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which is worse: stinking like weed or texting in a theater?- Page 7

which is worse: stinking like weed or texting in a theater?

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#150which is worse: stinking like weed or texting in a theater?
Posted: 5/31/10 at 10:38pm

I'm also getting the distinct feeling that the line divide is between the older (and in several cases here) more professionally working posters being more tolerant, and that it's the younger ones who are so judgmental about it.

Blame Nancy Reagan and DARE. It's ruined my generation. which is worse: stinking like weed or texting in a theater?

I do agree with everything you said though, mormonphobic. I first learned about the biased demonization of marijuana from a documentary on The History Channel. Unfortunately too many people have already been brainwashed by the propaganda (see: this thread) and short of forcibly getting them high to prove them wrong, I see no way of getting through their conservative mindset.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#151which is worse: stinking like weed or texting in a theater?
Posted: 5/31/10 at 10:45pm

My step mother said she would rather have me drink myself to sleep than smoke weed before I go to bed because, "Weed is a gateway drug".

I laughed and pointed to her medicine cabinet and told her, "And that stuff will kill you!"

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

#152which is worse: stinking like weed or texting in a theater?
Posted: 5/31/10 at 11:22pm

Texting during the show is rude. Bad perfume is much worse than the smell of weed, which isn't bad at all. Cigarette smoke is MUCH worse.

Live long and prosper. Marriage equity now!

ivanguy Profile Photo
#153which is worse: stinking like weed or texting in a theater?
Posted: 5/31/10 at 11:34pm

Hey y'all - it's the Original Poster again! Great Memorial Day weekend post! I've had a blast.

Did I mention it was my boyfriend's birthday the night of the Addams Family? I'm the pothead - he's not. But yeah, it was his birthday - oh - and I'm gay AND a pothead. And a Broadway musical lover. Go figure. And a performer. While I NEVER performed high (well .... once ... and I learned my lesson) - I would *LOVE* it if my friends would show up after a glass of wine ... maybe smoke some weed .... do whatever .... have fun ..... as long as it ain't hurting anyone else. Not ONCE during my four year run in a major NY production did I find it disrespectful if someone showed up to my performance under the influence of anything. I'm happy they just showed up at all! LOL.

And I "couldn't stomach the show" without it because of all the abysmal reviews. They were fairly accurate. The show was okay, but not great. I certainly don't think it deserved a standing ovation - but then again, The Little Mermaid got a standing O when I saw it in the same theater - aren't standing ovations overrated these days? Anyway ... I digress. Oh, and I WASN'T stoned for that one - I was with a 10-year old kid - I do have respect for SOME things. Again, I digress .... the ol' stoner mentality!

I love, support and "RESPECT" the theater and have been part of the theater community for many years - and sorry ... I like to get high. I'm laid back and easy going. People enjoy my company. You should be so lucky to be sitting next to me during a show. Maybe we'd be friends. Or maybe not! Sharon Jones & I had a great time sitting next to each other at Fela - oh - and I think I smoked pot before that show, too. No one complained that night! LOL!

Updated On: 6/1/10 at 11:34 PM

ray-andallthatjazz86 Profile Photo
#154which is worse: stinking like weed or texting in a theater?
Posted: 6/1/10 at 12:01am

I'm with Phyllis, I love this thread!
And whoever offered brownies I'll take some, though I make some very delicious cupcakes and once even made guacamole...but that's neither here nor there which is worse: stinking like weed or texting in a theater?
I don't understand the argument that smoking means you aren't capable of giving the show its proper attention or whatever, that just goes back to misconceptions about weed itself. And I don't get how it's different for performers who smoke.

"Some people can thrive and bloom living life in a living room, that's perfect for some people of one hundred and five. But I at least gotta try, when I think of all the sights that I gotta see, all the places I gotta play, all the things that I gotta be at"

winston89 Profile Photo
#155which is worse: stinking like weed or texting in a theater?
Posted: 6/1/10 at 2:58am

The reason why I don't think that weed should be banned is as follows. I don't think that there has been good enough reason medically speaking to ban it and to make it against the law to have. I honestly feel that as far as health risks go it is not a gateway drug and that the risks are the same as smoking regular cigarettes.

However, pot, can alter the state of mind and there are people who either bug out while high sometimes without realizing it. I don't think that pot should be associated with the theatre because of that. And, before someone jumps down my throat let me say that I have nothing against weed. I've done it before but it is not something that I personally would do prior to going to the theatre.

