update: Hamilton lotto entrants

ALittlePriest Profile Photo
#1update: Hamilton lotto entrants
Posted: 6/15/16 at 7:35pm

Never had any interest or cause to do this, but I found it to be of public interest to report. After spending the past 2 weeks off and on the phone with Broadway Direct and the NYC gaming commission. I finally have some stats to report back after following the thread earlier this month about the number of Hamilton lottery participants on any given day. Thankfully the gaming commission was correct to note that any online lottery or raffle in New York must reveal (no conceal) how many participants or entrants there are. The New York lottery publishes the number of lottery tickets sold on their website. Anyways just wanted to report that for the week ending 6/12/16, the average number of daily Hamilton lottery entrants were 101,966 entrants per day. For yesterday Tuesday 6/14/16 (The first performance after the Tony's) there were 111,221 entrants. Don't have any other stats to report, other than the notes I scribbled down quickly on the phone. Don't have a full set of data. But hope this helps everyone. 

Anakela Profile Photo
#2update: Hamilton lotto entrants
Posted: 6/15/16 at 7:58pm

Interesting. NY Lotto rules (to my knowledge) also state winner names have to be public/published, you can't claim a jackpot anonymously; does this mean that Hamilton lotto winner names have to be public/published?

#3update: Hamilton lotto entrants
Posted: 6/15/16 at 9:38pm

101,000 a DAY? Are you sure that's not per week? That is crazy.

Cape Twirl of Doom Profile Photo
Cape Twirl of Doom
#4update: Hamilton lotto entrants
Posted: 6/15/16 at 9:45pm

And usually every day many lottery tickets go unclaimed and are sold to the cancellation line. So frustrating.

"It's Phantom meets Hamlet... Phamlet!"

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#5update: Hamilton lotto entrants
Posted: 6/15/16 at 9:46pm

Thanks for doing this work, ALittlePriest!

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#6update: Hamilton lotto entrants
Posted: 6/15/16 at 10:08pm

Any information given to you by BroadwayDirect was voluntary (unless they have their own internal rules requiring such a disclosure). The New York Gaming Commission has absolutely no jurisdiction over the "lotteries" on Broadway. Its jurisdiction is limited to lotteries and other games of chance that have been established under NY statutes and regulations. Since none of the "lotteries" on Broadway involve any risk to the participants, the Commission will never have jurisdiction. These lotteries do not have to abide by any rules or regulations established by the Commission.

ChildofEarth Profile Photo
#7update: Hamilton lotto entrants
Posted: 6/15/16 at 10:49pm

The girl behind me at ham4ham said (whether she can be trusted is another story) that she's won 15 times. What kinda dumb luck is that?

#8update: Hamilton lotto entrants
Posted: 6/15/16 at 11:22pm

If this is true, I'm kind of relieved that more people aren't entering. Around 100,000 seems to suggest that people in other countries (or even states) with no way of claiming the tickets on the same day aren't entering just for the heck of it.

darreyl102 Profile Photo
#9update: Hamilton lotto entrants
Posted: 6/15/16 at 11:47pm

In one day? You can only enter once per person right? LORD!!

Darreyl with an L!

#10update: Hamilton lotto entrants
Posted: 6/15/16 at 11:48pm

While this is cool that you tried to get this info...you have lots of free time on your hands bro.

#11update: Hamilton lotto entrants
Posted: 6/16/16 at 12:03am

ChildofEarth said: "The girl behind me at ham4ham said (whether she can be trusted is another story) that she's won 15 times. What kinda dumb luck is that?


I always wondered what's to stop someone, who is so inclined and has a lot of free time, from setting up hundreds of email addresses and entering the lotto multiple times.


#12update: Hamilton lotto entrants
Posted: 6/16/16 at 12:06am

^ They ask for your name and birthdate to prevent this.

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#13update: Hamilton lotto entrants
Posted: 6/16/16 at 12:09am

This whole thread equals to .... I can't get a ticket and I am going to bitch about it. 

#14update: Hamilton lotto entrants
Posted: 6/16/16 at 12:16am

I don't get that at all. I've been curious how many entries they receive and I have seen others wonder the same.

uncageg Profile Photo
#15update: Hamilton lotto entrants
Posted: 6/16/16 at 10:31am

I know of someone who has been entering the lottery from too many states away to be able to claim tickets on the same day as she entered. She finally got tix through the newsletter pre-sale.

