RippedMan said: "But this isn't a family? It's a professional working environment. I've done plenty of shows with people I've despised as human beings. But you have to suck it up and get the job done. There's always this perception that everything is so perfect and fun.
What was this in response to? Was it deleted or edited? I’m confused.
Unless I'm drunk - and I'm not yet - someone posted about how the cast actually didn't like each other, etc, which accounted for a lot of people calling out, etc. Again, all hearsay, so probably why it got deleted.
Swing Joined: 10/8/21
EDSOSLO858 said: ""
When Jason bowed to the cast…wow
Tonight was magical.
Purely magical.
I’ll post more when I’ve come down from the high of it all and stopped crying.
I’ll leave you with this moment where any composure anyone had was lost -
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/14/20
Do we think the show will actually tour? Maybe it would be like Oklahoma! and it will go to areas where it may not be totally accepted, but will hopefully open peoples minds?
I think a mini-tour is the only possible option for this show (hitting cities like Chicago, LA, San Francisco, etc). I have a very hard time seeing this being included in a subscription package in most cities.
The Oklahoma! tour was poorly received by most audiences around the country. It's a shame that average theatergoers around the country can't be open-minded and willing to be challenged by shows.
I'm still trying to process and digest last night's show. Magical to say the least!
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/22/21
bwayphreak234 said: "The Oklahoma! tour was poorly received by most audiences around the country. It's a shame that average theatergoers around the country can't be open-minded and willing to be challenged by shows."
You can be open-minded and wiling to be challenged by shows and still not like the recent Oklahoma revival as evident by many of the comments here about the show and even some of the critical reviews.
I am still not over last night. It was just UNREAL. The audience was so fully invested in making this performance the most it could be, from the applause to the laughter. This was how the show should’ve been EVERY NIGHT.
There were standing ovations after Intermission Song (where Jaquel broke a bit and was tearing up, as was everyone else) and A Sympathetic Ear (the final blown kiss to Usher from S.E was a beautiful touch).
Near the end, when Thought #4 broke the wall to say “These people aren’t going to wait forever, they want to know when they can go home”, my friend, myself and some others near me called back “No We Don’t!”
You could see the tears on the cast’s face during “Memory Song” and then at the very end of the finale, when Jaquel jumped and laughed for joy (see my last post), all of my emotional currency was spent at that moment and I just LOST it. Knowing the journey he has had, and the cast has had, and all of them making this beautiful production, it was a moment of pure, unbridled catharsis.
Michael and Stephen Brackett did curtain call speeches and it was so emotional.
JasonC3 said: "bwayphreak234 said: "The Oklahoma! tour was poorly received by most audiences around the country. It's a shame that average theatergoers around the country can't be open-minded and willing to be challenged by shows."
You can be open-minded and wiling to be challenged by shows and still not like the recent Oklahoma revival as evident by many of the comments here about the show and even some of the critical reviews."
I'm aware of that, thank you. I wasn't speaking about JUST the recent Oklahoma! revival. I was speaking in broad terms about most audiences in touring markets.
Featured Actor Joined: 5/4/13
quizking101 said: "I am still not over last night. It was just UNREAL. The audience was so fully invested in making this performance the most it could be, from the applause to the laughter. This was how the show should’ve been EVERY NIGHT.
There were standing ovations after Intermission Song (where Jaquel broke a bit and was tearing up, as was everyone else) and A Sympathetic Ear (the final blown kiss to Usher from S.E was a beautiful touch).
Near the end, when Thought #4 broke the wall to say “These people aren’t going to wait forever, they want to know when they can go home”, my friend, myself and some others near me called back “No We Don’t!”
You could see the tears on the cast’s face during “Memory Song” and then at the very end of the finale, when Jaquel jumped and laughed for joy (see my last post), all of my emotional currency was spent at that moment and I just LOST it. Knowing the journey he has had, and the cast has had, and all of them making this beautiful production, it was a moment of pure, unbridled catharsis.
Michael and Stephen Brackett did curtain call speeches and it was so emotional."
It was what I would call a phony audience. It would be annoying if this is how the show was every night.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/23/17
quizking101 said: "I am still not over last night. It was just UNREAL. The audience was so fully invested in making this performance the most it could be, from the applause to the laughter. This was how the show should’ve been EVERY NIGHT.
