saxpower said: "I would hope, just to make things a bit simpler, all the theatre owners agree on specifics with respect to what type of proof is required. (come to think of it, I'll be going to a Shubert, Nederlander, and Jujamcyn theatre)"
Websites associated with all three theatre groups have stated something along the lines of, "Guests can display proof on a smartphone or present a physical copy."
There ya go!
Telecharge has sent this email out -
Broadway is all about gathering together and sharing in the experience of live theatre. The theatre industry is committed to the health and safety of all members of the Broadway community—theatre employees, production staff, cast, and audience members.
To ensure the safety of everyone in the theatre, the following policies will be in place for your performance:
Order #:XXX
Performance Date: XXXXX
For performances through October 31, 2021:
Everyone in the theatre must wear acceptable face coverings at all times, including during the show, except while eating or drinking in designated locations. All face coverings must cover the nose and mouth and comply with the CDC guidelines for acceptable face coverings.
For performances through October 31, 2021:
Guests will need to be fully vaccinated with an FDA or WHO authorized vaccine in order to attend a show and must show proof of vaccination at their time of entry into the theatre with their valid ticket. “Fully vaccinated” means the performance date you are attending must be:
at least 14 days after your second dose of an FDA or WHO authorized two dose COVID-19 vaccine, or
at least 14 days after your single dose of an FDA or WHO authorized single dose COVID-19 vaccine.
The only exception to the above will be for guests under the age of 12, or those who need reasonable accommodations due to a medical condition or sincerely held religious belief. Guests requesting an exemption must provide proof of at least one of the following, in addition to properly wearing a mask inside the building:
negative COVID-19 PCR test taken within 72 hours of the performance, or
negative COVID-19 rapid antigen test taken within 6 hours of the performance.
Guests may present proof of vaccination or a negative test on paper or a smartphone. For example, New York State residents, or anyone who received a COVID-19 vaccine in New York State, may present proof through the use of the Excelsior Pass.
In addition to proof of vaccination, all guests 18 years or older must also present a government-issued photo ID, such as a driver’s license or passport. Guests under 18 may also use a school photo ID. Guests under 12 must be accompanied by an adult who meets the above requirements.
Guests who do not comply with these policies will be denied entry or asked to leave the theatre. If you feel you cannot follow these guidelines, visit your ORDER STATUS page and exchange to a later date or request a refund.
We're all in this together. Thank you for being part of our community and following these new policies. We look forward to seeing you very soon. In the meantime, let us know if there’s anything else we can do.
Telecharge Customer Service
Broadway Star Joined: 2/16/16
I contacted Jujmacyn because my idiot state legislature (PA) outlawed Vaccine Passports. They stated they will NOT be accepting Clear pass, at least not for Pass Over.
Just wanted to share in case anyone was depending on that. Make sure you have a photo of your card.
Updated On: 7/30/21 at 05:25 PM
Is there any trusted source that states what the so-called “designated eating/drinking areas” are? I’m assuming it means when you’re seated in the theatre, as opposed to walking around, but can anyone confirm?
To be honest, once the show is underway and the theatre is dark, I’ll be surprised if they can fully realistically enforce it. (The mask mandate, that is). In a dark theatre at full capacity you can’t even easily see people’s faces especially if they’re far away from you. Not to mention, you should be paying attention to the people onstage, not the people in the audience. Yes, ushers have flashlights to help people find their seats, but even if they were to roam the aisles/theatre during the show and speak to people to tell them to put their masks on (which I doubt they will), that’s going to be more distracting (to both audience and performers) than whether or not a (vaccinated) audience member is or isn’t wearing a mask.
I think eating/drinking is going to just mean eating or drinking wherever you are in the theater.
BroadwayRox3588 said: "SmoothLover said: "I am assuming this goes for all staff, crew and talent.
Seems like it will take forever to get everyone through the door with long lines and long wait times."
