves.

I don't get the love for Nick Adams. He's got more muscles than talent, and he's obnoxious as hell.

I wouldn't pay to see Lea Michele in anything... even if it meant saving the world.

H2S in Business will close mere weeks after Dan Radcliffe leaves.
Darren Criss doesn't have his appeal or fan base aside from Glee fans.

I f*****g HATE Glee and Ryan Murphy. (not Broadway related, but I hate it/him.)

Caissie Levy was phenomenal in Wicked. It just happened that she began to suffer vocal problems at the time and, considering the role is mostly belting, it was smart of her and the producers to politely go separate ways so she could recover. If she hadn't, we'd have missed out om her as an amazing Sheila in HAIR.

Speaking of Caissie, GHOST is an amazing, incredible musical! Profile Photo
#186Unpopular opinions you hold
Posted: 8/5/11 at 9:42am

I think Book of Mormon was/is overrated and the show had lousy songs (exceptions: Opening and Turn it off).

"I have maggots in my scrotum" ? That seems to be a crucial lyric it is even the last line of the show. Not very funny in my opinion.

To seek revenge may lead to hell yet everyone does it but seldom as well......

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#187Unpopular opinions you hold
Posted: 8/5/11 at 11:30am

I think the London production of Legally Blonde proved the show always had the potential to be a classic musical comedy. I'm thrilled it finally received the recognition it deserved.

I think Sunset Boulevard is one of Webber's strongest scores.

I think Women on the Verge was the best musical of the season and included the best score of the season. I could only assume the critics were either unfamiliar with the film or with Almodovar. And to me, saying it needed to be more focused on Pepa and that it is Pepa's story sounds like the point of the film and the musical were missed. If anything, the musical was MORE conventional and focused than the film.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

broadway guy
#188Unpopular opinions you hold
Posted: 8/5/11 at 6:19pm

1. beauty and the beast should b revived on broadway like now!!!
2. people were too harsh on little mermaid on broadway.i thought the sets were amazing and the talent and the story was great. and the beast should have never closed. put little mermaid somewhere else
4.dont care for carol channing at all. Barbra streisand will always be hello dolly to me
5.sooooo sick of lea glad she isnt fanny brice
6.phantom of the opera is wayyy overrated
7.grease 2 is a waste of time
8. loved next to normal but alice ripley caried that show to the top
9.avenue q shud not have won the tonys. wicked should have
10. i absouletely love seussical and it shud have had a longer run
11. i hate shrek the musical
12.daniel radcliff is awesome in H2$
13.hunchback should b diseny's next broadway show
14. i love rent but it shud not be revived right now. maybe in another 15-20 years
15. i liked the spanish language in west side story
16.i hate that peter pan is a girl even though i think the ladies who played him were amazing in it.
17.lion king is overated

MarkieSunshine Profile Photo
#189Unpopular opinions you hold
Posted: 8/5/11 at 9:36pm

AwesomeDanny, I'm glad you agree! I really wish broadway would embrace all voice types and what is natural for them.

Love makes the world go round

#190Unpopular opinions you hold
Posted: 8/6/11 at 4:09pm

Wicked is absolute junk.

Jennifer Hudson was terrible in Dreamgirls.

#191Unpopular opinions you hold
Posted: 8/6/11 at 4:44pm

I walked out of Jeckyl & Hyde...

I wanted to gouge my eyes out watching "Moving Out"

I fell asleep during 42nd Street

Raisin in the Sun was the best non-musical I had ever seen on Broadway, despite P.Diddy being a terrible actor...

Andrew Lloyd Webber shows are redundant and boring and Phantom does not deserve to be running this long...

Mamma Mia is for people who know nothing about Broadway...

I don't understand why people continue to produce Frank Wildhorn shows...they all bomb...He's like the M. Night Shimalyan of theatre...

#192Unpopular opinions you hold
Posted: 8/6/11 at 4:56pm

^^most of those opinions are quite popular, at least on these boards.

staunchcharacter Profile Photo
#193Unpopular opinions you hold
Posted: 8/6/11 at 10:41pm

Oh I left out something: The Producers, along with Grey Gardens were he two greatest musical pieces of the last decade.

KylePKJP Profile Photo
#194Unpopular opinions you hold
Posted: 8/6/11 at 11:28pm

Glenn Close did not deserve the Tony for Sunset over Rebecca Luker for Showboat.

And some agree while some don't... for the latter, Catherine Zeta-Jones-Spartacus-Douglas did not deserve a Tony over Montego Glover OR Christiane Noll.

Gensho Profile Photo
#195Unpopular opinions you hold
Posted: 8/6/11 at 11:47pm

I still support Obama.

quizking101 Profile Photo
#196Unpopular opinions you hold
Posted: 8/6/11 at 11:52pm

Ethel Merman has an awful voice...God, she sounds like a dying goat!

Check out my eBay page for sales on Playbills!!

SeanMartin Profile Photo
#197Unpopular opinions you hold
Posted: 8/7/11 at 8:04am

I dont understand all the hoopla over Book of Mormon. The number they put on the Tonys is okay enough and funny enough, but the rest is like watching a really bad college show. It's a Michael Bay movie on stage.

Yes, it's cute, in its own desperate way, but my god, people... paying over a hundred bucks to see something this poorly and juvenily written? Is this the logical extension of things musical these days?

I know, everyone loves it, it won a bunch of awards, etc etc etc. It's still a great big steaming pile of whatever...

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#198Unpopular opinions you hold
Posted: 8/7/11 at 8:17am

Well, I wouldn't want all musicals to take this route, but I loved it both times I saw it.

Hated Curtains.
Hated Rent.
Loved Spring Awakening.
I am not enamoured of Sutton Foster or Raoul Esparza.
I had fun at Legally Blonde (suprisingly)
I'm excited to (finally) see Godspell (even though I doubt it will last long.)
I have no desire to see JCS.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

kc2 Profile Photo
#199Unpopular opinions you hold
Posted: 8/7/11 at 9:35am

I too loved DRV as Fantine.

I despise Ruthie Henshall & do not understand the love for Lea Salonga.

I enjoyed WOTV.

Chicago is just ok. I don't get why so many think it's the best thing ever.

I don't like Elaine Page either.
