
How are Lisa and Harry in CHICAGO?

How are Lisa and Harry in CHICAGO?

BroadwayEnthusiast2 Profile Photo
#1How are Lisa and Harry in CHICAGO?
Posted: 6/18/07 at 8:58pm

How are the married couple, Lisa Rinna and Harry Hamlin, in Chicago?

"I mean, sitting side by side with another man watching Patti LuPone play Rose in GYPSY on Broadway is essentially the equivalent of having hardcore sex." -Wanna Be A Foster. "Say 'Goody.' Say 'Bubbi.'" ... "That's it. Exactly as if it were 'Goody.' Now I know you're gonna sing 'Goody' this time, but nevertheless..."

ljay889 Profile Photo
#2re: How are Lisa and Harry in CHICAGO?
Posted: 6/18/07 at 9:00pm

They start tomorrow.

BroadwayEnthusiast2 Profile Photo
#2re: How are Lisa and Harry in CHICAGO?
Posted: 6/18/07 at 9:02pm

I'm getting a head start. lol.

"I mean, sitting side by side with another man watching Patti LuPone play Rose in GYPSY on Broadway is essentially the equivalent of having hardcore sex." -Wanna Be A Foster. "Say 'Goody.' Say 'Bubbi.'" ... "That's it. Exactly as if it were 'Goody.' Now I know you're gonna sing 'Goody' this time, but nevertheless..."

obsessedjb Profile Photo
#3re: How are Lisa and Harry in CHICAGO?
Posted: 6/18/07 at 9:05pm

Updated On: 6/20/07 at 09:05 PM

Tom1071 Profile Photo
#4re: How are Lisa and Harry in CHICAGO?
Posted: 6/20/07 at 12:07pm

Any word...opinions?

Footlooser Profile Photo
#5re: How are Lisa and Harry in CHICAGO?
Posted: 6/20/07 at 12:46pm

I saw Lisa twice on the National tour just a couple of weeks ago. She was not good at all. I hope she inproves with time, but WOW it was bad.

"You know just because you put a smiley face after it doesn't change the fact that it was an a-hole comment." ~ Sumofallthings

#6re: How are Lisa and Harry in CHICAGO?
Posted: 6/20/07 at 2:27pm

Why'd you see it twice then?

amoni Profile Photo
#7re: How are Lisa and Harry in CHICAGO?
Posted: 6/20/07 at 2:30pm

Smooches to ya Thesbijean!

#8re: How are Lisa and Harry in CHICAGO?
Posted: 6/20/07 at 2:51pm

In all fairness to Lisa, when she joined the tour she had never set foot on stage before in her life nor had she worked with the touring company prior to a 2 hour rehearsal with them. So I was informed.
In Dallas the tour got great reviews and she really came into her own.
Lisa is truly a beautiful woman who adds spunk, individuality and her own sense of humor to the role. She's grown alot and is quite funny.
Which is what makes these roles work, To not replicate what others have done but to add your own sense of who you are to the roles.
As for her Broadway run with Harry Im sure she will be a delight and will pack them in.
Good Luck to Madame Lisa and MR Harry!!

Updated On: 6/20/07 at 02:51 PM

sing_dance_love Profile Photo
#9re: How are Lisa and Harry in CHICAGO?
Posted: 6/20/07 at 2:56pm

Well I certainly wish them luck, but i wonder what we're supposed to expect when a woman who's "never been on stage in her life" lands a lead role on Broadway.

"...and in a bed."

BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
#10re: How are Lisa and Harry in CHICAGO?
Posted: 6/20/07 at 3:00pm

Reba McEntire didn't seem to have disappointed any with her now-legendary run in the Broadway revival of ANNIE GET YOUR GUN.

Though she's performed on the concert stage, she had NEVER performed/acted on a stage before. No experience. Ziltcho.

#11re: How are Lisa and Harry in CHICAGO?
Posted: 6/20/07 at 3:07pm

expect to be pleasantly surprised because she naturally has spunk and charisma and it reads on stage and she knows how to use what she has!!
She got as far as she did with dancing with the stars because she knew how to work with her abilities, she does the same here.

Some Dallas press

"Answering the big question: Yes, soap diva Rinna is a credible song-and-dance performer. She warms to the Fosse dance numbers while bringing a fey, girlish quality to Roxie Hart, the aspiring nightclub singer jailed in 1920s Chicago for slaying her unfaithful boyfriend."

So the big question is: How did Lisa Rinna do? Honestly, I went in with a lot of cynicism, but I really got used to her style by the end. She plays most of the humor directly for the audience with very stagy one-liners, which makes it campy. Her character lives in her own world, and Rinna stays true to this. She even is able to have a heartfelt moment towards the end of the show. And her “Dancing with the Stars” training really paid off and made her numbers spectacular, especially “Roxie” and “Me and My Baby.”

And that was only after one week of shows...

sing_dance_love Profile Photo
#12re: How are Lisa and Harry in CHICAGO?
Posted: 6/20/07 at 4:21pm

Brody, fantastic point. I guess only time will tell.

"...and in a bed."

Carl Magnum Profile Photo
Carl Magnum
#13re: How are Lisa and Harry in CHICAGO?
Posted: 6/20/07 at 4:30pm

I can tell you this much, she may have a store bought chest, but christ is it fantastic. That being said, does it really matter if they are any good or not? Not even horrible acting can saly the undead beast that is this revival.