To the first thing, yes.
To the second thing, perhaps at first. But like everything else, they'll adjust, and I expect the process will move much more efficiently, with time."
What they should do is have separate staff (security) check vaccination papers as the line is forming so the ticket takers just scan tickets. That would move things along. Sorry, I see Jordon has already said that. I cannot believe I didn’t think of that sooner. Too bad it can’t be dealt with at point of purchase but that would be impossible for many reasons.
I think they'll be certain areas that don't include your seat. That would make masking pointless.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/21/05
SmoothLover said: "I am assuming this goes for all staff, crew and talent.
Seems like it will take forever to get everyone through the door with long lines and long wait times."
No assumptions needed. Shubert's Broadway employees were notified last week that all employees, as well as anyone working inside the theaters (including the production) must be vaccinated. I have heard that Nederlander also notified its staff.
Sutton Ross said: "I think they'll be certain areas that don't include your seat. That would make masking pointless. "
Yea, but people will probably still bring in water bottles of their own and drink anyway. (At least for me, I always carry a water bottle, and wearing a mask makes me more thirsty than usual).
Maybe any loss of revenue from concessions, especially beverage sales (souvenir cups), can be made up with sales of branded masks.
People will eat and drink at their seats. We’ve all been in Broadway theaters. Tell me where there’s space for a “designated take a sip of your water” ropes off area just for maskless people to crowd and drink.
Where is Scott Rudin and his no drinks policy when you need him/it? lol
I think the drinking/eating policy is still a work in progress. I don't think doing it at the seat is viable because I think that enough people sitting next to the eaters/drinkers will freak out so that another approach will be needed. By freak out, I don't mean the isolated person yelling at someone on their cell phone. This can't end up in the laps of the ushers. To be continued...
leefowler said: "Maybe I’m the only one here who feels this way, but I’m not interested in seeing a show if I have to wear a mask for 2 1/2 hours."
I'm with you, I already have the vaccine but I'll wait awhile because I simply don't enjoy spending money to wear a mask for hours when I already find most theatres to be too hot as it is.
My other problem is too many of the new shows I haven't seen are about topics that aren't exactly happy subjects and after the past year and a half I'm just not interested in that right now.
I really don't think there's much to think about when it comes to the food/drink policy. Before masks were no longer required in movie theaters, they had the same exact rules: masks on at all times unless eating or drinking. Maybe if things re: covid continue to get really bad they'll readjust but seems very straightforward.
Jordan Catalano said: "People will eat and drink at their seats. We’ve all been in Broadway theaters. Tell me where there’s space for a “designated take a sip of your water” ropes off area just for maskless people to crowd and drink."
They would not have said that if they just mean seats.
It seems that whatever the rules are they should be posted all over the theatre. Otherwise patrons will accuse other patrons of doing something wrong creating more chaos than usual.
SouthernCakes said: "BdwyFan said: "Two things I wonder:
1) where are designated eating and drinking areas?
2) and which shows would have attracted the most number of anti-Vaxers based upon the show?
Hmmm "
Anti vaxxers outside. Pro-vax inside.
I look forward to the protesters when I attend show. Haha. How delicious.
I think around the bar/merch/lobby areas is where people can crunch, munch, crinkle and eat loudly. Because somehow people cannot deal with not eating/drinking for a few hours. I love America.
leefowler said: "Maybe I’m the only one here who feels this way, but I’m not interested in seeing a show if I have to wear a mask for 2 1/2 hours."
I agree. Will likely refund the longer shows I bought. Will be tough with Springsteen as he run 2.5+ without intermission.
iluvtheatertrash said: "leefowler said: "Maybe I’m the only one here who feels this way, but I’m not interested in seeing a show if I have to wear a mask for 2 1/2 hours."
Then stay home and stay miserable. If a doctor can perform a life saving surgery on your for twice that length while wearing a mask, you can sit through a show in one."