There were standing ovations after Intermission Song (where Jaquel broke a bit and was tearing up, as was everyone else) and A Sympathetic Ear (the final blown kiss to Usher from S.E was a beautiful touch).
Near the end, when Thought #4 broke the wall to say “These people aren’t going to wait forever, they want to know when they can go home”, my friend, myself and some others near me called back “No We Don’t!”
This all sounds dreadful. Did you think you were at a midnight showing of Rocky Horror??
Papi2013 said: "It was what I would call a phony audience. It would be annoying if this is how the show was every night."
I think my intent was to say that the audience seemed fully engaged (laughter, applause, discomfort) in all the parts of the show that would merit it during a regular performance - but enhanced more so because it was closing night.
I was at performances where the audience walked out or just appeared dead behind the eyes and jokes that should land or songs that should soar elicited nothing from the audience and it was disheartening because the cast certainly was not phoning it in (Even on their worst days, the structure and pace of this show did not allow for anyone to do that).
One thing I've learned though from attending more black theatre over the past year and a half is that there needs to be space for people to have responses and reactions and this is always an ongoing discourse. I think about AIN'T NO MO and how Peaches spent the pre-show announcement giving everyone explicit permission to feel and express themselves in whatever way they needed to and actively encouraged it. To me, THAT was theatre in the truest sense because it felt less stuffy and structured and more of a full-circle experience.
JSquared2 said: "quizking101 said: "I am still not over last night. It was just UNREAL. The audience was so fully invested in making this performance the most it could be, from the applause to the laughter. This was how the show should’ve been EVERY NIGHT.
There were standing ovations after Intermission Song (where Jaquel broke a bit and was tearing up, as was everyone else) and A Sympathetic Ear (the final blown kiss to Usher from S.E was a beautiful touch).
Near the end, when Thought #4 broke the wall to say “These people aren’t going to wait forever, they want to know when they can go home”, my friend, myself and some others near me called back “No We Don’t!”
This all sounds dreadful. Did you think you were at a midnight showing of Rocky Horror??"
More entitled BS in this thread. That audience was probably 95% fans and friends of the show there to celebrate the show, just as the vast majority of closing performances are. With any musical with a significant fan base, this is exactly what one should expect from the closing performance. Viewing it as a regular performance is silly and stupid. If you wanted a regular performance, you've had over 350 chances since last April.
Updated On: 1/16/23 at 02:59 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/19
Significant fan base? Me thinks not. But glad you enjoyed the show! Hope it does a mini tour! Would love to see it!
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/10/11
JSquared2 said: "quizking101 said: "I am still not over last night. It was just UNREAL. The audience was so fully invested in making this performance the most it could be, from the applause to the laughter. This was how the show should’ve been EVERY NIGHT.
There were standing ovations after Intermission Song (where Jaquel broke a bit and was tearing up, as was everyone else) and A Sympathetic Ear (the final blown kiss to Usher from S.E was a beautiful touch).
Near the end, when Thought #4 broke the wall to say “These people aren’t going to wait forever, they want to know when they can go home”, my friend, myself and some others near me called back “No We Don’t!”
This all sounds dreadful. Did you think you were at a midnight showing of Rocky Horror??"
I was thinking the same thing…really tacky. If you wanna shout out, go to a Fundamentalist revival meeting.
Chorus Member Joined: 11/17/18
I was at the closing performance, and it was my first time seeing the show. I'm generally not a fan of vocalizations from the audience, but that's just my preference as a very traditional/conventional/cranky theatergoer. There was definitely some extra excitement in the house, and bigger ovations than one would normally expect at the end of well-performed numbers. And there were a few vocalizations from the house. On the whole, however, I didn't find the audience response to be annoying or unwarranted. I knew it was closing night, and that lots of folks felt emotionally connected to the show. And quite a few of the musical numbers legitimately "knocked it out of the park." For me, the audience enthusiasm did not distract from the show or interfere with my experience. The group energy may have actually enhanced my enjoyment of the show. I really had a great time.
Broadway Star Joined: 5/19/20
Know that the show is over, I am just wondering what is the drama that happened backstage? I am not trying to cause anything negative, but I am just curious what was going behind the scenes? Was it just the actors calling out for being sick?
Updated On: 1/16/23 at 05:02 PM
Voter said: "Know that the show is over, I am just wondering what is the drama that happened backstage? I am not trying to cause anything negative, but I am just curious what was going behind the scenes? Was it just the actors calling out for being sick?"
