
How often do you go to the theatre?

How often do you go to the theatre?

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#1How often do you go to the theatre?
Posted: 6/30/12 at 7:12pm

Out of curiosity, how often do you go to the theatre? I know that if i lived in New York, I would probably go a few times a month. Considering where I live though, I usually only go once or twice a month depending on what is playing around me and what the local theatres are doing. For those of you in New York, do you go to the theatre a lot, and do you ever see them same shows multiple times? I plan on living in New York one day, and what I look forward to most is being so close to Broadway so I can see shows multiple times, especially during previews so I can see the development of a show.

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

GlindatheGood22  Profile Photo
#2How often do you go to the theatre?
Posted: 6/30/12 at 7:27pm

During the summer, usually one a week or so. And I rarely plan ahead of time what I'm going to see.

I know you. I know you. I know you.

Broadway Joe Profile Photo
Broadway Joe
#2How often do you go to the theatre?
Posted: 6/30/12 at 7:54pm

It depends, I try to see everything that opens on Broadway, I avoid previews though cause I want to see the final product and I rarely see shows more then once. I'll also see some off-broadway stuff but I'm more selective about it.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#3How often do you go to the theatre?
Posted: 6/30/12 at 8:12pm

I don't live in Manhattan, but visit once a month on average -- and I will see 3-5 shows each visit. Previews, after opening -- doesn't matter much to me -- it's more about timing.

Shows I'm excited about I will usually see within the first 2 months of performances. I get around to seeing most things, eventually. However, there are shows that I simply have no desire to see, and don't feel the need to do so.

As far as repeat performances, I find the more a show resonates with me in an emotional way, the better chance that I will choose to see it again. That being said, I often see shows more than once even that don't speak to me emotionallly:

1. for my children to see it
Next week I'll be seeing Newsies again (as will my daughter) so that my 11 year old son can see it. I'd just assume never see it again.

We'll also be seeing Peter and the Starcatcher (first time for both of them, my 2nd) I'm happy to see this again, but likely would not have if not for my kids -- but a good friend could have talked me into it too, without much prodding.

2. I'm a teacher, and my drama club plans a trip each year. THEY pick the shows to see, and sometimes I've already been.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

Rabekriegerin Profile Photo
#4How often do you go to the theatre?
Posted: 6/30/12 at 8:42pm

I live close enough to NYC to sample Broadway from time to time - but not so close I can manage to see everything I want to see, alas, particularly if it posts closing notices relatively quickly. I like to go twice a year... once in November, once in late May. For extraordinary circumstances, I'll do everything in my power to get to the city for a show. But I've only done that once, so far.

There are only a bare handful of shows I've seen more than once. Most of the time I prefer to see something new, just because I don't get a chance to see all that much. The most obvious 'repeat offender' is Phantom. Because when I take someone new to Broadway, it's the staple. At the rate I see theater, I don't think I shall ever grow tired of it.

I do like to see local or regional productions, at least one every other month, one every month if I can get away with it. Even a Broadway reveu, if I stumble upon one. The hardest part for me is just finding them. I live in a little town, and the advertising from theater companies around here isn't always that great. I also make a point to go to theater whenever I am overseas. (I'm in love with the German-speaking musical world. Pity it's so far away!) I do envy the folks on this board who, it seems, have seen everything, or have the chance to see everything, and multiple times at that.

But then again, I could live out in the middle of nowhere and not get to drop by Broadway at all. So, you win some, you lose some. :)

aasjb4ever Profile Photo
#5How often do you go to the theatre?
Posted: 6/30/12 at 8:57pm

Every year until 2011, I saw 5 Broadway shows a year (It wasn’t planned that way, it just shook out as such). In 2011, Other Desert Cities was the record-breaking 6th show in the year.

When I’m in the city next week I’ll have hit 6 shows, so this year’s number will be higher than all others.

jazzynat Profile Photo
#6How often do you go to the theatre?
Posted: 6/30/12 at 9:03pm

I just started going to NYC on a regular basis about 2 years ago but I go about 3 times a year and see several shows (3-6) each trip. This year I also bought tickets for the full season of shows here in SF so I'll see I believe 6 shows here too.

