Broadway Star Joined: 9/3/14
Well they are almost there because of their TV movie of dirty dancing. The more the merrier I say! And ABC have access to Disney, imagine the possibilities. I would love them to do something that isn't already a Broadway musical though, Snow White or the Jungle book would be cool.
I couldn't read the article. That picture of Adam Jacobs as Aladdin distracted me....
The way I see it it could be one of two options in terms of the musical they produce...
1. One of the Broadway musicals that played on Broadway but isn't any longer: If that is the case then I'm hoping it's either "The Little Mermaid" because of the effects that could do to bring to life an underwater kingdom, or "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" because of the adult demographic in the audience.
2. An expanded version of one of the musicals in the theme parks that is based on an animated property: If that is the case then I'm hoping it's either "Tangled" because of the effects that they could do with Rapunzel's hair, or "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" because of the changes that could be done to Snow White's personality to make her less passive.
I for one think that a live production of "Newsies" would be perfect for their first foray into live musicals.
Updated On: 5/17/16 at 09:12 PM
Yeah "Newsies" could work as well. But I think since "Snow White" was the first animated feature film, I think it's only be fitting that it should be the network's first live musical. But if they want to roll the dice "Newsies" would be the way to go.
I think Snow White is much more of a dice roll than Newsies would be. It would have to be significantly adapted (the original film contains very little dialogue) and would need a rather large budget to avoid looking hoaky. Outdoor locations, with the exception of Grease (because they actually went outside) have looked tacky in the live musicals this far. Neverland, especially, looked terrible.
Newsies is actually a pretty solid idea. It's family friendly, features tons of dancing (which as Grease and The Wiz showed us, films very well), and you can find a charismatic pop star with a strong voice to play Jack.
With the right star Mary Poppins has the potential to pull in a similar number of viewers if they're looking for Sound of Music numbers. Although, I'm not sure we'll see that many people tuning in to another one of these events now that live musicals on TV are becoming more common across the various networks.
Broadway Star Joined: 1/29/16
I'd like to second "The Hunchback of Notre Dame". Mostly because I wasn't able to see it at La Jolla or the Paper Mill or in Berlin.
Updated On: 5/17/16 at 10:31 PM
adamgreer said: "I think Snow White is much more of a dice roll than Newsies would be. It would have to be significantly adapted (the original film contains very little dialogue) and would need a rather large budget to avoid looking hoaky. Outdoor locations, with the exception of Grease (because they actually went outside) have looked tacky in the live musicals this far. Neverland, especially, looked terrible.
Newsies is actually a pretty solid idea. It's family friendly, features tons of dancing (which as Grease and The Wiz showed us, films very well), and you can find a charismatic pop star with a strong voice to play Jack.
"Newsies" could work but in my opinion the animated properties would be a good way to start. "Tangled" could be another safe bet because of the contemporary style of the music, and with the possible ensemble dance numbers it could work as well.
Swing Joined: 5/17/16
Leading Actor Joined: 7/6/14
What about Sister Act or Peter and the Starcatcher? Both have Disney connections.
Chorus Member Joined: 10/18/11
They could make a TV's version of "Mary Poppins" the musical... with Emily Blunt! Before she will star in "Mary Poppins Returns"
the problem with Disney doing live TV musicals is they know if they want to spend money doing a live-action version of basically anything they've ever produced, they might as well just do a film and make hundreds of millions of dollars.
Leading Actor Joined: 8/11/16
I agree with gypay101. I really don't think it will be a Disney movie adaptation since it would be so redundant in the current time where Disney is making live action films of as many animated properties as possible. They're this generation's direct to video sequels.
They already announced that they will be collaborating with LA's 'For the Record Live' on this:
FTR's cabaret-style works are based on the music in one director's films (they've done Baz Luhrmann, Scorsese, Tarantino, John Hughes, etc). I haven't seen them perform yet, but I've heard really good things. Their Baz Luhrmann production has transferred to Las Vegas recently.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/14/13
Oak2 said: "I agree with gypay101. I really don't think it will be a Disney movie adaptation since it would be so redundant in the current time where Disney is making live action films of as many animated properties as possible. They're this generation's direct to video sequels.
That actually is something that just clunked into place. Yeah, with all the live action remakes they're doing I can't imagine them doing any of the animated properties, HOWEVER I won't lie, that does not stop me from wanting a live broadcast of B and the B. Can we admit that would be/look fracking fabulous?? Plus if ABC does get on this game, I wonder what they WOULD do...doing their own Disney properties would indeed feel repetitive in this live action remake era, but yet as its ABC, what ELSE would they do, at least for a first broadcast? I guess we'll see
And as for Snow White and Tangled, apart from being animated, they aren't full musicals on stage, at least SW isn't, and Tangled is just an hour long show on DCL, so that doesn't count. At least I dont, Lolz! And these broadcasts are usually marketed around broadcasting a full length musical that's already been on Broadway, so not sure how those make any sense. Not I'd complain if one of the above ideas of them just expanding on a property that wasn't actually on Broadway happened, like someone's idea above says, like Tangled, I guess I'm looking at it from a marketing POV. I would actually want a full length Tangled though, I've said this since almost day one.
Maybe this is actually what they filmed "Newsies" for?
Or maybe they just have to wait a while after the new versions of Beauty & the Beast, Mary Poppins, and The Little Mermaid hit the big screen. We're getting Hairspray Live! about 9 years after the release of the film adaptation.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/28/10
I am still hoping one of the networks brings A CHRISTMAS STORY: The Musical to the small screen. Such a beloved and well-known title would seem like a no-brainer. So far, we've got NBC and Fox entering the live musical TV event; can ABC and CBS be far behind?
Technically speaking, CBS already does their live musicals, they're called the Tony Awards.