Also, Jasmine has already been clear abotu wanting to get out of the palace and experienceing the whole world. The planets themselves may be a little misguided, but flying out and the moon changing into the planet earth . . . he is giving her the entire world withouy having a montage of going through egypt and greece and a stampede of horses or China, or any other visual fromt he movie. I like this instead of trying to recreate that visually. But the other planets might be a shade too far.
Is the song now called A Whole New Set?
How is Jasmine's new song? Is it better than "To Be Free" or is it just there to try and exceed the amount of new material required for a best score tony nomination?
I don't have a problem with all the planets during "A Whole New World" in theory. I mean what's more romantic than giving someone the entire solar system?
The problem with the staging is having the ensemble in black body suits dancing around with the stars and planets. As someone mentioned above it distracts from the two leads singing, but worse it evokes the staging from "The Moon and Me," and anytime you start thinking about The Addams Family it's usually a bad thing.
Cats- Her new song is safe and bland, but the problem isn't the song per se. It's that it sits in an awkward place in Reed's voice. She has to jump over her break and it led to many intonation/phrasing problems.
This show was a hot mess in TO and its not sounding much better now. Disney has somehow mastered the art of over thinking what could be wonderful shows. I feel bad for anyone who pays these exorbitant prices for this show.
This will have a healthy advance but little to no word of mouth. It's on par with Mermaid and Tarzan IMHO.
If FROZEN ever actually makes it to broadway... I hope Disney does't treat it like this!
Frozen needs a complete meltdown to succeed on stage--a load of crap on the screen,and those songs-sorry-wrong thread.
Edit--Only replying to the above-read over Aladdinites.
Updated On: 3/1/14 at 12:24 AM
Michael James Scott was on as the Genie tonight per Broadway Understudies, and will be on the rest of the weekend (as James Monroe Inglehart may be injured or may have a planned absence).
^I doubt he has a planned absence that was unannounced first week of previews,
Definitely either ill or injured.
Most likely ill. If he was injured, they would announced it.
Was James Iglehart in last night? How was the US? Updated On: 3/1/14 at 08:55 AM
Stand-by Joined: 12/3/13
He seems like the only cast member to me that would be difficult to quickly replace so I'm curious to know how the show works without him.
Have tickets for tobight, not going to lie, a bit disappointed that Iglehart is not in after hearing so many good things about his performance. Hope Scott lives up to the hype. I'll be sure to report back after the show
Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed James when I saw it in Toronto, but I don't feel like he was AS great as people are making him sound. Maybe it's because he comes in when the show feels like it hits a lull, so it's like a breath of fresh air, but I felt like he really just walked around the stage reading his lines, trying to amp up the audience. It didn't feel like he WAS the genie. Maybe he as still trying to break into the character. I remember "Friend Like Me" was alright, but "Prince Ali" was a letdown (although I do blame the staging for that.)
Chorus Member Joined: 4/26/12
Totally agree on Inglehart in Toronto. He was quite good - no issues there - but he was, as you state, just delivering lines - like a comedy set. Throw as many lines out as he's got - and some will stick. He wasn't playing a character.
Also, Prince Ali was a HUGE LETDOQWN as you note. It was just actors coming on stage in costume, running off stage to change costumes, coming back in new costumes, again and again, to make it seem like cast was larger than actual.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/10/08
I rewatched the movie- you know, I had forgotten- and I think many have- how much of a support Robin Williams was for the whole thing.
Broadway Star Joined: 5/19/06
I thought James was fantastic in Toronto, but I could care less about the character. In the film, you really do feel bad for Robin Williams when Aladdin breaks his promise. I really didn't care for the Genie or any character actually.
On the train back home from tonight's performance. First things first: THE PLANETS ARE GONE!!! The only people other than Aladdin and Jasmine onstage during "A Whole New World" are 2 people with a giant black scrim that is used to make it appear like they are flying over nothing.
Next big point of the night: Michael James Scott as the Genie. He was incredibly hammy (as the part calls for), but seemed to get tired towards the end of his numbers, especially "Friend Like Me". You saw him trying to hit the last note but nothing really coming out, could have been sound's fault, but didn't seem so. The number was still the highlight of the show and the most entertaining 10 minutes I've seen in a while.
I really liked the show overall! If you have any more questions, I'd be happy to answer!
Broadway Star Joined: 3/25/12
WOW! They changed that QUICK. I swear they must be reading these boards.
Two people hold up a scrim? What? I could use some clarification on that.
Just curious, is James out for a certain period, or is he just out sick or something? I'm just wondering how long he's gonna be out for because I have tickets for the 12th, and I really want to see him.
In Toronto they held a large piece of fabric (wouldn't call it a scrim) that covered the floor of the entire stage. The ensemble?/crew? holding it were shaking it to make it ripple (like water). It worked well…until they took it away and the ensemble came out with the planets.
I overheard an usher saying he had bronchitis and was hoping to be back by Tuesday, at least it's not an injury!