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Andy Karl tonight

shanphelia Profile Photo
#150Andy Karl tonight
Posted: 4/16/17 at 5:38pm

I was in the audience last night (and have some of the rear mezz tickets to tomorrow's show) and I loved the spirit of the cast and audience all coming together to support Andrew and the show; we all leaped to a standing ovation as soon as we could! I agree more or less with the Vulture review; Andrew had a few bobbles with the staging, but overall very minor considering the complexity of the show, and I think the ensemble was on its toes to compensate for any of these bobbles.  Andrew sounded great and I think he did a fantastic job for his first time out -- but he will of course need some time to settle in to his portrayal and make it his own.  In my opinion he got stronger as the show went on and he and Barrett really nailed "If I Had My Time Again," and the two of them built sweet chemistry as their characters got closer.

One observation I had was that Andrew reads quite young to me, and there is a difference between someone who is acting like an entitled jerk in his 20s as he rises to the top of a local news scene and planing his next step and someone in his 40s who's kind of calcified in his persona and has been coasting on the same patterns of charisma for decades  Since Andrew read as more the former to me, it took me a bit longer to warm up to his Phil as he began his changes (and to appreciate his existing charisma).  It also made some of the age jokes fall flat.  I don't think this is insurmountable, just something that I expect will evolve as Andrew explores the character more and builds his own Phil.

I love Andy Karl immensely in this role; I saw him in London and then booked an early preview here just to see him do this role again. It's really a performance of a lifetime (so far) and I would be so sad if he were kept out of the Tony running.  I love the show as a whole and will be there to support Andy or Andrew and the whole cast and crew tomorrow.

Updated On: 4/16/17 at 05:38 PM

#151Andy Karl tonight
Posted: 4/16/17 at 5:49pm

"1.  Opening night is Monday.  It will remain.  This is a business and tickets have been sold.  If you push it back a week you lose a week's revenue.  Ouch.  Why?  How many people gonna show up and demand a refund if Andy Karl isn't on? "

They absolutely can push the opening back, they just need to open under the Tony deadline. People love to say they were at shows like this (see:Carrie), so I don't think there will be a lot of returns.. Even if that weren't true, the producers are likely willing to take a small hit now if it might pay off later. The understudy will not play to empty houses.

"2.  Andy Karl will not go on tomorrow.  If he was hurt enough to walk on a cane right after the injury with the adrenaline flowing, then he is too hurt to risk his entire adult life on screwing up an extraordinarily important part of his performing future.  Besides, no producer in his right mind (nor their insurer) would allow it."

Also not necessarily true. See:John Cameron Mitchell in Hedwig. I don't think #3 is true either, and there is precedent for that. Doesn't your  #4 point contradict your #1 point?

Updated On: 4/16/17 at 05:49 PM

#152Andy Karl tonight
Posted: 4/16/17 at 5:51pm


#153Andy Karl tonight
Posted: 4/16/17 at 6:02pm

Mike66 said:

3.  He will be nominated for the Tony, despite the rule.  The rule exists so the person being considered with be the "person who created the role."  He's already done that, in London and in NY up until now.  We all Know that the understudy has been working his butt off to be "just like Andy" rather than to create a role.  His job is to be as much like the guy he is replacing not just for the benefit of the audience, but for the benefit of the rest of the cast.  People on these Boards know that. 

This, unfortunately, is completely wrong.  The only thing I will add to this thread of hyperbole and conjecture, other than that I obviously hope Andy Karl heals quickly, is that until it is determined who is playing tomorrow and the rest of this week, we cannot say "He will be nominated despite the rule".

For this reason:  I happen to know for a fact that a good number of the Tony nominators (of which there are only around 30 or 40) have not yet seen Groundhog Day.  It's required that all nominators see all productions, with no understudies in (frankly, it's also technically required that all VOTERS see all productions as well, and are expected to reschedule or return if there are understudies in, but that is policed far less than the nominators' attendance).

