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The Little Mermaid - A Disaster in the Making- Page 3

The Little Mermaid - A Disaster in the Making

#50re: The Little Mermaid - A Disaster in the Making
Posted: 8/9/07 at 7:07pm

*instert $5 here, undying gratitude, and a little monkey in hat singing the song of your choice*

I want to apologize for some offensive messages posted on this board under my name. The night 0f 12-15-08 I did not have internet access, and someone had used my name to post something offensive. My avatar was also changed. I dont' know what else was posted, or if anyone recieved bad PMs, but I want to apologize for that. I've changed my password, and even though I was not the one posting these messages it still needed to be corrected.

Rose_MacShane Profile Photo
#51re: The Little Mermaid - A Disaster in the Making
Posted: 8/9/07 at 7:11pm

I get a monkey too?? Awesome!

*gets monkey to sing "I've Got A Lovely Bunch of Coconuts"*

Rose_MacShane Profile Photo
#52re: The Little Mermaid - A Disaster in the Making
Posted: 8/9/07 at 9:30pm

This is for sdfsdalfk, since you don't accept PMs:

I really have no idea what either Ursula's or the mermaids' costumes are made of. I wasn't close enough to get a good, hard look at them. They might be made from a variety of dancewear fabrics like glissenette, mesh, lycras, etc. Check out this site to get a look at various dancewear fabrics:

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#53re: The Little Mermaid - A Disaster in the Making
Posted: 8/9/07 at 10:31pm

Seems like the TRAIN WRECK has begun.
Since neither the set or costumes are even finished at this point they hardly have time to fix things.
I got a private message from someone on this thread saying
"People will not like you if you keep bashing DISNEY"
I am so scared.
Some people will like this show and some won't.
But after closing BEAUTY and TARZAN Thommy S. is kinda forcing families to buy tickets for the Fish Girl.
We will see what happens.
Good Luck to the cast and crew.

#54re: The Little Mermaid - A Disaster in the Making
Posted: 8/9/07 at 10:37pm

Hey! I'm glad some of you liked the link that i posted! Please keep on posting reviews, this will definitely help the show to get into the right pad! I'm so excited about this show, so I want it to be as good as possible.

Rose_MacShane Profile Photo
#55re: The Little Mermaid - A Disaster in the Making
Posted: 8/9/07 at 11:01pm

It's not a train wreck yet, Curtain. It's still in development, after all. I think it's a little soon to write it off entirely.

jeremykushnier1fan Profile Photo
#56re: The Little Mermaid - A Disaster in the Making
Posted: 8/9/07 at 11:03pm

I would love to see this actually have a go on Broadway, hopefully the right changes are made.

purpleprince101 Profile Photo
#57re: The Little Mermaid - A Disaster in the Making
Posted: 8/9/07 at 11:03pm

I certainly did not think it was fantastic, But not horrible either. I understand that it is still "in production" but I expected so much more.

zooxanthellae Profile Photo
#58re: The Little Mermaid - A Disaster in the Making
Posted: 8/9/07 at 11:48pm

I agree that this has a lot of potential, but as far as I'm concerned if Ursula doesn't turn into Vanessa and eventually giant Ursula, It's just not Little Mermaid... They should have seriously just stuck to the movie!

On a side note... Electric Eels DO NOT inhabit the oceans... they are found primarily in rivers (i.e. the amazon) so... if those are electric bolt things, then that is completely inaccurate... sorry just the marine bio. geek coming out in me.... (and moray eels are greenish/yellowish in color, so it perhaps that's what the colour choice in the costume alludes to)
Updated On: 8/9/07 at 11:48 PM

jv92 Profile Photo
#59re: The Little Mermaid - A Disaster in the Making
Posted: 8/10/07 at 12:01am

"Name one! The Lion King puts most people over the age of 8 to sleep. Tarzan looked like a community theatre production on steroids. Beauty and the Beast was a second-rate theme park show. Mary Poppins is a bad acid trip. In each show, the lively songs from the film versions seem to have the life sucked right out of them."