"If you try to shag my husband while I am still alive, I will shove the art of motorcycle maintenance up your rancid little Cu**. That's a good dear" Tom Stoppard's Rock N Roll

verynewyorkcurious Profile Photo
#156which is worse: stinking like weed or texting in a theater?
Posted: 6/1/10 at 4:26am

I didn't read all of the posts to this thread but this is my two cents:

Before you confront someone for something like texting in the theater, you shouldn't have something they can use against you. Imagine if you were doing something that was distracting to someone. If that particular person happened to smell like weed, you'd use that against him or her. I do think it was necessary that the texter be confronted. It just would have gone better if the confronter didn't smell of weed.

I am a smoker and a former frequent weed smoker, so of course I don't mind the smell of weed, and I do hate texters in theaters (movies and shows). With a passion. It is a form of inconsideration that surpasses almost all scents.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#157which is worse: stinking like weed or texting in a theater?
Posted: 6/1/10 at 5:46am

Actually, the myth that pot is harmless is now bunk. Due to manipulation done to intensify it, marijuana kills brain cells...with the very first smoke.

I understand the whole comparison to just a drink or two, and from that standpoint it's no different. Smoking pot doesn't automatically make you 'incapacitated'. Actors would only care on your state of being was a disturbance -- otherwise, how would they even KNOW?

To the original question: which is MORE wrong? Doesn't matter, both are wrong. There is no "more" involved. If the stench is bothersome to another audience member then its wrong to have light up before the show without taking care of the odor.

I've often complained to an usher about a texter -- but, in today's world, I wouldn't mention it myself.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

GatorNY Profile Photo
#158which is worse: stinking like weed or texting in a theater?
Posted: 6/1/10 at 6:58am

Someone in Mezzanine Row C smelled like a walking meth lab on Sunday at La Cage. LOL.
Oh and the guy on my left had a HUGE bulge (H*** O*) in his pants every time Nick Adams was on stage. It was very distracting, but when I asked him to resolve the bulge he said we'd have to go to the restroom. We did and we got arrested. Just kidding.

"The price of love is loss, but still we pay; We love anyway."
Updated On: 6/1/10 at 06:58 AM

tazber Profile Photo
#159which is worse: stinking like weed or texting in a theater?
Posted: 6/1/10 at 8:01am

What do you guys think about people who text while they are high?

Excommunication from ever attending theater again?

....but the world goes 'round

JMPlayer6 Profile Photo
#160which is worse: stinking like weed or texting in a theater?
Posted: 6/1/10 at 8:28am

If I had an option, I'd take the smelly guy over the texting guy. But I'd not want to sit next to either, frankly.

Yero my Hero Profile Photo
Yero my Hero
#161which is worse: stinking like weed or texting in a theater?
Posted: 6/1/10 at 8:59am

I'm late on this, but here's my take:

I can't stand the smell of marijuana. It makes me cough (which would then annoy you and others in a theater), it gives me a migraine, and it makes me feel nauseous. It affects me more than cigarette smoke. And yes, it DOES take me completely out of the show because I can't enjoy myself. Normally, I never have to be around it for more than a few seconds, when I happen to catch a whiff while I'm walking somewhere, but if I had to sit next to it in an enclosed space for 2+ hours? I'd make sure to turn and vomit on you. It is INCREDIBLY rude and insensitive, not to mention selfish, to subject other people to that. Different people have different tolerance levels for the smell, sure, but you don't know who you'll be next to.

It's not about pearl-clutching or the "evils" or marijuana, and calling it that is just as overdramatic as calling it evil. You want to get high? Fine. I'm not going to lecture you. I just don't want to be forced to suffer because of your habit.

Also, pot smokers don't believe so because they can't smell it, but the smell really does hang around for a long time, in the air and on you. Not forever, as someone said, and I'm sure a shower would certainly help, but don't think that just because you smoked a joint thirty minutes ago that no one can smell it now.

Also, to the OP, who said that he saw a different show and this time smoked before getting on his train instead of right before going in to the theater, congratulations! You got into an even SMALLER, even MORE confined space reeking! Selfish asshole.

Nothing matters but knowing nothing matters. ~ Wicked
Everything in life is only for now. ~ Avenue Q
There is no future, there is no past. I live this moment as my last. ~ Rent

"He's a tramp, but I love him."
Updated On: 6/1/10 at 08:59 AM

#162which is worse: stinking like weed or texting in a theater?
Posted: 6/1/10 at 9:10am

LET'S face it ... they both stink .... it is very disrespectful to the actors & theatre.

ivanguy Profile Photo
#163which is worse: stinking like weed or texting in a theater?
Posted: 6/1/10 at 9:15am

I think calling me a selfish asshole is a little extreme.

