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which is worse: stinking like weed or texting in a theater?- Page 6

which is worse: stinking like weed or texting in a theater?

theaternut Profile Photo
#125which is worse: stinking like weed or texting in a theater?
Posted: 5/31/10 at 7:13pm

"I once had to sit next to someone that smelled of old age"

I am hysterical. which is worse: stinking like weed or texting in a theater?

#126which is worse: stinking like weed or texting in a theater?
Posted: 5/31/10 at 7:14pm

Says someone who personally believes that lol. I'm not telling you what you should or should not do, I'm just speaking for myself.
And writing etc. is a different issue because perhaps the weed provides inspiration or a new thought process. One doesn't need inspiration to enjoy a show.

Borstalboy Profile Photo
#127which is worse: stinking like weed or texting in a theater?
Posted: 5/31/10 at 7:15pm

This thread makes me wanna skip the deodorant, have a wild three-way with partners of both genders, cover myself with their fluids (and my own) and go see MARY POPPINS, hair askew, clothes rumpled, second-hand lipstick smeared on my mouth, stinking to high heaven.

"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” ~ Muhammad Ali

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#128which is worse: stinking like weed or texting in a theater?
Posted: 5/31/10 at 7:15pm

If you truly enjoy the theatre, you should not need anything to enhance your experience.

If you truly enjoy the theatre, you should not need to post on a message board to discuss it with others to enhance your experience. Oh wait...

One doesn't need inspiration to enjoy a show.

Says who?

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how
Updated On: 5/31/10 at 07:15 PM

#129which is worse: stinking like weed or texting in a theater?
Posted: 5/31/10 at 7:19pm

Just make sure your phone is off and you're good to go, Borstal.

eta: Bring it though, for your show and tell photos at intermission. Updated On: 5/31/10 at 07:19 PM

Borstalboy Profile Photo
#130which is worse: stinking like weed or texting in a theater?
Posted: 5/31/10 at 7:23pm

Well, that goes without saying...

Wait, let me arrange the semen glob in my hair just so.

"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” ~ Muhammad Ali

ColorTheHours048 Profile Photo
#131which is worse: stinking like weed or texting in a theater?
Posted: 5/31/10 at 7:34pm

Yes, I do feel the same way about alcohol. If you're drunk, you're just as bad in my opinion.

And I think actors who are under the influence of something onstage are horrifically unprofessional. That goes without saying.

#132which is worse: stinking like weed or texting in a theater?
Posted: 5/31/10 at 7:38pm

I'm not talking about drunk, or excessively intoxicated on anything, colors - or do you have zero tolerance? Serious question.

I think you'd be very disappointed in many, many actors, I'm afraid.

Borstal, you missed a spot - and ya wanna button your fly, please?

#133which is worse: stinking like weed or texting in a theater?
Posted: 5/31/10 at 7:47pm

Orangeskittles, I'm just talking for myself. And I don't need the message boards to enjoy the theatre, as I did so for years before I knew the internet even existed. Just like (I would think) you weren't high when you enjoyed your first show.

Wishing Only Wounds Profile Photo
Wishing Only Wounds
#134which is worse: stinking like weed or texting in a theater?
Posted: 5/31/10 at 8:08pm

I would be gagging next to someone smelling like weed.

Formerly: WishingOnlyWounds2 - Broadway Legend - Joined: 9/25/08

DAME Profile Photo
#135which is worse: stinking like weed or texting in a theater?
Posted: 5/31/10 at 8:09pm

Lots of things make different people gag. Tough ****.


TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#136which is worse: stinking like weed or texting in a theater?
Posted: 5/31/10 at 8:30pm

"If you truly enjoy the theatre, you should not need anything to enhance your experience."

After doing theatre for as long as I have, sitting in the audience takes extra effort without looking at the show with a critical eye.

Besides, bwaylvsong, weren't you the one who posted that the OP should seek help?

Give me a break.

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

#137which is worse: stinking like weed or texting in a theater?
Posted: 5/31/10 at 8:44pm

I was joking about the "get help" thing. I apologize if it came off differently. And you don't count as a general fan/ audience member, Diva, since you work behind the scenes. And what's wrong with looking at a show with a critical eye? You (or, as I should say from now on, I) can enjoy a show and acknowledge its flaws at the same time.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#138which is worse: stinking like weed or texting in a theater?
Posted: 5/31/10 at 8:46pm

I love this thread.

I echo ghostlight's thoughts about having no tolerance. If you don't object to audience members having a drink or two, you shouldn't object to someone who has smoked a little pot.

Honestly, unless it's really cold out or you've smoked an entire joint, I just don't think that the scent is going to be that that overpowering or will linger for that long. Honestly, if I'm ever anywhere and I smell the scent of weed, I chuckle. And yeah, I'm totally immature, but whatever. I think if more people smoked pot, the world would be a much nicer place.