Ha! Ha! Ha! That gave me a good laugh. And it's true. Except for Mary Poppins. I think it's a miscast (with the exception of is two Tony nominated actors) bad acid trip.

Tkt2Ride Profile Photo
#60re: The Little Mermaid - A Disaster in the Making
Posted: 8/10/07 at 12:52am

Disney on Ice? Oh wow, that is discouraging. The Movie has such catchy songs. Now I want the "Jungle Book" instead. Better than Tarzan.

Look how many people though who were paying a fortune to see BATB? Good luck getting too many improvements. If it doesn't I will stick with my Disney tape.

Mary Poppins is that bad? Life is cruel.

I have all these great costume ideas in my head. I mean, colored plastic looks great under the right lights, iridescent fabrics. Ken MacDonald can do sea creatures! I agree that we don't need tails unless they are wearing tights. Which I would recommend. I am still entertaining myself with the heely stunts.

I like Disney but it doesn't bother me if you don't? Anyone who has seen Mickey on Ice knows Disney can be so overrated and get cheap as far as writing is concerned. It's about the show. I can take Disney in doses. It isn't personal if you don't like it. Why is it the happy Disney folks are the first to get snarky against those who aren't?

Those who don't want to read anything negative against Disney really should stick to the Disney websites. Reality checks in here from time to time.

srgr8 Profile Photo
#61re: The Little Mermaid - A Disaster in the Making
Posted: 8/10/07 at 2:30am

thanks for the review! i may be seeing this in january and love hearing feedback from the first few previews, the last previews to note changes, and more! im disappointed about the flounder costume and the "under the sea" staging...

although i look forward to the "if only" quartet immensely!

p.s. - jeremykushnier1fan, i think your avatar is amazing. what bear is best? ok...back to TLM...

"What does not kill us makes us HOTTER!" --Legally Blonde: The Musical

"Love the art in you, not yourself in the art." --Konstantin Stanislavsky

#62re: The Little Mermaid - A Disaster in the Making
Posted: 8/10/07 at 3:20am

New York Yankee:

First off, the character description you posted doesn't really tell you what Eric's motivations are and how the attitude he should exude. It's just a summary of what happens to him. But, let me reiterate, he is not bad, the direction he has been given is bad. He's got a wonderful voice and is the complete right look for the role, but the bratty attitude he portrays on stage is wrong.


I have to disagree with you. If you were not amazed by the costumes in the Lion King and the procession of the animals through the theatre then you are a very sad person.

As for BATB, which version are you talking about? The one they do now, or the original one they put up. If you recall, the original version they put on Broadway with Terrance Mann and Susan Egan was much more adult and had a much darker spin on it. I thoroughly enjoyed that version. But if you're referring to the version they're running and touring now, then I completely agree. It's a glorified Disney on Ice show.

rosscoe(au) Profile Photo
#63re: The Little Mermaid - A Disaster in the Making
Posted: 8/10/07 at 3:34am

"Fosse76, besides Tarzan I disagree with you on everything else!"

The opening ten minutes of the "Lion KIng" Stunning, the rest a waste of theatre space and time, it was a stop start show that had trouble flowing. The story arc lacked and all in all it was the new "Cats". Looks pretty, but dig deeper and it's really nothing. Fluff would be a good word.

Well I didn't want to get into it, but he's a Satanist. Every full moon he sacrifices 4 puppies to the Dark Lord and smears their blood on his paino. This should help you understand the score for Wicked a little bit more. Tazber's: Reply to Is Stephen Schwartz a Practicing Christian

wonderfulwizard11 Profile Photo
#64re: The Little Mermaid - A Disaster in the Making
Posted: 8/10/07 at 3:37am

^ Amen (though, I think CATS is better than The Lion King)! "The Circle of Life" in The Lion King was stunning, and then it all went downhill. Bad book, bad new songs (with the exception of "Shadowland", which I think is lovely), and okay staging (other than the opening, I wasn't amazed by the staging).

I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.

