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Xmas Eve in the PIAZZA with David Burnham

Xmas Eve in the PIAZZA with David Burnham

Tirso de Molina
#0Xmas Eve in the PIAZZA with David Burnham
Posted: 12/25/05 at 3:28am

For my Xmas Eve present to myself, I took in LIGHT IN THE PIAZZA up at Lincoln Center -- thank God that ONE show I wanted to see was doing an Xmas eve performance! even better, Aaron Lazar was apparently taking the weekend off, so I got to see the criminally unappreciated David Burnham as Fabrizio. What a GREAT performance he gives in that role! Strong vocals, persuasive acting, EXCELLENT Italian, and cute as the proverbial button. He's now officially my fave Fabrizio.

I was also pleased with Katie Clarke's affecting Clara; she seems to have a good rapport with Victoria Clark, who's STILL getting better and better as Margaret.

Overall, I think the show is holding up VERY well, though I thought the sound system tonight was "off" a bit, unfortunately -- it sounded too obtrusive and not quite full enough.

"Sweet summer evenings, hot wine and bread / Sharing your supper, sharing your bed / Simple joys have a simple voice: It says why not go ahead?"

mywonderwa11 Profile Photo
#1re: Xmas Eve in the PIAZZA with David Burnham
Posted: 12/25/05 at 3:41am

Small close friend, Kourtney, has a best friend named Holland. Holland attends Sam Houston University in Huntsville, Texas for Musical Theatre. Holland's best friend at Sam Houston was Katie Clarke and now Katie Clarke is on Broadway. I've hung out with Holland many times and met Katie Clarke. Weird...but I can't wait to see her in the show when I go to NYC next month!

"Somethin's comin', I don't know what it is but it is gonna be great!"

eslgr8 Profile Photo
#2re: Xmas Eve in the PIAZZA with David Burnham
Posted: 12/25/05 at 3:41am

It's a real shame that David Burnham, who is in my opinion a bigger name than Aaron Lazar, and who has the voice of an angel and the handsome looks to go with it, was not given the role of Fabrizio when Matthew Morrison left. It's a tribute to him that he stuck with the show as the understudy, because he deserves much better. I guess it's hard for a working actor to find a steady paying job in New York.

loridunn Profile Photo
#3re: Xmas Eve in the PIAZZA with David Burnham
Posted: 12/25/05 at 3:59am

I love David Burnham and I am so happy to find more people who enjoy his work.

"First and foremost I want to thank God, because there is no way that somebody with my name from South St. Louis ends up at Radio City Music Hall holding one of these without some divine intervention" -- Norbert Leo Butz (Tony Speech)

#4re: Xmas Eve in the PIAZZA with David Burnham
Posted: 12/25/05 at 7:42am

DITTO!!!!! DITTO!!!! DITTO!!!! DITTO!!!!


David Burnham is a MAJOR talent...a superstar in the making.

His holiday weekend of performances as Fabrizio were out-and-out brilliant and the audiences went wild for him... (and a shout out to feel better to Aaron who has been away sick).

Also, alert! alert! ...since Aaron says he is scheduled to be out during the second half of January, look for a full week of Burnham Fabrizio's then!

Katie is a delight. And Victoria? ---- how can one improve on what is already perfection? Well, somehow, she has.

Has this show ever been better??????

Updated On: 12/25/05 at 07:42 AM

Sheri Profile Photo
#5re: Xmas Eve in the PIAZZA with David Burnham
Posted: 12/25/05 at 12:31pm

I really love David Burnham as well! He was incredible in the staged reading of "Assassins" that I saw in LA a couple of years ago. I'm so glad that you got to see him!

ruthiefan_felix Profile Photo
#6re: Xmas Eve in the PIAZZA with David Burnham
Posted: 12/25/05 at 12:45pm

David's gorgeous and has one of the most amazing voices!

