Leading Actor Joined: 10/13/11
Matt- I was there last night and I saw Diane during intermission, and yes very hard at work. Didn't see anyone else from the creative team
laughingplace said: "Thanks for writing a well written response to something I thought was idiotic. Oh okay you want to know why?
This is the reason I feel that the original poster is idiotic. Is they are being childish. I think they are trying to say I am right and everyone is wrong. And trying to say everyone in the theater is wrong. What is right and wrong can be subject to many things. For instance is having an affair when your Husband is disabled to the point that he cannot even move ( by that I mean totally paralyzed like Stephen Hawking) ? will depend on your OWN personal values. "
How ironic you are using an example who's having an affair himself despite his physical limitation. And if you think defending the vow you made in your wedding is idiotic in such circumstances or it means nothing, well we indeed value things differently. Since it's not going anyway that might contribute to the discussion on the subject matter, I will not continue this discussion.
Featured Actor Joined: 9/26/15
perfectlymarvelous said: "It's also the parents' decision whether or not they feel something is appropriate for their child. I was taken to see a lot of theater and movies at a young age that some people might find inappropriate, but my parents decided that I was mature enough to handle it and 99.9% of the time I definitely was. In your original post you mentioned teenagers in the audience too. The movie Waitress is rated PG-13, and I don't see how the show would be too much for most teenagers to handle. By the time I was in high school I was into things like Angels in America, and I saw the original production of Spring Awakening when I was just shy of 16 and loved it. And then I went back and took my mom and she loved it too. You'd be surprised what kids can handle, and if they're interested and engaged I don't really see anything wrong with letting a kid see a show that isn't Disney.
The story here isn't about the cheating. It's not an action that's treated with any sort of reverence or really much of a moral perspective at all. In the film at least, it's very much portrayed as an action that is sometimes a reality of life, and no one involved really seems to benefit much from it. Jenna's journey does include an affair, but it's something that happens on the way to finding her strength and joy in herself and in her daughter.
As for the film ratings system, watch This Film Is Not Yet Rated. The MPAA's decisions are incredibly arbitrary and are meant as a guideline, not a hard and fast rule. They are also way tougher on films that contain sexual content or harsh language than violence, which disturbs me. That doesn't mean I think 5-year-olds should be seeing Deadpool, but I also think that if there's something worthwhile to a movie (or TV show, or musical) that a specific kid would enjoy, the rating wouldn't make my final decision for me.
I've taken my 12 year old to see Spring Awakening, Fun Home, you name it really. He is very mature, and I don't see a problem with it. He also watches movies such as Room, Whiplash, and Birdman. I'm taking him to see American Psycho (the musical) this July. We are probably seeing Waitress this October and I'm not nervous at all that it will be "inappropriate".
Stand-by Joined: 6/7/14
funhamilton_rent said: "perfectlymarvelous said: "It's also the parents' decision whether or not they feel something is appropriate for their child. I was taken to see a lot of theater and movies at a young age that some people might find inappropriate, but my parents decided that I was mature enough to handle it and 99.9% of the time I definitely was. In your original post you mentioned teenagers in the audience too. The movie Waitress is rated PG-13, and I don't see how the show would be too much for most teenagers to handle. By the time I was in high school I was into things like Angels in America, and I saw the original production of Spring Awakening when I was just shy of 16 and loved it. And then I went back and took my mom and she loved it too. You'd be surprised what kids can handle, and if they're interested and engaged I don't really see anything wrong with letting a kid see a show that isn't Disney.
The story here isn't about the cheating. It's not an action that's treated with any sort of reverence or really much of a moral perspective at all. In the film at least, it's very much portrayed as an action that is sometimes a reality of life, and no one involved really seems to benefit much from it. Jenna's journey does include an affair, but it's something that happens on the way to finding her strength and joy in herself and in her daughter.
As for the film ratings system, watch This Film Is Not Yet Rated. The MPAA's decisions are incredibly arbitrary and are meant as a guideline, not a hard and fast rule. They are also way tougher on films that contain sexual content or harsh language than violence, which disturbs me. That doesn't mean I think 5-year-olds should be seeing Deadpool, but I also think that if there's something worthwhile to a movie (or TV show, or musical) that a specific kid would enjoy, the rating wouldn't make my final decision for me.
I've taken my 12 year old to see Spring Awakening, Fun Home, you name it really. He is very mature, and I don't see a problem with it. He also watches movies such as Room, Whiplash, and Birdman. I'm taking him to see American Psycho (the musical) this July. We are probably seeing Waitress this October and I'm not nervous at all that it will be "inappropriate".
Gah! Broadway Kid 2, I have to ask....WHY do you constantly quote other posts but never add any of your own thoughts?
Dancing....would you really not understand someone finding a bit of "adult recreation" necessary? And it's not like she's proud of it...she tell her best friends, and that's it.
Sadly, people cheat -- always have and always will. Because it's "wrong" (and no one is denying that), should it be off limits? Do you think the audience thinks murder is ok after watching The Godfather???
Personally, I think cheating is horrific, I would not allow it any of my relationships -- divorced my ex over it.....but that doesn't mean it doesn't make for interesting FICTIONAL stories.
