Legally Blonde Comments?

#1Legally Blonde Comments?
Posted: 8/1/07 at 11:57pm

I'm seeing Legally Blonde for the first time on Saturday (along with a matinee of Drowsy). Any comments about the show for the first-timer? Thanx!

I want to apologize for some offensive messages posted on this board under my name. The night 0f 12-15-08 I did not have internet access, and someone had used my name to post something offensive. My avatar was also changed. I dont' know what else was posted, or if anyone recieved bad PMs, but I want to apologize for that. I've changed my password, and even though I was not the one posting these messages it still needed to be corrected.

Anakela Profile Photo
#2re: Legally Blonde Comments?
Posted: 8/2/07 at 12:05am

What would you like folks to comment upon?

(ok- that looks like sarcasm, but it's so not- I just have no clue what the OP is asking for here.)

#2re: Legally Blonde Comments?
Posted: 8/2/07 at 12:07am

sleepyguy1717, do you want us to tell you how it was? Cause I thought it was great. Don't go expecting a straight translation from the movie, because it takes some detours (adds, eliminates, you get the picture). But the music is upbeat and stays with you. Plus Laura Bell is absolutely amazing. I hope you have fun!

"Movies will make you famous; Television will make you rich; But theatre will make you good."--Terrence Mann

"Pretty much...if you've seen any shows that have a jerk boyfriend in that show...I'm that guy."--Richard H. Blake

Diane: Aww, you are such a chick flick. I would totally pay $12 to see you. (Kristin Chenoweth on "Ugly Betty") <-- my blog. Give it a read, please.

#3re: Legally Blonde Comments?
Posted: 8/2/07 at 12:14am

Anything that stuck in your mind! Favorite parts, disappointing parts, favorite songs, actors, costumes, set pieces, ect. Whatever you have to arm me with. :)

I want to apologize for some offensive messages posted on this board under my name. The night 0f 12-15-08 I did not have internet access, and someone had used my name to post something offensive. My avatar was also changed. I dont' know what else was posted, or if anyone recieved bad PMs, but I want to apologize for that. I've changed my password, and even though I was not the one posting these messages it still needed to be corrected.

antiandrewx Profile Photo
#4re: Legally Blonde Comments?
Posted: 8/2/07 at 12:15am

I thought it was fun, but it isn't something I enjoyed or would go back to see. Kate Shindle was amazing with what little she had to do, the song 'So Much Better' was the best in the score and Laura Bell Bundy was pretty disapointing, IMO. That's about it...

Anakela Profile Photo
#5re: Legally Blonde Comments?
Posted: 8/2/07 at 12:26am

Anything that stuck in your mind! Favorite parts, disappointing parts, favorite songs, actors, costumes, set pieces, ect. Whatever you have to arm me with. :)

Hee- ok that I can do. :) I think if you go in knowing it's a fun pink fluff of a show you'll have a blast- I really enjoy it, I have gone back, and plan to go back again in a few, but I have friends who go "ugh- Legally Blonde" as they make their way to Xanadu for the 400th time, (hee), so to each his own.

Orfeh is amazing! Love her. Kritzer's Serena is awesome too, but if you're going this weekend I think she'll still be on vacay, so that info does you no good. My cousin's favorite is 'the UPS guy' (Andy Karl). I think Laura Bell Bundy is perfectly lovely in the role, but again, others would disagree. Love Natalie Joy Johnson and Kate Shindle- Shindle hits this note in Legally Blonde Remix that is to die for, and is really scaringly brilliant in her portrayal of Vivienne...really the whole cast is fun. And there are cute dogs.

Have you listened to any of the music yet? I think how you react to "Omigod You Guys" will determine if you're going to have fun or not. :)

#6re: Legally Blonde Comments?
Posted: 8/2/07 at 12:30am

I have! I'm loving the bits and pieces of the show I've heard an seen clips of. I was going to buy the soundtrack, but I'm thinking seeing it live the first time might be better.

I want to apologize for some offensive messages posted on this board under my name. The night 0f 12-15-08 I did not have internet access, and someone had used my name to post something offensive. My avatar was also changed. I dont' know what else was posted, or if anyone recieved bad PMs, but I want to apologize for that. I've changed my password, and even though I was not the one posting these messages it still needed to be corrected.

sing_dance_love Profile Photo
#7re: Legally Blonde Comments?
Posted: 8/2/07 at 12:33am

Its a ridiculous amount of fun and a really special night at the theater. I hope you have a blast!

