The box seats are still sold at the BO only in advance, but the price went up from $79 to $89, at least for the performance in June when I'm seeing the show again. I think they told my friend it's for the duration of Sara's run.
Swing Joined: 3/27/17
Bump... is it still the case that there is no rush policy for Waitress? Hoping to score some tickets for the weekend and wondering how to best go about it.
Chorus Member Joined: 5/15/16
Does anybody have recent experience with the box seats? Do they sell out in advance or is there a chance to get them a day or two before performance day?
Is it possible to get tickets the morning of?
Yes. When I saw it last July, I bought my ticket ($79 box) 30 minutes before curtain.
Yes! Just got four tickets! Can't wait to see Betsy!
Can I get some advice? I'm coming to NYC in October, and I'm trying to decide if I should buy my ticket in advance or wait and try for the rush. Right now, with a ticket code, there's an Orchestra ticket available on the right side, row J, Seat 2 (so right on the aisle and not super far off to the side) for $89. from what I can tell it's a really great seat for a great price, but I'm not sure where the rush seats have been since they started (I know there's probably not many reports on that yet) or how crowded the rush even is. Trying to decide if it's worth trying to save $49 or if if the extra $$$ is worth it for the seat available.
notalwaysontime said: "Can I get some advice? I'm coming to NYC in October, and I'm trying to decide if I should buy my ticket in advance or wait and try for the rush. Right now, with a ticket code, there's an Orchestra ticket available on the right side, row J, Seat 2 (so right on the aisle and not super far off to the side) for $89. from what I can tell it's a really great seat for a great price, but I'm not sure where the rush seats have been since they started (I know there's probably not many reports on that yet) or how crowded the rush even is. Trying to decide if it's worth trying to save $49 or if if the extra $$$ is worth it for the seat available.
I saw the show on Sunday and sat in the orchestra row N seat 2 on the aisle which was a great seat. However in my entire row there was only 4 seats filled (the first four closest to the middle aisle) which was sad. I am assuming that the rush tickets will be all of those far side seats that are not selling which depending on what side you're on will be partial view. So I guess to answer your question if you don't mind paying a little more I think it'll be worth it compared to a partial view where you might not be able to see some parts. Just my guess based off of what I saw the other day. Hope this helps!
I sat on the far right of the orchestra and was fine. You don't miss much.
Anyone try the rush yet? Curious how busy the crowd has been and where the seats are located.
I just realized I never replied to anyone! Sorry guys, thank you so much for your input. I think I'm gonna let fate take the wheel and see what I get when I get there.
Chorus Member Joined: 7/7/17
hey guys, i may rush on saturday so i'll definitely update you! even if not, i'll definitely pass by the theater!
When I was at the box office the other day, the one man said people have been lining up around 7am and choice of seats will vary on what's available that day!
Stand-by Joined: 5/4/17
Rushed Saturday morning for the matinee, got there maybe 15 minutes before the box office opened and they said there were only 30 rush tickets per show, but there were easily 20-30 people ahead of me and I still got tickets in the rear orchestra (far left).
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/14/13
Finally implementing rush must be working for them, because I finally saw it this week and I saw a close to full house, as opposed to when I bought that ticket, it was barely (maybe) half full, and still was when I checked a week previous to satisfy my curiosity.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/2/10
JennH said: "Finally implementing rush must be working for them, because I finally saw it this week and I saw a close to full house, as opposed to when I bought that ticket, it was barely (maybe) half full, and still was when I checked a week previous to satisfy my curiosity."
The last time this show was "half full" was sometime last fall in a slow period and that was just occasionally. There have certainly been some quieter days but it's never been only half full recently.
It will be interesting to see what happens when the new schedule takes over next week.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/14/13
KathyNYC2 said: "JennH said: "Finally implementing rush must be working for them, because I finally saw it this week and I saw a close to full house, as opposed to when I bought that ticket, it was barely (maybe) half full, and still was when I checked a week previous to satisfy my curiosity."
The last time this show was "half full" was sometime last fall in a slow period and that was just occasionally. There have certainly been some quieterdays but it's never been only half full recently.
It will be interesting to see what happens when the new schedule takes over next week."
Yeah I wonder what that new schedule might do.
Also what I meant was, when I bought that ticket ticket online, that house was barely half full at the time. I saw mostly blue, aka available seats. They were very scattered around the house but it was quite empty, borderlining on half full. That was about three weeks ago. Just for fun, I checked again a week before I saw it and not too much had changed. When I finally got the show it was pretty packed. Aka rush is working. Obviously it wasn't "Half full" by performance time, but it was when I bought the ticket 3 ish weeks ago.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/2/10
Oh I didn't understand what you meant. Now I see.
I am sure rush is helping but there are a limited amount of rush seats of course so it doesn't change too much.
Next two weeks are two for one tickets so all the shows should have more people (but less $$) but it's worth it.
Chorus Member Joined: 7/7/17
I passed by on Saturday at around 9, and the line looked to be about 10 people long. I went there after getting SRO to Hello Dolly at about 10:40 and they were out.
Waitress sells 30 rush tickets to each performance according to the box office. The tickets are back orchestra to the right, but not partial view. My friend was about 10th in line during a two show day, and got L16 and L18. Don't fret about showing up too early, an hour before the box office opens on a two show day should be good.
Understudy Joined: 5/17/16
How early should I arrive if I want a rush ticket on a Sunday? I am going with a friend and we are debating between Waitress and Come from Away but he prefers Waitress.
Broadway Star Joined: 7/28/13
ashleyjena said: "How early should I arrive if I want a rush ticket on a Sunday? I am going with a friend and we are debating between Waitress and Come from Away but he prefers Waitress."
IMHO a sliding time of 9:30 - 10:30 ( assuming a noon box office opening ) depending on how close to sold out the show is