I doubt you will get your answer here. The first post about it yesterday was promptly deleted.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/13/22
Nothing makes me more irritated than unwarranted audience participation and I agree with JSquared's and Jarethan's sentiments entirely, BUT FOR the fact that it was the last show. Normal etiquette goes out the window semi-understandably.
As impatient as I might be with this cast's antics, I'm glad the last show went off without a hitch. I didnt love this, but it was certainly original and had some beautiful moments- i definitely hope it tours LA, SF, maybe Chicago or the Northwest.
JSquared2 said: "jkcohen626 said: "JSquared2 said: "quizking101 said: "I am still not over last night. It was just UNREAL. The audience was so fully invested in making this performance the most it could be, from the applause to the laughter. This was how the show should’ve been EVERY NIGHT.
There were standing ovations after Intermission Song (where Jaquel broke a bit and was tearing up, as was everyone else) and A Sympathetic Ear (the final blown kiss to Usher from S.E was a beautiful touch).
Near the end, when Thought #4 broke the wall to say “These people aren’t going to wait forever, they want to know when they can go home”, my friend, myself and some others near me called back “No We Don’t!”
This all sounds dreadful. Did you think you were at a midnight showing of Rocky Horror??"
More entitled BS in this thread. That audience was probably 95% fans and friends of the show there to celebrate the show, just as the vast majority of closing performances are. With any musical with a significant fan base, this is exactly what one should expect from the closing performance. Viewing it as a regular performance is silly and stupid. If you wanted a regular performance, you've had over 350 chances since last April."
Only if you were at one of the few performances where the cast actually showed up."
If there was a performance, then the cast showed up. That's kind of how performances work.
Broadway Star Joined: 9/19/09
vegas3 said: "I was at the closing performance, and it was my first time seeing the show. I'm generally not a fan of vocalizations from the audience, but that's just my preference as a very traditional/conventional/cranky theatergoer. There was definitely some extra excitement in the house, and bigger ovations than one would normally expect at the end of well-performed numbers. And there were a few vocalizations from the house. On the whole, however, I didn't find the audience response to be annoying or unwarranted. I knew it was closing night, and that lots of folks felt emotionally connected to the show. And quite a few of the musical numbers legitimately "knocked it out of the park." For me, the audience enthusiasm did not distract from the show or interfere with my experience. The group energy may have actually enhanced my enjoyment of the show. I really had a great time."
Thank you for the lovely post. So many chose to sh*t all over quizking’s post despite knowing how much he loves this show and how much it means to him.
Featured Actor Joined: 9/24/21
This is a show written by a Black queer man, with Black queer actors, and which has meant a lot to many Black queer audience members. I think applying the norms of predominantly white theatre spaces is the wrong way to go for the closing performance of this show. This show was explicitly written by and for Black audiences to identify with, and in many Black community spaces, engaging with performances/presentations more vocally is encouraged and a community norm (note the differences in norms and expected behaviour at a predominantly white church vs a historically Black church, for example). Other shows like Ain’t No Mo’ incorporated these norms explicitly into their structure, and it’s clear that the Black cast and creative team were visibly moved and appreciative of the vocal support of their community. A closing show (especially of a show like this) is a time for the community of people who love it to come together and express their connection to the material. The way they do that might differ in a show with a predominantly POC cast/creative team/fan base, and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. Theatre is for everyone, not just for white people.
Mars was at the closing, however, Zachary Myers wasn't due to being ill.
forfivemoreminutes said: "in many Black community spaces, engaging with performances/presentations more vocally is encouraged and a community norm (note the differences in norms and expected behaviour at a predominantly white church vs a historically Black church, for example). Other shows like Ain’t No Mo’ incorporated these norms explicitly into their structure, and it’s clear that the Black cast and creative team were visibly moved and appreciative of the vocal support of their community. A closing show (especially of a show like this) is a time for the community of people who love it to come together and express their connection to the material. The way they do that might differ in a show with a predominantly POC cast/creative team/fan base, and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. Theatre is for everyone, not just for white people."
Well said - and more generally speaking: "etiquette" in any given situation is effectively set by mutual expectations. I find that when everyone is doing something, it's rarely distracting, because it becomes part of the experience. Ironically, the Rocky Horror screenings are a perfect example of that.