EponineAmneris Profile Photo
#7How often do you go to the theatre?
Posted: 6/30/12 at 9:17pm

I go to NYC 2-3 times a year and stay a week. I end up being able to see at LEAST 5 shows each visit. I have seen many shows multiple times, but never more than once on the same trip.

Updated On: 6/30/12 at 09:17 PM

EponineAmneris Profile Photo
#8How often do you go to the theatre?
Posted: 6/30/12 at 9:17pm

Double Post- Sorry about that. Technical difficulties.

Updated On: 6/30/12 at 09:17 PM

JMPlayer6 Profile Photo
#9How often do you go to the theatre?
Posted: 6/30/12 at 10:46pm

I live nearly four hours from NYC.

In 2011, I went to the threatre 69 times. Of these, 41 were in NYC. Of these 41, 33 were on Broadway. That's 1.3 times per week on average.

To date in 2012, I have been to the theatre 44 times. This does not count "Love Never Dies", seen at a local movie theater. Of the 44, 27 were in NYC, and of these, 19 were on Broadway. So far this year, this translates to 1.7 times per week on average.

dtzumbrunnen Profile Photo
#10How often do you go to the theatre?
Posted: 6/30/12 at 11:29pm

I used to live far from the city and would jam 4-5 shows in one or two long weekend trips a year. I moved to the city in March and have averaged 3-4 shows a month now. Now I just have to pay much more attention to discount codes, HipTix/LincTix offerings, rush, and lotteries as it can be a pricy (although enjoyable) habit!

defyingravity11 Profile Photo
#11How often do you go to the theatre?
Posted: 7/1/12 at 12:11am

Before I moved to the city, I would get to see about 5 shows a year. I've lived here 6 years now and I typically see 2 shows a week. I ♥ NY!

"In theater, the process of it is the experience. Everyone goes through the process, and everyone has the experience together. It doesn't last - only in people's memories and in their hearts. That's the beauty and sadness of it. But that's life - beauty and the sadness. And that is why theater is life." - Sherie Rene Scott
Updated On: 7/1/12 at 12:11 AM

yankeefan7 Profile Photo
#12How often do you go to the theatre?
Posted: 7/1/12 at 10:12am

Since I have not lived in NY for quite sometime, don't see as many as I would like obviously. My family and I usually get to NYC once or twice a year and will try and see 2-3 shows each visit if possible. My oldest daughter studied at NYU for a semester several years ago and when she was there I believe she saw a show every couple of weeks. It helped getting student tickets and believe she got "rush" several times.

Cape Twirl of Doom Profile Photo
Cape Twirl of Doom
#13How often do you go to the theatre?
Posted: 7/1/12 at 10:22am

I tend to see an average of 5-6 shows per month. This past May I saw 13 and in June I saw 7. Most of those were Off-Broadway.

"It's Phantom meets Hamlet... Phamlet!"

#14How often do you go to the theatre?
Posted: 7/1/12 at 12:18pm

I tend to see about a show a week, most of it off- or off-off Broadway - there's some real gems to be found there, but you also have to be prepared to sit through shows that don't exactly move you, but you can find some real gems out there. For example, I advise everyone that I know that has even the slightest interest in the theater (which is sadly not that many people) to drop everything and go see "Silence! The Musical" right now. I've only seen it once, but I thoroughly enjoyed it.

As far as seeing a production multiple times - if it moves me, like N2N or BOM (for entirely different reasons) - yes, I'll see them every chance that I get. Also, if I feel that I didn't "get it" the first time, and I feel that there is something there to get, that would warrant a second viewing. Rent falls into that category, and I'm now completely in love with the show.

ETA - I live in Brooklyn, about a 20 minute subway ride to midtown, so it's not unheard of for me to just decide that I want to see something today and grab a ticket at TKTS or something.

Updated On: 7/1/12 at 12:18 PM

macnyc Profile Photo
#15How often do you go to the theatre?
Posted: 7/1/12 at 12:53pm

Wow, JMPlayer! That's amazing!

My story is more modest. Prior to joining TDF in December 2011, I hadn't seen a Broadway show in maybe 15 years. In the past seven months I've seen 18 shows via TDF and maybe another eight to 10 using online discounts, for free ("As You Like It"), the TKTS booth, or even full price. So if TDF's strategy is to promote theater in NYC by giving out discounts, it's working. Yay TDF!

