Joined: 12/31/69
Von Essen will be great im sure, but i would have liked to see Drew Sarich take over the role. i saw him understudy a few months ago and he was great.
Can someone please fill me in, what soap is Mandy Bruno on? I've never heard of her. I am excited about Max taking over.
Broadway Star Joined: 2/1/06
I had never heard of Mandy Bruno before, so that was why I assumed Lea Michelle, a new, popular Broadway actress, would draw in more people.
Dottie, google! Mandy's soap comes up prominently.
Thanks, Lizzie. I did just that and it turns out Mandy and I share the same birthday!!
Wow, Marina can Sing??
Drew must be pissed his is not being moved up in place of the prettier Max.
I too think Ceila was the best chance of a TONY nom.
I wanna catch this show (which I don't like) before she moves on.
NOOOOO, why did you delete that?! I agreed with all of it!
Stand-by Joined: 5/18/06
I believe that I heard Ms. Keenan Bolger is tied up with the Los Angeles run of Spelling Bee, which is said to be the entire original cast. This was a month or so ago I heard this, so things may have changed.
Wow. I'm surprised she's going back to SPELLING BEE. I had hoped she'd be working on a new project. I can't blame her though. SPELLING BEE is a heck of a lot more fun of a show to do 8 times a week than LES MIS.
Broadway Star Joined: 2/1/06
Wait, ok forgive me I don't know a lot about the Tony's, but couldn't Celia still be nominated? Or does the actor have to be in the show still in order to get nominated?
No, not at all. The show doesn't even have to still be open.
Broadway Star Joined: 2/13/06
The only new cast member I have heard of is Ben Davis(Javert). He was in the ensemble when I first saw the 3nt of Les Miserables(back in 1997). I wish I could remember him in the show though, it is hard to get noticed sometimes when one is playing one of the students.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/9/04
I don't know why they wouldn't stay through the Tonys, just doesn't make sense.
It's weird, I am so used to Ann Harada with a Christmas Eve voice that I can't imagine here doing anything else, especially a british accent
I HIGHLY doubt she'll use a British accent.
And let's not get into the accents thing again!
Mandy Bruno is great, and a really sweet girl, too. I knew her and worked with her back in Portland, OR, in her pre-Soap days. Couldn't happen to a better person. She'll be a terrific Eponine!
Good to hear that it's extended its run through at least Labor Day.
It'll get extended for the next 10 years.
hm, what is next for aaron lazar? *stars in eyes*
wow, ill actually get to see von Essen in something! Until I saw him outside the stage door of The Times... Changin' I coulda sworn he was just a cardboard cutout they stuck in pictures as an inside joke. As all over the place as he seems to be, I never see him anywhere or in anything.
Personally I haven't heard of any of these people. I am very happy for Norm and LM. Jenny I can understand with the whole 6 month contract thing. I don't know why Celia is leaving...that is quite disappointing. And Aaron, he is good but didn't seem to excited about the extension. It's best for him to move on. I CAN'T believe they didn't bump up Drew for Enjolras! He deserves it! Anywho, I am excited to see it again. I am sooo glad I saw it with the original revival cast!
Mandy Bruno plays Marina Cooper on CBS's GUIDING LIGHT had has now for a few years. She's a great little actress, who I saw in a NYMF show a few seasons back, and is a great singer as well. So happy that Marina will be on a Broadway stage.
Said video...
Mandy Bruno interview!
(Beaverton Valley Times.)
Max von Essen will be fantastic in the role, no doubt. He would also be great as Marius. I saw him in the Papermill production of The Baker's Wife. He sang beautifully and acted really well. He looks yummy, too. I will be there on his first performance!