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bare The Complete Studio Recording- Page 24

bare The Complete Studio Recording

kaycee Profile Photo
#575re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording (With Review!)
Posted: 11/19/07 at 4:06pm

I wasn't a fan of Keili in LA, but I was willing to give her a chance on the album. I liked her Quiet Night At Home, but other than that, she just really grated on my nerves. And I found it hard to sympathize with her performance like I could with Natalie Joy Johnson.

the summer rain just brings us pain, Louison...

#576re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording (With Review!)
Posted: 11/20/07 at 3:06am

Okay, I received my package today and here are my initial reactions:

1. All the tempos seems SO SLOW. On the DVD, someone said that they didn't want the audience to ever miss a lyric... but really, you can speed it up a little. It's especially detrimental in the high energy numbers, such as "Birthday Bitch" and "911! Emergency!"

2. Almost everyone's acting is poor. Perhaps it's, again, because of the tempos... but everyone seemed off. I especially had a problem with Christopher Johnson as Matt; his voice is fine, but he comes across as extremely feminine... and that's not how I see Matt at all. Additionally, there isn't any passion or emotion coming across in the vocals, except occassionally for James Snyder (especially in "Ever After") and Keili Lefkovitz (brilliant in "A Quiet Night at Home").

3. Which brings me to the next thing: the songs sound overproduced. Like all the voices have been messed with and the music is synthesized.

4. I was absolutely blown away by the beginning of the CD. The vocals in the prayer at the very start of "Epiphany" had me nearly in tears... unfortunately not much else reaches that point.

5. Most of the lyric changes don't bother me, though some seem unnecessary. Why "Look into these big blue eyes and you'll understand" instead of "Feel the beat of my racing heart and you'll understand?"

6. I love the new rap in "Wonderland."

7. The DVD is slightly boring. The only thing I was really interested in seeing was how the writers/producers/everyone felt about the New York production, but it took up less than 5 minutes of the entire documentary. It's mostly just praise of the cast and crew of the LA production. Still some interesting stuff though.

8. I haven't really been paying attention to Act Two, so I'm not sure how I feel about it yet. Hopefully the entire thing will grow on me.

9. Yes, the packaging is strange and a bit off-putting at first. But it's beautifully put together, with the wonderful art found on the website and a 40-page booklet.

fishergirl819 Profile Photo
#577re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording (With Review!)
Posted: 11/20/07 at 7:57am

Three weeks later, and I've FINALLY received my shipping confirmation...and it was apparently shipped via USPS instead of FedEx like the others.

DrTheatre Profile Photo
#578re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording (With Review!)
Posted: 11/20/07 at 8:46am


"In the U.S.A. You can have your say, You can set you goals And seize the day, You've been given the freedom To work your way To the head of the line- To the head of the line!" ---Stephen Sondheim

kaycee Profile Photo
#579re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording (With Review!)
Posted: 11/20/07 at 9:42am

I will be interested to know what you think of Act 2, perfectliar. That is when the album really started to set me off.

the summer rain just brings us pain, Louison...

#580re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording (With Review!)
Posted: 11/20/07 at 9:44am

FINALLY got my shipping confirmation email!!! :) It was supposedly shipped last night.

But now I won't get it until at least Monday because I'm going home for break and my shipping address was my campus address!

-If you don't like your fate, change it. You are your own master.- Aida

Act0r721 Profile Photo
#581re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording (With Review!)
Posted: 11/20/07 at 9:51am

Ditto, BroadwayBaby.

spiderdj82 Profile Photo
#582re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording (With Review!)
Posted: 11/20/07 at 10:21am

I STILL have not gotten my confirmation and I am getting seriously PISSED OFF!!!! It has been a week to the day that I was told it was going to be shipped in 24-48 hours. Grrrrrr!!!!

"They're eating her and then they're going to eat me. OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!" -Troll 2

#583re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording (With Review!)
Posted: 11/20/07 at 1:13pm

kaycee - I agree with what you said about "Promise" - the Nadia/Jason exchange does not fit with his emotion at the time.

The second act was better for me. I don't know if it had already started growing on me as I worked my way through the show, but I enjoyed it much more. James Snyder is fierce as Jason. Stephanie Anderson fell completely flat the entire album. Keili Lefkovitz fared better in act one. And Jenna Leigh Green finally gets it together and tears it up with "All Grown Up." I really just don't like Matt Doyle as Peter; his voice is gorgeous, but void of any discernable emotions. Maybe he will grow on me as well.

