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The Little Mermaid - A Disaster in the Making

The Little Mermaid - A Disaster in the Making

#1The Little Mermaid - A Disaster in the Making
Posted: 8/9/07 at 2:28am

Hello All,

I just finished watching the Little Mermaid here in Denver, and I felt compelled to join this board to post a review....of how bad it is. I know some people have been singing its praises and saying how it only needs minor improvements, but I'm here to tell you that unless some drastic changes are made, this show is going to be crucified when it hits broadway. Granted they are still technically in rehearsal and attempting to make improvements, (case in point: Ariel's transformation is now more like the B&B transformation at the end), but there are still tons of problems they need to work out.

Before I get into the problems, let me state first and foremost, the actors are absolutely wonderful. They definitely have the talent, actor wise, to pull off this show. All the leads have strong voices and have really harnassed what the characters are all about, except the guy playing Eric (but more on that later). Unfortunately, this does not make up for the show lacking in almost every other area.

First and foremost, I must state that the costumer needs to be shot. Half the costumes are metaphorical, i.e. Sebastian is in red suit with extra legs and a top hat, and the other half are so literal, they look like something out of a bad Disney on ice production. The biggest example of this are the Mermaids, they are all wearing floor length skirts that look like fish tails, but also have full fish tails that stick straight out from their butts. What's the point? They end up getting in the way of dance numbers, look stupid, and overall just insults the audience's intelligence. It's like they assume we won't get that they're merpeople if they wearing skirst with some fins hanging off the bottom. Fortunately, Triton has that as costume and it looks worlds better than what Ariel and her sisters wear.

Next on the costume front is Flounder's costume. What the hell are they thinking? Baggy, Yellow shorts and a t-shirt with a few spots on it? It's like the costumer thought, "Oh it's only flounder, I don't have time to come up with a decent costume idea." A complete redesign is needed. May I suggest something along the lines of Julie Taymor's Pumba?

Third are Ursula's eels. They're neon green, with tails like the Mermaids. Once again the costumes don't work, as they don't allow them to move like snakes, which is how eels move. Not only that, but I'm not aware of any green eels in existence. They did have one cool inovation, they had thin green lighting on the top of their costumes, which showed that they were electric. As a fix for these costumes, I would suggest a skin tight black leotard with some sort of headpiece that looks like an eel, and outlining the entire costume in that thin lighting they're using, but also having it flash.

Fourthly is Ursula: this costume works about 50% of the time. The problem with this costume is that it is in multiple parts. The Bubble that she enters in, at times, is part of her costume. It has huge tentacles that extend from it and move, which looks really cool, but at other times, she steps out of the bubble and has tentacles that are attached to her dress, but that don't really do anything. They just stand there and moves when she bounces, or manually moves them with her hands. It's kinda of a let down after seeing the huge tentacles move around the bubble. I would suggest just making that bubble a permanent part of Ursula's costume, rather than having her detach from it and moving around. Hopefully they can figure a way to get the bubble to move around stage so Ursula isn't stagnant.

Ok, now that I've gotten my ranting about the costuming out of the way, let's move on to some other aspects that need fixing. To start off with, Eric's characterization needs to change. He comes off as a bratty boy, rather than a guy who just hasn't found the right girl. Get him to drop the Mark Hamill, "But I was going to Toshi station to pick up some power converters" attitude and make a little more of a man.

Next is the set. Once again I have to give a "What the Hell?" It looks like something on a bad acid trip. Nothing actually looks like it's something I would find underwater. Particulalry the two huge set pieces they have in multiple scenes that just look like big bongs. It appears that they tried to rip off Julie Taymor's Lion King designs and plastered it with green, purple and teal colors. Unfortunately for this show, that does not work. There are enough beautiful items in the actual ocean that they should just do a literal translation.

The next issue is their interpretation of "Under the Sea." This number should be this show's "Be Our Guest" and it's not. It's convulated with it starting off looking like they're going to treat the number with a Mardi Gras theme, but then goes Mardi Gras meets Calypso. Combining these two ideas is confusing. Pick one and go with it. And once again, improve the costumes, it took me forever to figure out that the guy with the chinese lantern was representing a Blowfish.

Finally is the finale. So, Disney, did we just decide to completely ignore the movie's plot and go with our own idea? An idea which, by the way, makes no sense. Urusula doesn't show up as the evil Ariel, they defeat Ursula by breaking her magic shell, and Ariel never turns back into a Mermaid (so Triton can't give her legs and show that he understands how Ariel feels). Yes that is actually what happens. Sucks doesn't it?

So you can see how I feel. Please Disney fix these issues. I would actually like to see this on Broadway in a successful run.

StephanietheStar Profile Photo
#2re: The Little Mermaid - A Disaster in the Making
Posted: 8/9/07 at 2:32am

"...Get him to drop the Mark Hamill, "But I was going to Toshi station to pick up some power converters" attitude and make a little more of a man."