It was a Sunday matinee - the train was empty.

#164which is worse: stinking like weed or texting in a theater?
Posted: 6/1/10 at 9:29am

Depending on the train I would probably welcome the smell of pot.

Kad Profile Photo
#165which is worse: stinking like weed or texting in a theater?
Posted: 6/1/10 at 10:01am

I'm confused. How many hits of acid am I allowed to do before seeing Addams Family before it's considered offensive to those next to me?

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#166which is worse: stinking like weed or texting in a theater?
Posted: 6/1/10 at 10:07am

Yeah, because without the scent of pot, there'd be NO offensive smells on the train.

DAME Profile Photo
#167which is worse: stinking like weed or texting in a theater?
Posted: 6/1/10 at 10:10am

Oy.. Phylliss.. I think that what is happening is that at a certain time of the day the posters here are from the 10 to 15 year old range. That is the only reason I can come up with for all this misinformation.


tazber Profile Photo
#168which is worse: stinking like weed or texting in a theater?
Posted: 6/1/10 at 10:20am

What about the theater goer who has chronic flatulence?

I would much rather smell pot than gas.

....but the world goes 'round

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#169which is worse: stinking like weed or texting in a theater?
Posted: 6/1/10 at 10:55am

However, pot, can alter the state of mind and there are people who either bug out while high sometimes without realizing it.

So can many legal medications. I've been more messed up on Benadryl and prednisone used as directed than I ever was on pot.

Should we ban everyone on antidepressents too? That definitely alters your state of mind. So does Ritalin.

Which is worse- mind-altering Ritalin, or sitting next to someone who has ADHD for 2.5 hours while they're off their meds? I'd rather sit next to a stoned texter than unmedicated ADHD.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

winston89 Profile Photo
#170which is worse: stinking like weed or texting in a theater?
Posted: 6/1/10 at 12:22pm

Orangeskittles, I have both a peanut allergy as well as a mood disorder and have been on some of the meds that you describe. And, let me add that I have tried pot more then once and pot does more to alter your state of mind then any of that which you listed. Benedryl just makes makes you tired and need to fall asleep ASAP.

Ritilan and other mood stabilizer meds (which I have been on, different ones at different times) don't alter your mind at all. And defiantly no where near the same degree as pot. So, you're basicially throwing out an apples V oranges debate.

"If you try to shag my husband while I am still alive, I will shove the art of motorcycle maintenance up your rancid little Cu**. That's a good dear" Tom Stoppard's Rock N Roll

tazber Profile Photo
#171which is worse: stinking like weed or texting in a theater?
Posted: 6/1/10 at 12:27pm

People react differently to various meds, winston. So while that may be true for you, you can't make an all encompassing statement.

....but the world goes 'round

ray-andallthatjazz86 Profile Photo
#172which is worse: stinking like weed or texting in a theater?
Posted: 6/1/10 at 12:59pm

Half an ambien screws me up much more than smoking pot ever has and ever will, and that's another legal medication.
DAME, I think you're theory is correct.

"Some people can thrive and bloom living life in a living room, that's perfect for some people of one hundred and five. But I at least gotta try, when I think of all the sights that I gotta see, all the places I gotta play, all the things that I gotta be at"

givesmevoice Profile Photo
#173which is worse: stinking like weed or texting in a theater?
Posted: 6/1/10 at 1:20pm

Ritilan and other mood stabilizer meds (which I have been on, different ones at different times) don't alter your mind at all.

Then how do they stabilize your mood?

When I see the phrase "the ____ estate", I imagine a vast mansion in the country full of monocled men and high-collared women receiving letters about productions across the country and doing spit-takes at whatever they contain. -Kad

#174which is worse: stinking like weed or texting in a theater?
Posted: 6/1/10 at 1:26pm

"It's not about pearl-clutching or the "evils" or marijuana, and calling it that is just as overdramatic as calling it evil. You want to get high? Fine. I'm not going to lecture you. I just don't want to be forced to suffer because of your habit."

Seriously, yero? You really suffer and need to vomit because someone near you might have a left-over whiff of weed about them? Unless you have a serious, serious allergy, I'd call that pretty over-dramatic.

"DAME, I think you're theory is correct."

Actually, Ray, it was mine, but I'll share if Dame will.