Remember there are still 9 shows yet to open this season (in the next week and a half), and the nominators are obviously scheduling and staggering those out however they and the shows' producers see fit.  So if a significant number of the nominators have not yet seen the show, and are unable to see it with Karl in it before the cutoff of April 27th (and before they meet to determine nominees the first Monday in May), then regardless of whether the Tony administration committee 'bends' or 'amends' the rule as a one-time exception, it sadly simply wouldn't be possible (let alone fair) for nominators to vote for a performance they hadn't seen, over ones that they had.

Does this mean there's a chance that against all odds, neither Andy Karl nor Andrew Call would be nominated, but some unforeseen unexpected possibility, even by default? (Corey Cott in Bandstand, Derek Klena in Anastasia, Christian Borle as Willy Wonka?) 

Absolutely.  I think it's tragic, and still hard to believe, that the man who won an Oliver award less than a week ago might not even be nominated for a Tony award, and that some slightly less well-received dark horse might... but if a large percentage of the nominators simply haven't been able to see the Olivier-winning performance in question, then sadly that's exactly what will happen.


#154Andy Karl tonight
Posted: 4/16/17 at 6:10pm

Mike66 said: "
1.  Opening night is Monday.  It will remain.  This is a business and tickets have been sold.  If you push it back a week you lose a week's revenue.  Ouch.  Why?  How many people gonna show up and demand a refund if Andy Karl isn't on? 

What tickets? They sold maybe 50 tickets (very rear Mezz). The rest of the theater is comps. 

Now on to a practical question: If Andrew plays opening night, is he playing Phil in the OBC? If so, do they rerecord the album?


#155Andy Karl tonight
Posted: 4/16/17 at 6:14pm

"If Andrew plays opening night, is he playing Phil in the OBC? If so, do they rerecord the album?"

It's possible, but I seriously doubt it. That's a pretty expensive proposition.

Valentina3 Profile Photo
#156Andy Karl tonight
Posted: 4/16/17 at 6:32pm

Surprising no one's mentioned Company yet.Larry Kert replaced Dean Jones after the show had opened. Larry Kert was not on the OBC, and did not technically originate the role but was nominated for his performance in the Best Actor category back in 1971.

BWW thread.

Caption: Every so often there was a rare moment of perfect balance when I soared above him.

#157Andy Karl tonight
Posted: 4/16/17 at 7:15pm

I would guess at this point that the show will open tomorrow as scheduled with AC in the role. If AK can return within a week or so I suspect that the producers will petition the Tony committee to make an exception to the rule and assuming that there will be enuf time for them to see his performance they would have to be total dicks not to grant it. of course, if the injury is more severe as it may be (I have given up my daily jog around the Central Park reservoir for these past 6 months due to a torn meniscus) they will have no choice but to consider AC for the Tony. Considering that AK has already recorded the OCR if he returns in a few months as time goes by he will be remembered as the original lead in the show and AC may benefit from a Tony Nom. Perhaps both of their careers will benefit from the publicity and their sheer talent to weather the ups and downs of showbiz Andy Karl tonight  

NoName3 Profile Photo
#158Andy Karl tonight
Posted: 4/16/17 at 7:26pm

Prince had to petition the Tony Committee for an exception for Kert to get the nomination for Company and they acquiesced. He tried the same thing with Judy Kaye when she replaced Madeline Kahn just a month into the run of On the 20th Century but they refused.

Kert opened Company in London with several other members of the Broadway cast and if I remember correctly (I'm open to correction) the "London cast recording" was actually the OBCR with Kert's voice dubbed in for Bobby. The recording was available for awhile in the US.

Updated On: 4/16/17 at 07:26 PM

#159Andy Karl tonight
Posted: 4/16/17 at 10:16pm

nycward said: "I would guess at this point that the show will open tomorrow as scheduled with AC in the role. If AK can return within a week or so I suspect that the producers will petition the Tony committee to make an exception to the rule and assuming that there will be enuf time for them to see his performance they would have to be total dicks not to grant it. of course, if the injury is more severe as it may be (I have given up my daily jog around the Central Park reservoir for these past 6 months due to a torn meniscus) they will have no choice but to consider AC for the Tony. Considering that AK has already recorded the OCR if he returns in a few months as time goes by he will be remembered as the original lead in the show and AC may benefit from a Tony Nom. Perhaps both of their careers will benefit from the publicity and their sheer talent to weather the ups and downs of showbiz Andy Karl tonight  



Even if Andy Karl is not able to perform at opening, and is not eligible, his understudy will not be considered for the award, nor will he replace him in the show, nor will they dub his voice on the recording. My money is that he is back tomorrow. 