That being said, there were some beautiful moments on this CD. In addition to the ones I already mentioned here and in my last post, songs like "Cross" and "Bare" are shining achievements. I'm not really disappointed like many others are, just underwhelmed. Perhaps it's because we've been waiting so long for this... not just since October 30, or September 25. Since 2004 (for me) and since 2001 for others. That's a long time to wait for something that doesn't live up to expectation. But if the creators are pleased, then I suppose we must be as well - this was their ultimate vision of their baby, and it's still a triumph of a show.

One final note...I really would love to know why everyone involved with bare has such a beef with the NY production. I just read the "Thank Yous" and here is what it said: "To the incomparable original cast & crew of bare in Los Angeles." No mention of anyone from NY. Damn that DVD for not being as juicy as I was hoping!

#584re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording (With Review!)
Posted: 11/20/07 at 1:33pm

So I got my CD a few days ago in the mail, and I felt like I needed to come on here and vent. Well not so much vent...I don't hate the recording, I just have some issues with it.

I, too, am confused as to why no one involved in the LA production seemed to like the NYC production (notes Jenna Leigh Green's neutrality on the issue...). Having watched the NYC production and now these clips of the LA production, I wonder who in their right mind would ever prefer LA over New York...

I can understand wanting to stay true to what you originally wrote and do what's best for the piece, but it seems like a lot of the changes on the album were done out of spite that they were changed for the NY show. Everything is slower, and I think that takes away from the up-beat, dramatic feel that the show should have. "Epiphany" was painfully slow, and it seemed like there wasn't much emphasis on harmonies (at least in the higher register) on this CD. I agree with some of the lyrical changes being unnecessary ("You and I", "Portrait of a Girl", etc.). I like that "Plain Jane Fatass" was included, but with "Quiet Night at Home" just one song after it, it feels like Nadia does nothing but feel bad for herself. "Are You There" felt incomplete without that final "Send a sign so that I know you're there...there for me" to tie it up, like in the New York production. It sounded like they just stopped singing and forgot the lyrics. "One", however, is one of my favorite pieces in all of Act 1...I just don't know if I dig Nadia and Matt as part of that "And I keep on waiting..." verse.

Act 2, at least in NY, opened powerfully. Not so much on this CD. "Wedding Bells" is butchered at the end. Am I the only one who thinks that the whole "Forever and ever and ever, amen!" sounds like utter crap compared "Forever and ever, til death do you part"? I had few other issues with Act 2, aside from the random dialogue between Peter and Jason in the middle of "All Grown Up", as well as the fact that "Dream a dream, then dash another!" sounds freaking corny.

Onto the performances...

Altogether, the acting on both CDs was pretty bad. I understand that it's a studio recording, but it seems like someone lost track of the fact that it's a recording of a stage show, and a very emotional one at that. Matt Doyle didn't really bug me as Peter, he might on-stage though. James Snyder has a great voice, I didn't really have any issues with him either. Keili has a great, edgy voice, I just liked the more airy Natalie Joy Johnson from the NY cast. Keili sounded wretched during her brief part in "One"...My only other big issue was with Stephanie Anderson. I see Sister Chantelle as a powerhouse who doesn't take any crap, and I think of Romelda Benjamin's booming voice whenever I think of her character. However, Stephanie Anderson sounds like she's whispering 3 inches away from Peter's ear throughout the whole CD. No power, no soul, no acting whatsoever. Not a bad voice though..

I sound like I hate this thing. I don't, I think it's great that it's now available in a legal, concrete form in its entirety. I just wish someone would have looked at the fact that most of us here are familiar with the New York production of "Bare", so why pull out all the stops and do everything possible to make this CD/DVD set completely faithful to the original LA production (which, I'm sorry, is a less-polished, less complete-sounding prodction)? Clearly, when listening to this CD and the NY production back to back, the changes made for that show were for the better. Why try to fix what isn't broken?

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#585re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording (With Review!)
Posted: 11/20/07 at 3:41pm

I think the authors have made it very clear that they felt the New York changes were unnecessary so they did exactly as you said, fixing what isn't broken, only with the LA production. It's not fair to say that "most of us" are familiar with the New York production, because that's not true. Obviously they wanted to make the licensable version of the show the version they liked best which is mostly the LA version. So that's what they recorded. Why fix what isn't broken? That's what they did.