I'm disappointed in myself that I knew exactly what you were alluding to.

I'm seeing this on the better be good...Little Mermaid is my life.

and all that I could do because of you was talk of love...

JP2 Profile Photo
#2re: The Little Mermaid - A Disaster in the Making
Posted: 8/9/07 at 2:58am

My life to. re: The Little Mermaid - A Disaster in the Making

#3re: The Little Mermaid - A Disaster in the Making
Posted: 8/9/07 at 3:42am

"...Get him to drop the Mark Hamill, "But I was going to Toshi station to pick up some power converters" attitude and make a little more of a man."

oh man... that was the funniest comment i've read! that gave me a much needed laugh... GO STAR WARS!

TheFriarsDruggist Profile Photo
#4re: The Little Mermaid - A Disaster in the Making
Posted: 8/9/07 at 5:21am

Moray eels? They're pretty green. And as for the things on their heads, I think the glowing parts were supposed to be the eyes. Like in the movie they both had those glowing eyes...

I agree about Flounder and the finale(Although I can get why they changed it. I'm not sure how they'd have her magically turn back into a mermaid, and the giant Ursula getting stabbed by a boat would be in huge risk of looking cheesy)...Everything else, not so much...

"I am the Phantom of the Opera! I'm the gayest supervillian ever! OoooOOOooooOOOoooh...Beware of my scented candles...OoooOOOooooh...Scented!"

#5re: The Little Mermaid - A Disaster in the Making
Posted: 8/9/07 at 7:02am

Thanks for the review! I had to chuckle at the Mark Hamill reference...

joe5 Profile Photo
#6re: The Little Mermaid - A Disaster in the Making
Posted: 8/9/07 at 8:48am

Updated On: 8/9/07 at 08:48 AM

logan0215 Profile Photo
#7re: The Little Mermaid - A Disaster in the Making
Posted: 8/9/07 at 10:48am

WOW! I'm glad you joined today to share your thoughts with us. Makes me wonder?

Why the **** does that matter? I hate how people bring this up like its some kind of ****ing reason to discount what people are saying.

Its not like they have a secret mission to ruin the show, stop with the conspiracy theory.

I love America. Just because I think gay dudes should be allowed to adopt kids and we should all have hybrid cars doesn't mean I don't love America. [turns and winks directly into the camera] - Liz Lemon (Tina Fey) on 30 Rock

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#8re: The Little Mermaid - A Disaster in the Making
Posted: 8/9/07 at 10:52am

"WOW! I'm glad you joined today to share your thoughts with us. Makes me wonder?"

Says the person with the understudy status who rarely posts.

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611

bare_nakedlady Profile Photo
#9re: The Little Mermaid - A Disaster in the Making
Posted: 8/9/07 at 10:54am


"It's like children's theatre for 40-year old gay people!" - XANADU THE MUSICAL

#10re: The Little Mermaid - A Disaster in the Making
Posted: 8/9/07 at 10:56am

My God. These costumes sound HORRENDOUS.

We serve their food, We carve their meat, We tend to their house, We polish their Silverware.

Mouses Magic
#11re: The Little Mermaid - A Disaster in the Making
Posted: 8/9/07 at 10:58am

With all these reviews, im confused!?!?! It seems like it's unanimous that the songs (new and old) and the actors are awesome, as well as the lighting. Then when it comes to the set and costumes, there is people that despise them and people who find them interesting and innovative. Its also unanimous that the ending needs work. Im glad though that they made the transformations better. Here's to hoping some of the costumes and ending get fixed (which there is PLENTY of time to do).

P.S. Kind of funny...Disney is usually thought of as having too much spectacle and a poor book, characterization, and songs. Now it is flip flopped!

#12re: The Little Mermaid - A Disaster in the Making
Posted: 8/9/07 at 11:02am

It seems like it's unanimous that the songs (new and old) and the actors are awesome, as well as the lighting.

If you include the overuse of blacklighting as part of lighting, then it is not unanimous that it's awesome. I thought it looked cheap.

But I agree with you about the spectacle vs. book/songs - I really was hoping the spectacle would be better, and as you say, there is time to fix it. I just wonder how the producers are soliciting feedback - how do they know what people are thinking who go see the preview performances? Do they read websites like these?

joe5 Profile Photo
#13re: The Little Mermaid - A Disaster in the Making
Posted: 8/9/07 at 11:23am

Updated On: 8/9/07 at 11:23 AM

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#14re: The Little Mermaid - A Disaster in the Making
Posted: 8/9/07 at 11:32am


"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611

uncageg Profile Photo
#15re: The Little Mermaid - A Disaster in the Making
Posted: 8/9/07 at 11:37am

Huh? Did Steven Sater write that for you?!! (Sorry, I couldn't help it! And I LOVE SA)

Just give the world Love.