Really, what this thread teaches us is whom among us has a pearl clutching overreaction to evils of marijuana and who doesn't.
Updated On: 5/31/10 at 08:46 PM

#139which is worse: stinking like weed or texting in a theater?
Posted: 5/31/10 at 9:05pm

I'm also getting the distinct feeling that the line divide is between the older (and in several cases here) more professionally working posters being more tolerant, and that it's the younger ones who are so judgmental about it.

singtopher Profile Photo
#140which is worse: stinking like weed or texting in a theater?
Posted: 5/31/10 at 9:12pm

Hands down, this is the best thread of the weekend.

If you don't object to audience members having a drink or two, you shouldn't object to someone who has smoked a little pot.

Ain't that the truth, and frankly I'd rather risk having a pot head sitting next to me than a drunk. A drunk could get loud and rowdy whereas a pot head lacks the motivation to be disruptive.

"If this is going to be a Christian nation that doesn't help the poor, either we have to pretend that Jesus was just as selfish as we are, or we've got to acknowledge that He commanded us to love the poor and serve the needy without condition and then admit that we just don't want to do it." -Stephen Colbert
Updated On: 5/31/10 at 09:12 PM

TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#141which is worse: stinking like weed or texting in a theater?
Posted: 5/31/10 at 9:19pm

"Ivanguy, no offense, but instead of using your money to buy theatre tickets, maybe you should get some help. Sincerely, I mean that with no disrespect."

Joking? It sounds like you were apoplectic in your effort to try not to offend.

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#142which is worse: stinking like weed or texting in a theater?
Posted: 5/31/10 at 9:20pm

I hate drunks, so I think anyone who has a glass of wine before a show hates theatre and is a drunk. It just makes me have to pee.

#143which is worse: stinking like weed or texting in a theater?
Posted: 5/31/10 at 9:23pm

Ghostlight2, you're absolutely right. I think it's because us younger posters are products of the project DARE/ "don't do drugs!"/ "crack is wack" school and just automatically equate drugs with evil in our minds, even on a subconscious level.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#144which is worse: stinking like weed or texting in a theater?
Posted: 5/31/10 at 9:24pm

Wait till college.

TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#145which is worse: stinking like weed or texting in a theater?
Posted: 5/31/10 at 9:28pm

But you'll bathe in cologne, which is like someone spitting in my mouth.

Nothing better than sitting next to someone who leaves my eys burning.

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

#146which is worse: stinking like weed or texting in a theater?
Posted: 5/31/10 at 9:34pm

Diva, that's what happens when I try to be sarcastic and fail...
PRS, I'm almost done with college... and am probably one of a number of students I can count on my hands that hasn't tried any drugs.

givesmevoice Profile Photo
#147which is worse: stinking like weed or texting in a theater?
Posted: 5/31/10 at 9:43pm

Ghostlight2, you're absolutely right. I think it's because us younger posters are products of the project DARE/ "don't do drugs!"/ "crack is wack" school and just automatically equate drugs with evil in our minds, even on a subconscious level.

There's a huge difference between someone smoking pot and people who do coke or smoke crack or shoot heroin. (although I don't think you'll see many junkies taking in a Broadway show. Not right after their fix, at least)

When I see the phrase "the ____ estate", I imagine a vast mansion in the country full of monocled men and high-collared women receiving letters about productions across the country and doing spit-takes at whatever they contain. -Kad
Updated On: 5/31/10 at 09:43 PM

#148which is worse: stinking like weed or texting in a theater?
Posted: 5/31/10 at 9:51pm

I know that, I was just using "crack is wack" as an example.
Wow, I'm really digging myself deeper and deeper in this thread... I should probably stop posting in it...

mormonophobic Profile Photo
#149which is worse: stinking like weed or texting in a theater?
Posted: 5/31/10 at 10:04pm

bwaylvsong, that's not necessarily true. I was raised in the whole DARE/"crack is wack" environment and a product of that generation. My father was a cop working Narcotics (and a Republican who hates gays, but that's another issue and reason for my future therapy bills) and I was always told drugs are a death sentence. Luckily I was also raised in a time where libraries and the internet were readily available.

Do a little research on pot and you'll see the BS reasons it's illegal. Without getting too 'history lesson' here...Back in the day hemp so threatened the major industries (cotton, paper, etc.) that the newspapers ran with stories like "eighty percent of all the murders committed by Mexicans are done while the killers are drugged by marijuana" and "A California man decapitated his best friend while under the spell of the smoke." Okay, that first one is crazy racist as well, but it still paints an accurate picture of the propaganda surrounding the demonetization of weed. Heck, just watching Reefer Madness (both the musical and the original anti-pot film) gives you an idea of how little truth there is to fears of weed. Though it may seem so far out there nowadays, people actually believed these claims and we're still feeling the repercussions even now.

I know we've gotten somewhat off-topic from the original post (which I already answered with 'cell phones' and a suggestion to cook the ganja into something ahead of time on a previous page), but I just think some people see the issue from such a limited place. The woman smoking a menthol before a show? No problem. The countless drinks being served beforehand (and at some shows - even at your seat)? That's fine. Yet someone asks if smoking weed before a show is ruder than something that we all can agree is an increasing problem in theaters nowadays and they get attacked. Guess which of the three hasn't killed anyone? Oh, that's right - the only one of the three that is illegal. Darn. I now shall step off my soap box. Apologies and such. :)