#586re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording (With Review!)
Posted: 11/20/07 at 3:56pm

I can completely understand wanting to stay true to and improve on the LA Production. However, why go back to lyrics and arrangements that either don't sound as good and don't make sense? "Take a look in these big blue eyes"? "So much for our ever-after"? And the end of "Wedding Bells" has lost all of its dramatic build-up, and just sounds trite.

As for who's more familiar with what production, I'm almost positive that the New York boots and sample tracks are better-circulated than anything from the LA Production. In fact, I've been looking for months for some audio or video from LA, and didn't come across a shred of it until I got this DVD.

BTW, does anyone else hear someone talking in the background during the first few seconds of "Portrait of a Girl"?
Updated On: 11/20/07 at 03:56 PM

#587re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording (With Review!)
Posted: 11/20/07 at 5:17pm

I got my confirmation today, and can't wait to weigh in on what I think about it when it gets here.

#588re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording (With Review!)
Posted: 11/21/07 at 12:31am

OK so I am at the end of my first listen and my initial opinion is:


I will post an indepth review tomorrow, but I do have some things to say now.

1. ALOT of the lyric changes in my opinion are great. I love "These big blue eyes" and such. There is nothing that really stood out to me and made me ears hurt.

2. The rap in Wonderland was certainly an improvement. I loved it and I think it was amazing.

3. The spirit and soul of the show are there and intact. I believe that this cast truly captured the essence of what is happening to these kids.

3. Jenna is as amazing as ever.

4. I am in love with this CD.

Finally, anyone who is negitive about this CD was OBVIOUSLY not listening to it with an open mind. I understand we are all upset about how things went down with the CD (believe me i know!) but you cannot truly call yourself a bare fan if you cant see through all the BS and embrace it with and open heart. When I first saw this show years ago it touched a special place in my soul because it hit so close to home for me. From the opening chords of "Epiphany" to the final breath in "No Voice" these people pour their heart and soul into a project that truly speaks to so many of us. It is an AMAZING accomplishment for Damon and Co. and they truly deserve a standing ovation.

#589re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording (With Review!)
Posted: 11/21/07 at 6:39am

outovfashion - You're not being fair in saying that negative reviews have been written because the listener wasn't "open-minded." On the contrary, I wanted this to be the most spectacular thing I'd ever heard, and it certainly started off that way. It's just underwhelming overall. Still a remarkable show, I'm not taking away from that. But this could have been better, and obviously a lot of people agree (and not all because they are upset with the long gestation period).

#590re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording (With Review!)
Posted: 11/21/07 at 9:12am

In my opinion, a lot of people are upset by, or not liking, the lyrical "changes," because they were just used to hearing it the other way. At first, the big blue eyes line in You & I bothered me, because for years I had listened to the other recording where they said "feel the beat of my racing heart." Now though, after listening to the studio recording a whole bunch, I don't mind the changes.

spiderdj82 Profile Photo
#591re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording (With Review!)
Posted: 11/21/07 at 10:20am

Still no confirmation. **MAD**

"They're eating her and then they're going to eat me. OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!" -Troll 2

starlyricist Profile Photo
#592re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording (With Review!)
Posted: 11/21/07 at 10:27am

I feel your pain Spidey...nothing here either. It's getting a wee bit ridiculous right now.

There are some people in the world who say that writing stories, or composing music or dancing sparkly dances is easy for them. Nothing interferes with their ability to create. While I celebrate their creative freedom, a little part of me just wants to punch those motherf*ckers in the teeth...[tos]

#593re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording (With Review!)
Posted: 11/21/07 at 10:57am

Got my confirmation yesterday from USPS! I ordered mine the evening of the 30th. It's a bout freakin time! I enjoy reading your posts, very entertaining.

Rentheadut Profile Photo
#594re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording (With Review!)
Posted: 11/21/07 at 11:29am

Some thoughts--

*I don't mind the lyric changes. I actually think that "take a look in my big blue eyes" makes sense as Ivy references Jason's "big blue eyes" later in the show (Touch My Soul, I beleive?). Not a big fan of her "then dash another" in "All Grown Up...."it just doesn't mesh well. "Dash" another? What?