Dancin Thru Life Profile Photo
Dancin Thru Life
#16re: The Little Mermaid - A Disaster in the Making
Posted: 8/9/07 at 11:39am

Sometimes it's best to close your eyes and walk away, JOE5....

Remember - English is your friend, you just have to give it a chance.

"To love another person is to see the face of God!"

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#17re: The Little Mermaid - A Disaster in the Making
Posted: 8/9/07 at 11:51am

Get him to drop the Mark Hamill, "But I was going to Toshi station to pick up some power converters" attitude and make a little more of a man.

God, I love that line.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

Rose_MacShane Profile Photo
#18re: The Little Mermaid - A Disaster in the Making
Posted: 8/9/07 at 12:25pm

So they still haven't changed the end? *sigh* I hate the end as it is now.

I agree with you on many points. The costumes were very hit and miss for me. Although I did like the mermaid costumes. I thought they were neat. But yeah, Flounder's costume is heinous and needs a major redesign. And someone else sees the bong connection! That was the first thing I thought when I saw those things.

I'm glad to hear that Ariel's transformation has been changed. When I saw it, she just kind of wiggled out of her costume and it fell to the stage in a sad little heap. And "Under The Sea" needs a major overhaul. I was also expecting a "Be Our Guest" moment and I was let down.

I'm going back on Sept. 5, because I want to see how much it changes before it goes to NY. Let's hope they make some significant ones...

BroadwayNYCGirl Profile Photo
#19re: The Little Mermaid - A Disaster in the Making
Posted: 8/9/07 at 12:38pm

I couldn't have said it better. My review was very similar to yours. LOVE the analogy of Star Wars with Prince Eric. I couldn't put my finger on it and you did it beautifully.

geekgirl06 Profile Photo
#20re: The Little Mermaid - A Disaster in the Making
Posted: 8/9/07 at 12:41pm

I'm going back on Sept. 5, because I want to see how much it changes before it goes to NY.

I'm going the same day! Can't wait to see it.

Hopefully I can find some tickets for this Saturday. Sounds like I'll enjoy it. Costumes usually don't bother me too much. But the set sounds a little... eh. And I'm disappointed that Under the Sea isn't a big Be Our Guest moment. I mean, really, I would think it would be pretty obvious to do it as such. But as you all said, there is still plenty of time.

Dancing through life... For the next ten minutes

Jonny boy Profile Photo
Jonny boy
#21re: The Little Mermaid - A Disaster in the Making
Posted: 8/9/07 at 1:24pm

I have found people to be way to critical on this site. I'm sure it has a few issues but I still can't wait to see the show myself.

Not Barker, Todd. Profile Photo
Not Barker, Todd.
#22re: The Little Mermaid - A Disaster in the Making
Posted: 8/9/07 at 1:31pm

So, do the people who have seen the show think (in general) that the show works dramaticly?

PLEASE! Do not post anything negative or dramatic! DidYouReallyHearMe has LOST the ability to ignore such posts and he will comment! Please, help him.

With Clay Aiken in Spamalot, all of Broadway is singing a collective "There! Right! There!" -Me-

"Not Barker, Todd is the only person I've ever known who could imitate Katherine print." -nmartin-

BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
#23re: The Little Mermaid - A Disaster in the Making
Posted: 8/9/07 at 1:43pm

Jonny Boy. I fully validate your remark, but the people on this board DO know what they're talking about. The large majority of the people on this board DO see virtually EVERY show that opens, whether it's Off-Broadway or Broadway. Enough so to know what IS a 'good' show and what IS a 'bad' show.

TARZAN was ripped apart at first preview. It's quick demise on Broadway speaks for itself. The people on this board also nitpicked apart THE PIRATE QUEEN, HIGH FIDELITY, LENNON and a hord of other shows which had extremely short runs on Broadway.

Then of course, they PRAISED shows which screamed "trainwreck...this'll run for about a week" just at first glance. Example: XANADU. A show which to the average Joe was an easy target to label a "flop show" and has quickly become one of Broadway's most popular 'camp' shows -- WHICH the people on this board predicted.

What all this boils down to is...the people on this board DO know what they are talking about. Fair assessment is given to EVERY show, so every show has a fair attack here. If you suck, you'll be attacked. If you're actually good, then you'll be praised. THE LITTLE MERMAID is being scrutinized fairly and unless the creative team doesn't get on the ball, these same assessments will be repeated once it begins previews on Broadway.

Too critical? Nope. Just not stupid. We ALL want this show to work for all the right reasons. The production, as it stands right now, leaves alot to be desired. Disney HAS worked it's charm before, just has been flacking with it's most recent productions. This CAN be another THE LION KING or BEAUTY & THE BEAST. No one wants another TARZAN.

brooklynbecca Profile Photo
#24re: The Little Mermaid - A Disaster in the Making
Posted: 8/9/07 at 2:21pm

I just want to know if they really are on Heelys like it had been rumored they would be.