Just give the world Love.

Wick3 Profile Photo
#16update: Hamilton lotto entrants
Posted: 6/16/16 at 12:36pm

Hairspray0901 said: "101,000 a DAY? Are you sure that's not per week? That is crazy."

You have to remember people can enter the hamilton digital lottery from 9AM until 4PM each day. That's 7 hours! For the live in-person lottery, there is only a period of 30 minutes to enter roughly 1000 people. 

Sure it sounds crazy but if anyone that has an internet connection in the world can enter the digital lottery for a period of 7 hours, I'd say 101,000 is not bad at all.


Anakela Profile Photo
#17update: Hamilton lotto entrants
Posted: 6/16/16 at 12:41pm

uncageg said: "I know of someone who has been entering the lottery from too many states away to be able to claim tickets on the same day as she entered. "

...but why? Like, wouldn't she feel worse winning something that she would be unable to claim? I don't understand why she's entering. Besides just because it's free and she can.


#18update: Hamilton lotto entrants
Posted: 6/16/16 at 2:05pm

ChildofEarth said: "The girl behind me at ham4ham said (whether she can be trusted is another story) that she's won 15 times. What kinda dumb luck is that?"


Perhaps this girl meant in person lottos, which are far easier to win than the online one. 


Wick3 Profile Photo
#19update: Hamilton lotto entrants
Posted: 6/17/16 at 9:47am

Anakela said: "uncageg said: "I know of someone who has been entering the lottery from too many states away to be able to claim tickets on the same day as she entered. "

...but why? Like, wouldn't she feel worse winning something that she would be unable to claim? I don't understand why she's entering. Besides just because it's free and she can.

I met 2 girls two months ago when I did the cancellation line who have been doing the online lottery every day at work just for fun. They live in CA and have no way of going to NYC in time in case they win but at least they know the unclaimed tickets go to diehard fans on the cancellation line so they are indirectly 'helping' someone.


#20update: Hamilton lotto entrants
Posted: 6/17/16 at 9:49am

Fosse76 said: "Any information given to you by BroadwayDirect was voluntary (unless they have their own internal rules requiring such a disclosure). The New York Gaming Commission has absolutely no jurisdiction over the "lotteries" on Broadway. Its jurisdiction is limited to lotteries and other games of chance that have been established under NY statutes and regulations. Since none of the "lotteries" on Broadway involve any risk to the participants, the Commission will never have jurisdiction. These lotteries do not have to abide by any rules or regulations established by the Commission."


This. ^^^


QueenAlice Profile Photo
#21update: Hamilton lotto entrants
Posted: 6/17/16 at 10:12am

I would think there might be some people who win the lottery would want to resell the tickets for full price value and make it healthy little profit. Is there anything that would prevent someone from doing that?

“I knew who I was this morning, but I've changed a few times since then.”

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#22update: Hamilton lotto entrants
Posted: 6/17/16 at 10:17am

They're not still doing the wristbands, right? And you can't pick up the tickets if you won until half an hour before curtain, I think.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#23update: Hamilton lotto entrants
Posted: 6/17/16 at 10:23am

I won a couple of weeks ago. You can't pick up the tickets until 1/2 hour before curtain, with photo ID. They announce winners st 4 pm and curtain time the day I won is 7 pm, so you can't live too far away if you want to use the tickets.  I think the odds are better if you only want one ticket -NYTimes reported this in their article on the economics of Hamilton. 

Anakela Profile Photo
#24update: Hamilton lotto entrants
Posted: 6/17/16 at 10:23am

I don't know about the wristbands, but all the accounts from the winners on here seem to all say that you can't claim the tickets until 30 min before curtain, and they walk you directly from the box office into the theatre. If there are any safeguards beyond that (wristbands, ticket not being able to be used for readmission once it's been initially scanned, etc.) I haven't heard. Any digital lotto winners want to weigh in?

Cupid Boy2 Profile Photo
Cupid Boy2
#25update: Hamilton lotto entrants
Posted: 6/17/16 at 10:29am

Anakela said: "I don't know about the wristbands, but all the accounts from the winners on here seem to all say that you can't claim the tickets until 30 min before curtain, and they walk you directly from the box office into the theatre."

That's correct. The door to enter the house is no more than a few feet from the box office windows so it's not hard for them to ensure that you enter immediately after receiving your tickets. There were no wristbands or anything of that sort when I was a lottery winner's plus one. 


