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Why Does Michael Riedel hate "Hamilton"?- Page 7

Why Does Michael Riedel hate "Hamilton"?

oncemorewithfeeling2 Profile Photo
#150Why Does Michael Riedel hate Hamilton?
Posted: 10/19/15 at 5:49pm

I think he described his personality well when he said this:

"Funnily enough, most of the people I've had feuds with over the years wound up becoming friends of mine because the producer who has this year's gigantic flop, next year may have next season's biggest winner, and I'd like to be the first person to say, 'This show's going to be a smash!' Just like I like being the first person to say, 'This show's going to be a disaster.'" 


Up In One Profile Photo
Up In One
#151Why Does Michael Riedel hate Hamilton?
Posted: 10/20/15 at 6:02am

But you've got to admit he was right about Bullets Over ... " I've already forgotten the rest of the title and still regret losing those two hours of my life and can't believe a tour is going out. He should stick to gossiping and keep his opinion to himself much like Burr.

Up In One

#152Why Does Michael Riedel hate Hamilton?
Posted: 10/20/15 at 10:25am

"But you've got to admit he was right about Bullets Over ... [Broadway]" 


Actually, no we don't. Riedel thought Bullets was going to be a huge hit. From his Bullets Over Broadway column:



That machine-gun fire you hear coming from the St. James Theatre is the sound of a hit.

“Bullets Over Broadway” has been in previews just three days, and already those in the know — that would be me! — are sensing it’s the show to beat this season."


Actually, this quote from Gawker best sums up Riedel, imo:


 "I love a fiasco, and I love to watch it all fall apart."



Skimbleshanks2 Profile Photo
#153Why Does Michael Riedel hate Hamilton?
Posted: 10/20/15 at 11:34am

It's a bummer that Riedel is the big dissenting voice on 'Hamilton' because there actually is room to debate the show's glowing reviews. I personally thought the show needed to be cleaned up in between the transfer; it's just too long / dense for its own good.

Sadly Riedeil's going to to turn that discussion into a trollfest.

"See that poster on the wall? Rocky Marciano." - Andy Karl as Rocky in 'ROCKY'

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#154Why Does Michael Riedel hate Hamilton?
Posted: 10/20/15 at 12:36pm

The landscape has been littered over the years with shows that looked like sure hits on paper only to come down with a crashing thud. It cannot be helped and will continue. Many shows we saw we thought would be running for awhile and it did not happen . Others we thought would not run did. 


Riedel can be blamed for many things but beating him up over Bullets is a bad example. Many on this board, when it was announced, probably thought the same. 

Poster Emeritus

#155Why Does Michael Riedel hate Hamilton?
Posted: 10/20/15 at 1:02pm

VintageSnarker said: "The first time I listened to the album, while brilliant, it did seem overly long to me. That said, it's an album and it's probably a different experience in person. The King and I also has a long running time and I loved it. A lot of the show is presentational but so is Evita and I think Evita is the only ALW musical I unabashedly love. The rest of those criticisms are garbage trolling... just finding something to complain about. Too many rhymes?"

I thought it was too long off-Broadway and still think it's too long on the album.  Act 1 felt like it should have ended after The Battle of Yorktown (or even What Comes Next).  We have a huge emotional high point of the American victory in the Revolution and then the act just keeps going.  Don't get me wrong I love the show, but I would have probably liked it even more in the theater without Dear Theodosia and Non-Stop (though I like the songs themselves).

Updated On: 10/20/15 at 01:02 PM

Sorry-Grateful Profile Photo
#156Why Does Michael Riedel hate Hamilton?
Posted: 10/20/15 at 2:00pm

Jallenc32 said: Act 1 felt like it should have ended after The Battle of Yorktown (or even What Comes Next).  We have a huge emotional high point of the American victory in the Revolution and then the act just keeps going.

I agree. I love Hamilton quite a bit, but there could be a little bit of song shuffling to make the show tighter. If I was handed the almighty editing pen, here's what I would do:

-Towards the end of Act I, go straight from "Yorktown" right into "Non-Stop." This way, you don't lose any of the momentum of "Yorktown" that currently gets drained away by "What Comes Next" and "Dear Theodosia." I'd carve out a small scene break with vamping towards the end of "Yorktown" to allow the Laurens letter scene to stay in, though it may mean having to cut Laurens singing his short "I may not live to see our glory..." reprise.

