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Who have you gotten stuff back from?- Page 52

Who have you gotten stuff back from?

biggest CHENO fan Profile Photo
biggest CHENO fan
#1275who have you gotten stuff back from?
Posted: 1/13/08 at 7:23pm

Just curious...has anyone gotten stuff back from anyone in AVENUE Q London??? Thanks!!! :)

#1276who have you gotten stuff back from?
Posted: 1/14/08 at 10:45pm

I FINALLY got a cast signed Playbill From the Little Mermaid from the stage manager. And it was the original broadway cast with JJ and COdy.

" I just want to go home and watch that show about midgets and eat a block of cheese!" Liz Lemon- 30 Rock
Updated On: 1/18/08 at 10:45 PM

EveRy Profile Photo
#1277who have you gotten stuff back from?
Posted: 1/17/08 at 6:56pm

I just got my signed Young Frankenstein playbill! :) But I'm kind of worried about something. I wrote a letter to Michael Cerveris, but I didn't realize that Cymbeline closed. I'm hoping that I sent it early enough that it got to the theatre before it closed, but if it arrived just before the end, do you think he'll still reply or do you think the actors just forget the mail they get when this happens? I hope not! who have you gotten stuff back from?

Also, if the letter reached the theatre AFTER the show closed, what happens? Do they just chuck it? Sh*t, that would suck.

#1278who have you gotten stuff back from?
Posted: 1/17/08 at 9:03pm

I sent a letter to Jenn Gambatese couple months ago. Right after I sent it, Tarzan closed. It's been a looonnnnnggggg time. I haven't received anything yet. Yep, I think they chuck it if the show closed. Sucks.

#1279who have you gotten stuff back from?
Posted: 1/17/08 at 9:46pm

Every- how long did the YF playbill take?

Broadwayluva Profile Photo
#1280who have you gotten stuff back from?
Posted: 1/17/08 at 10:33pm

has anyone gotten anything back from Christian Hoff, Daniel Reichard or John Gallagher Jr.?

#1281who have you gotten stuff back from?
Posted: 1/17/08 at 10:56pm

i got a singed playbill from john gallagher while he was still in SA.

MillieDillmount Profile Photo
#1282who have you gotten stuff back from?
Posted: 1/18/08 at 1:48am

Ok, so I love the stage manager at Young Frankenstein ... which ever one got my letter?

I sent my picture with Sutton and me that was taken at The Drowsy Chaperone stage door, the one I sent to Sutton to ask to sign, but never sent back, just a headshot. (Not that I don't love my headshot) But I printed it out as an 8x10 and asked if he could have Sutton make it out to Darci.

Plus, I asked for a playbill signed by the seven main actors (Sutton, Megan, Roger, Christopher, Shulter, Andrea and Fred)

I got both back within LESS than a week!! It was sent out on last Tuesday and I got it back this Monday!! I was sooo excited! (I live in northern Maine, might I add, I'm not that close to NYC)


My Sutton autograph:
who have you gotten stuff back from?

My Playbill:
who have you gotten stuff back from?


mikeyb16 Profile Photo
#1283who have you gotten stuff back from?
Posted: 1/18/08 at 3:22am

Wow that's quick. I sent a letter back in November 07 for a YF Playbill as well as another letter for a Mermaid Playbill but haven't had anything back yet who have you gotten stuff back from?

#1284who have you gotten stuff back from?
Posted: 1/18/08 at 5:57pm

I got a signed playbill back from Cody Hanford today! Im excited!

" I just want to go home and watch that show about midgets and eat a block of cheese!" Liz Lemon- 30 Rock

#1285who have you gotten stuff back from?
Posted: 1/18/08 at 7:32pm

this is a weird question, but do the people who sent stuff to YF- did the envelope you SASE have the metal tabs on them to close?

MaxVonMayerling2 Profile Photo
#1286who have you gotten stuff back from?
Posted: 1/19/08 at 7:01am

"Just curious...has anyone gotten stuff back from anyone in AVENUE Q London??? Thanks!!! :)"

Yes I have two pictures from Julie Atherton plus a very nice note and a signed programme from Clare Foster (while the two still performed in the show).