"...and in a bed."

Anakela Profile Photo
#8re: Legally Blonde Comments?
Posted: 8/2/07 at 12:37am

I have! I'm loving the bits and pieces of the show I've heard an seen clips of. I was going to buy the soundtrack, but I'm thinking seeing it live the first time might be better.

Yeah, I too prefer listening to the cast album after I see a show, but for Legally Blonde in particular I know more than one person has mentioned wishing they'd listened to the album before seeing the show, as what with all the everything going on onstage they felt like they missed lyrics and such, and would have preferred knowing the words ahead of time. (ok that was possibly the most run-on sentence tonight.)

Oh- and while it may not be what people think of when they think of fancy 'choreography,' there is a synchronized jump rope number that just amuses me so because, well, it's synchronized jump rope!

GlindatheGood22  Profile Photo
#9re: Legally Blonde Comments?
Posted: 8/2/07 at 1:10am

It's...okay. I didn't really like it. I mean, if you're just looking for a happy, light, and bubblegum Broadway experience, you'll love it. But if you're looking for something a little more meaningful, you won't find it at Legally Blonde. The performers are okay. In my opinion, Orfeh is the standout. So have fun, but don't go expecting some marvelous piece of theatre.

I know you. I know you. I know you.

yankees1253 Profile Photo
#10re: Legally Blonde Comments?
Posted: 8/2/07 at 1:16am

it a fun,enjoyable,catchy songs,elle of a show.
Laura Bell Bundy is excellent as elle woods.
Her three fav sisters in delta are terrific.
Orfeh is amazing and the UPS guy is hot
Kate as vivienne is excellent and so is Natalie Joy Johnson as enid.
Nikki Snelson as brooke wyndam is awesome.
Christian is adorable as emmett.
The cast is amazing and has great chemistry together.
my dad came with me and he loved it as much as me and we went to see Laura at birdland her first week there. by the way we both agree its better than the movie. I overheard other dads saying to the daughter(s) just refreshing their memory of each description of a character...because they saw the movie as well.
I am hoping 2 see it again with my mom around chrsitmas or in jan. before my second semester.
Its a must go see show.

Stagedoor afterwards by the way. I got the cd before the show and i was happy i did.

#11re: Legally Blonde Comments?
Posted: 8/2/07 at 1:17am

Oh! Perfect example of how diverse even Broadway audiences can be! I too loved the show, loved LBB, loved the dogs, loved the pink, loved the lyrical writing. But this show is what it is. It knows what it is I mean. It's an entertaining evening plus a little jolt in my opinion.

I couldn't agree more Anakela. I felt the same discontent with Xanadu as antiandrewx felt with Legally/Laura. That's what is so intriguing about the theater world. Everyone has likes and dislikes and shows open and closed based on that. It's a crazy little community!

I think if you can sit through the recording of the opening of Legally Blonde then you are going to enjoy this show. It's high energy and quick paced packed with color and fur. As I said earlier, the show knows what it is but there is also a message that isn't beat to death and a very VERY talented cast. So walk in with a smile!!

allofmylife Profile Photo
#12re: Legally Blonde Comments?
Posted: 8/2/07 at 2:04am

I nearly peed my pants over the "Wait for Me" fireman's pole bit.

srgr8 Profile Photo
#13re: Legally Blonde Comments?
Posted: 8/2/07 at 2:40am


i thoroughly enjoyed LB. However, I didn't go in with extremely high expectations (not to take away from LB's validity of being on bway). I knew what it was...its Legally Blonde...its meant to be a fun, enjoyable 2 1/2 hours of theatre, not anything socially challenging. I bought the cast recording a few days prior to seeing it but didn't listen to the last few songs (which I'm happy i didn't), and it made the songs familiar but didn't reveal any surprising plot events.

Going in knowing its Legally Blonde and expecting to relax and be entertained is best. I thought it was great!..and I hope you enjoy it! :)

"What does not kill us makes us HOTTER!" --Legally Blonde: The Musical

"Love the art in you, not yourself in the art." --Konstantin Stanislavsky

defyingravity11 Profile Photo
#14re: Legally Blonde Comments?
Posted: 8/2/07 at 2:57am

One of my favorite moments was Kate Shindle in Legally Blonde Remix. I found Laura Bell to be underwhelming, but the supporting cast is very talented. I especially enjoyed the choreography.