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#7re: Xmas Eve in the PIAZZA with David Burnham
Posted: 12/25/05 at 1:18pm

what a great xmas eve gift!

mrkringas Profile Photo
#8re: Xmas Eve in the PIAZZA with David Burnham
Posted: 12/25/05 at 2:26pm

I too was at the Xmas Eve performance and was completely blown away by David Burnham. Gorgeous voice, acting and an incredibly sexy to bootre: Xmas Eve in the PIAZZA with David Burnham

His Italian aria got a huge response and considering going back to see the show again before I return to the UK as its the most beautiful production I have ever seen on any stage.

Delighted that is still going strong

dancingthrulife04 Profile Photo
#9re: Xmas Eve in the PIAZZA with David Burnham
Posted: 12/25/05 at 9:11pm

I'm loving all of the happy Piazza love here.
Any chance I'll get to see David Burnham when I see the show on Wednesday? (Please click and help me win!) I chose, and my world was shaken- So what?
The choice may have been mistaken, The choosing was not...
"Every day has the potential to be the greatest day of your life." - Lin-Manuel Miranda
"And when Idina Menzel is singing, I'm always slightly worried that her teeth are going to jump out of her mouth and chase me." - Schmerg_the_Impaler

#10re: Xmas Eve in the PIAZZA with David Burnham
Posted: 12/25/05 at 9:53pm

i saw David the first time i went to see piazza and i think he is the best fabrizio. i mean he juyst lives and breathes that roll. he totally deserved that role and i told him that myself. he is AMAZING!!! i just loved him and i am hoping i get to see him again. he ripped off his shirt in "Il mundo ero vuoto" (i think i spelled that wrong) and it was like he was dying. it was almost like he just wanted to rip himself apart if he couldnt have her. ive seen matthew twice and i liked him but i dont think he really knew what he had when he had it. anyway, david obviously loves this work and for that i love him. he knows magic.

flaemmchen Profile Photo
#11re: Xmas Eve in the PIAZZA with David Burnham
Posted: 12/25/05 at 11:21pm

I've seen David Burnham as Fabrizio twice (one of them was my first time seeing the show) and I adore him in the role, so I was a little upset when they didn't promote him. Then I saw Aaron Lazar and fell in love with him, and I forgave the creative team. But I'm glad that everyone enjoyed his performance as much as I do.

IssaMe: aren't there two understudies for Fabrizio? Why aren't they splitting the week?

"Peace! The charm's wound up." --Macbeth

melissa errico fan Profile Photo
melissa errico fan
#12re: Xmas Eve in the PIAZZA with David Burnham
Posted: 12/26/05 at 8:44am

From what I've heard, the main reason that they didn't give David Burnham the role of Fabrizio is because he is so youthful looking that he made Kelli O'Hara look old. Now that we have Katie Clarke, who looks 15, playing Clara, and Aaron Lazar looks old enough to be her father.


GClef2 Profile Photo
#13re: Xmas Eve in the PIAZZA with David Burnham
Posted: 12/26/05 at 11:14am

Plus David Burnham is SOOOOOOOOO HOTTTT!

"The only way we live beyond our lives is to connect and carve ourselves into the souls of those we love." -Little Fish

Tirso de Molina
#14re: Xmas Eve in the PIAZZA with David Burnham
Posted: 12/26/05 at 1:24pm

MEFan, yes! it's really cruelly ironic that Burnham didn't get the role because of how he would look partnering one Clara (or how she would look partnering him), but then after Aaron Lazar got cast, the first Clara leaves the show and eliminates the perceived obstacle. If Kelly Clarke had already been in the role when they were recasting Fabrizio, I think, or at least hope, that Burnham would have been promoted to that part full-time. He certainly does a great job with it.

"Sweet summer evenings, hot wine and bread / Sharing your supper, sharing your bed / Simple joys have a simple voice: It says why not go ahead?"

melissa errico fan Profile Photo
melissa errico fan
#15re: Xmas Eve in the PIAZZA with David Burnham
Posted: 12/26/05 at 3:17pm

I enjoyed Lazar in the role, but he simply cannot compare to Burnham, who is extraordinary. Burnham is, in many ways, even superior to Morrison.