Everybody has a heart. Except some people. - Bette Davis

#1287who have you gotten stuff back from?
Posted: 1/19/08 at 11:02am

Linda3 - I sent Kristin fanmail through the address I got from [ www . fanmail . biz ] (I'm pretty surewho have you gotten stuff back from? and recieved a personalized signed picture! Also, I recieved a Lauren Graham signed picture...I'm pretty sure I got the address through the same site. It was a special email system I sent to.
Hope that helped!

"Sing 'till you're breaking glass or you're breaking down"

obsessedjb Profile Photo
#1288who have you gotten stuff back from?
Posted: 1/19/08 at 12:44pm

has anyone gotten anything back from Christian Hoff, Daniel Reichard or John Gallagher Jr.?

I know Christian sends out stuff but Daniel doesn't. Have no idea about JGJr.

#1289who have you gotten stuff back from?
Posted: 1/19/08 at 3:02pm

John Gallagher Jr. does send things out.

Linda3 Profile Photo
#1290who have you gotten stuff back from?
Posted: 1/19/08 at 4:53pm

Thank you sosoooooo much shiz!! I absolutely LOVE Lauren Graham, and I have been waiting soo long to send her a letter!!! Wow, I'm sooo excited!! How long did each take to send you the letters back?

oh, and would you by any chance still have the addresses?
and one more question, sorry. when did you do this?

Oh, and if it's not too much, could PLEASE show both pictures on this site?

Updated On: 1/21/08 at 04:53 PM

tgn915 Profile Photo
#1291who have you gotten stuff back from?
Posted: 1/19/08 at 5:56pm

I got stuff back from..

Kevin Cahoon
Telly Leung
Alexa Vega
Ann Sanders
Nicolett Hart
Shoshana Bean
Jennifer Laura Thompson
Carole Shelley
Kyle Post
Aymee Garcia

& the casts of..

Avenue Q
The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee

Recently sent letters to..

Aaron Albano
Howie Michael Smith
Sherie Rene Scott

Does anyone know if Sherie will reply?

Call me Travis. :)

#1292who have you gotten stuff back from?
Posted: 1/23/08 at 3:35pm

today i got Is He Dead? signed playbill

mikeyb16 Profile Photo
#1293who have you gotten stuff back from?
Posted: 1/24/08 at 8:53am

Yesterday I received 2 signed photos and thank you card from Summer Naomi Smart! Nice girl

#1294who have you gotten stuff back from?
Posted: 1/24/08 at 4:28pm

I just sent a letter to Megan Mullaly. I did not ask for anything back. Do you think that she would send anything even if I didnt ask? I wouldent assum so because she is a big actress

goodmorningbaltimore Profile Photo
#1295who have you gotten stuff back from?
Posted: 1/26/08 at 2:52pm

To broadwaylove3: She might, a lot of people will send out preprints and things like that. Then again she seems pretty cool so she might actually personalize something for you. Anyway either way it's good publicity so I wouldn't put the idea of a response out of your head.

Okay, I have 2 questions.

First off, this might sound dumb but where can I reach the cast of Cry-Baby right now? I know they were doing the whole out of town thing in California, but do you think they're back in NYC now?

Secondly, does anyone know if this address is still good?

Anthony Rapp
Greater Talent Network
437 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10016

I found it on but I don't know if he still gets stuff through this address. Thanks!

#1296who have you gotten stuff back from?
Posted: 1/26/08 at 5:26pm

wicked playbill
annaleigh ashford headshot

TheActr97J Profile Photo
#1297who have you gotten stuff back from?
Posted: 1/26/08 at 5:29pm

Linda3- I seriously doubt that address would work. She hasn't been at the Public since '05 when "See What I Wanna See" was there.

"I seem to have wandered into the BRAIN load-out thread... "

"Sorry I am a Theatre major not a English Major"

Mtay156 Profile Photo
#1298who have you gotten stuff back from?
Posted: 1/26/08 at 10:30pm

Could someone do me a huge favor. I tried it before a few months ago and it didnt work. Could someone tell my what write on the envelope if I want to send a letter to Meghan Mullally? I was gonna ask for like an autographed head shot. Thanks

tgn915 Profile Photo
#1299who have you gotten stuff back from?
Posted: 1/26/08 at 10:36pm

I got something back from Sherie yesterday.
I was expecting it to be at least personalized, but all it was was a small picture of her as Ursula, big white space with the TLM logo, and "Love, -sig-"
I'm happy to have gotten something! But, at the same time, I'm a little disappointed. =[

Call me Travis. :)

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