-Cut "Dear Theodosia" entirely. Sorry. Really I am. The melody is beautiful, but it's probably the least necessary song in the whole show. We already know Hamilton has a kid. And of course Hamilton and Burr love their kids. What parent doesn't? Why do we need 3 minutes for Burr and Hamilton to say "I love my kid?" Find a way to incorporate that Burr has a daughter into the beginning of "Non-Stop." It is about what happened "after the war," after all.

-Begin Act II with "What Comes Next?" It's a humorous way to slide back into the meat of the Hamilton story.

-Then the rest of Act II can proceed as as written, although you could probably shave a minute off "Take a Break" and not lose much.

TodayTix Code: XGAXA
Updated On: 10/20/15 at 02:00 PM

#157Why Does Michael Riedel hate Hamilton?
Posted: 10/20/15 at 2:44pm

I can get behind each and every one of your edits Sorry-Grateful!

Kad Profile Photo
#158Why Does Michael Riedel hate Hamilton?
Posted: 10/20/15 at 2:53pm

I think Hamilton earns every minute of its runtime, something that cannot be said for a vast majority of shows, even shorter ones.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

ChairinMain Profile Photo
#159Why Does Michael Riedel hate Hamilton?
Posted: 10/20/15 at 3:19pm

Unfortunetly, the numbers that I think are most exandable in Hamilton are the ones I enjoy the most. You could cut George III from the show entirely and not loose anything except one really good joke. 

#160Why Does Michael Riedel hate Hamilton?
Posted: 10/20/15 at 5:50pm

"-Cut "Dear Theodosia" entirely. Sorry. Really I am. The melody is beautiful, but it's probably the least necessary song in the whole show."


I have to disagree because there can't be too much Leslie Odom Jr./Aaron Burr and also because I think this number increases the impact of that moment during the duel. "I had only one thought before the slaughter/This man will not make an orphan of my daughter."

#161Why Does Michael Riedel hate Hamilton?
Posted: 10/20/15 at 7:46pm

Quite Honestly I agree with Reidel. The show is vastly Over Over Rated and some of my clients which I call the Money crowd are leaving at INTERMISSION. Which genius on this board said " It will change the face of American Musicals Forever.  REALLY ??? This show will be the best material that Forbidden Broadway has ever gotten. A Black George Washington, 3 sisters who are all different nationalities, and a Troll as Hamilton. How can you beat that ? But please keep the Hype going its really working for me.

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#162Why Does Michael Riedel hate Hamilton?
Posted: 10/20/15 at 7:53pm

Unfortunately, we no longer have Forbidden Broadway


For dissing Hamilton, you are now a marked man. Watch your back. Doubt I will ever see it or if I do it will be very late in the run. To see what all the excitement is about,  I ordered the cast album. It really cost me nothing as I bought it with points on Amazon . In addition, as soon as I ordered it, it was automatically downloaded to my kindle.


Ordering it was a no lose proposition. I can now judge for myself away from all the hysteria surrounding it.I will listen to the score and decide.

Poster Emeritus
Updated On: 10/20/15 at 07:53 PM

HogansHero Profile Photo
#163Why Does Michael Riedel hate Hamilton?
Posted: 10/20/15 at 7:57pm

stevie3 said: "Quite Honestly I agree with Reidel. The show is vastly Over Over Rated and some of my clients which I call the Money crowd are leaving at INTERMISSION. Which genius on this board said " It will change the face of American Musicals Forever.  REALLY ??? This show will be the best material that Forbidden Broadway has ever gotten. A Black George Washington, 3 sisters who are all different nationalities, and a Troll as Hamilton. How can you beat that ? But please keep the Hype going its really working for me."

Everyone gets to like or dislike whatever they want, but when you write something like what you wrote above, it reeks of lameness. If you have clients leaving at intermission, that says less about the show than it does about them.Certainly you re not suggesting that leaving is a thing; we know better. You, quite obviously, don't get it. Maybe it is above your paygrade, or maybe you haven't actually seen it and you are the troll. Nothing to be proud of there. 

But enjoy.

mariel9 Profile Photo
#164Why Does Michael Riedel hate Hamilton?
Posted: 10/20/15 at 8:03pm

The casting of people of color as the founding fathers is one of the most exciting and moving aspects of the show. There's no accounting for taste so it doesn't surprise me there are some people who don't like the material, but mocking the casting only reflects poorly on you.

Updated On: 10/20/15 at 08:03 PM

Kad Profile Photo
#165Why Does Michael Riedel hate Hamilton?
Posted: 10/20/15 at 8:04pm

I forgot I blocked stevie3. Now I remember why.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

gypsy101 Profile Photo
#166Why Does Michael Riedel hate Hamilton?
Posted: 10/20/15 at 9:40pm

I love explaining to my friends that the cast is non-white. That tidbit (and it's a very large one) has excited basically every non-theater lover I know (especially the Schuylers being black, Asian and Latina).