Let's not joke around.. andy karl makes or breaks this show. I can't imagine many others that can pull it off like he does. It's one of those shows where the material works best with a particular actor.

Updated On: 4/16/17 at 10:16 PM

#160Andy Karl tonight
Posted: 4/16/17 at 10:26pm

I saw GHD a couple weeks ago and was blown away for a variety of reasons- the stagecraft, the staging, the performances. I get why people say the show doesn't change with a new lead and technically it shouldn't, but I think it does. I couldn't see it reaching an audience in the same way. AK may not be a "name" but the fact that he can make such a narcissist so likeable from the get go says a lot about him as an actor. Imagining the show without him has me wondering if the show isn't as great as I thought it was. He takes you on such a journey and I honestly don't have a desire to see it again without him in it. Which I know is very closed minded of me. I just walked away marveling over his performance. 

#161Andy Karl tonight
Posted: 4/17/17 at 12:07am

FrontLtGuy said: "nycward said: "I would guess at this point that the show will open tomorrow as scheduled with AC in the role. If AK can return within a week or so I suspect that the producers will petition the Tony committee to make an exception to the rule and assuming that there will be enuf time for them to see his performance they would have to be total dicks not to grant it. of course, if the injury is more severe as it may be (I have given up my daily jog around the Central Park reservoir for these past 6 months due to a torn meniscus) they will have no choice but to consider AC for the Tony. Considering that AK has already recorded the OCR if he returns in a few months as time goes by he will be remembered as the original lead in the show and AC may benefit from a Tony Nom. Perhaps both of their careers will benefit from the publicity and their sheer talent to weather the ups and downs of showbiz Andy Karl tonight  



Even if Andy Karl is not able to perform at opening, and is not eligible, his understudy will not be considered for the award, nor will he replace him in the show, nor will they dub his voice on the recording. My money is that he is back tomorrow. 


Let's not joke around.. andy karl makes or breaks this show. I can't imagine many others that can pull it off like he does. It's one of those shows where the material works best with a particular actor.


I rather agree with you but I posit if the injury is as bad as it might be it will be all out of his control. If he has a torn meniscus he can't possibly do the staging as he is directed. I saw the show and love his work but its a matter of health. Of course if he's well enuf that would be great. just sayin'


#162Andy Karl tonight
Posted: 4/17/17 at 1:22am

In the early '70s Danny Kaye broke his leg and did numerous performances as Noah in TWO BY TWO in a wheelchair.  When Hugh Jackman fractured his foot during the run of THE BOY FROM OZ 13 years ago,  they wrapped his injured foot and re-choreographed some numbers.  I know the staging of GHD is very full of set pieces and constant actor movement, but might it not be too late to tone down Andy Karl's physical requirements in the show, especially if they can postpone the opening for a few days to rehearse any needed blocking/choreography changes?   I would hate for Karl's wonderful performance to be ineligible for Tony recognition. 

Updated On: 4/17/17 at 01:22 AM

newintown Profile Photo
#163Andy Karl tonight
Posted: 4/17/17 at 8:10am

It seems rather simple - if the members of the nominating committee can't see Karl's performance by April 27 (a week from Thursday), then they won't be able to nominate him, petition or not, because they must begin deliberations in order to announce the nominations by May 2.

If Karl has injured his meniscus (or worse), it seems unlikely that he'll be ready within 10 days to do a full physical performance (and personally, I don't think the role will be particularly impressive without the physicality).

So those are the ifs, and everyone will have to wait a while to see what plays out.