Nasty response. There are medical conditions where restricted breathing is problematic. And if you can remove mask to eat or drink, why aren't you criticizing them too?
Featured Actor Joined: 4/8/08
HogansHero said: "I think the drinking/eating policy is still a work in progress. I don't think doing it at the seat is viable because I think that enough people sitting next to the eaters/drinkers will freak out so that another approach will be needed. By freak out, I don't mean the isolated person yelling at someone on their cell phone. This can't end up in the laps of the ushers. To be continued..."
I rarely disagree with Hogan but there’s simply, practically and literally no real way to police, let alone enforce, people not taking sips of water or an occasional Life Saver or Junior Mint at their seats. Whoever said it had been working like this just fine at the movies since the spring was correct and not just at the movies, but anyone who’s traveled at all in the last year has seen people pull their mask to one side, take a sip, replace it, pull the mask to one side, have a snack, and replace it. I’ve seen hundreds of people do that on planes, on trains, on subways, all far more claustrophobic and contained places than a roomy Broadway theater, and not once has there been even the hint of a single solitary “freak-out” by any one person, let alone anything approaching the level of “By freak out, I don't mean an isolated person” . People out there actually interacting in the world, at least in the Northeast, are a lot more chill about things than it sometimes seems from doomscrolling on message boards.
If no one has heard about anyone screaming at someone not to sip their water during a 10-minute ride on a New York SUBWAY, there’s not going to be hordes of angry mobs “freaking out” or flagging down the ushers or yelling “Shame!” when people inevitably and discreetly do the same thing – whether explicitly ‘permitted’ to or not – during a 2 or 3-hour Broadway show. And if flight attendants and train conductors haven’t been expected to reprimand passengers for doing this in the last year and a half, you can bet the ushers won’t be expected to either. (For that matter it’s the rare usher, in my experience, who’s more than ineffectual in dealing with cell phones, which light up in the dark, never mind a quick sip of a drink.). Unless New York State explicitly makes it illegal to temporarily remove your mask in close quarters for the sake of quickly and discreetly enjoying a private refreshment – something we all know is not going to happen – then common understanding, courtesy, and respect will have to be the order of the day. If people are abusing it, or passing crinkly bags if Twizzlers back and forth among a large group of people, mind you, that’s a different story. But if people are staying within their own space and being casual and careful about it, everything will be fine. Especially since nearly everyone will have been vaccinated, and those who haven’t been will be assuming the risks of being there. Not a soap opera. Common sense. End of story.
I wonder how flexible these guidelines will be. If data shows that more people are getting more vaccinated and the numbers of cases greatly decrease, I wonder if the mask mandate will be reversed.
That MIGHT be wishful thinking, but I do think as more places require vaccinations, those ignorant anti-vaxxers might get annoyed enough to get the vaccine. Sadly, public health isn’t enough reason for them.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/9/04
Do tell us. What medical condition prevents you from wearing a piece of fabric over your mouth while sitting down stationary. We’ll wait.
@Kimbo I was not intending to refer to isolated sips and bites but reacting to the idea that someone who was using the rule to sit through the show without a mask would be able to. My sense, using the plane comparison, is that FAs would prevent this. I hope they will clearly announce a policy that includes ejection and banning, enforce it with little red laser beams, and I think the interactions will be very limited. I don't think there is an alternative, so long as delta variant is raging at least. I think experience from a few weeks ago is out of date in the present consciousness. This morning's dog walk revealed a lot more people walking around with masks than last week, and that's outdoors.
@jlindsey I agree that backing the ignorant into vaccination is the strategy, but I have long felt that. Pavlov reigns.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/10/08
First, if you are wearing your "piece of fabric" correctly, it is suppose to cover your mouth AND NOSE. I would say some people with asthma may have an issue if not finding a correct cloth mask. I am sure there are some medical conditions that could prevent somebody, but the easy solution is to STAY HOME.