NewYorkYankee2006 Profile Photo
#65re: The Little Mermaid - A Disaster in the Making
Posted: 8/10/07 at 10:31am

"New York Yankee:

First off, the character description you posted doesn't really tell you what Eric's motivations are and how the attitude he should exude. It's just a summary of what happens to him. But, let me reiterate, he is not bad, the direction he has been given is bad. He's got a wonderful voice and is the complete right look for the role, but the bratty attitude he portrays on stage is wrong."

I know sean palmer (eric) has the perfect look and a wonderful voice, but I pasted the description to show what the character is like and what he does in the film. it seems as if he has been given the wrong direction for the show and it sounds as if that they need make a lot of improvements (with the costumes and sets i mean, not sean). wat is up with flounder's costume? just a t-shirt with blobs of paint? i mean come on...surely they can do better than that. how is norm in the role of king triton? is he good?

#65re: The Little Mermaid - A Disaster in the Making
Posted: 8/10/07 at 10:31am

"I have to disagree with you. If you were not amazed by the costumes in the Lion King and the procession of the animals through the theatre then you are a very sad person."

How do costumes prevent a show from being boring? Perhaps I just have higher expectations, but I found nothing in The Lion King that impressed me.

#67re: The Little Mermaid - A Disaster in the Making
Posted: 8/10/07 at 10:38am

Your Mark Hamill quote just made me laugh way too hard...thank you for that.

best12bars Profile Photo
#68re: The Little Mermaid - A Disaster in the Making
Posted: 8/10/07 at 10:57am

It sounds like the Little Mermaid design team and the director have no clear concept of what they are doing with this show.

They seem to be "trying things" hoping they will work, rather than coming up with an overall creative approach.

This just reminds me how brilliant Julie Taymor really is.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

uncageg Profile Photo
#69re: The Little Mermaid - A Disaster in the Making
Posted: 8/10/07 at 11:10am

The Lion King was an ok show. I saw the 1st National tour (Which opened here in Denver). The costumes were astonishing and the staging/sets were quite interesting. It faltered whenever it became "the movie". The Lebo M music was the best part and I own his CD as opposed to the OBCR.

Just give the world Love.
Updated On: 8/10/07 at 11:10 AM

#70re: The Little Mermaid - A Disaster in the Making
Posted: 8/10/07 at 12:01pm

thanks so much for the review - I desperately hope they fix these things! If nothing else, I want them to fix the ending you described. It should follow the movie plot! I know that people say it shouldn't be a carbon copy but really, the movie plot is perfect.

grrr. they better fix this soon because I really wanted to see this on Broadway next summer! = /

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#71re: The Little Mermaid - A Disaster in the Making
Posted: 8/10/07 at 12:25pm

I only saw the movie once when it first came out, how have they changed the ending for the show?

uncageg Profile Photo
#73re: The Little Mermaid - A Disaster in the Making
Posted: 8/10/07 at 3:51pm

Ask any mermaid you happen to see
What's the best tu na?
Chicken of the sea!

(That is now stuck in my head!)

Just give the world Love.
Updated On: 8/10/07 at 03:51 PM

Brave Sir Robin2 Profile Photo
Brave Sir Robin2
#74re: The Little Mermaid - A Disaster in the Making
Posted: 8/10/07 at 3:57pm

"As for BATB, which version are you talking about? The one they do now, or the original one they put up. If you recall, the original version they put on Broadway with Terrance Mann and Susan Egan was much more adult and had a much darker spin on it. I thoroughly enjoyed that version. But if you're referring to the version they're running and touring now, then I completely agree. It's a glorified Disney on Ice show."
How dark?

"I saw Pavarotti play Rodolfo on stage and with his girth I thought he was about to eat the whole table at the Cafe Momus." - Dollypop

dchesnutny Profile Photo
#75re: The Little Mermaid - A Disaster in the Making
Posted: 8/10/07 at 4:53pm

thanks for the review.

although it's made me disappointed on a few levels. disappointed in that the show sounds like it sucks, on so many levels.

and disappointed that I not only got the "toshi station/power converters" comment, but also that so many others did. Perhaps there's a new bulletin board in the making: "Star Wars geeks turned Theatre Freaks".

care to join? maybe we can all meet up near Shubert Alley and find a place to play D&D.

re: The Little Mermaid - A Disaster in the Making