Tirso de Molina
#16re: Xmas Eve in the PIAZZA with David Burnham
Posted: 12/27/05 at 1:04am

I thought Burnham even better than Matt, too, as much as I enjoyed him in the role. There was an intensity that Matt didn't reach, at least when I saw him in the role (I can't speak for all the performances I didn't see, of course!).

"Sweet summer evenings, hot wine and bread / Sharing your supper, sharing your bed / Simple joys have a simple voice: It says why not go ahead?"

#17re: Xmas Eve in the PIAZZA with David Burnham
Posted: 12/27/05 at 3:17am

I worked with David Burnham when I was 10... Hahaha so thats like 8 years ago. It was in Vancouver and it was the first city where he took over for Donny Osmond in the tour of Joseph... I was in the kids choir (exciting I know) but he was sooo nice. He would come into the kids dressing room everynight before the show and wish us to break a leg. What a guy. I'm glad to see that he has made it to broadway in such a fantastic show understudying a fabulous role. Too bad he doesn't have it permanently but what can you do...

BillFinn Profile Photo
#18re: Xmas Eve in the PIAZZA with David Burnham
Posted: 12/27/05 at 6:03am

David Burnham gives me funny feelings inside I only feel when I watch Queer As Folk or Cinemax past my bedtime...

Bill Finn rocks. Woot.

kissmycookie Profile Photo
#19re: Xmas Eve in the PIAZZA with David Burnham
Posted: 12/27/05 at 10:51am

Uh-oh... The comparisons between the Fabrizios spell trouble (to me)...

I think Burnham brings his own stamp to the role. His acting nuances for it accentuate the youthful Italian that was better than MM and equal to AL. Perhaps it was just where I was sitting in the Beaumont when I did catch DB as Fabrizio, but his voice was drowned out both by the orchestra and KO at times.

And yet, he still was a fantastic Fabrizio!

#20re: Xmas Eve in the PIAZZA with David Burnham
Posted: 12/27/05 at 1:19pm

Good lord, where were you sitting --- in the street???

David has one of the strongest most operatic voices on Broadway...and when he opens up and sings full-out --- well, watch out...the rafters shake.

There are sotto voce sections in the score when he sings very lyrically and softly, so maybe where you were sitting the balance was off in those parts (sometimes the sound is off a bit in the show).

DottieD'Luscia Profile Photo
#21re: Xmas Eve in the PIAZZA with David Burnham
Posted: 12/27/05 at 1:52pm

After seeing Matt, David and Aaron, I prefer David in the role of Fabrizio.

Hey Dottie! Did your colleagues enjoy the cake even though your cat decided to sit on it? ~GuyfromGermany

kissmycookie Profile Photo
#22re: Xmas Eve in the PIAZZA with David Burnham
Posted: 12/27/05 at 3:34pm

Um, dead center of the orchestra.

It's also possible I didn't hear him sing full out during that performance.

midtowngym Profile Photo
#23re: Xmas Eve in the PIAZZA with David Burnham
Posted: 12/27/05 at 3:48pm

I am one of the few who grabbed the complimentary Tom Jones CD handed out at this years NYMF performances. One of the best scores i've ever heard. David really captures the tone and voice of this character.
Hopefully, the show will have another life with him in it.

'The Devil be hitting me!'--Whitney Houston
Updated On: 12/28/05 at 03:48 PM

Broadwaygirl22 Profile Photo
#24re: Xmas Eve in the PIAZZA with David Burnham
Posted: 12/27/05 at 5:07pm

I saw David Burnham in Tom Jones at NSMT! He was really great! and had a great singing voice. I hope he comes back to NSMT to do something else.

"The opposite of war isn't peace, it's creation."