*The acting...oh the acting...Jenna, James, and Kelli actually aren't that bad. I do prefer Jenna on the NY sample cd--she just seemed to have a little more "oomph." Matt Doyle isn't horrible acting-wise but Michael Arden seemed to have more impact and I don't know if that was because of his acting or because of his voice.

*Matt.....oh Christopher Johnson.....I wish I hadn't seen his face on the dvd because now I can't listen to anything Matt sings without thinking about that kid's face. Scary.

*Sister Chantelle is just wrong. Her voice is grating and acting is flat. Not a fan.

*I have a problem in the whole show in that it seems like the same five songs are just reprised over and over again. Luckily I like those songs they use but's like the same melodic combinations in different places.

*The songs between Peter and his mom STILL don't work. "Warning" is quite possibly the most boring song I've ever heard. They changed Claire's lines in the opening song and I feel like they have less of an impact now and take away some of the comedic releif the show had (and needed) in that opening number.

*The rap in Wonderland is just embarassing. For all parties involved. A rap? Really?

*I miss Love,Dad. I don't know why. I feel like we already have "Quiet Night At Home" why do we need another "let's feel sorry for Nadia" song. That being said, I do feel like Kelli is pretty amazing on this album.

*I don't hate some of the changes they made musically. I do, however, feel like they are less effective (I noticed them the most in both of Ivy's songs)

*I really enjoyed the story of Bare on the DVD. Like everyone else, thought it was strange they pretty much ignored their time in New York. Isn't opening a show in New York like....the ultimate goal? Also. That one lady with the big chin and teeth? She has far too scary a face to be shown as much as she was. And don't call me an asshole. You know you were thinking it too.

*Overall I'm a fan. I do feel like it's just missing....something...I don't know what it is. Maybe it's the combination of the cast I don't know. I feel like the show has so much potential it really just needs someone to come in and take the great parts and tweak those into something more. It's kind of like "Zanna,Don't" in a way. Great premise, a handful of really great songs, it just doesn't work cmopletely. Still, an applauded effort and *almost* worth all the hell everyone went through to receive their cds. :)

"The most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you find someone to love the you you love, well, that's just fabulous." -Carrie Bradshaw

NY_Broadway2 Profile Photo
#595re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording (With Review!)
Posted: 11/21/07 at 11:55am

How long does it usually take to ship? I got my confirmation on Sunday and I was hoping I would get the cd soon...meaning today...haha. But if not, surely no later than Saturday

If you hide from yourself, be someone else for someone else's sake, that would be the greatest mistake - bare

#596re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording (With Review!)
Posted: 11/21/07 at 12:36pm

I just got a very nice email advising it is being shipped today.
However, not Fed who knows how long it will take !!

NY_Broadway2 Profile Photo
#597re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording (With Review!)
Posted: 11/21/07 at 2:00pm

I just checked the tracking on my cd and it's arrived in my town at 5 in the morning today so I should be getting it this afternoon when the mail comes!! So excited!!

If you hide from yourself, be someone else for someone else's sake, that would be the greatest mistake - bare

fishergirl819 Profile Photo
#598re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording (With Review!)
Posted: 11/21/07 at 2:27pm

Mine arrived in my town this morning...of course, the day that immediately traveling home to my parents after work. So it gets to sit there until Sunday night! Oy.

#599re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording (With Review!)
Posted: 11/21/07 at 6:15pm

Rentheadut, I completely agree with pretty much everything you've said.

I really agree that Jenna had more spirit and "umph" on the NY sampler. A lot of her lines seemed really weak on the CD. Christopher Johnson also seems and sounds way too young to play Matt. I've been questioning some of the casting choices for this album for some time now, because a lot of the singers just don't seem to fit the part. Why is Diane white?

And I didn't even realize that a lot of the same melodies were used until just now. I kind of miss the twinkly little melody that played before "Quiet Night at Home" in the NY show.

I have to disagree about what you mentioned about Ivy's songs. I think the new arrangement in "Portrait of a Girl" is very nice and effective, and I didn't notice all that much different with "All Grown Up" (aside from the random dialogue and lyrical changes). Also, I totally agree on what you said about them not paying attention to the NY production. I think the big problem was that the people responsible for the LA production weren't pleased with the changes made for New York. However, it seems to me that the NY production was a cleaner, crisper-sounding and flowing show.

...and yeah, I hate to admit it, but I definitely thought that about the woman who directed the LA production who appeared on the DVD. Sue me.