#164Andy Karl tonight
Posted: 4/17/17 at 8:47am

My daughter just noticed that Orfeh got quite an elaborate manicure this morning (per instagram) ...could that be a good sign??  Andy Karl tonight

Updated On: 4/17/17 at 08:47 AM

StageStruckLad Profile Photo
#165Andy Karl tonight
Posted: 4/17/17 at 8:48am

I wish they could rejigger the staging to allow Andy to perform with a cane, but I just don't see that happening. The performance I saw him give a couple of weeks ago was almost as frenetic as his Rocky Balboa and his Bruce in "On The 20th Century." So sad for him.

Valentina3 Profile Photo
#166Andy Karl tonight
Posted: 4/17/17 at 8:50am

Nycat63 said: "My daughter just noticed that Orfeh got quite an elaborate manicure this morning (per instagram) ...could that be a good sign??  Andy Karl tonight


I'm having rather weird LB flashbacks. Kyle B on crutches, Orfeh giving (but never getting) manicures... How far we've come.


Caption: Every so often there was a rare moment of perfect balance when I soared above him.

DramaTeach Profile Photo
#167Andy Karl tonight
Posted: 4/17/17 at 9:03am

It feels like they've been silent about whether or not he'll go on tonight to create more intrigue.  I personally think he'll perform, so everyone can say, "Look how dedicated he is," and I do think he is dedicated, but in my opinion, they should just announce it instead of trying to keep people talking (which is clearly working).

gleek4114 Profile Photo
#168Andy Karl tonight
Posted: 4/17/17 at 9:07am

Nycat63 said: "My daughter just noticed that Orfeh got quite an elaborate manicure this morning (per instagram) ...could that be a good sign??  Andy Karl tonight



A VERY good sign indeed Andy Karl tonight

Updated On: 4/17/17 at 09:07 AM

#169Andy Karl tonight
Posted: 4/17/17 at 9:10am

DramaTeach said: "It feels like they've been silent about whether or not he'll go on tonight to create more intrigue.  I personally think he'll perform, so everyone can say, "Look how dedicated he is," and I do think he is dedicated, but in my opinion, they should just announce it instead of trying to keep people talking (which is clearly working).


I agree - it also seems like Orfeh may have disabled comments on her instagram post of her nails - given the amount of speculation I can't believe not one question has been asked about tonight on that post.    Based on the glam factor of the manicure, I think if she were merely attending the opening to support the show with Andrew Call in it, she might have opted for a more toned down look, though then again it's Orfeh!  But I'm with you - my money is on him going on.  I just hope he's truly ok.  


songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#170Andy Karl tonight
Posted: 4/17/17 at 9:13am

I think he's going on. 

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna

#171Andy Karl tonight
Posted: 4/17/17 at 9:23am

I thinm there's a good chance they haven't announced anything yet because they don't know for sure. Could be andy is hoping to go on but until they get on stage maybe this morning/afternoon to run through it he can't be 100% that whatever support/strapping he gets on that knee is going to be enough.

LesWickedly Profile Photo
#172Andy Karl tonight
Posted: 4/17/17 at 9:28am

Nycat, comments aren't disabled on that post. 

JudyDenmark Profile Photo
#173Andy Karl tonight
Posted: 4/17/17 at 9:57am

Just saw a Facebook post from a friend in the industry (I am not) asking what was happening tonight, and the comments from people who seemed like they were in the know said that it's going on with Andy at the helm. Take it with a grain of salt since that's obviously not an official statement, but seemed pretty clear to me. So happy for him that it's clearly not a very serious injury... if it was, I'm assuming if it was that tonight would be out of the question in such a physical show. Congrats to Groundhog Day on their opening day!

Back Row
#174Andy Karl tonight
Posted: 4/17/17 at 10:01am

As I recall, James Carpinello attended Xanadu's opening on crutches, so I'm not sure Orfeh's manicure means anything. What does mean something is the severity of the injury, and we don't know anything about that yet. Athletes can play a whole season after some types of knee injury, relying on a brace to stabilize the knee. Other types of injury require surgery right away. The fact they we haven't heard anything may mean that he is going to try to go on, but he doesn't know yet if he can. I can't see any other reason for withholding that information. 

Updated On: 4/17/17 at 10:01 AM