"In theater, the process of it is the experience. Everyone goes through the process, and everyone has the experience together. It doesn't last - only in people's memories and in their hearts. That's the beauty and sadness of it. But that's life - beauty and the sadness. And that is why theater is life." - Sherie Rene Scott

BreeDaniel Profile Photo
#15re: Legally Blonde Comments?
Posted: 8/2/07 at 9:22am

It moves fast, the lyrics are very pedestrian but the tunes mask that, it's high energy so again, it's never really boring, the dogs are hilarious and Orfeh is the absolute stand-out and worth the price of admission alone. Bundy is servicable but not the "star" you'd love to see in that role. The Gay Or European number is also a very good. I'd say you'll have a good time if you're not expecting it to change your life.

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#16re: Legally Blonde Comments?
Posted: 8/2/07 at 9:42am

I liked the show. Overall, the music is upbeat and catchy.

A lot of people seem to love Kate Shindle as Vivienne. Her character seemed more "evil" in the movie and was seen more in the movie.

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611

#17re: Legally Blonde Comments?
Posted: 8/2/07 at 10:13am

I think this was the most underrated show of last season. I thought it was fantastic. Its smart and funny, and Nell Benjamin's lyrics are fanstastic. You'll have a great time. Everyone does. I'm jealous. I don't get to see it again until September!

Act0r721 Profile Photo
#18re: Legally Blonde Comments?
Posted: 8/2/07 at 10:22am

Smart? You really think this show is smart? Wow. . .

Laura Bell Bundy was definitely disappointing - poor comedic timing and she flubbed some notes (including the end of "So Much Better") when I saw her. Kate Shindle is to die for. Orfeh has an interesting, enjoyable voice. Christian Borle is nothing special.

Some of the show looks completely high school and the lyrics could have been written by a high school student in remedial classes. There are parts of the show when I looked at the stage and was just thinking to myself, "Is this actually happening? This is so bad."

The best part? Shirtless frat guys.

Glory Profile Photo
#19re: Legally Blonde Comments?
Posted: 8/2/07 at 10:29am

I loved it. It's a lot of fun and you'll just end up tapping your foot to the music and laughing and clapping. It's a fun night of entertainment and you'll enjoy it. It's a great show.

#20re: Legally Blonde Comments?
Posted: 8/2/07 at 11:31am

millie_dillmount: You think that Vivienne's more evil in the movie? I feel the exact opposite way. I think that she's bitchier in the musical.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

don logan Profile Photo
don logan
#21re: Legally Blonde Comments?
Posted: 8/2/07 at 11:56am

"Some of the show looks completely high school and the lyrics could have been written by a high school student in remedial classes."

You know when people post a quote like this I wonder if they've ever written lyrics, or written anything, or done anything in their lives. Writing a bitter criticism like this is easier than say, writing lyrics for a broadway musical.

"Never before has an American president been so closely tied to a foreign power that harbors and supports our country's mortal enemies."

Act0r721 Profile Photo
#22re: Legally Blonde Comments?
Posted: 8/7/07 at 5:55pm

I'm not saying I can. Which is why I don't.

Glad to know that a criticism like that means I have done nothing in my life.

I'll keep that in mind, though that one can no longer have an opinion on something until they have done it. Thanks!

#23re: Legally Blonde Comments?
Posted: 8/7/07 at 8:22pm

It's a lot of fun. The music is really catchy and the choreography is out of this world. Laura Bell was great as Elle, really cute and spunky. I really enjoyed Nikki Snelson as Brooke. She played the part well. And Kate Shindle was great. Orfeh, of course, is amazing. But for me the PMS girls (Elle's sorority sisters) steal the show.

goldenboy Profile Photo
#24re: Legally Blonde Comments?
Posted: 8/13/07 at 2:05am

I thought it was the worst piece of pink peroxide crap I've seen on any stage anywhere. Kate Shindle and Michael Rupert were good in spite of the on stage drivel.(There- I said something nice) See any other musical on Broadway and skip this one.