Updated On: 7/1/12 at 12:53 PM

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#16How often do you go to the theatre?
Posted: 7/1/12 at 1:39pm

Every chance I get.

ErinDillyFan Profile Photo
#17How often do you go to the theatre?
Posted: 7/1/12 at 1:45pm

I live near Detroit. I have seen 19 shows so far this year. I average about 35/yr, highest was 52 in 2010. Only "On a Clear Day You Can See Forever" on broadway new year's day this year. Going to Stratford and Shaw festivals next month and will see 7 shows in 5 days.

I have seen 26 this year if you count my time in a pit this spring. Updated On: 7/1/12 at 01:45 PM

castlestreet Profile Photo
#18How often do you go to the theatre?
Posted: 7/1/12 at 1:49pm

I live in Rochester- we make it down about 6-8 times a year, usually Friday through Sunday, but for Flea Market weekend we stay till Monday.

Usually drive, which I have gotten down to 5 1/2 hours, but if its just myself or just my wife and I we'll do Jet Blue, which takes 45 minutes.

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#19How often do you go to the theatre?
Posted: 7/1/12 at 3:38pm

Wow I am jealous of all of you! I hate living on the West Coast because it is very difficult to go to the city... I have only been twice in my life. Luckily my city is one of the top touring markets so I do get some good stuff here and I have some great local theatres, but it is just not the same.

2. I'm a teacher, and my drama club plans a trip each year. THEY pick the shows to see, and sometimes I've already been.

dramamma- that is so cool that they pick the shows! Do they just vote from whatever is currently playing?

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

#20How often do you go to the theatre?
Posted: 7/1/12 at 3:54pm

For the past couple of years I have been averaging 3 or 4 shows a week. I make it a point to see all the Broadway shows at least once, a good amount of off Broadway and some Off Off Broadway. What can I say I Luv2goToShows, LOL!

#21How often do you go to the theatre?
Posted: 7/1/12 at 3:58pm

Have been going to the theater for84 years...your list of recent attendance thrills me.....years ago there was a play titled Fabulous Invalid.which clearly stated that,despite it's always tentative situation, it will NEVER DIE ...THANKS TO CURRENT PATRONS..such as you!


#22How often do you go to the theatre?
Posted: 7/1/12 at 6:30pm

I go to Broadway once a year, for about 5 days and try to see as many shows I can. I live in Holland and see about 40 shows a year. Also two trips to London each year, seeing about 8 shows each time.

Wish I could see more New York shows. In Holland and London I love seeing the smaller shows, but while I'm in NY I tend to stick to B'way...

keb2 Profile Photo
#23How often do you go to the theatre?
Posted: 7/1/12 at 6:53pm

I see theater everywhere (my university, LA, other regional markets, and NY). Between all of those, yesterday marked my forty-seventh show of 2012 (I'll be up to fifty by the end of the week). That would average out to about twice a week.

I'm lucky enough to get free or heavily discounted tickets to almost everything I see—otherwise I would not be able to support this habit on a student budget!

For whatever it's worth, the fifty break up as follows:
20 on Broadway
4 off-Broadway
8 national tours or equivalent (replicas of the New York production, e.g. Follies in LA)
11 regional productions (of vastly varying quality)
7 university productions

ThatShortBlondeChick Profile Photo
#24How often do you go to the theatre?
Posted: 7/1/12 at 8:31pm

The past two years I have been very lucky to be able to visit New York for 3-4 days in the summer. I've seen 2 Broadway shows both times I have visited the city.

I also usually see one show that's on National Tour every year because I live near Toronto. I see shows in my community theatre every once and a while, and my school's drama department is very good at doing small event's like one act plays throughout the year (this year we were very lucky to be able to have the grade 12 productions class put on the full 3 acts of The Laramie Project). We haven't been able to put on a full musical or play with open auditions for the school in a long time though.

Being in at least one drama class each year also means we go down to Toronto to see a small theatre troupe put on an orginal play or up to Stratford for field trips (only one trip per class though).