Can someone please post an understudy list? Thanks!
dramamama611 said: "Gah! Broadway Kid 2, I Jane to ask....WHY do you constantly quote other posts but never add any of your own thoughts?
Gahhh I always wonder the same thing!
Featured Actor Joined: 10/21/15
dramamama611 said: "Dancing....would you really not understand someone finding a bit of "adult recreation" necessary? And it's not like shed proud of it...she tell her best friends, and that's it.
Sadly, people cheat -- always have and always will. Because it's "wrong" (and no one is denying that), should it be off limits? Do you think the audience thinks murder is ok after watching The Godfather???
Personally, I thought no cheating is horrific, I would not allow it any of my relationships -- divorced my ex over it.....but that doesn't mean it makes for interesting FICTIONAL stories."
Yes, this. It's a conflict that can drive the plot of a story. Understanding that is in no way condoning it.
Swing Joined: 10/9/15
Sunday night. Literally 45 degrees in balcony! WTF?! It's warmer outside!
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/15/15
funhamilton_rent said: "'Ive taken my 12 year old to see Spring Awakening, Fun Home, you name it really. He is very mature, and I don't see a problem with it. He also watches movies such as Room, Whiplash, and Birdman. I'm taking him to see American Psycho (the musical) this July. We are probably seeing Waitress this October and I'm not nervous at all that it will be "inappropriate"."
American Psycho might be too much for a 12 year old IMO. There is blood, sex and a lot of swearing. That's not the issue though. They might be lost on some of the jokes since it's set in the 80's.
mailhandler777 said: "funhamilton_rent said: "'Ive taken my 12 year old to see Spring Awakening, Fun Home, you name it really. He is very mature, and I don't see a problem with it. He also watches movies such as Room, Whiplash, and Birdman. I'm taking him to see American Psycho (the musical) this July. We are probably seeing Waitress this October and I'm not nervous at all that it will be "inappropriate"."
American Psycho might be too much for a 12 year old IMO. There is blood, sex and a lot of swearing. That's not the issue though. They might be lost on some of the jokes since it's set in the 80's.
I'd be more concerned about the blood, sex and swearing... considering that most viewers who were born after the 80s will also miss some of the jokes and that's something audiences will deal with. Blood, sex, swearing and violence may be disturbing for younger audiences but as long as you think he is mature enough, he should have a grand old time.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/15/15
^I almost jumped out of my skin right at the beginning of the show as did everyone around me so yeah I get what you are saying.
GreasedLightning said: "dramamama611 said: "Gah! Broadway Kid 2, I Jane to ask....WHY do you constantly quote other posts but never add any of your own thoughts?" Gahhh I always wonder the same thing! "
OMG both of you, thanks for being that up because it gets on my nerves every time I see it. I once PM'ed Broadway Kid 2 about it but they did not respond to me.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/1/04
This is pretty much unrelated, but so are a lot of the other posts in the thread, so... Jessie Mueller guest starred on tonight's episode of The Family as a baker, and I laughed.
^And she was only in it briefly!
Updated On: 3/27/16 at 11:43 PMBroadway Star Joined: 6/21/15
gypsy101 said: "OMG both of you, thanks for being that up because it gets on my nerves every time I see it. I once PM'ed Broadway Kid 2 about it but they did not respond to me."
LOL ditto. You know they should add 'no spamming' to the guidelines, so someone can report them, because it pretty much is.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/15/15
^I think there is something about spamming in the guidelines.
Broadway Star Joined: 11/10/15
broadway kid 2 wrote his own post in the 16-17 season thread late last night. i even pointed it out in that thread. a truly momentous occasion
I'm just curious. Can anyone direct me to a thread that discusses Waitress previews? I can't seem to find one.
Back on topic:
For those who have seen a preview, is it a fairly full house? Do you think this one is going to be a hit with audiences from what you've seen so far? Any other observations?
The first preview was sold out and I'm guessing the rest of this weekend did well too. I posted a lot of observations about the show before the thread got derailed a bit (maybe on page 3?).
I think a lot of fans of Bareilles as well as individual cast members (Mueller, Glenn, etc) have been very excited about this for months which has led to good sales so far. I was curious so I looked at Ticketmaster for Friday and Saturday nights for the next two weekends coming up and the show is very well sold, mostly a few dozen premium seats left each night.
Daddy Warbucks said: "For those who have seen a preview, is it a fairly full house? Do you think this one is going to be a hit with audiences from what you've seen so far? Any other observations?
I was there last night (Sunday) and it was definitely sold out, which is how I got to be there in standing room! :) VERY enthusiastic audience too, including a lot of other Bway casts.
I absolutely adored it...especially Sara Bareilles' score, which was so bouncy and fun I was bopping around back in my standing room spot. Some gorgeous ballads, too! Jessie sounded amazing, I think definite shoo-in for a Tony nom, and the show was charming & funnier than I was expecting. Kimiko Glenn and Keala Settle were both wonderful, and Chris Fitzgerald totally stole every scene he was in (his first number got a MAJOR audience response)! I have literally no complaints. :)