"Contentment, it seems, simply happens. It appears accompanied by no bravos and no tears."

#167Why Does Michael Riedel hate Hamilton?
Posted: 10/20/15 at 9:45pm

gypsy101 said: "I love explaining to my friends that the cast is non-white. That tidbit (and it's a very large one) has excited basically every non-theater lover I know (especially the Schuylers being black, Asian and Latina).



I've talked with non-theatrelovers and this excites them too!  In fact, that seems to be one of the main reasons people are enjoying this show!

HogansHero Profile Photo
#168Why Does Michael Riedel hate Hamilton?
Posted: 10/20/15 at 9:56pm

"the hysteria surrounding it."

The definition of hysteria is "an uncontrollable outburst of emotion or fear, characterized by irrationality, laughter, weeping."

Not only is that an inaccurate description of anything observable with respect to this show, but to the extent it suggests that the many many people here who think this show is the best thing since sliced bread are irrational, that is both unsupportable and would also be insulting were it not for the fact that the person writing it is, by his own admission, completely ignorant of the show. It is understandable that someone unaware of anything related to the subject at hand might think the reaction to it is hyperbolic, but with exceptionally few outliers, the knowledgeable (even the ones who are prompted to kibitz) would beg to differ.

#169Why Does Michael Riedel hate Hamilton?
Posted: 10/20/15 at 10:25pm

Ordering it was a no lose proposition. I can now judge for myself away from all the hysteria surrounding it.I will listen to the score and decide.


Nobody marks or judges anyone for having an informed opinion.  People are less likely to give very much credence to people who seem determined to take an oppositional stance for the sake of being the specialist snowflake in all the blizzard.  I mean, Riedel prefers "A Chorus Line"?   THAT'S the either/or proposition presented by "Hamilton."  It's normal for people to call a guy who's acting douchey a douche.  

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none
Updated On: 10/20/15 at 10:25 PM

ramsay15 Profile Photo
#170Why Does Michael Riedel hate Hamilton?
Posted: 10/21/15 at 3:18pm

Maybe Reidel hates Hamilton because of all the never-ending hype: such as four or five postings a day on Playbill.  By the way, what is Lin Manuel's temperature today?  Has it gone down from 102 degrees?

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#171Why Does Michael Riedel hate Hamilton?
Posted: 10/21/15 at 3:48pm

gypsy101 said: "I love explaining to my friends that the cast is non-white. That tidbit (and it's a very large one) has excited basically every non-theater lover I know (especially the Schuylers being black, Asian and Latina)."


I was talking to a Taiwanese American friend here who enjoys theatre (but doesn't follow it closely) and hadn't really considered seeing Hamilton due to the cost, the subject matter, and the amount of hip-hop. When I told her about Phillipa Soo, she got a lot more excited.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

HogansHero Profile Photo
#172Why Does Michael Riedel hate Hamilton?
Posted: 10/21/15 at 4:36pm

ramsay15 said: "Maybe Reidel hates Hamilton because of all the never-ending hype: such as four or five postings a day on Playbill.  By the way, what is Lin Manuel's temperature today?  Has it gone down from 102 degrees?"

Let me pose a question or two: what if it isn't hype? what if it is (as many here and elsewhere have asserted), actually that good? 

I happen to believe that it is. I happen to believe that it is more deserving of media attention than most everything else we have seen in (most of) our lifetimes. Have you seen it or do you just have a knee-jerk reaction to what you deem hype-something that, incidentally, is dependent on exaggeration to be an apt word? 

Now Riedel is an interesting case, because, as he has now acknowledged, he makes money by being controversial (much in the manner of a squeaky wheel, or a crying infant). He also suffers from well-known pathology that makes him retaliate against anything that humiliates him. And boy did Hamilton humiliate him publicly at the Public. 

What brings you to your attitude toward the show?

Kad Profile Photo
#173Why Does Michael Riedel hate Hamilton?
Posted: 10/21/15 at 4:39pm

It's not like Hamilton is paying for these updates on the theatre sites; people are interested, they click on Hamilton articles, the sites notice this and give the people what they want.

The show has a massive following; blaming the show for that is idiotic.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#174Why Does Michael Riedel hate Hamilton?
Posted: 10/21/15 at 4:43pm

I love this show, immensely. I'm getting tired of all the articles and new threads.  You know what, when I'm not in the mood to read them....I DON'T.   Doesn't change the way I feel about the show.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.