I got rid of my teeth at a young age because... I'm straight. Teeth are for gay people. That's why fairies come and get them

mywonderwa11 Profile Photo
#14re: How are Lisa and Harry in CHICAGO?
Posted: 6/20/07 at 6:23pm

I agree. Whether her performance is good or terrible she is still going to bring in audience members.

I saw her in Dallas and I wasn't impressed at all. But I surprisingly thought Tom Wopat was horrible in the tour as well. He was okay, but I was expecting so much more.

Lisa is cute on stage, but I wasn't WOWed.

"Somethin's comin', I don't know what it is but it is gonna be great!"

MTVMANN Profile Photo
#15re: How are Lisa and Harry in CHICAGO?
Posted: 6/20/07 at 7:36pm

I saw her in Dallas and at first I didn't really care for her, but then I was able to move up to the front row after intermission and I liked her much more up close. She was pretty good......though I've never seen another Roxie Hart on stage before :)

Carl Magnum Profile Photo
Carl Magnum
#16re: How are Lisa and Harry in CHICAGO?
Posted: 6/20/07 at 7:40pm

I mean plastic isn't prefered but it can be fun.

Wonder, Wopat wasn't good? he actually seems like he would be a decent Billy. I loved him in Glengarry.

I got rid of my teeth at a young age because... I'm straight. Teeth are for gay people. That's why fairies come and get them

#17re: How are Lisa and Harry in CHICAGO?
Posted: 6/20/07 at 11:35pm

"Reba McEntire didn't seem to have disappointed any with her now-legendary run in the Broadway revival of ANNIE GET YOUR GUN."

BrodyFosse123, in talkinbroady.com's review of Fantasia, it includes

"No change so complete has occurred in my theatregoing experience, never has a show that started as at best a lumbering bore become an energetic, vivifying tribute to life and theatricality just by obtaining a new star. Some will point Jonathan Pryce’s recent stint in Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, still others to country star Reba McEntire’s replacing Bernadette Peters in the 1999 revival of Annie Get Your Gun. But neither was well served: Pryce was suave but out of control, and McEntire was out of her element, singing twangily but bearing at best rudimentary acting skills."

I disagree with him though.

Raspberry Profile Photo
#18re: How are Lisa and Harry in CHICAGO?
Posted: 6/20/07 at 11:52pm

Anyone know if Robyn Hurder is still with the show? If so, how much longer she will be there before Grease starts?

"I just want a story and a few good songs that will take me away. I just want to be entertained. I mean, isn't that the point?"

#19re: How are Lisa and Harry in CHICAGO?
Posted: 6/21/07 at 12:34am

I watched Lisa several times in Dallas--

the first night I watched her, I thought she was about the worst thing to ever hit the stage, but after watching her several more times, I realized that she started to free up and get more comfortable with the role. She is getting better--and she's not horrible. She's not a great actress, but she will get better.

"If it walks like a Parks, if it wobbles like a Parks, then it's definitely fat and nobody loves it." --MA

#20re: How are Lisa and Harry in CHICAGO?
Posted: 6/21/07 at 1:50am

I saw her in Portland. I wasn't a fan. She was incredibly awkward and far from humorous. She cracked on "My Own Best Friend" and the monologue before "Roxie" was the most painful 10 minutes. I'm happy for her if she improves, but lord almighty... it was brutal. MY OPINION.

sbflyfan Profile Photo
#21re: How are Lisa and Harry in CHICAGO?
Posted: 6/21/07 at 3:08am

I saw Wopat on the tour in March and I was disappointed as well.

His pronounciation annoyed the heck out of me, especially during "We Both Reached For The Gun."

"Where'd you come from?"
"And your parents?"
"Vurr-eeee Wealth-eeee..."

It's like he was trying to do a Richard Gere and just got it wrong.

I liked the show overall, though, and thought the rest of the cast, including the dancers, Terra C. MacLeod, Michelle DeJean, the INCREDIBLE Carol Woods, and R. Bean did a fantastic job. Interesting staging, too.

"I'm seeing the LuPone in Key West later this week. I'm hoping for great vocals and some sort of insane breakdown..." - BenjaminNicholas2

#22re: How are Lisa and Harry in CHICAGO?
Posted: 6/21/07 at 9:57am

This sounds shallow (it is)---but I just can't get past her lips. When she speaks (or not)----those are all I see---very plastic, unfortunately. The photos of her "pre-lips" were very attractive. So, I probably won't see Chicago again (at least with her in it)----

Tchi4Lif188 Profile Photo
#23re: How are Lisa and Harry in CHICAGO?
Posted: 6/21/07 at 10:21am

Robyn Hurder is still there, but I THINK she leaves either next week or sometime early next month. There was a picture of her with Lisa and Harry though so she is definitely still there.

Lisa and Harry were on Regis and Kelly this morning and pronounced Amy Spanger's last name as Spangler, and said that the only other couple to perform on a Boradway stage together was Amy Spanger and Michael C. Hall. Umm, Orfeh and Andy, anyone? :)

"Wishes come true, not free..."

dancingthrulife04 Profile Photo
#24re: How are Lisa and Harry in CHICAGO?
Posted: 6/21/07 at 10:36am

Maybe she meant in CHICAGO?

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The choice may have been mistaken, The choosing was not...
"Every day has the potential to be the greatest day of your life." - Lin-Manuel Miranda
"And when Idina Menzel is singing, I'm always slightly worried that her teeth are going to jump out of her mouth and chase me." - Schmerg_the_Impaler
