Idinas Body Suit

DFYINGRVTY Profile Photo
#0Idinas Body Suit
Posted: 8/25/04 at 3:18am

Idinas Body Suit

how great is this!!!! when i was lookin through my photos from the show, i got a good zoom on her body suit....they match the makeup pretty well....good times...

Idinas Body Suit

Citizens of Oz, there is an enemy that must be found and captured! Believe nothing she says. She's evil. Responsible for the mutilation of these poor, innocent monkeys! Her green skin is but an outward manifestation of her twisted nature! This distortion, this repulsion, this - - Wicked Witch!

mywonderwa11 Profile Photo
#1re: Idinas Body Suit
Posted: 8/25/04 at 3:47am

your pictures aren't showing up. it's just red X's...

"Somethin's comin', I don't know what it is but it is gonna be great!"

GretchaSketch Profile Photo
#2re: Idinas Body Suit
Posted: 8/25/04 at 4:31am

Wow it really does match well. I've never been able to see it before and alway was curious. I always heard that she wore a body suit but never really believed it. Did you take that picture yourself? It's quite nice. Where were you sitting?

"I'm through accepting limits, 'cuz someone says they're so, some things I cannot change but till I try I'll never know."

#3re: Idinas Body Suit
Posted: 8/25/04 at 6:20am

There's nothing there... what body suit?

#4re: Idinas Body Suit
Posted: 8/25/04 at 7:45am

I wouldn't mind being Idina's body suit...

#5re: Idinas Body Suit
Posted: 8/25/04 at 8:59am

I cant see the picture.

Karma76 Profile Photo
#6re: Idinas Body Suit
Posted: 8/25/04 at 9:11am

re: Idinas Body Suit

here is a shot

#7re: Idinas Body Suit
Posted: 8/25/04 at 9:19am

Wow I thought she panted her arms too. I never knew this.

TheGaIsSilent Profile Photo
#8re: Idinas Body Suit
Posted: 8/25/04 at 9:24am

If you're sitting in the first couple rows, you can see the outline of the body suit. It goes all the way up to the base of her neck, and all the way down both arms.

JOHN LITHGOW I just realized, your last name is Butz! Both "Norbert" AND "Butz" are in your name! You must have gotten picked on a lot as a child!

Amneris Profile Photo
#9re: Idinas Body Suit
Posted: 8/25/04 at 9:27am

ok..i am sitting here with my mouth opened lol..i had NO idea she wore a body suit lol!! thanks for sharing.

Skempp Profile Photo
#10re: Idinas Body Suit
Posted: 8/25/04 at 9:39am

The NYT did an article on Idina and the make-up in May. See if this link will take you to it.

#11re: Idinas Body Suit
Posted: 8/25/04 at 9:40am

Interesting. I wonder how they got it to match the makeup so perfectly. I always thought it was all makeup.

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#12re: Idinas Body Suit
Posted: 8/25/04 at 1:08pm

I didn't realize it was a body suit either! I thought she had to paint all over her arms and everything, and wondered how she had time to wash everything off.

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611

Millie42 Profile Photo
#13re: Idinas Body Suit
Posted: 8/25/04 at 1:11pm

Well, that's news to me.
I mean, I guess its better than being painted but it could get hot, I suppose.

"My friends have made the story of my life." -Helen Keller

#14re: Idinas Body Suit
Posted: 8/25/04 at 2:18pm

Well, to my knowledge, there are only a few scenes in which she is wearing a dress with no sleeves, so she could take it off.

Crazy4MattMorrison52 Profile Photo
#15re: Idinas Body Suit
Posted: 8/25/04 at 2:19pm

thats pretty cool i though she used makeup

"gimme a bottle of bourbon and half a chicken and i'll conquer the world!"

cvapb Profile Photo
#16re: Idinas Body Suit
Posted: 8/25/04 at 4:16pm

Wow.. I had NO idea she wore a body suit! I thought she painted her arms also! How interesting.

#17re: Idinas Body Suit
Posted: 8/25/04 at 5:24pm

It does make a lot more sense, when you think about it. Less time, probably less expensive, especially with a long run!! And easier on the skin.

It must be pretty effective if so few people noticed it. I sure didn't, from mid-orchestra.

jonartdesigns Profile Photo
#18re: Idinas Body Suit
Posted: 8/25/04 at 5:25pm

the reason i conjecture that it blends so well is most likely that the suit much like her make-up is transparent- so it essentially just continues the tint

"Grease," the fourth revival of the season, is the worst show in the history of theater and represents an unparalleled assault on Western civilization and its values. - Michael Reidel

Rose_MacShane Profile Photo
#19re: Idinas Body Suit
Posted: 8/25/04 at 6:16pm

Plus, can you imagine the mess that would result from all that painting? Her costumes would be wrecked every night.

bwaybaby2 Profile Photo
#20re: Idinas Body Suit
Posted: 8/25/04 at 9:22pm

hey -there was a huge thing in the nytimes about how she put on all the make up every night and we asked her and she said that she had to shower everynight and so yeah...

#21re: Idinas Body Suit
Posted: 8/25/04 at 9:30pm

lol, I also read that it is somewhat hard to get off. She still hasn't figured out a way to get it out of her ears. It's funny cause I read that article. They totally said that she wears a body suit and there is a photo with her in green (hands and face) but you know, I still didn't really believe it cause I couldn't see the suit in ANY pictures. Now I believe it:)

What is your dream role?
My dream role would be to be myself. To be performing at the Hollywood Bowl and to have an audience there just to see me, as Stephanie. They are there because they like what I do as a singer, an artist and a person (the last being the most important). I enjoy escaping and portraying other characters, but to be accepted and wanted as yourself... that's amazing! --Stephanie J. Block Just one of the many reasons I admire and respect Stephanie!!

Alix7272 Profile Photo
#22re: Idinas Body Suit
Posted: 8/25/04 at 9:55pm

wow, i always wondered how they could put makeup on her hands that didn't come off on everything or sweat off. thanks for the info

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broadwaystar2b Profile Photo
#23re: Idinas Body Suit
Posted: 8/25/04 at 10:43pm

I knew about the neck line, but I just assumed her arms were painted too.
Thanx Karma76 & DFYINGRVTY!!! re: Idinas Body Suit

musicalfandukie Profile Photo
#24re: Idinas Body Suit
Posted: 8/25/04 at 10:53pm

very cool..i didnt know she had one on..till now..thanx
